Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
A Decision for Jarren - 16. Chapter 16
It was almost the end of the month and both Jarren and Nash were looking forward to Danny’s going away party the next day. They had a few problems crop up with the day workers that had been assigned to the project. Jarren knew from past experience that when you relied on a fulfilment or temp agency for your labor you had to work with what you were given. There seemed to be a shortage of workers who were qualified for general labor. Too often, so and so would refer another person and that person couldn’t pass a background check or provide proper documentation. If there was one thing that Andre insisted on, and Jarren and Nash too, it was having labor workers who were legally employable. None of them wanted to take the chance of the project being shut down because of lack of proper documentation. Not to mention that it always amazed Jarren when someone with multiple convictions for one of a dozen different offences was surprised when they couldn’t get hired. Two of the work crew that they had this week were pulled off the job when it was found out that they lied on their applications. Just one of the pitfalls of the business.
Friday traffic was heavier than normal. Jarren blamed it on Florida. March was by far the worst month for traffic going in and out of that state. They still had all the snowbirds, it was also spring training month for major league baseball. Topping it all off, just about every school district in the state had a week off, not to mention all of the colleges across the country that had their Spring Break week as well. It seemed like everyone coming or going to Florida had to go through Georgia to get there, either via I-75 or I-95. It wasn’t like Atlanta’s traffic didn’t suck enough on its own.
They finally pulled into Nash’s driveway at six-thirty. They had gotten a late start due to the labor issues and the normal hour and fifteen minute ride turned into just over two hours because of the traffic. Nash dropped the bag with the dirty laundry next to the washer to be dealt with later. Jarren opened the fridge and pulled out two beers, twisted off the caps and handed one to Nash. Half of each bottle was gone within seconds.
Nash put his bottle on the counter and said “C’mere, you.”
Jarren stepped into the offered embrace and nuzzled his chin into Nash’s shoulder. This was good, very, very good. After they both relaxed a bit Jarren asked “How ‘bout we get delivery from that new barbeque place. I could go for some beef brisket.”
“Sounds good, get some of the roasted corn too, coleslaw and beans, but not those spicy ones. They rip your ass apart the next day,” Nash laughed.
Jarren gave Nash a shove and pulled his phone from his back pocket and ordered the food. “Should be here in 30-40 minutes, I think I’ll jump in the shower. You can join me if you promise to behave.” he teased.
“OK,” replied Nash, with his fingers crossed behind his back.
Given the short amount of time that they had before the food arrived, Nash ended up taking both of their hard dicks and giving them a quick, soapy handjob. When the doorbell rang they were both dried off and dressed in shorts and t-shirts. They both knew they could play some more later on. Right now they were both hungry and food was their priority.
Saturday morning found them at the farm once again. After a few hours, Jarren noticed the time and saw that Liam wasn’t there yet. He asked Maddie if she had heard from John and Maddie told him no. Half an hour after the time that Liam normally got there, Jarren saw the van that John drove and breathed a sigh of relief. He watched as John worked the lift to get Liam and his chair down on the ground. He also couldn’t help but notice that Liam wasn’t smiling like he normally did. Damn, something had happened. Liam rolled his way over to Jarren and stopped a few feet away.
“Hey Buddy, I’m glad you made it. I’ve got Frosted Flakes ready for you, referring to Liam’s favorite horse. Why don’t you roll on over to the mounting block. I’ll be right there.” Jarren told him.
Liam merely nodded and started pushing his wheelchair toward the ramp they used to get the kids in wheelchairs onto the horses. John looked at him and just shook his head and in a low voice told Jarren “A foster placement fell through this morning. Liam was really looking forward to getting into a home. They seemed like nice people too, but apparently the wife caught the husband cheating last night and kicked him out. Liam was supposed to have an overnight visit tonight.”
Jarren’s heart broke for the young man. He wished there was a way he could take him in, but there was no way it could work with his current job situation. Besides he didn’t really think that a single, gay man with no permanent address in the state had any chance of being approved to foster. Wishful thinking. Liam needed routine and Jarren could only give him Saturday mornings. He knew Nash felt the same way. “That just sucks, hey, stay a little bit when we’re done. I’d like to talk to you about Liam for a minute.”
“Sure thing,” John replied.
Jarren turned and headed over to Liam. He let the little boy take the lead when it came to conversation and not surprisingly, he didn’t say much. Even Jester noticed and Jarren just gave a silent shake of his head when Jester looked over at him. Frosted Flakes was one of the larger horses they used for therapy riding. He was a dappled gray gelding who had a really sweet, gentle temperament. He had been adopted by Maddie a few years ago along with a little paint mare that had earned the name Fruit Loops. Maddie and Jeff usually let the kids who rode at the farm decide on the names of any new horse. They had come up with some pretty funny monikers.
Nash had finished up with the last of his group and he came over when Jarren beckoned to him. Jester took over leading Liam around the corral.
“What’s up?” Nash inquired.
Jarren explained what happened with Liam and then said “How would you feel about seeing if we could maybe do something with Liam after riding lessons? I’m sure he could use a distraction. John said that the other kids in the home are either older or younger than him. He has no one to hang out with. I figure that if it’s OK with John we can keep him for a few hours and then bring him back after dinner time. I really feel connected to this kid and want to help him out.”
Nash smiled and gave Jarren a quick kiss and answered, “I’d love it. The imp has grown on me too. As long as John is alright with it, I’m sure we can get Liam situated in the backseat of the truck with no problem. I have tie down straps we can secure his wheelchair with in the truck bed.”
“I’ll go speak to him now while you and Jester get Liam settled back in his chair. Thanks, Babe.” Jarren said.
Nash raised his eyebrow. “Babe?”
Jarren blushed. He wasn’t really big on pet names or terms of endearment, but in the moment it felt right. He quickly turned, still blushing as he heard Nash chuckling behind him. He saw John talking with Jeff in the large doorway of the barn. He waited until they noticed him and then greeted both men. Jeff excused himself, having work to do.
“John, Nash and I were talking and we were wondering if it would be OK for us to maybe take Liam for a few hours after therapy lessons? We both feel so bad about what happened to him. I think a distraction might do him good. Nash has tie downs in the truck to secure his chair and we shouldn’t have any problems lifting him up into the back seat. I was thinking we could find some fun things to do with him and then bring him back to you after dinner time. We could start next Saturday, and try to make it a weekly thing.”
John smiled and responded, “I think it’s a great idea. I’d have to run my own background check, but I couldn’t imagine an issue with that, after all, Maddie lets you help out here and I know how protective she is of ‘her’ kids.” He pulled a business card out of his wallet and handed it to Jarren. “Email me a copy of your driver’s license and call me with your Social Security numbers. I don’t like sending or getting that info by email. Liam will be thrilled. He usually talks about you two all week long. A lot of the other kids have a mentor through the Big Brother organization, but Liam turned it down. He’s special and I think you guys have the right connection with him. Thanks for offering. It can be so difficult to find the right people to help out kids like Liam. Don’t say anything just yet. He’ll drive me crazy all week if he knew. I’ll tell him at the end of the week, besides, if the background check doesn’t clear I don’t want to have to tell him you two can’t take him anywhere because you’re mass murderers.”
Jarren laughed, “No problem. It’ll give us something to look forward to. I really like that kid. He deserves to be happy and if we can spoil him a little bit, so be it.”
Jarren thanked John again and the two of them walked back to the corral where Liam was settled back in his chair. Nash had squatted down so their heads were level and Jarren could see a small smile on the boy’s face. His chest tightened at the sight of his two most favorite people with smiles on their faces. Whatever Nash had said to Liam made the sadness disappear, at least for a little while.
Jarren plastered his own smile on and coming up behind Nash he shoved him so that Nash landed on his ass in the dirt. “No fair making fun of me when I can’t defend myself,” Jarren snickered as Nash landed with an ‘oof’. Liam laughed and that made it all worth it.
Nash popped up off the ground and smacked Jarren’s ass in retaliation which made Liam giggle harder. “OK, OK, You caught us. I was just telling Mr. Liam here how you farted all night after hogging most of the beans from the BBQ place. He told me I could probably get a gas mask at the Acme Surplus store.”
Jarren’s face morphed into a cheesy, fake, shocked looked and he retorted, “Did he bother to tell you that he let a few of his own rip, and besides it was his idea to get the beans in the first place?"
Liam was still laughing and he finally managed to say “At least you didn’t get the spicy ones. I’ve had them from that place and it makes you poop fire turds.”
Jarren and Nash cracked up at the way Liam wrinkled his nose at the thought of fire turds. “Come on Kiddo, let’s get you back to the van before you get us in trouble.” Nash told him.
John was waiting with the lift ready and it didn’t take long before Liam was secured in his place. Jarren saw the look of sadness that crossed over his expression again and leaned in the van’s double door saying “Don’t worry Liam, there’s always something better somewhere down the line, you just need to be patient. Next Saturday will be here before you know it. I’m giving John our phone numbers, you can call or text me or Nash if you need us for anything.” he promised. “We’ll see you next week Buddy, OK?”
He saw Liam nod and then quickly turned his head away. Jarren still caught a glimpse of the tears that threatened to spill over. He closed the doors and stepped away from the van. “Call us if he needs anything. Leave a voicemail if we don’t pick up. I hate seeing him so sad.” he told John.
Jarren felt Nash put his arm around his waist and he leaned up against the strong muscles and together they watched the van disappear down the long driveway. “Don’t worry, Babe, Liam will be fine.” Nash told him.
It was Jarren’s turn to raise his eyebrow at the pet name. Nash merely smirked and said “Turnabout’s fair play.”
Jarren shook his head and hand in hand they headed to the truck. On the way back Nash stopped at the liquor store to get some beer to bring to Danny’s party. They settled on a twelve pack of Shock Top Belgian White and a twelve pack of a local brew called Cosmik Debris. Neither of them had ever had it, they just liked the name.
They managed to get their laundry started and threw a change of clothes in a bag as they both knew that driving would not be an option later that night. Danny had already told them that Jarren’s old room was still his until the movers came next week. Grabbing the going away present and the beer, they left Nash’s house for the trip over to Danny’s. They had gotten Danny a little book called How to Swear in Europe Like a Pro. It translated every swear word known to man into just about every European language plus some regional dialects. Jarren knew Danny would get a kick out of it.
The party was just getting underway when they got there just after six. Danny had an eclectic and diverse group of friends. One of those was an older guy, Christopher, that Danny had started seeing a couple of weeks before he got the job offer. Most were people that he had met through the local gay community, but there were plenty of straight folks too, several couples and a few strays that Danny had picked up along the way. He was a vivacious and outgoing guy that had a lot of friends. The apartment was soon filled to capacity with close to 40 people crowding the small space. Luckily many of them only stayed a short time, just wanting to say goodbye to their friend before he left. The food had been delivered by a local catering company and there was plenty of it. Danny had ordered multiple trays of finger foods and many people had brought beer or wine like Nash and Jarren had, so there was no shortage of alcohol.
By eleven o’clock they were down to a core group of twelve of Danny’s friends. They were a lively bunch, that was for sure. Someone had started up a game of Cards Against Humanity and there was a heated Texas Hold ‘Em poker game going on as well. Jarren and Nash had joined the Cards Against Humanity game. The last time Jarren had played poker was at Lex’s bachelor party and he was one of the first people knocked out of the game. Nope, besides he preferred sitting on Nash’s lap as there were seven of them crowded around the kitchen table that was only meant for four. He was having fun pressing his ass back against Nash every time he reached out to grab a card. Nash had retaliated by trapping Jarren’s ankles with his own so that Jarren couldn’t move his legs. This allowed Nash to keep one hand firmly on Jarren’s tight belly while the other one randomly skimmed everywhere else.
Twelve drunk people playing card games can tend to get noisy and by one a.m. Danny had to answer the pounding on the door, only to find two police officers there to inform them that they were disturbing several of the neighbors and they needed to settle down. Danny told them OK and then saluted them as he shut the door practically in their faces. Turning around he yelled at everyone to shut up and go to bed or go home. Nash quickly pulled Jarren into the bathroom and locked the door. The seal on twelve bladders had been broken and Nash didn’t feel like waiting. He and Jarren somehow managed to take care of business without dripping on the floor and they ignored the evil looks they got when they exited the bathroom that now had a line formed outside of it.
Jarren locked the bedroom door and Nash immediately pushed him down on the bed and covered his body with his own. The two enjoyed a sloppy, drunken makeout session for quite a while. They even managed to get as far as getting most of their clothes off. Jarren was having trouble with his socks. It felt like they were glued to his feet and he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why he would do something so stupid. He turned to Nash for his help and discovered that Nash was already sound asleep, lying on his stomach, diagonal across the bed. Now Jarren was stumped, his brain just could not figure out where he could fit. Finally, after abandoning his attempts at removing his socks he somehow managed to shove Nash’s legs over so they weren’t totally hogging his side. He ended up curled up on his side with his head at the foot of the bed and his feet tucked under Nash’s ribcage. That was the last thing he managed to do before he followed Nash into the realm of drunken unconsciousness.
Jarren dreamed that he was walking across hot coals and they were burning his feet. No matter where he stepped the coals were beneath him. Nash, on the other hand, was dreaming that he was on a boat trying to tie it up to a dock but the bumper kept hitting him on his side and nearly knocking him off the boat. Both men started to wake at the same time. Jarren entered the waking world with his feet still tucked under Nash, still encased in his socks that he never figured out to take off while drunk, and his feet were sweating profusely beneath the furnace-like heat that Nash emitted. Nash woke to Jarren’s feet trapped under his ribs, kicking to get loose.
Nash rolled over with a growl, effectively releasing Jarren’s feet and at the same time the gross smell of hot, sweaty, dirty socks hit them both. That, combined with the rancid alcohol breath, had them gagging. Jarren ran for the bathroom and Nash grabbed the waste basket next to the bed.
When Jarren’s retching subsided he turned on the shower and stepped in, still in his underwear and socks. He somehow managed to peel the offending material off his feet and shucked the wet boxer briefs as well, leaving them in a sodden pile on the tile. He jumped when the curtain pulled back suddenly as Nash stepped in holding a toothbrush slathered with paste out to him with one hand, his other hand occupied with his own brush, scrubbing furiously, the foam making him look like a rabid dog.
After spitting the foam out and rinsing, Nash looked at Jarren and said “Never, Ever, let me drink like that again, and for the love of all things Mother Nature gave us, do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT wear socks to bed, EVER AGAIN!”
Jarren hung his head as he spat out his own foamy toothpaste and then rinsed his mouth. He gave Nash a quick kiss and a pinch on his ass before replying “If you didn’t have the internal body temperature of Satan my feet wouldn’t have gotten so hot. Besides, I had no clue how to take off socks last night. All I remember is wanting to blow you, but when I turned around, you were asleep. Old Man.” Jarren laughed as Nash pinched him back.
“What are you waiting for?” Nash shot back at Jarren.
Jarren’s response was to grab the shower gel with and lather up Nash’s semi-hard dick until it was standing up straight and proud. He rinsed off the soap and then dropped to his knees, engulfing the firm shaft in soft, wet heat, eliciting a sharp inhalation from Nash. Jarren let his tongue play along the sensitive underside, licking along the rigid shaft and flicking at the reactive bundle of nerves in the divit just under the crown. His reward was a dollop of sweet precum that teased his taste buds. Surrounding the cast iron rod with his mouth once more, Jarren applied a steady, firm suction, letting the tip bump up against the back of his throat. He kept one hand on Nash’s lower back with just enough pressure to let the man know he would control the thrusting that was sure to start any second. Jarren’s other hand slithered under Nash’s balls, one finger tracing a short path along the smooth taint until he reached the wrinkled skin he searched for. His finger traced circles around the skin and he gently pushed at the skin, not quite breaching the tight hole that was flexing beneath his ministrations.
It really didn’t take long for Nash’s hips to start an insistent back and forth motion, held in check by the hand pressed against his lower spine. Nash grunted and moaned as the suction increased. He couldn’t help but look down and lock his eyes onto the sight of Jarren’s lips wrapped around his cock. Nash’s abs seemed impossibly hard as they tightened in the second before his orgasm ripped its way out of his balls and through the rock hard shaft and straight down Jarren’s throat. Jarren swallowed rapidly as his patience was rewarded with shot after shot of salty sweet cum. Nash hissed as Jarren pulled away with a wet ‘pop’, licking his lips as he stood up and kissed his man thoroughly, letting him taste the remnants of himself.
Nash pulled away and spun Jarren around, telling him to keep his hands on the wall and spread his legs. He grabbed the shower gel and proceeded to return the favor and completely cleaned Jarren’s cock, balls and ass. After rinsing the soap away, Nash dropped down to his knees and spread Jarren’s sculpted ass cheeks apart and proceeded to rim the living bejesus out of him. He reached around and jacked Jarren’s cock with a firm, rapid grip, letting his tongue spear the throbbing hole with the same fast pace. It was only a matter of a few moments before Jarren exploded all of the wall in front of him, legs shaking as he cried out his release, uttering Nash’s name over and over.
Nash stood up and they wrapped their arms around each other, enjoying the post-orgasm bliss. Their bliss was short-lived, however, as someone who sounded a lot like Danny, pounded on the door and yelled at them to stop having sex and get the fuck out of the shower and there had better be hot water left. Quickly they finished rinsing off and stepped out, wrapping towels around their waists. Jarren opened the door to find an almost naked Danny standing there with an equally almost naked older man who Jarren vaguely remembered being introduced to last night. Christopher? Something like that. Danny didn’t say a word, he merely grabbed the other man and pulled him into the bathroom and Jarren and Nash heard the click of the lock as they turned and went to Jarren’s bedroom.
Dressing in the clean clothes they brought, they headed to the kitchen, giggling when they heard distinct groans and high pitched moans coming from the bathroom as they passed the door. A quick glance at the living room showed that there were only three other people left sprawled on the couch and floor. Several people had gotten an Uber after the police broke up the festivities.Jarren stepped into the kitchen and a fourth party goer was just rinsing out a coffee cup. Jarren though that the guy’s name was Devin or Kevin or something.
Devin/Kevin held out a bottle of ibuprofen and said “Here, you guys look like you can use this. If Danny and Christopher ever emerge from the bathroom can you tell him I went to get some of those hot mini quiche pastry thingies from the bakery down the street. I’ll get some donuts too. I’ll be back in a few.” Devin/Kevin waved over his shoulder as he headed for the door.
Jarren grabbed the bottle of pills and shook out eight, four for each of them. Nash was already pouring coffee. The first sip was like liquid Nirvana. Jarren thought that as long as he had Nash and coffee he could handle practically anything. As far as hangovers went, both men had worse in their lives. Still, they sucked. Jarren didn’t know about Nash, but he knew that he would need at least two or three more cups of coffee and ten or fifteen minutes for the ibuprofen to kick in before his headache would subside.
Nash looked at Jarren and asked “You wanna wait for food to arrive or would you rather go grab a breakfast somewhere else?”
Jarren thought for a moment before replying, “Let’s just eat here. If we go out we’re probably going to have to wait anyway. I’d rather not deal with people and noise right now. You know?” Nash nodded his agreement.
They didn’t talk much as they sat at the table and enjoyed the coffee. Jarren poured out the last of the carafe and went about making another pot. Roughly a half hour later Devin/Kevin came back just as Danny and Christopher emerged from the bathroom looking quite satisfied. The smell of coffee and food roused the rest of the group and soon everyone was consuming the pastries and quiches that Devin/Kevin had brought back.
By eleven o’clock Jarren and Nash were saying goodbye to Danny. Jarren had thrown the rest of his clothes and some odds and ends in a bag and had already brought it out to the truck. Danny made Jarren promise to keep in touch and he promised to do the same. Jarren hugged Danny tightly and then Danny pulled Jarren down for a kiss, managing to slip a little tongue in which elicited a growl from Nash. The little twink was laughing as he let go of Jarren and then pulled Nash into a hug, grabbing his ass cheeks firmly.
“Let him go Danny, before you get hurt!” Jarren told him with a mocking glare. You take care of yourself over there and be safe OK? I’m going to miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, and this big lug you call your boyfriend. I’ll text you when I get there. Now go before I start crying.” Danny said as he wrapped his arms around Christopher’s waist. Christopher hugged him closer and kissed the top of his head. Jarren and Nash waved once more before getting in the truck and shutting the doors.
The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent watching TV and finishing laundry. Another work week was in front of them and their routine had pretty much fallen into place as expected.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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