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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Second Shot - 38. Chapter 38: For Richer or For Poorer

Woo Hoo Peter is getting released but to what?

Jason tossed his backpack on the front seat, searching for his phone. Scrolling down he found his dad’s number. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and held it while the phone rang. Anxious, he didn’t exhale until just before his father answered.

“Hey, Jason. How are you tonight?”

His father’s enthusiastic greeting helped calm him slightly. Hopefully this would go smoothly. “I’m good, Dad. Just leaving the hospital to go study. The nurses won’t let me stay a minute past nine anymore now that Peter isn’t in critical condition.”

“Sounds like he's starting to heal.”

“Yeah he is, but he’s going to be limited in what he can do until the doctors are sure the bones in his back and face are healed.” He paused not sure if he should just launch into what he wanted to ask.

“That’s to be expected, I supposed.”

“That’s the reason I’m calling Dad.” Jason took another breath. He started it rolling, now he had to follow through. “I need to borrow some money.”

“What for?” Royce asked. Jason couldn’t discern much from his father’s tone. In the two plus years he was at Graydon, this was the first time he asked for money beyond his monthly allowance.

“Peter won’t be able to work for at least two months, probably three. That means he’ll lose his apartment before he can start working again. I want to borrow some money to make sure he doesn’t have to move out during his recovery. I’ll pay you back Dad, I swear. I’m not asking you to give me the money. I’ll find a part time job after soccer season and you can cut back on what you give me every month to help reduce what I owe you. If I haven’t paid you back by the end of school, I’ll make sure you get it over the summer.” Jason let the words spill out in a rush, afraid he might lose his nerve if he stopped.

“Whoa, Jason, slow down.” Royce said. “Start at the beginning and take it slow.”

“Peter teaches Martial Arts to earn money to pay his bills.” Jason started to speed talk after the first word.

“How much is his rent?” Royce’s question forced him to stop speaking.

Taking a deep breath, he said, “Seven hundred a month, Dad. Judging from his take home pay, I guess his other bills run about three hundred more.”

“So he can’t teach class for two months?”

“At least, it might be more than two months, he doesn’t know yet.” Although Jason wasn’t sure how much he should tell his father, he knew he needed to convince him this was important. “Until the doctor clears him to teach, Mister Lee won’t allow him to come on the mats because of his insurance.”

“Okay." His father paused for a moment. “Can he do anything else in the meantime?”

“Not for the Dojo.” Jason shook his head despite being on the phone. “Mister Lee takes care of everything else.”

“How about another job somewhere else?”

Any hope Jason had of his dad just giving him the money was quashed by all the questions.

“Anything is possible, but with a broken arm, fractured bones in his face and back, not many people are going to be willing to hire him. Not only that, he won’t be able to do too much until he gets his strength back.” Jason tried not to get emotional as he described Peter’s condition. “Then there’s the fact that he only wants a job for a couple month, until he goes back to teaching.”

“From what your mom says, Amanda isn’t able to help Peter financially so there aren’t many options in the short term.” When Royce paused, Jason wasn’t sure if he should say something else. Before he made a decision, his father asked, “Does Peter know you’re asking to borrow money from your mother and I to pay his bills?”

“No Dad. In fact,” Jason stopped to reflect on what he was doing. “I think he'll be really mad when he finds out.”

“How are you going to pay his bills if you don’t tell him?”

Jason laughed. “I don’t have all the details worked out quite yet. I’ll deal with that when I have enough money.”

Sounding amused, Royce said, “Fair enough. Tell me what you propose.”

“If you lend me enough to pay his rent and other expenses, I’ll pay you back in full. You and Mom can reduce what you give me each month and I’ll get a part time job once soccer’s over. If between the job and you cutting back on what you send me, I haven’t paid you back by the end of the school year, I’ll give you the money from my summer job.”

“You’re willing to get a part time job to pay me back?” Jason couldn't tell what his father was thinking from the tone of his voice.

“I’m not asking you to give me the money, Dad, just a loan. There’s no other way to pay you back.” Before his dad could speak he added, “Once Peter is better, he’ll need his money just to get by month to month until the summer.”

Royce didn’t say anything right away. When the silence dragged on an uncomfortable amount of time, Jason wondered if he should give him some other reasons. “Here’s what I’ll do, Jason. I’ll give you the money each month to cover Peter’s rent and living expenses. I won't take any money from your monthly allowance. If you have any money left over at the end of the month, you can give it back as a partial payment if you want or not, that’s up to you. Once soccer is over and you get a job, you can start paying me back. I’ll send you the money until Peter is well enough to work again. Once you get a job we can set up a payment schedule. Does that sound fair?”

“Yes, sir.” Relieved, Jason let out his breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Thanks, Dad, I really appreciate it. More than you know.”

“I think I understand what this means to you. Just remember, you can’t spend your money on silly things now that you are borrowing money from me. I don’t want to hear about ski trips or road trips, new video games, etc. Necessities only until you pay me back.” The way his father gave him the conditions told Jason this was not debatable. “If you want to borrow money from me, you need to sacrifice some things.”

“I understand.” He hadn’t thought through the consequences until just now, but it didn’t matter. He would give up a lot more to keep Peter from losing his freedom. “That’s fair.”

“Okay,” Royce said. “One more thing.”

“Yes, Dad?”

“I’m proud of you, Jason. This is a very good thing you’re trying to do.” This was the ‘proud of my son,’ voice Jason hadn’t heard since he came out to his parents. “It isn’t easy sacrificing things you like, especially for someone else.”

Feeling a bit choked up, he managed to say, “Thanks, Dad.”

“Now go study. I don’t want your grades to slip because of this.”


Jason quickly dried off, shaking the water from his hair.

“Whoa there, Jase,” Darryl complained. Wearing only his boxers, his chest and face were wet. “What’s the rush? First class isn’t until eleven.”

Smiling like a goof, Jason continued to dry off. “Peter sent me a text. He’s finally being discharged today. I promised to pick him up before class.”

“How long has he been in the hospital?” Darryl slid by, moving to the toilet to pee.

“Nice, Darryl. You need to stop flashing me.” He rolled his eyes, but Darryl didn’t notice. “Need I remind you I'm happily taken?”

“Dream on blondie,” Darryl laughed. “You can’t touch this.”

Jason snorted, wondering if his best friend realized what he said. “Whatever, Lover Boy.”

“What about his mom? Won’t she be mad he asked you and not her?”

He opened the door to the medicine cabinet to get his deodorant. Leaving it open to separate himself from Darryl he said, “Pete’s mom is really low on leave after all the time she took when this first happened. We all agreed I would go get him. She’ll come see him after school.”

Quickly finishing up, Jason went back to his room to get dressed. U2 suddenly started playing from the living room stereo so he knew Darryl would be in his doorway in a second.

“Hello, hello!” Right on cue, Jason thought. “Gonna get some Vertigo!”

Despite his best attempt, he couldn’t help laughing. “I’m totally sure the words aren’t, ‘gonna get some Vertigo’ doofus.”

“Who cares? I’m singing it my way.” Darryl played air guitar as the music played. “So have you told Peter you paid his rent yet?”

“No,” Jason’s good mood evaporated. He expected Peter to be mad when he found out. “I didn’t want to upset him while he was in the hospital.”

“So you waited until he got out to upset him?” Darryl shook his head. “Good planning, Jase.”

“Hey, it felt better waiting until we were alone so I can explain it to him.” Jason wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince, Darryl or himself.

“Good luck either way. It’s still a good thing you’re doing.”

Jason shrugged. “How come it doesn’t feel so good? I feel like I'm cheating on him somehow.”

“He’ll get over it.” Darryl tapped the door frame twice. “I gotta get ready. Meeting Tamara for breakfast before class.”

“She’s hot, D.” Jason gave him a wink.

“Says my gay roommate who prefers tall men with big . . .” Darryl never finished as Jason tossed a book at him. Darryl caught the projectile then burst out laughing. “Geez, I know you blush easy, but damn that is brightest shade of red I’ve ever seen you turn.”

Even with Darryl he had trouble talking about his sex life. It just felt odd talking to anyone other than another gay person. Well, maybe Wendy, but she was his self proclaimed hag. “My only comment is, how would you know?” He challenged.

“Know what? That Peter has big feet? I’ve seen them before.” Darryl smirked. “What did you think I was going to say?”

“Haha, you’re a riot, D; a friggin riot.” Jason smiled despite his embarrassment.

“Peace, Bro,” Darryl’s voice turned serious. “Tell Pete I said, ‘hello’ and I’m glad he’s going home.”

“You bet, D. Thanks.”

When Darryl left, Jason checked his back pack. Satisfied he had everything he needed, he sent a text telling Peter he was on the way. Eager as he was to see Peter leave the hospital, he also felt a bit of dread. Last thing he wanted was a fight over his paying Peter’s rent. Despite his independent streak, even Peter had to acknowledge he needed help right now. Besides, Jason thought, he wasn’t just anyone.

The drive to the hospital felt quicker than he expected. If he never drove back here again after today he wouldn’t be upset. He found a spot reasonably close to the entrance so he wouldn’t need to move the car far to pick Pete up.

Full of nervous energy, he took the stairs instead of the elevator. The too familiar corridor leading to room 313 was not something he was going to miss. He’d been here so much the staff knew him by sight and called him by name. Another thing to remember, he thought; it is never a good thing if the nurses in a hospital know you by name.

A small bag with personal effects sat at the foot of the bed. Peter wasn’t there, but the bathroom door was closed. Rather than call out, he went and sat in the chair to wait. When he heard the toilet flush, he decided to alert Peter to his presence.

“Hey, Pete, I’m here,” he called out.

“Be out in a minute.” Peter’s muffled voice came from the bathroom.

Playing with his keys, Jason heard the door open. Peter was wearing jeans and a long sleeve tee shirt. Both were baggier on him than they should have been. Even Peter’s face looked thin. Happily Peter’s blue eyes showed the signs of life Jason hoped to see. “Hey, gorgeous,” he stood up so he could finally give Peter a real hug.

“Man you look good, Jase.” Peter put both hands on Jason’s face and kissed him hard. “I’m so glad to be leaving.”

Jason scooped up Peter’s bag. “Shall we go?”

Peter laughed. “You think it’s that simple? Guess again. The doc has already been by, so that’s done, but Nurse Ratched needs to come by and sign me out. Then, believe it or not, I have to be wheeled to the door; insurance reasons they tell me.”

“Can I wheel you out?” Jason asked hopefully.

“Only if you promise to pop at least two wheelies on the way out.” Peter winked at him.

“If you even think of doing that,” a voice called to them from the door way. “I’ll see to it that both of you are kept overnight for observation and will be sure to order some very uncomfortable and invasive tests for both of you.”

Peter smirked. “Jason, may I present Nurse Ratched, straight from her starring role in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”

The nurse, whatever her real name was, appeared about 50, gray hair, clinical white outfit pressed and clean. The clipboard clutched to her chest looked poised to rap either or both of them for mouthing off.

“Young man, you're too young to remember that movie,” she scolded. “And you better be glad I’m not Nurse Ratched or else you would have really suffered.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Peter smiled at her. “You and everyone else were great. I appreciate how well you treated me.”

“We’re glad to see you're better and going home.” She rubbed his head, messing his hair slightly. “Now you have all your instructions from the doctors, this just says you’re being discharged. Did you read this over with the doctor?”

“Yes ma’am, I did.” Peter took the pen and signed the bottom of all three pages. “My copies are in my bag.”

“Then you’re free to go.” She accepted her clipboard back. “In the chair, and he can push you. But I’m going to personally see you to the exit.”

“Don’t trust us, do you?”

“Not a lick, Mr. Gregory. I have boys about your age, I know what you’re about.”

Jason left Peter sitting in the chair under the watchful eye of the nurse as he pulled the car around. Peter easily could have walked, but rules were rules they were told. Several other staff members came to the entrance to wish Peter goodbye. They were standing around as he thanked them for taking care of him.

He gave them a brief wave as Jason drove away. “As nice as they all were to me, I hope I never have to go back there again.”

Jason laughed. “I was thinking the same thing on the way over; if I never come back here again it'll be too soon.”

When they stopped at the light, Peter put his hand a top Jason’s resting on the stick, careful not to hit him with the cast. “It’s good to be together again, Jase. I missed us.”

“Me too, Pete.” Jason reached across to squeeze the fingers sticking through the cast. “Any requests before I take you home? Anything you want to get while we’re out? I got you some food already; just the basics you always had, milk, eggs, cheese, some vegetables, nothing too crazy.”

Peter withdrew his hand. “You shouldn't have gone to that effort, Jase. It’s just more stuff I need to move to my mom’s house in a few days.”

“You aren’t moving, Pete.”

“Yeah, I am. I can’t work, I can’t pay the rent . . .”

“I paid your rent for November.” Jason kept his voice soft, waiting for the protest.

He couldn't tell what Peter was thinking when he didn’t respond right away.

“Jase, why did you do that?” Peter turned toward Jason, looking slightly confused. “How did you do that?”

“Borrowed the money from Royce. Don’t worry, it’s all taken care of until you get back to work.”

“What does that mean?” Suspicion and a touch of anger were in his voice. “Is your dad paying my bills now?”

“No,” Jason said quickly. “He and I worked out a deal. He’s lending me the money. Whatever spending money I have left at the end of the month, I give back to him as part of the repayment. After soccer ends, I have a part time job lined up with the school and I’ll use that money to pay him back.”

“What the hell did you do?” Peter was definitely angry. “I didn’t ask you to do this.”

“Pete, calm down.” Jason was prepared for this reaction. “It’s not a big deal, I want to do this. I love you. We’re supposed to take care of the people we love right?”

Peter turned to stare out the window. “I don’t want your dad to pay my way through college, Jase.”

“Good, because he isn’t.” He paused, trying to remember the points he practiced for the last couple weeks. “Listen, this isn’t entirely selfless. I like staying at your place. We’re alone there. It was our haven when I was still in the closet. That makes it special to me. Think of this as me watching out for my own interests if that makes you feel better.”

Normally Jason could read something from his facial expressions, but today he was stumped. “Penny for your thoughts, Pete.”

“I’m stunned.” He finally smiled. “Blown away. This is the most amazing thing anyone’s ever done for me.”

Peter was on the verge of tears, so Jason tried to add some levity. “What, you mean making sure we have some privacy? Sounds pretty selfish to me.”

A small laugh escaped Peter’s lips, but his eyes were still watery. “Wow, Jase, that’s all I can say. Wow. Does anyone know about this?”

“Well, Royce and Barbara.”

Peter laughed. “Duh.”

“Darryl and Wendy.” Jason ticked off their names. “Darryl, because he’s my best friend. Wendy, because she helped get me a job in the financial aid office. Not sure who else beyond them.”

“How 'bout my mom?”

“Oh yeah, she does, too. I needed her help to find your landlord,” Jason explained. “I think she felt bad at first. She offered to help me pay my dad back, but I told her no; it'll do me good to work for a change given how spoiled I’ve been my whole life.”

“You really don’t need to do this Jase.” Peter’s tone softened. “This is a pretty generous thing you’re doing. You can admit that.”

“I suppose, but I don’t see it that way.” He shrugged. “The way I see it, we, you and me, are supposed be there for each other, in any way needed. This is what you need right now. It’s not like I’m going to a loan shark or saddling myself with a huge bill. Dad’s working with me to make the payments manageable. It’ll be paid back in no time.”

“Sounds so easy.” Peter mumbled. “You got this all worked out.”

“C’mon, I thought not having to move would make you happy.” He didn’t really think Peter would be happy, this was exactly the reaction he expected.

“Sorry, Jase,” Peter put his hand on Jason’s leg. “You do this incredibly wonderful thing to me and I sound ungrateful and upset.”

“It’s cool, I’m not mad, I just want you to be happy.”

“I am.” Peter told him. “But you know me well enough to know I’m uncomfortable letting someone else take care of me.”

“Yeah I do, but it’s just me.” He argued. “I’m not taking care of you, just helping you.”

“I guess.” Peter didn’t sound convincing.

“Listen, how about this,” Jason had almost two weeks to prepare what he would say. “Let me take care of things until the end of the year. We can talk about it again later. Hold on,” he stopped Peter from interrupting. “I really want to spend Christmas and New Year’s together. This Christmas is special to me. It’s really our first one together. Last year we were just dating, this year we’re a couple. I want to get a tree together, decorate it, that sort of sappy stuff. After we see our families, I want to meet you and have our own little Christmas.”

“Jase, this is gonna be some lame Christmas, I won’t be able to afford any gifts.” Peter complained.

“Then just spend it with me.” Jason said. “That’s really the only gift I want. We can agree, no gifts, but let’s be together, please.”

Peter laughed softly. “You won’t abide by that promise.”

“No, really Peter, I will.” Jason tried to convince him. “Normally I wouldn’t, but this year I promise I’ll be good.”

He left out the part that he might be too strapped for money to afford much anyway.

Peter mulled Jason’s word as they drove through town. Jason wondered what he was thinking but was afraid to interrupt. Finally Peter squeezed Jason’s leg.

“I may not be happy you’re paying for me, but what you suggest is really romantic. It will be special.” Peter told him.

Jason gave him a huge grin. “Great, then it’s settled.”

“It’s settled.” Peter agreed. “What did I do to deserve you?”

“Deserve me? I’m the lucky one.” Jason laughed.

“Oh yeah, you’re so lucky.” Peter made no attempt to hide the sarcasm. “You get to go in debt for me, get to take a part time job to pay for me and get nothing from me for Christmas.”

“Peter, stop.” Jason’s good mood was gone. “When you first got to the hospital I'd have given anything for us to be here right now. Spending the holidays with you is really, truly the best gift I could imagine. Gifts don’t make the holiday special, the people you spend it with do. Instead of gifts, let’s think of things we can do together that won’t cost much. That can be our gifts to each other.”

“Okay, Jase,” Peter’s smile was back. “You convinced me. We’ll make it special.”

Jason put his hand over Peter’s, ignoring the cast. “It already is for me.”

“When did you become such a romantic? I thought that was my job?” Peter laughed.

“Who do you think taught me? Sports Bar Darryl?”

They both laughed at the image of Darryl taking his date to ESPNZone. Content to just hold Peter’s hand, Jason drove the short distance left in silence.

Back together, now what?
Copyright © 2011 Andrew Q Gordon; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Hmmn...just keeping us off balance huh Andy?At first I couldn't believe the lecture from Royce about frivolous spending...huh? Haven't seen evidence of Jase wasting money in the story, but then it all worked out to be not so bad...Peter, another small but happy surprise. Not nearly the bad scene I had been expecting. Now let's see what you can do Andy to give us a really nice romantic first Christmas for the guys...;-)

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Umm.. was the Vertigo thing intentional or did you just not remember what the correct words were while you were writing? :P Anyway, Daryl was so adorable in this one!

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On 02/09/2011 02:14 PM, Ramon said:
Umm.. was the Vertigo thing intentional or did you just not remember what the correct words were while you were writing? :P Anyway, Daryl was so adorable in this one!
No it was intentional, I have a tendency to screw up the words to songs so I projected that onto Darryl. Just for this scene of course. :whistle:
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On 02/09/2011 02:09 PM, KevinD said:
Hmmn...just keeping us off balance huh Andy?At first I couldn't believe the lecture from Royce about frivolous spending...huh? Haven't seen evidence of Jase wasting money in the story, but then it all worked out to be not so bad...Peter, another small but happy surprise. Not nearly the bad scene I had been expecting. Now let's see what you can do Andy to give us a really nice romantic first Christmas for the guys...;-)
Oh Kevin, do you really expect that? Really?? Well no promises BUT I'll see what I can do. 0:)
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That's just beautiful. Jason clearly thought things through and Pete realised that too. Things are going well. How many chapters do you have left ... just so I can work out the chances of anything eles of a dramatic nature happening

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Just thought I'd say, what an apt title! I love reading through what you've named the chapters--because it's something I don't know beforehand, LOL. //Also, and this is TOTALLY selfish, but I wanted to be your 200th review. :P You're awesome, Andy, glad to have met ya. hehe.

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Wow, 700 a month for a place in Pete's neighborhood? I realize that every city is different, but 700 a month can get me a 2 bedroom in Scottsdale, AZ.I liked how Pete finally gave in at the end. Yes, he is a proud man, and likes to stand on his own two feet. But there's no shame in accepting a bit of help now and again. If there's one thing Jason is NOT, it's a "fair weather" friend (or boyfriend).

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Love the banter between Jason and Darryl. It comes off as so natural, and always makes me smile.


So, Peter took the news rather well . . . Wonder if that'll last in the long run.


Trevor's review down there made me laugh. I wonder if I could even get a one bedroom in south central for 700 :P

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On 02/09/2011 11:36 PM, Nephylim said:
That's just beautiful. Jason clearly thought things through and Pete realised that too. Things are going well. How many chapters do you have left ... just so I can work out the chances of anything eles of a dramatic nature happening
I believe there are 10 left, definitely no more than 11. Not saying nothing will happen but plenty of time for something to happen I suppose :whistle:
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On 02/10/2011 02:21 AM, AnytaSunday said:
Just thought I'd say, what an apt title! I love reading through what you've named the chapters--because it's something I don't know beforehand, LOL. //Also, and this is TOTALLY selfish, but I wanted to be your 200th review. :P You're awesome, Andy, glad to have met ya. hehe.
I did wonder who would be post 200 and it is fitting and cool that it was you Anyta :) Chapter titles are one of those 'spirit move me brightly' kinda things. I have no idea what to call them until I am staring at the screen and it is asking me for a title. Some work, some suck, others are just right - if I say so myself 0:)
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On 02/10/2011 04:17 AM, TrevorTime said:
Wow, 700 a month for a place in Pete's neighborhood? I realize that every city is different, but 700 a month can get me a 2 bedroom in Scottsdale, AZ.I liked how Pete finally gave in at the end. Yes, he is a proud man, and likes to stand on his own two feet. But there's no shame in accepting a bit of help now and again. If there's one thing Jason is NOT, it's a "fair weather" friend (or boyfriend).
Haha, well, I lived in PA 14 years ago, in a two bedroom in a crummy part of the county outside Philly. We paid about 600 or so for a two bedroom at that time, so I figured with inflation etc, $700 a month was about right. I originally thought $500 but that seemed awful low. But IDK, maybe it's too high, but I needed an answer to Royce's question and that is what came to me. In DC you can't get a studio for $700 a month in the bad part of town so this seems cheap to me. I must say, you have some of the most unusual comments, I love it. - Andy
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On 02/10/2011 04:25 AM, Simonjames30 said:
I am really glad that Peter acepted that Jason would pay his bills for a couple of months :)
Well letting him and being happy are not the same, time will tell how this goes. Jason may have been better to let Peter move back home - then again, maybe not.
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On 02/10/2011 06:14 AM, Sara Alva said:
Love the banter between Jason and Darryl. It comes off as so natural, and always makes me smile.


So, Peter took the news rather well . . . Wonder if that'll last in the long run.


Trevor's review down there made me laugh. I wonder if I could even get a one bedroom in south central for 700 :P

I have this feeling that if Trevor and I ever met in person our banter would be kinda similar. Then again, he might choke me for all the cliffs I left him on so I ain't taking the chance. Yes, Peter seems to have taken the new well. Let's see how he feels in a month or two. :whistle:
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Well. I haven't reviewed in awhile (doesn't mean I'm not reading), so I wanted to throw my two cents worth in (maybe one cents worth). Everyone is looking at this from Peter's point of view. To play advocate, what about Jason's point of view? I say this because he comes from a spoiled life, which is of his own admission. I know this sounds stupid because he obviously wants to take care of Peter. Jason comes from a position of status, where Peter doesn't seem to have that...he seems to care more about the smaller, but no less important, things in life. Seeing as money issues are the number one problem in relationships, it will be interesting to see how this one plays out. -Matt P.S. I liked this chapter. It seems that Jason and Peter are (dare I say finally) getting back to their old selves...wonder if this relationship will continue on an upswing...11 chapters can have A LOT of cliffs and change A LOT of lives....

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On 02/10/2011 02:07 PM, rckclimber27 said:
Well. I haven't reviewed in awhile (doesn't mean I'm not reading), so I wanted to throw my two cents worth in (maybe one cents worth). Everyone is looking at this from Peter's point of view. To play advocate, what about Jason's point of view? I say this because he comes from a spoiled life, which is of his own admission. I know this sounds stupid because he obviously wants to take care of Peter. Jason comes from a position of status, where Peter doesn't seem to have that...he seems to care more about the smaller, but no less important, things in life. Seeing as money issues are the number one problem in relationships, it will be interesting to see how this one plays out. -Matt P.S. I liked this chapter. It seems that Jason and Peter are (dare I say finally) getting back to their old selves...wonder if this relationship will continue on an upswing...11 chapters can have A LOT of cliffs and change A LOT of lives....
Matt, Much as I love to hear from every reader, I do not expect a review for every chapter. Right now I think Jason is more cognizant of Peter's point of view than Peter is of Jason's. However, given things, I think that would be appropriate. The end is writing, I am just connecting the scenes so while I know what lies ahead, my lips are sealed. Sorry :/
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I haven't reviewed any chapters for a while, so I figured this one was as good as any as the latest. This is such a wonderful story. The characters are well-developed, the dialogue is good, and it is one I could not stop reading, even at the risk of not doing any writing of my own for a couple days. :P

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On 02/12/2011 01:46 PM, Tiger said:
I haven't reviewed any chapters for a while, so I figured this one was as good as any as the latest. This is such a wonderful story. The characters are well-developed, the dialogue is good, and it is one I could not stop reading, even at the risk of not doing any writing of my own for a couple days. :P
Well then, I am going to stop posting until you get your next chapter(s) done, I waiting months for the next Chapter of SP. If you can leave us hanging like that, why can't I? :P Thanks for reading and for the comment. But I'm not kidding about the next chapter from you LOL
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Another great chapter - thank you, it's wonderful that your seeing this story though to it's completion! The characters and story are so interesting, even if they are just engaged in the activities of daily living. I wanted to tell you (although this is from a previous chapter) that the interactions between Peter and his family were very well done - Peter seeking out a relationship with his Dad unbeknowst to his Mom, the animosity between his parents and his Mother and Betsy. And how they were willing to lay those hard feeling down when they came together for Peter's sake. All so well done.Thanks Again!

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On 02/15/2011 06:23 AM, IfNotNow said:
Another great chapter - thank you, it's wonderful that your seeing this story though to it's completion! The characters and story are so interesting, even if they are just engaged in the activities of daily living. I wanted to tell you (although this is from a previous chapter) that the interactions between Peter and his family were very well done - Peter seeking out a relationship with his Dad unbeknowst to his Mom, the animosity between his parents and his Mother and Betsy. And how they were willing to lay those hard feeling down when they came together for Peter's sake. All so well done.Thanks Again!
Thanks for reading and for commenting. I will appreciate hearing feedback - especially nice stuff like this :whistle: I have to say, as much as I enjoyed writing this, I will be glad when I am able to post the last chapter - hell glad to finish writing the last chapter lol - it sort of consumed me for a time but I am happy I did/am doing it. Thanks again. - Andy
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I'm glad that Peter is letting Jason help him out- that's what you do when your in love is stick together. Very nice chapter! :)

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On 06/30/2011 07:06 AM, K.C. said:
I'm glad that Peter is letting Jason help him out- that's what you do when your in love is stick together. Very nice chapter! :)
Exactly it's what we do and those on the receiving end so often don't want to be a burden - but we'll see how things work out :P
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On 1/24/2021 at 12:16 PM, Chris L said:

I can see both are growing in the area of their financial insecurities. :) 

I think it would be natural for that to happen as time goes on. Especially if one person has most of the control.

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