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'Tuurlijk ben je leuk. :P


Especially the one of you on the beach. ;p

W00t w00t I'm always glad when someone uses Dutch and it isn't their mother language!! ;)


Jij bent ook wel leuk hoor :P But you do know 'leuk' means fun, eh? :P


I like the beach though :) But there isn't much sun these days... :(

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two of my favourite things in the world...



That's adorable!


*muses* There's enough stunners on this forum to give a bi whiplash.


Ahem. Don't mind me... :*)



Well, I kind of feel comfortable again posting pics of myself... If you want to know who did that, well, thanks Raro then ;) We had a great chat :P and I hope you can sleep now :D

Awesome pics, Niels! Very hot :D;)
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Well, I kind of feel comfortable again posting pics of myself... If you want to know who did that, well, thanks Raro then ;) We had a great chat :P and I hope you can sleep now :D


Anyhow, here are my pics :P


This is me at the beach, enjoying the sun:


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And this is me on the left, with my Sis on the right :P


Posted Image

B) .....Humm!! Your Sis is a looker also!!

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Always glad to see a cute pic like yours back on GA Niels (better then mine :) )


Here's yet another one of me before heading to a rave... I think I look a bit evil in it, but eh... I kinda like it


Posted Image


Also... I was headin to NYC so I put on the NY attitude as seen on my face lol.

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Always glad to see a cute pic like yours back on GA Niels (better then mine :) )

So you say :P I, on the other hand, would contradict that but I'll keep that to myself :P


Here's yet another one of me before heading to a rave... I think I look a bit evil in it, but eh... I kinda like it


Posted Image


Also... I was headin to NYC so I put on the NY attitude as seen on my face lol.

Oh my.... Like my friends would say: "FOUT!!!!" :P

I sure hope you don't walk around like that every day :wacko:

I do like your other pics better :P

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I sure hope you don't walk around like that every day :wacko:

Nope, only if i'm going to a rave or getting dragged to a goth club lol (which is almost never anymore haha)


I do like your other pics better :P

Alas we come at an impasse because I like your better :)


Also what does Fout mean? lol

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Nope, only if i'm going to a rave or getting dragged to a goth club lol (which is almost never anymore haha)

:worship: I thank the gods for that!! :worship:


Alas we come at an impasse because I like your better :)

Ah, well, I know what I know and I know yours are better. And that's final. :P



Also what does Fout mean? lol

Well, eum, Fout literally means false, but it has a wider meaning under my friends and me :P and that meaning applies to your outfit :P

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I will show you more pictures of the unfortunate me! Now... This is a picture I taken with a webcam (and I honestly used it to chat with other deaf friends 0:) ) while in my grandfather's home.




Now Back home with a webcam and preparing to go away tomorrow!




NOTE: YES!!!! My 300th Post!

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I will show you more pictures of the unfortunate me! Now... This is a picture I taken with a webcam (and I honestly used it to chat with other deaf friends 0:) ) while in my grandfather's home.




Now Back home with a webcam and preparing to go away tomorrow!




NOTE: YES!!!! My 300th Post!

Like always, lookin' good!



Eric: You better not wear a hat like that around me, or I'll kick your ass, LOL.

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so thats a bad pic, sorry guys, here ya go :)

again i think i was probably a lil tipsy... im camera shy sober :P

I think they're both a year-ish old...

I'd take one now... but I had a Meningitis scare earlier this week, thankfully it was just a "severe" case of tonsilitis

but yea I'm still a little messy lol

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I hope you're all happy... its nearly 4am here :( it took that long to read through the topid :P lol


but what the hey... here ya'll go...

yea i was kinda drunk...

Very cute! Any reason for pointing to her boobs?
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I hope you're all happy... its nearly 4am here :( it took that long to read through the topid :P lol


but what the hey... here ya'll go...

yea i was kinda drunk...

That's a really cute, pic dude! :D


:hug: Hope you're feeling better now (from the tonsillitis that is)




Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Very cute! Any reason for pointing to her boobs?

LOL well they are rather large...

i think i was pointing at her in general... just had no aim with my inebreated state


That's a really cute, pic dude! :D


:hug: Hope you're feeling better now (from the tonsillitis that is)




Cheers Kevin :)

well my fevers gone, and i no longer have the sweats, THANK GOD! i was running out of bed sheets.

still a bit of a tingle but the penicillin should fix that right up :D



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LOL well they are rather large...

i think i was pointing at her in general... just had no aim with my inebreated state


So what you're saying is that they're so large that if you just point in her general direction it's bound to look as though you're pointing at them? :boy:


Cheers Kevin :)

well my fevers gone, and i no longer have the sweats, THANK GOD! i was running out of bed sheets.

still a bit of a tingle but the penicillin should fix that right up :D



Awesome! :D Glad you're better
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