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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Running with the Pack - 9. Chapter 9

As the first light of dawn began to chase away the inky black darkness of night, Ethan slowly awakened from a fitful night’s slumber. It had not been the peaceful rest he had gotten the last several nights with Aiden wrapped around him. Even though they had only slept together a few nights, he already missed having the muscular, furry body next to him regardless of what form Aiden was in. At some point during the night, Ethan ended up on the floor. The bed just did not feel right after so long not being in one.

About a mile away, Aiden was not doing much better than his pup. He tossed and turned most of the night missing the closeness of his mate. Though he was not awake enough to realize it, sleeping alone was no longer enjoyable. There was something missing that would not let him or his wolf find the rest they sought.

Around five in the morning, Ethan finally gave up on trying to doze any longer. Quietly washing up and getting dressed, he made his way downstairs and out to the back porch. It was a cool morning, but very pleasant outside. He sat alone, lost in his thoughts until the door opened and Rafe walked out.

“Trouble sleeping or just an early riser?”

“A little of both I guess.”

“Being away from your mate can cause that, though usually only in fully mated couples”.

“Not sure if it’s that or being indoors. It’s been awhile.”

Rafe nodded. “You hungry? Mary should be starting breakfast soon.”

“I’m not really hungry.” His stomach picked that moment to growl.

“Get in there and get some food or I’ll sic Mother Mary on you.” Rafe grinned and chuckled. “You know she’ll hound you about eating ’til she thinks you’ve had as much as you can eat.”

Giving in, Ethan got up and walked inside with Rafe. Mary was already in the kitchen making breakfast. Rafe stepped up behind his wife to give her a kiss along with a light pat on the backside.

“Good morning to you too. I’d watch that hand while I’m cooking unless you want coffee to accidentally be spilled someplace you won’t enjoy.” Mary playfully acted displeased with her mate. She noticed how tired the boy looked. “Good morning, Ethan. Did you sleep alright?”

Before Ethan’s mind could formulate an answer, Rafe spoke. “He had a rough night.” The big man teased a little. “Found him on the back porch staring off in Aiden’s direction. Also claims he isn’t hungry this morning, so I threatened to let you loose on him.”

“Morning.” Ethan spoke quietly, not used to people being that perky or playful so early.

“You let him alone. If he misses his mate don’t go teasing him about it.” Mary admonished. “You know you don’t get much sleep at all if I have to be away. Heaven help you if I’m not here to cook for you, though you’d just turn wolf and go hunting.”

She set a large plate of steak and eggs on the table for Rafe and a more modest plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of Ethan.

“Thank you.”

About that time, Casey walked in and sat down. Mary soon had more steak and eggs in front of her son who dug in without saying anything.

The older lycan regarded Ethan as they quietly ate. “How would you feel about helping me out on the construction job I’m doing?”

“I’ll do anything I can to help out. I don’t know anything about construction, but I learn quickly and follow directions good.” He was excited to be of use to his hosts.

Rafe understood Ethan did not want handouts and wanted to contribute for his staying with them. “Maybe we’ll start you out as a runner. You’ll be getting things for us and we’ll teach you what you need to know in the process.”

“That would be great! Thank you!” Ethan beamed for the first time that morning.

“He can work with me if you want, Dad. I’ll show him what needs to be done as a runner.” It was the first time Casey spoke since walking in.

“Right then. Eat up so you have plenty of energy for working today.” Rafe smiled, knowing the boy would not shy away from food now and Mary gave her mate a kiss on the cheek as she moved to her chair.

After breakfast, Ethan helped clean up the dishes before heading outside with the guys. Joe, the oldest of the Tucker boys, had just arrived and was walking towards the garage to start loading up for the day. He and Casey high fived each other and when he saw Ethan walking over with the two others, he held up his hand to high five him as well. Ethan kind of felt like a dork doing that, but was happy to be included.

“We got a new helper today?” Joe nodded towards Ethan as he picked up a box of tools.

“Yep. He says he doesn’t know anything about construction, so I guess I’ll put him in charge of you two since he’s gotta know more than both of you combined.” Rafe joked with his boys.

“Just as long as he isn’t a slave driver like you, it’s all good.” Joe fired back.

After about thirty minutes, the truck was loaded and the four headed to the construction site they were working at.


Aiden raised himself off his pillow enough to glare at the alarm clock and immediately growled at it. When that did not stop the offending noise, he reached over and turned it off, resisting the urge to smash it with his fist. He felt like he had just gone to bed and did not want to get up. After his shower he felt more awake, but still not his normal self. A little coffee and a quick breakfast was all he had time for before he had to leave. He arrived at the sheriff’s training center with about ten minutes to spare. Grabbing his gear, he went inside.

One of the other trainees teased him as they both entered the locker room to change. “Looks like someone had a late night.”

Aiden replied with a growl. When he came out, he was feeling a little more focused and as ready as he was going to be for the day.


Rafe was pleasantly surprised Ethan followed every instruction he was given quickly. Within a couple of hours, the teen was even able to guess what some requests were before the others asked. To say he was giving the job his all would have been an understatement. A few times, one of the guys asked him if he needed to take a break; he always turned them down and tried to push himself to work harder. By the time they broke for lunch he was exhausted, but refused to let it show.

“You know, you don’t have to prove yourself to us and you don’t have to work yourself to death. I do have to say you’re doing a great job.” Rafe patted him on the shoulder.

Joe nodded his agreement. “You work harder and faster than any human we’ve ever had on the crew. You may not be a wolf, but you’ve definitely got a wolf’s spirit. It’s good to have you around.”

Casey watched Ethan trying to assess how he was really doing. “You’re probably going to be a little sore tonight. If you overdo it here, Aiden’s gonna come looking for me.”

“I’m doing okay. I just want to make sure I do what you need me to do and put in an honest day’s work.”


Training took Aiden’s mind off Ethan. In high school, he always enjoyed wrestling; he was very agile for his size and could easily pin any opponent he went up against. There was not anyone in his weight class that presented a challenge, including other shifters. Now he was putting what he knew to good use along with his experience from football and other sports. Anyone he faced, trainee or instructor, ended up getting taken down and secured. Like his time in high school, everything physical he did in training was always to his best.

“When you finish here you’re going to make an impressive deputy on the force, Aiden.” The instructor made notes on the tests just handed in.

“Thank you, sir. I’m looking forward to when I graduate and actually start.”

“Don’t forget you’re scheduled for the shooting range later. I know you prefer other ways of taking someone down, but it is required.” The instructor had a knowing smile, aware Aiden preferred to chase and tackle someone as opposed to using a weapon. He had seen Aiden’s wolf hunt prey all on his own.

Aiden grinned while trying to sound innocent. “It’s no fun using a gun against someone. That just spoils it.”


Casey helped Ethan clean things up around the construction site; making sure all tools were picked up and loaded on the truck. There was really no risk of anything getting taken, but Rafe liked leaving things clean and in order at the end of the day. Ethan finished sweeping up any remaining sawdust and debris. Joe was talking to his father when the other two walked over to the truck.

The older man handed Ethan one hundred and twenty dollars. “Here’s your pay for all you did today. I’m really proud of how hard you worked.”

Casey and Joe both high fived him agreeing with their dad.

“This can’t be right, Mister Tucker. You’re paying me too much.”

“It’s actually the same I would’ve paid any beginning helper, though I’m giving it to you directly for the moment instead of taking out tax and the other BS.” He rested his hand on the teen’s shoulder. “You earned every dollar there.”

“Thank you. I guess that means I can pay for rent and food now.”

That earned a sharp laugh from the gentle giant. “You’ll have to take that subject up with Mary. Good luck with that.”

The four piled into the truck for the short drive back to the house.


Aiden arrived at the shooting range for his last class of the day. By the time he finished, he had a near perfect score. Rushing to the locker room, he showered and changed. A couple of the other trainees asked if he wanted to go out for a beer and food, but he said he already had plans and made a hasty exit. Driving back to Silver Pine, he headed straight to the Tuckers’ and arrived shortly after Rafe and his crew.

Walking right up to his mate, Aiden picked him up in his arms hugging him tight and kissing him. “I missed you today, Pup.”

Ethan joyfully laughed at his boyfriend’s exuberance and melted into the strong arms that held him. “I missed you too.”

Aiden carried Ethan to the swing in the yard; holding him in his lap as they told each other about their respective day. He listened intently as his pup talked about learning to work construction and Ethan was fascinated as his muscle-bound boyfriend told him about his day of training. Ethan felt so content against the warm body he dozed off mid-sentence. As much as he wanted to spend time talking with his pup, he really enjoyed having him sleeping in his arms.

Casey walked out into the yard and even though Aiden could hear and smell his approach, his friend cleared his throat and waited for permission before getting close. “Mom wanted me to let you know dinner would be ready soon.” He watched the sleeping bundle in Aiden’s arms. “Maybe I should ask her to keep a plate warm for you two. Dad was really impressed with how hard he worked today. We all were for that matter. I’m surprised he made it this long without falling asleep.”

“He sleeps so peacefully. I wish I did last night.”

Casey felt happy for his closest friend. “I don’t think he did that well last night. Dad mentioned he had a rough one. Thought it was from being away from you.”

Aiden nuzzled the top of Ethan’s head and breathed in deeply, filling his senses with what he could only describe as his pup. Even after a very hard day’s work, the mixture of sweat, sawdust, and the remnant of soap was the most wonderful thing he smelled. Not wanting to wake Ethan, but knowing it was needed, he whispered and brushed a finger over his mate’s face until the body he held began to stir. “Hey, Pup. Dinner’s almost ready and after today you really need to eat something. You probably want to clean up first, though I like you just how you are.”

Wiping a little drool from the corner of his mouth, he stretched as he got his bearings. “I fell asleep on you again, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, but you already know I like you sleeping in my arms.”

Ethan got up and half expected Aiden to try and carry him indoors. He excused himself and took a quick shower before changing into clean clothes. He found several new outfits along with work boots and other necessities laid out on the bed. It was more clothes than he had had in years. Walking downstairs, he was about to ask about them when Mary informed everyone dinner was ready. The family sat at the large table in the dining room and dug into the meal.

Once everything was finished and cleared away, Ethan approached Mary. “Thank you for the new clothes. Since Rafe paid me today I wanted to talk to you about how much I’ll be paying for rent, food, and the clothes.”

Mary had expected this so was not insulted. “Well, the clothes are a gift from the alpha, so if you want to pay for those you’ll have to speak with him, though I personally advise against it. As far as rent, I believe my son and Trevor both discussed you renting for a dollar. Since I’m the landlord, as far as I’m concerned food’s included with the rent.” She crossed her arms and gave him a look of “don’t argue with me about it.”

He did not like it, but decided not to press the issue. He was surprised when she pulled him into a hug. “We’ve been lucky in life. It’s only fair we share that with someone who hasn’t been as fortunate. You need to be shown there are better people than the ones you’ve met in the past and we want to show you what a real family’s like.”

Unlike when Aiden hugged him, this one felt foreign coming from someone motherly. Ethan finally wrapped his arms around her and hugged back as a tear rolled down his cheek. Aiden watched from a distance and could not be more proud to be friends with this family. As well as being considered a part of it. He knew even by request of an alpha, most wolf families would not like taking in a human. No matter if it was the mate of a pack member or not. The Tuckers saw someone who needed a family and happily accepted him.

The couple walked up to the bedroom and put away the new clothes after Aiden had his pup model a few. Ethan got ready for bed, leaning against Aiden as they talked quietly. He rose up for a kiss and the scruffy faced teen was more than happy to give his pup one, followed by a second, and third. Noticing his pup had dozed off in his arms again, he gently laid Ethan down and pulled the blanket over him.

He left the bedroom and joined the rest of the family downstairs, chatting briefly before saying his goodnights to everyone. He was about to walk out of the house, but decided he wanted one last look at his mate for the night. Opening the bedroom door, Ethan was not on the bed like he had been. Instead, he was curled up in a ball on the floor looking restless, the blanket becoming more knotted around him by the minute. As Aiden stepped closer to make sure his mate was all right, Ethan became instantly calm. Thinking a dream might have caused what he had noticed, he silently moved back to the door to leave. Aiden watched and once again his pup became agitated. Puzzled by this, he walked downstairs to speak with Casey’s father.

“Can I talk to you for a minute, Rafe?”

“Sure, let’s step outside.” The older lycan led him out to the back porch. “So what’s on your mind, son?”

“It’s Ethan. I went to check on him and get one last look for the night. Instead of sleeping in the bed, he was on the floor. What really surprised me was he seemed really restless until I walked close and then he calmed down. When I went back to the door, he got restless again. Have you ever heard of that in a couple that isn’t fully mated?” Aiden wished he had paid more attention to pack members teaching the young wolves about the mating process and bonds.

Rafe appeared to be deep in thought for some time. “To be honest, that type of connection is even rare in fully mated couples so I’m not sure. If Mary’s away for the night, I don’t sleep that well. Not sure if it’s our bond or just used to feeling her next to me. Maybe he can tell when you’re near even while asleep and it helps him. Each bond is different. Sorry I’m not much help on this.”

Aiden nodded thinking it sounded plausible. “I guess that makes some sense. I know I didn’t sleep all that well last night being away from him. Before we met I slept fine, but since we got back, my nerves are a little on edge when we are apart.”

“Part of that’s your natural protectiveness over your mate. If you’re not nearby to protect, you worry something will happen. Why don’t you stay here tonight. I know you’re sleeping apart so your wolf doesn’t get the best of you and let something happen before you’re both ready. I sure as hell know you won’t be doing anything under my roof.” Rafe playfully glared. “Especially since Mary has basically adopted him already as an additional son.”

“If you’re sure it’s alright, then thank you.”

“I know the alpha wanted to have him checked by the doctor. I’ll see if Mary can get him in tomorrow.” Rafe placed his hand on the younger lycan’s shoulder before they walked back indoors.

Saying his goodnights to everyone and letting Rafe explain things to Mary, he walked back upstairs. His mate was still tossing and turning until he got close. Picking up his pup like there was no weight at all, he gently placed the small body on the bed again. Aiden watched Ethan curl up into a tight ball while settling into a peaceful sleep. He stripped down to his boxers and slid beneath the covers beside his mate. Wrapping an arm around him, Ethan uncurled and pressed back against his furry chest. His pup’s breathing became smooth and steady. “What am I going to do with you? I don’t want to push things too fast. You already have so much to learn about us, but you seem to need me here with you. You know what though, Pup? I need you too.” It did not take Aiden long to fall into a deep sleep.


Ethan woke feeling rested and alert. He was surprised to find himself with Aiden’s arm and leg draped over him. He thought back to the previous night and the last thing he remembered was moving to the floor with a pillow shortly after his boyfriend left. Deciding it was not worth trying to figure things out, he snuggled in Aiden’s arms and laid there happy and content. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, he realized it was time to get up so he could go to work. Trying to extricate himself from the tangle of arms and legs was enough to wake Aiden who pulled him on top of his muscular chest and showered him with morning kisses.

“Mmmmm. Good Morning to you too.” Ethan grinned at his handsome boyfriend.

“Morning, Pup. You sleep okay?”

“I must have. I thought you were going home last night. What happened?”

“I decided I wanted one last look at you before I left and found you on the floor fighting your blanket. When I got near, you calmed down until I stepped away again. It seemed like any time I wasn’t close, you had problems, so I stayed.”

“The bed just didn’t feel right. It’s been so long since I slept in one. With your arms around me it does feel good.” He rested his head on Aiden’s chest. “I know I didn’t sleep so good the night before when you weren’t here. Is that part of the mating bond thing you were talking about?”

“It could be. I asked Rafe about it before I decided to stay and he hadn’t heard of it. It might just be that a lot of things are changing for you now, but whatever it is, we’ll figure it out.” Aiden decided he wanted one more kiss. “Guess we should head down to breakfast.”

The two got out of bed, took turns cleaning up, and dressed. Downstairs, Rafe and Casey were sitting at the table and Mary was busy cooking.

“Morning, boys. Take a seat. I’ve got breakfast almost ready. Coffee’s on the table.”

Rafe turned towards Ethan. “Would you have any objection if Mary takes you to the pack doctor sometime today?”

Ethan, not liking doctors much, sipped his coffee and nervously glanced at Aiden for reassurance. “I guess that’s okay.”

Aiden reached over and took his hand. “It’s nothing to worry about. He’s a cool guy for a doctor. You’ll like him.”

“Mary can get everything set up and pick you up from the jobsite. You can get some work time in with me.”

“I’d say eat up before it gets cold, but around this crowd food rarely has time to cool down any.” Mary joked. “So eat up before they take it all.”

After breakfast, Rafe and the crew returned to the work site while Aiden headed back to his training.

When Mary was able, she called the pack doctor to make an appointment for Ethan. They told her they were already expecting the call since the alpha had spoken to them. She would pick him up as they broke for lunch.


Mary arrived at the job site a little after eleven thirty. Ethan realized he could not get out of this and made his way over to her van. They drove in relative silence to the doctor’s office. When they arrived, Ethan’s eyes shifted from Mary to the building as he gave a little sigh before resigning himself to his fate. Getting out of the van, he walked like a condemned man beside Mary who checked him in with the receptionist. Trying to distract himself, he picked up a magazine from the table and started laughing hysterically. Mary was amused by his laughter and turned to see what he was reading. He held up the cover. “Better Dens and Gardens? Seriously?”

“They have some good decorating ideas the human magazine wouldn’t. I think that one has the article on man lairs. Rafe saw it and has been wanting to convert the basement.”

About that time, Ethan’s name was called. “Do you want me to go in with you?”

“I think I’ll be okay. Hopefully.”

Inside the exam room, the nurse did all the basic tests: temperature, blood pressure, and pulse. She left him in the room for a few minutes before a tall, muscular man with a well-trimmed beard walked in.

“Good afternoon, Ethan. I’m Doctor MacRae. How are you doing?”

“I’m good, thanks.”

“Right, first thing let’s get some basic information on you. How about we start with age and birth date?”

Ethan answered all the doctor’s questions as well as he could while the man typed away at the computer.

“I know you were bit by a wolf and treated by Doctor Alexander. From his notes the bite did break the skin, is that right?”

Ethan nodded in response.

“Did the wound heal completely?”

Again, Ethan nodded.

“Why don’t you strip down to your underwear now?” Doctor MacRae gave Ethan a full physical. Poking and prodding, he checked ears and throat, listened to his heart and lungs, and even checked his reflexes at the knee and elbows with a small hammer tool. The bitten leg was inspected. The hernia check was the most uncomfortable part for Ethan, but strangers regularly had hands in his underwear handling his equipment when he was in Richmond.

“Everything seems good so far. We’re going to need to take blood samples. You do know that in most every case a bite from a lycan will turn you? We just want to figure out why the process never started.” He went about his tasks and before Ethan realized it, he had a needle in his arm, drawing several vials of blood. When the doctor finished, he buzzed the nurse who picked up the vials to take into the office’s lab for testing.

“Wow. That didn’t even hurt.”

“I find patients like me a whole lot better when I don’t hurt them.” He gave a friendly grin as he wrapped gauze over the puncture. “Now I want to talk to you about something a little more personal and I don’t mean to embarrass you. I know you and Aiden Jacobs are mates. I know he hasn’t bitten you so you two haven’t completed the process yet. Have the two of you had any type of sexual contact yet?”

The doctor appeared to be studying Ethan while he waited for an answer. “I know it can be tough talking to a total stranger about stuff like this, but if I’m going to be your doctor I need you to be totally honest with me. No matter how embarrassing or uncomfortable something is, you can always talk to me.”

Ethan blushed a deep red. “No. We haven’t done anything. Just kissing.” He took a deep breath to gather his courage. “Umm, Doctor MacRae, when I was living in Richmond, I had to do stuff to make money…” Ethan dropped his gaze to the floor, not wanting to finish the statement and unable to face the doctor. “Could you umm… run some tests to make sure I… I never caught anything?”

“I had a feeling that might have been the case, so I drew enough blood for those tests as well.” He placed his hand on Ethan’s shoulder causing the boy to flinch. “Okay, so even though you two are mates you haven’t done anything to become a mated couple.” He stated more to himself then as a question. “I understand you’ve had some sleep issues lately, is that right? Can you describe it for me?”

Ethan explained what he knew and what Aiden had told him about the previous night.

The doctor appeared surprised and Ethan noticed. “That isn’t normal is it, doctor?”

“Each mating is a little different, especially with true mates. You’re human so that brings in another unknown factor. To be honest, I am not used to that strong a bond forming in a couple that hasn’t completed the mating process.”

“I’m curious about this mating stuff. I’ve talked to Aiden a little. I overheard him talking about it and saying how it was dangerous turning a human.”

The doctor did not want to scare Ethan, but felt he needed to be honest with his patient. “I won’t lie to you. There is a risk anytime a human is turned which is why it’s rarely allowed. The bite will introduce a virus called Lycanthropy to your system that your body will try to fight. As it takes hold, it rewrites small parts of your genetic code turning you into one of us. Since you weren’t born with this already a part of you, your body has to go through major changes in a short amount of time between when you’re bit and your first shift. That doesn’t even count what it goes through during your transformation. Depending on when you’re bit during the moon phase, if it’s too close to a full moon, those changes can overwhelm the body and be fatal. The first full moon after the bite will force your body to shift.

“There can be complications at the first shift from human to wolf and sometimes it can lead to death. Though cases like that are usually when the human is older or not healthy to start with. If you’re alone at the first shift, you can end up fighting against the wolf and get lost as he tries to free himself. That tends to lead to death. It can sometimes happen with a born lycan on their first shift too if they’re not prepared or are alone. You being young and in good health would have a better chance of surviving. And I know Aiden would be there with you to guide you through your shift. I know it isn’t the answer you were looking for, but unfortunately it’s the best answer I can give you for now.”

There was a knock on the door and the nurse walked in and handed the doctor the first results of the blood work before leaving. Reviewing the paperwork, he glanced over at an expectant Ethan. “You most definitely have not been turned. You’re in very good health and could benefit from taking a multi-vitamin for a while. Mary’s cooking will be good for you as well. You’re negative for all human STDs. As to the sleeping issues, we’ll have to wait for some of the more in depth results to come in. Unless you have any additional questions, it was a pleasure to meet you, Ethan. Welcome to the pack.”

“Thank you, Doctor MacRae.” Ethan walked out of the exam room feeling somewhat better after talking with the doctor, even if the discussion about the risks of getting bit did scare him.


Ian walked into his office and reviewed the test results one more time before placing a call to an old friend. “Caleb, it’s Ian MacRae. How are you?

“I’m good. How’s things with the there?”

“Pack life’s good as always. I’ll cut to the chase here. I’m actually calling about the human you treated recently that was bit by one of our wolves. He was located and brought back here. Do you have some time to discuss him?”

“Of course. I hope no complications have popped up. When I released him he seemed healthy.”

“No complications, although there are a few oddities I’ve never run across before. He was bit, it broke the skin according to the notes you sent in, and there had to have been saliva that entered the wound. He should have been turned, but he wasn’t. It turns out he’s the true mate to the wolf who originally found him and that’s been confirmed by my alpha. It also appears he is already developing a type of link or bond to his mate even though they haven’t begun their mating. It so far is only manifesting when they’re asleep. Apparently, both have trouble sleeping apart from the other. They do sleep, but it isn’t restful at all for either of them apart. In your years of research, have you run across that before?”

“I’ve never encountered anything like that involving a human lycan pair. I don’t remember finding anything like those sleep issues with lycan mates that haven’t completed their mating, but it’s rare for them to wait long to mate. I’ll have to go through my old notes and maybe contact a couple other doctors I know.”

“I appreciate your help on this. I still need to wait for the rest of the blood work to come back that will hopefully fill in some of the missing pieces here. Knowing the boy is the true mate to a wolf, my concern is if he is somehow immune to the lycan virus yet they are forming a bond. What will happen to them if the bond can’t be completed by mating? It’s all speculation at this point though.”

“Have you run any tests on the wolf that bit the boy to see if maybe there is a problem with him?”

“I did think about that before calling you but there’s a complication. The one who bit the boy is the son of a prominent pack member.”

“No shit, it doesn’t get much more prominent than your alpha. You better tread carefully on that one though.”

“You’re not kidding. I know you’ve been friends with the alpha longer then I’ve been a member of this pack. Do you think I’d be digging myself into a huge hole if I suggested having tests run on his son?”

“I’m not sure what to tell you. John’s a good and fair man, but with any lycan, questioning family genetics can be risky to one’s life. I’ll get onto my old research here and make a few calls. Maybe if you run some test on the boy’s blood with other lycan, that might answer the turning question and keep John’s son out of it for now. I’ll be in touch.”

“Thank you, Caleb. It’s always good talking to you. Hope you decide to come off that mountain sometime and visit the pack soon.” Doctor MacRae sat at his desk looking over the test results he had so far and could not come to any conclusion about what was going on. In post medical school lycan specialties, he heard of one or two rare cases where a human was immune to the bite of a lycan, but those humans had unique blood markers. So far, the blood work said Ethan was just an average and ordinary human.

Running with the Pack, WolfM, 2012-2016, All Rights Reserved
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

On 4/16/2022 at 7:19 PM, raven1 said:

The visit to the doctor did not provide any insight to Ethan's current situation.  I do suspect that there is some hormonal condition involved that made it impossible for Ethan to be turned at the time.  We do know that he has reached puberty, however, Ethan is described as 5'3" and very young looking like a very young teen and not 18 years old.  Has the physical development of his body any thing to do with him not being turned by Michael's bite?  

The conversation between the two doctors is interesting. Caleb asked about blood tests on Michael, but doesn't admit to knowing it was Michael. Then, admitting he knew who had bitten Ethan, recommends caution about making blood tests on Michael.  It is like Dr. Caleb knows something, but doesn't want to talk about it.  I love the speculations in the comments.  They are all very imaginative.

In this case Ethan, like the author, is simply short and because of his size it makes him look younger than he is.

I enjoy the speculation as well. It was an aspect of writing I didn't think of when I started, but it's a fun form of payment for what I do. :) Caleb is in a position outside the pack he can say or do anything without repercussion. Ian on the other hand is a wolf who reports to the alpha. As is pointed out, caution is advisable when any potential deficiency in a member of the alpha's family is suggested or questioned. The alpha is a reasonable man, but questions could run the risk of someone challenging for control.

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2 hours ago, Al Norris said:

This chapter did nothing more than make me even more curious...

Thank you, Al. Responses like that are still something that makes me smile.

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On 11/16/2023 at 3:27 AM, Ajbt2001 said:

Bring the story to a rolling boil, then simmer and let the plot thicken. :gikkle:

My writing style is usually described as a slow burn. :) I like the way you put it.

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18 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

I am still in love with this story and am so glad I decided to read it again!

That makes me happy when people draw enjoyment from this multiple times. :)

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