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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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The Order - 25. Chapter 25

Content warning: This story contains adult situations, language, and consensual sex between adult men. If said content is illegal in your state or country, please leave now and do not continue.

(** Prologue **)

Two Months Prior


The October night was cold, and a heavy mist soaked everything while a biting wind blew leaves around the tombstones and grave markers. It was just after 0230 and the only sounds in the Oakland Cemetery other than the steady pattering of water dripping off the trees and gusting winds, were shovels striking the hard, red clay of Georgia soil.

Two Protectors, stripped to the waist even in the chill of the night, sweated heavily as they excavated the grave. It wasn’t the exertion that made them sweat – they were physically enhanced and far stronger than normal men – it was the Glyph’s protecting the grave, burning against the evil in them. The bitter cold mist mixing with the hot sweat of their bodies caused steam to rise off their muscled forms. Four other men just like them, muscled and ripped, stood aside as part of the rotation waiting their turn. Each pair dug until they could no longer tolerate the pain, and then switched out.

As they worked, their heavy breath sent billows of fog into the chill air. The only light came from the headlights of three black Escalades parked nearby, and their sweating forms gleamed in the sharp shadows caused by the bright halogens.

The men knew better than to make noises of discomfort or pain. They were tough and didn’t feel pain like normal men, but the agony they experienced wasn’t physical. The Glyphs burned into their Minds and Souls even with the Shields from the ‘suits.' The Order did not want the grave desecrated and laid down potent protections to keep it safe. Fortunately for The Master, the Palladino family didn’t believe in cremation.

Even with their strength and speed, it took nearly an hour before a solid ‘thunk’ echoed into the night as one of the shovels struck the casket. A few minutes later, the remainder of the wooden casing lay uncovered and exposed.

The work was dirty and awkward. Muddy, wet clay covered the casket, making it slippery. Gripping the handles, the muscles of their shoulders, arms, and backs bunched and flexed as they hauled the heavy container out of the deep grave.

The first words spoken in an hour sounded loud in the still night.

“Tell Him we have it ready.”

A well-dressed man holding an umbrella turned and moved back towards the Escalades.

The Protectors felt The Master immediately when He emerged from the car. His presence filled the area, and the night darkened even more. The pain from the Glyphs lessened as his Aura wrapped around them just by proximity, surrounding them with his Dark essence.

The Master wore a suit costing nearly as much as one of the Escalades. Imported from Europe, it was tailored to fit his distorted muscular physique. His shoes were shiny black and custom made to fit his large, wide feet.

The Darkness covering his face almost made him appear headless, but when they did briefly glance at him, they saw the two dark spots, blacker than black, where his eyes should be. The Protectors quickly averted their eyes, knowing The Master didn’t like anyone looking directly at Him.

As He approached the casket, the safeguards and protections placed upon it made themselves felt, and his Black Aura strengthened in response. The Curse would protect him from Death, but not pain.

The Master’s deep voice broke the quiet, “Stand back unless you wish to die.”

Taking off his jacket, a nearby ‘suit’ was ready and took it from him. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing the dark ruddy skin of his thickly muscled, hairy forearms. After taking his jacket, the ‘suit’ moved to stand with the Protectors and joined his Power with the others in a Shield over all of them.

Using a sharp fingernail, The Master dug into the flesh of his arm, scoring a long, deep cut. Blood welled from the wound, dripping down his forearm and over his hand.

Making a fist, he squeezed, causing more blood to flow from the wound. As the drops of blood hit the casket they bubbled and smoked, burning into the varnished wood and filling the immediate area with an acrid smell.

As The Master traced out a series of Runes, the blood thickened and the markings began to glow with a dark red Aura of their own.

His breath was heavy, just as it was with the Protectors. Being so close to the protective Magics placed on the casket caused him discomfort. Pausing briefly, he steeled himself against the pain he knew was coming.

He stifled an outburst as both his claw-like hands gripped the edge of the casket, breaking the seals. Blinding Light erupted, and the skin on his hands darkened and burned. The hair on his fingers, hands, and forearms singed, turning bright orange as it burst into flame.

His body flexed in response to the excruciating pain, and his tailored shirt shredded across his powerful back and shoulders. The Darkness of his Aura clashed against the White Light as the two Powers struggled for dominance. He had to let the Runes extinguish themselves and the few seconds it took seemed to last minutes, but soon the night was still again except for his harsh breathing.

The Protectors knew they would have turned to ash if they had attempted to open the casket themselves. Within seconds his flesh completely healed, protected by the Curse.

The Master glanced at the body and said, “Bring him.”

One of the Protectors lifted the body out of the casket and threw it over his shoulder, following The Master. He tossed the corpse in the back of The Master’s Escalade, and as soon as the hatch closed the vehicle drove off, leaving the sweating men to clean up any evidence of their presence.

The last thing the big men did was replace the tombstone they moved to make room to dig because the graves were so close together. As they left nearly an hour later the engraving showed, clearly visible for a few seconds as the deep shadows cast by the headlights illuminated the epitaph.


August 2, 1986 – September 8, 2013

Antonio Carlo Dario Palladino

Beloved son, taken too soon


The last sight visible as the bright lights pulled away was a small bundle of flowers, mostly dried and dead. The card on the once beautiful bouquet read, “I’ll never forget you, Carlo – Love Sally.” Darkness once again filled the night; the only sounds were the wind rustling leaves in the cemetery and the soft pattering of rain.




The Master sat on his throne, waiting. His plan was culminating, and he felt some excitement; Ken Habersham, the leader of the New Warriors of The Order, was going to die. He would be the first, but most certainly not the last. Without him, the others would fall more easily. He was physically the strongest, but it wasn’t only his strength that made him so Powerful; his Avatar was the key to the others. Without Ken’s Avatar, the others would fall apart and be unable to withstand His might.

Days before, The Master received word of success in finding a blood relative. In Oklahoma of all places, not far from one of His strongholds. The family trees of his enemies, hidden by Aaron Thomas, had been almost impossible to discover. The Dr. was a genius and had been His nemesis for thousands of years, always working in the shadows and hidden safely away. He had even worn the Mantle once but foolishly gave that power up.

His Servants were relentless in their pursuits. No physical evidence remained, and no electronic records to trace the bloodlines from the era of their births. Aaron Thomas protected the knowledge by magical means as well. If not for the weakness and Brokenness in humans, The Master’s servants never would have discovered what they were looking for.

The perseverance of His Servants, reading Mind after Mind, memory after memory, digging deep into people’s unconscious Minds, had finally paid off. They found clues and references, and the trails often led to dead ends, but luck, or Fate, determined The Master would be successful.

Casting his Awareness out, He sensed his Servants. They were bringing Richard Yaeger to him, the brother of Bruce Dutcher, now Ken Habersham. The two men had been taken from their mother as infants and separated, unaware of each other’s existence.

It was another few hours before Richard knelt before Him. He was brave, and The Master was not surprised, but Richard was Mortal and ignorant of The Enemy and the Battle.

Richard was utterly unnerved by The Master, the man whose face he couldn’t see. The Master’s Dark Aura struck more terror in Richard than he had never known, not even in the war as a Marine. For the first time in his life, he literally stared Evil in the face and knew he wasn’t strong enough to fight it.

The Master observed the similarities between the two brothers. Richard’s features were strong, as was his body, which would make the entire affair more enjoyable and effective. The longer he lasted, the stronger the Blood Curse would be that would destroy Ken Habersham.

The Protector’s shoved Richard to his knees with his hands tied behind his back. He didn’t understand any of what was happening to him or why, but he knew beyond any doubt he was going to die.

Defiantly, he straightened his back, squaring his shoulders, and asked, “Who are you? What do you want with me?”

The Master knelt before him, running a sharp fingernail down the straight nose of Richard’s handsome face and along the square jawline of the retired Marine. The Master studied his features, so similar to Ken’s except worn with age. Richard was the older of the two, but even so, Ken Habersham stopped aging in 1989 and appeared much younger.

“I need your blood to destroy an Enemy. Your brother.”

“I don’t have a brother!”

“You do… My Servants have done well. You are the last survivor of your bloodline besides him, and with no remaining family, there can be no Cure. I am creating a vessel to deliver the Curse. It is strong, but no match for your brother. However, it will be strong enough to perform its task, in addition to causing considerable emotional torment to that bitch pet of theirs.

“They think themselves safe behind their Runes and Trees. It is an illusion! My Power on Earth knows no bounds. It was promised to me that I would rule over Mankind, and your brother stands in my way. With your blood, I will vanquish him, and The Order will topple.”

Richard, through the terror already filling him, felt another cold ball of fear. He had a brother, and somehow this guy, whoever or whatever he was, was going to use Richard to kill him! Fuck!

Richard did his best to glare back, even as his body trembled with fear in a physical reaction to the cold Darkness surrounding The Master. The black holes where his eyes should be grew larger and larger, sucking Richard into them. He lost consciousness quickly, his Mind overwhelmed.

“Take him and begin the preparations.”

“Yes, Master. The enchantments are ready, and Carlo Palladino’s corpse is ready to be reanimated. The Runes are carved on his bones and awaiting the beginning of the ritual.”

“We must be patient… It will take weeks to complete the process. Be sure Richard Yaeger does not expire too soon, or you will die with him.”

The ‘suit’ bowed his head in acquiescence and left to carry out his instructions.

The Master returned to his throne and smiled, his sharp crooked teeth pulled back in a smile underneath the Darkness covering his face. The sound of His harsh breathing filled the room. Additional reports told Him His servants were close to finding blood relatives of Richard Crawford and Kevin Ayers as well. The Master focused on the Bodies, knowing if he eliminated them first, the Mentalists of The Order would be weaker. They would still be formidable, but without the enhanced strength they received from their partners, it would be that much easier to defeat them.




There was one last loose end to tie up. Samuel Evander, the ‘suit’ who discovered Richard Yaeger, sent word to The Master that Yaeger was the last of Ken Habersham’s bloodline. The following day, after he already sent word, he discovered the possibility he was wrong. There might be one more!

Afraid to recant his last message and fail his Master, Samuel was determined to kill the mother if he found her and never speak of it. If the woman turned out not to be of the family blood, then he had nothing to worry about.

In another few days, Samuel found himself at Grace Living Center in Chickasha, Oklahoma. Gladys Hutchins was the woman he sought… She could be Ken Habersham’s mother. He decided he was going to kill her regardless for the trouble she caused him, keeping him in the backwater area in the middle of nowhere longer than he wished.




Gladys shared a room with Ruth Emmett. Both women were old and mostly bedridden. Gladys was the better off of the two and still managed to go for a short walk down the hallway each day to the cafeteria, but the short trip exhausted her, and she needed her walker. Gladys’s balance was poor after breaking her hip the year before. The hip pained her constantly; she was extremely arthritic; however, Gladys always had a smile on her aged face. She didn’t talk much, mostly living in memories and dreams. She often dreamed of the two sons she never knew, imagining them as strong, handsome, successful men.

Gladys dreamed of grandchildren that would one day show up and surprise her. Every night as she fell asleep, her smile would falter, and a tear fell down her cheek at the thoughts of her bittersweet memories and dreams.

Gladys hadn’t wanted to give up her two sons; the Judge took them away from her when they were infants, declaring her unfit to raise them. Her husband arranged it all to get back at her after she caught him having an affair and exposed him. He was a cruel man and died some years later in an oil rig accident in Texas where he worked. She never felt sorry for him; he took away the only things that ever meant anything to her. Her Mind broke along with her Heart when her sons were taken from her. It was a dark time in her life, and Gladys never fully recovered. She managed to live a modest life, but never married again, or had more children.

It took Gladys some time to get up and put her slippers on. Across the room, Ruth slept, lightly snoring. Ruth swore she didn’t snore, but she did. Gladys got along with her well, mostly because Ruth didn’t talk much either. They had lived in the room together for the last few years and looked out for one another, each taking comfort in the other. Neither of them ever had any visitors… until that day.

Gladys was in the hallway, slowly making her way to the cafeteria when Samuel entered the corridor leading to her room.

He read the Mind of the nurse behind the reception desk and found the room number he wanted. Confidently, Samuel strode down the hall towards room 238.




Room 238 was silent except for Ruth’s quiet snoring. A doctor’s chart hung at the foot of each bed containing their patient information. The Nurses came in to check on Gladys and Ruth periodically to make sure they took their medications and were comfortable.

Rachael, the Nurse on duty, came in and picked up both charts. Rachael noticed a bit of spittle running down Ruth’s chin and set the clipboards down on Gladys’s empty bed so she could wipe the corner of Ruth’s mouth.

As she picked up the charts, the sound of fluttering wings distracted her. Startled, Rachel glanced around, thinking a bird had somehow gotten into the room. It had happened before in the facility if windows were left open. Looking around, Rachael didn’t see anything, so she replaced the charts and left the room.

She didn’t realize, by chance or by fate, that she switched the charts of the two women when she put them back.

Samuel noticed Rachael leaving room 238 as he approached, and he caught the door before it swung closed. He glanced in and saw one bed empty.

Moving over, he lifted the chart at the foot of the empty bed. The name read, “Ruth Emmett.” He walked to the bedside of the sleeping elderly woman, whose chart read “Gladys Hutchins.”

He smiled in pleasure as he moved to the side of her bed. Grabbing a pillow, he covered her face. She barely struggled as her frail body went limp. Grace Living Center was an assisted living facility, not a hospital, so Ruth wasn’t attached to any monitors. She was elderly but in stable health for her age. No alarms went off to alert the Nurses of her condition.




Ruth lay asleep, Dreaming. In her Dream, she sat in a park in the sunshine with a warm, gentle breeze. The smell of an apple pie baking brought a smile to her careworn face. She remembered that smell from her childhood when her mother set the pies out of the oven to cool.

A white dove lighted on the bench beside her, cooing softly. It moved over and rubbed its soft, downy head against her hand.

I am with you, Ruth. Do not be afraid.

A sense of peace came over her. She realized she should have been confused, perhaps even scared, but she wasn’t. The feeling was so beautiful, like nothing she had felt before. Voices coming closer caught her attention, and her eyes widened in surprise when she saw her mother and father walking towards her, along with her sister and grandparents.

Ruth felt no panic or confusion at seeing family members that passed years ahead of her, just the gentle Voice of the Dove and the comfort of Uriel’s wings as he took her Home.




(** Beginning of Chapter **)


The car was silent as Brad drove. He and Ken were deep in one another’s Heart and Mind and Ken’s own heart ached for the pain Brad was going through.

They decided not to contact Tony’s brother Tad or get the body to him. Tad was already on the Enemy’s radar because of Tony, and if they approached him they were afraid he would become a direct target. Brad and Ken had Tony cremated, and Brad erased the memories of the employees once they had Tony’s ashes. The doctor was adamant Tony be cremated. They weren’t sure why, and Brad didn’t want to hear the answer at the time, although he had a good idea. Albrecht said he would perform a ceremony for Tony when they returned to the Lab that afternoon.

As they left the crematorium, the profundity that Brad held all that remained of a good friend and decent man in his hands hit him hard. Tony was now just a few pounds of ash, and the thought brought fresh tears.

Ken held Brad’s hand like he always did as they drove, but kept silent. He held Brad tightly in his Heart, comforting him and letting Brad lean on his solid presence. The love the two men shared was beyond intense and intimate and sometimes overwhelming in its intensity, and they ached inside over how strongly they felt for one another.

Ken occasionally glanced over, looking at Brad’s handsome profile as he drove, and saw the wetness in his eyes. Brad seemed okay the last few days, but cremating his friend brought the emotions back fresh and clear along with the image of Tony’s broken and tortured body.

Ken finally broke the silence when he quietly said, “I love you, B.”

Ken had already expressed how sorry he was to Brad, and it didn’t need to be repeated, but the verbal expression of his love started fresh tears. Ken reached over and used his thumb to wipe away a tear. It was a gentle caress of care and comfort.

Brad smiled wanly and said, “I’m sorry, Ken. I don’t mean to be a pansy.”

“Fuck that, B. He was a good friend.”

Brad pulled off the interstate and into the side parking lot of the Quick-Trip off Pleasantdale Road and I-285; the intersection was known to Atlanta residents as ‘Spaghetti Junction’ because of the looping on-ramps and off-ramps where I-85 and I-285 came together. He put the car in park and sat still with the engine running, staring at nothing, lost in thought.

Ken knew what Brad was going through. They used to go through it more often when they were active duty in the Navy. Losing a friend was never easy, but what happened to Tony was monstrous. The Master took a personal interest in Tony’s torture, killing him in front of them to make a point. They managed to save Tony’s Soul, and while that was a comfort, it didn’t make his absence in their lives any less painful.

Ken’s Ph.D. in Brad Wilson was in full effect. Leaning over, Ken put his arm around Brad’s shoulder and pulled him into a hug, as close as the car seats allowed. Brad rested his head on Ken’s shoulder and breathed in the familiar scent of his lover. The warm solidity of Ken’s body gave him strength just by his physical presence.

Ken didn’t want the sorrow in Brad to have any more time to take root. Brad needed an outlet, just like Darren did after his torture in Thomin’s Vault. It wasn’t as severe, but the situation was basically the same.

Ken glanced at the fuel gauge, noting it was below half a tank.

“Hey B, pull over to a pump and let’s fill up while we’re here.”

Brad pulled the Explorer over, and Ken got out to pump the gas, asking, “You want somethin’ ‘ta drink while we’re here?”

“Sure, what do you want?”

“Well, I’m kinda hungry too… how about one of those little packs of white powdered donuts and a Dr. Pepper?”

Brad glanced up and saw the little kid grin on Ken’s face that always melted him, and he had to smile back.

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah… get a pack for each of us, and whatever you wanna drink.”

Brad intuitively knew Ken was up to something but didn’t delve into his Mind to look. He learned shortly after their first Awakening not to continually read Ken’s Mind. They rested in each other nearly all the time but feeling each other’s presence was different than reading thoughts.

They still needed to do things for one another as friends and lovers which the other didn’t need to know about beforehand. It ruined the surprise of being spontaneous. Brad was aware that whatever it was, Ken was doing it out of love. It made him love Ken even more, and he couldn’t wait for them to get married now that the plans were in motion.

Brad went inside, got the donuts and drinks, and paid for the gas. Quick-Trip was busy, and the line at the counter long. The Mega-Millions jackpot was near a record high, and people were buying lottery tickets in droves. Brad kept his Shields tight, not wanting any of their ‘fucked-upness’ to bleed through, especially with what he was currently going through. Feeling and hearing their hopes of winning the lottery and knowing they were basically futile, wasn’t something he wanted to take on at the moment. He felt guilty for his thoughts; he was supposed to love and care for them, but he had to take care of himself first for a change.

By the time Brad finished, Ken was parked and waiting for him. Brad climbed in the passenger side and settled in.

Ken grinned as he opened his donuts and popped a whole one in his mouth, moaning in pleasure as his eyes rolled up.

“Ohhhhh Ffuuuucchhhhkkkkk! I haven’t had one of these in years.”

Brad enjoyed watching Ken get so much pleasure from the donut that he hadn’t started to open his yet. Ken had some white powder on the edge of his bottom lip, and he looked over and grinned at Brad, giving him a wink as he chewed. Brad watched the muscles in Ken’s jaw and temples move as he chewed and his neck thicken when he swallowed.

Brad was determined not to cry again, and Ken’s goofy behavior got him to laugh.

“Fuck, I love you, Ken. Thanks.”

“Don’t thank me yet. Eat your donuts lover boy; you’re gonna need the energy.”

Brad raised his eyebrows questioningly but kept quiet and did as he was told.

Ken pulled out, merging on to I-85 North, and traffic was heavy but not horrible.

Brad popped one of the small donuts in his mouth and chuckled as the sugar dissolved on his tongue.

“Oh my God…these are so good. If we weren’t already Immortal, I bet we’d have enough preservatives in our bodies from these to last a few extra decades. There’s nothing healthy about them, but damn they taste good. Good call.”

“Does that fall under the category of ‘I’m right’?”

“No… it just means you like shitty food that tastes good.”

Ken put his hand over his heart and affected a hurt tone, “Oh man B, that hurts. No dick for you tonight.”

Brad kept up the banter.

“Yeah, like that’s going to happen. You know you’ll cave before I do. Ken Junior will be in full control by bedtime.”

“Am I really that shallow?”

“You aren’t, but Ken Junior is. Well, he’s not shallow… He’s nice and thick and long and hard, with a bit of a curve and a perfect head… just like I like.”

Ken looked over and Brad winked at him, knowing the effect his words would have.

“I think you got some crumbs on your shorts; I’d better check!”

Brad reached over and cupped Ken’s crotch as he drove and sure enough Ken was already half hard. Ken widened his muscled thighs to give Brad’s hand better access.

Ken’s plan worked perfectly, and he kept the conversation light and distracting, wanting to take Brad’s Mind off of Tony, at least for a few minutes. Brad was focused on feeling Ken up and wasn’t paying attention to where Ken was taking them.

He unzipped Ken’s shorts, freeing his hardening member, and took the head in his mouth. Ken’s hand moved to the back of Brad’s head, gently holding him down as Ken made mini-thrusts with his hips.

When Brad finally looked up, he realized they were heading away from the Lab.

Brad was pretty sure he knew the answer to his question but asked anyway.

“Ken, where are we going?”

“You’ll see in a minute. Trust me, B. You need this. But first, you need ‘ta finish what you started. You almost got me there.”

A few minutes later Ken pulled into the shopping center where Tony’s Gym resided. He parked the Explorer, and once he no longer had to focus on driving, let himself go.

Brad knew his lover like a book and read the signs of Ken’s impending orgasm. He used his throat and tongue until Ken couldn’t stand the pleasure anymore and started shooting. Brad didn’t taste Ken’s load at first but felt the immediate rush of Power as fresh strength flooded his Body.

He slowed his movements, continuing to milk Ken until he finished. He loved keeping just the head in his mouth to taste his lover’s seed and caress the perfect head with his tongue.

Ken chuckled, “Fuck B, it’s been a while since we’ve done anything like that. That was hot.”

He helped Brad into a sitting position, and when they kissed briefly, Ken tasted himself in Brad’s mouth.

He grimaced and said, “I need to drink more pineapple juice! I’ll return the favor as soon as we get home.”

Brad just smiled.

Ken sent a private thought to Kevin back at the Lab.

Hey, Kev?

Yeah, Ken?

I’m with B, and we’re at Tony’s gym. Alert everybody and be on standby in case we need backup.

Ken felt Kevin’s ‘what the fuck’ reaction, but Kevin didn’t say anything. He was a soldier and knew immediately it wasn’t the time to question Ken.

We got your backs if you need us.

Thanks, Kev. B needs…

Kevin cut him off: No need to explain Ken. I get it.

He felt Kevin’s full support and realization of what Ken planned. Kevin was Ken’s oldest friend and knew him well. Kevin gave him the equivalent of a shoulder squeeze in his Mind.

We’re with you; both of you. I think you’re right… Brad needs closure.

Kevin brought Bill into what was happening. Bill Listened and Kevin pulled from the Tree, and before Brad and Ken made it to the front door of the gym, the presence of the rest of the Team entered their Link. It wasn’t intrusive, but everyone was there to support Brad, ready to do whatever was needed.




Morgan sat in the small office in the back of the gym tallying the books for the week. Membership sales were up as well as scheduled time with personal trainers. His men were recruiting more and more regulars into the gym, and many showed promise. The Master was pressing them to recruit more men after everyone heard what had happened in Australia a few months ago. Nearly three hundred dead in seconds, and only two of The Order were there.

Len and Shannon were working the floor with clients. Morgan had half an hour before his next appointment, so he grabbed the deposit bag, planning a quick trip to the bank.

Morgan was about to tell Len he’d be right back when a searing pain shot through his Mind and he suddenly couldn’t move. The front door chimed, and his stomach clenched when he recognized Habersham and Wilson. Morgan struggled, his muscled physique straining, but he couldn’t move. He didn’t understand why he wasn’t already dead. The triggers in his Mind should have gone off the second he was controlled.

Everyone in the gym, including clients, seemed frozen in place. Anyone holding a weight set it down carefully and then stood motionless.

Brad sent a Compulsion to the normals that their workouts were finished and it was time to go home. He easily held the three Protectors and rooted out the deep-seated lethal triggers in their Minds.

Henry taught Brad and the other Mentalists the various types and strengths of Mental triggers The Enemy used on their Servants. Brad wasn’t gentle, smashing them and letting the Protectors feel the pain.

Once the clients were gone, Ken closed the door and turned the bolt, locking the door. He pulled the small chain to turn off the neon ‘Open’ sign and lowered the blinds.

Morgan tried to talk, but Brad wouldn’t let him, keeping total control over the three of them. For the moment, they were on their own with no ‘suit’ to back them up. They were immobile, unable to move a muscle, and couldn’t talk. Brad’s Shields wrapped tightly around their Minds, burning them.

Brad moved over and stood in front of Morgan, staring at him. After a minute, he broke his silence, “I want you to answer one question for me, and know I can tell if you’re lying. Was the only reason you took this gym from Tony and destroyed his life to get at me?”

Brad released Morgan enough so he could talk.

“I’m not telling you shit, Wilson.”


Brad wasn’t surprised to see hatred in Morgan’s eyes, though he was slightly surprised to see no fear. He didn’t understand their loyalty to The Master. He walked up and touched Morgan’s forehead right between his eyes, Reading him. The part of his Avatar that came from Bill laid bare everything there was to know about Morgan in an instant; his entire life from his conception to the present moment. It made Brad sick to his stomach, but he didn’t flinch. Ken felt his reaction through their Link.

I’m with you, B.

Brad moved over and touched Len and Shannon as well. All three men were willing, obedient Servants of The Enemy, their lives abhorrent. Morgan had been present during much of Tony’s torture at the hands of Clint Berenger and took great pleasure in watching Tony writhe in agony while he laughed at Tony’s screams.

Brad’s eyes reddened, and he tensed as he saw Tony being mutilated and broken, even having his eyes burned out of their sockets. His Soul groaned at what he saw, but the words of the mysterious Voice came to him.

He is at Peace.

Brad learned everything about their plans for Tony from the very start; financially squeezing him out of his own business, damaging his arm so he could no longer work out, and emptying his bank account. Everything was there, and all for the simple act of getting to Brad because Tony was a friend.

He also learned the location and business structure of the other gyms where they were recruiting.

I’m sure The Master knows we’re here Ken. There’s a video feed from the security cameras here to a central location in Norcross.

Yeah, I expected that. The guys are with us, B. This first one is for you, but I told Him a while back we’re goin’ on the offense. In the next few weeks, he won’t have any employees left in any of the gyms around Atlanta. We’re shuttin’ this operation down and any others like it. We’ll cut off the flow of their ‘recruits.’ He’ll have to stop killin’ his followers, or between Him and us, he won’t have any left.

Brad burned with anger. The lid he kept on his temper was about to blow, and Ken felt it. He released his hold on the three Protectors.

“This isn’t fair for you, but I’m not going to use any Mental tricks. I want you to fight me, and I’m going to give you the same chance you gave Tony.”

Morgan glanced at Ken, who stood just inside the door with his big arms crossed over his chest. Morgan was impressed with Ken’s physique. Brad’s too, for that matter. He knew they were strong.

Brad noticed Morgan look at Ken and said, “He’s not going to interfere. It will be the three of you against me. I want you to hit me with everything you have.”

Ken smiled and said, “My boyfriend is about to kick your collective asses. I’m just here to enjoy the show.”

Morgan heard the rumors of how powerful the new Warriors of The Order were and knew he was dead, but he was loyal to The Master even unto death. He would lay down his life for even the slightest chance to take out The Master’s foes or hurt them in the process.

Brad was freshly amped up from the blowjob he gave Ken on the drive over. He smiled inside, knowing Ken planned that. Opening his core energy center, red fire licked his body, oxygenating his muscles. They practiced that technique in their training to prepare quickly for a fight. His skin glowed with a fine sheen of sweat that popped out over his flawless tanned skin as his body instantly warmed up.

His t-shirt tightened across his torso and biceps as his muscles swelled. He took a defensive posture, his fists raised. His arms were steel beams of corded muscle, but he had a fluidity about his posture and stance. Brad was amazingly flexible for such a big man. The three Protectors rushed him, and knowing they were going to die, did what he asked and threw everything they had at him, wanting to hurt him as much as possible in homage to their Master. They pledged their Souls to Darkness when The Master Transformed them and were loyal to Him even in death.

Brad slowed his perception of Time, watching his assailants’ approach. He didn’t pull from Ken or his Brothers, instead drawing from the well of anger within him. The Protectors bodies were hard-packed muscle, but they didn’t have the muscle or bone density Ken or the other Bodies did, and Brad was used to sparring with them.

Albrecht’s training was apparent, as well as elements of the Kata, The Quintessential Dance, that Michael taught Ken. Ken watched Brad’s form, and he was perfection in motion, beautiful to watch. The extreme amount of time spent in training prepared him for just such a moment, and Ken had the utmost confidence in Brad’s fighting skills. Ken was also so hot for Brad he could hardly stand it. Watching Brad when he was fired up did something to Ken’s libido he was powerless against.

Brad knew the fight was supposed to be about Justice but admitted to himself there was a smattering of revenge on his part. He was striking back at the Enemy for what they did to an innocent man and a good friend. Ken was right, he needed to hit back, and he hit back hard.

In the first flurry of attacks, the Protectors didn’t land a single blow, but in defending himself, Brad broke Shannon’s left arm and Len’s right leg. He saved Morgan for last because he knew Morgan had been present and a participant in Tony’s torture.

Protectors don’t feel pain like normal men, so their broken bones slowed them down and reduced their effectiveness but didn’t debilitate them.

It was apparent to Ken the Protectors were picking up their game. The three men were much better fighters than most of the Protectors the Team previously encountered. However, Brad was a fully trained Navy SEAL, an Original Man, half Nephilim, and the grandson of Raphael the Archangel. They didn’t stand a chance.

While they tried to keep Brad on the defensive, he whittled away at them, following every defensive move with a devastating offensive Kumite technique. Brad stayed true to his word, not teleporting or controlling their Minds. His muscle and skill were the only weapons he used. Oddly his Mind drifted back to the time Hampton and his ‘goon squad’ hit him with a folded metal chair and beat the shit out of him.

The Protectors exhibited the same mob mentality as Hampton and his buddies. In another minute, Len and Shannon were on the floor, unable to continue, their legs and arms broken so badly they could no longer stand and fight.

Morgan realized Brad was holding back on him. Len and Shannon were weak and failed The Master. In Morgan’s mind, they deserved what happened to them. Morgan knew the cameras were monitored, and by now The Master should have been notified of what Wilson and Habersham were up to. He had to hold Wilson off for just a few more minutes.

Morgan leapt back, flipping over two rows of weight benches, and grabbed an Olympic weight bar off one of the flat benches. A standard men’s Olympic bar weighs 25 Kg, but he wielded it like a toothpick.

Ken watched intently, objectively observing his fighting style and seeing a slightly modified version of Tae Kwon Do and Jiu-Jitsu. Morgan attempted to use the Olympic bar like a Bo Stick. He had a modicum of skill, but Ken wasn’t worried.

Brad and Ken both knew Morgan was stalling. Brad Read him and knew what would happen as soon as The Master was alerted to their presence.

Brad didn’t bother using another Olympic bar as a weapon; he could have beaten Morgan in a matter of seconds that way as well. Instead, Brad toyed with him, wanting whatever was going to happen to unfold.

In less than a minute, the Presence of The Master entered the gym. Morgan’s eyes turned jet black, and he smiled as his face took on a slightly different appearance and his body posture altered as he was possessed,

Morgan’s last thought as The Master consumed his Mind and Soul was: My life for you! He knew The Master would devour him in his possession. He expected it, making himself a vessel, reveling in euphoria and completion.

Brad tightened his Shields over Ken and himself as The Master’s Dark presence fill the room.

Brad smiled grimly and said, “Took you long enough.”

The Master’s black eyes darted around the room, taking in the condition of Len and Shannon, and noting Ken standing off to the side.

He directed his gaze back to Brad and smiled, “You are still in pain. You are weak.”

The Master's deep guttural voice echoed through Morgan’s.

“And you are so predictable and melodramatic.”

Brad was waiting for The Master to take the Souls of Len and Shannon. Sure enough, when his eyes darted to the two men, his Black Aura began leeching towards them.

“Nope. Not going to happen, Sasquatch.”

Brad’s Shields flared, surrounding Len and Shannon. His Light burned into them and their bodies arched as they screamed in pain. Brad’s Avatar glowed brightly as his Power clashed with The Master’s.

Brad had thought a lot about Henry and Drew since their last encounter with The Master and how Henry survived The Master’s full-on assault. Henry was strong, and though he didn’t have their Angelic bloodline, he somehow found the strength to protect Drew because he had to.

Brad realized it was another form of Love. Henry loved Drew more than he ever thought he could. Henry’s heart had grown with Drew in his life and the support of all his Brothers. As always, Love, Unconditional Love, was the heart of their strength at the moment, and it had been Henry’s love as a father that gave him the strength to defend his son.

Brad delved into Ken, who stood a few feet away watching everything, ready to intervene if necessary. He didn’t pull from Ken; rather, he basked in the Love the two of them shared along with the Presence of Henry and his Brothers back in the Lab. He saw them in his Mind’s Eye, surrounding him, holding hands and forming a Circle of Protection around him.

Brad breathed in their Love along with Ken’s, and it filled him up as nothing else could.

The Master’s Dark Aura hit the Wall around Len and Shannon, and he couldn’t break it. If he had been physically present he might have been able to, but The Master wasn’t present; he’d possessed a Servant and the vessel he inhabited limited his Power.

The Master’s temper flared; he was not used to being prevented in anything he wished. He watched as the two Protectors on the floor burned up slowly and painfully, their bodies turned to ash by the White Light of Brad’s Shields.

The Master bellowed his rage, and a Black Talon flew from his hands, striking Brad’s Shields. Brad was prepared, but the blow was sharp. His Avatar glowed brightly in response, spitting off arcs of color, and his form shone Whiter in response to the attack.

At first, it seemed a stalemate with Brad’s Avatar making him equal to the task. It wasn’t easy, but he defended himself. His Mind continued thinking and processing, and Brad realized he got no satisfaction from Len’s and Shannon’s deaths. They weren’t directly responsible for Tony’s fate, even if they contributed to it. No, the culprit was The Master who was present by proxy, possessing one of his Servants.

Brad wanted to make The Master feel the sting of his actions. He knew The Master was supremely confident in his ability to defeat The Order, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t feel pain, and if that was all Brad could do then that’s what he would strive for.

Brad dug deep, and his own White Talon formed as ribbons of energy arced from his hands, directed at the Black Talon trying to consume him.

Brad’s unconscious Mind immediately sent him a message that his approach was all wrong. Everything the doctor taught him about the motives and intentions of The Order flashed through his Mind. He was acting out of revenge and anger, wanting to strike back and cause hurt. That wasn’t their way, that was The Enemy’s way.

Images of Tony’s tortured, eyeless body, reaching helplessly out to Brad only a few nights before stuck in his Mind, and he couldn’t get past his pain over what was done to Tony because of him. He desperately wanted to strike back, hoping to make the hurt go away.

Suddenly, Uriel appeared to collect the Souls of Len and Shannon. Time paused for a brief moment as the Archangel of Death swept the two Souls into his black raven wings.

I have a gift for you from Raphael.

Raising a palm in Brad’s direction, a small glowing orb appeared in Uriel’s hand. It looked like a memory sphere, but it was golden rather than blue, like a snowflake, crystalline and intricate in its beauty and complexity. It darted across the space between them, absorbing into Brad’s body.

Brad’s eyes flew wide in surprise as an image of Tony filled his Mind. Raphael was with him, and Tony was surrounded by people he seemed to know. There was no sound, and the Light was so bright Brad couldn’t make out anything around them or see where they were.

Tony looked directly at Brad, smiling with his goofy lopsided grin and gave Brad a thumbs-up, mouthing the words “I’m good!”

His face became more serious, and he mouthed solemnly, “Thanks, Brad. Love you, brother!”

Raphael smiled, and with his hand on Tony’s shoulder, looking directly at Brad, the image faded.

Relief flooded through Brad like a river breaking and he started to sob. Tony was in Heaven, happy and safe. Brad knew that was the case, but Raphael showed him the reality and left no room for doubt that Tony was content, whole, and at Peace like the Voice said.

His earthly suffering prepared him to be here, Brad. He is happy with his loved ones. What happened to him was monstrous, but not your fault. Tony holds no anger or resentment towards you. He is happy and wants you to know he is Home. Let your anger and your hate go; they weaken you.

The image of Tony, along with Raphael’s words, freed Brad from his anger and the hatred he harbored towards The Master. His Light shone brighter, and his White Talon broke through, grabbing Morgan’s possessed body.

The Master fled, leaving his vessel, knowing his servant’s body wouldn’t allow him to channel the Power necessary to destroy Brad, and Morgan’s body burned to ash in seconds.

Silence fell in the gym. Brad stood, his chest heaving, drenched in sweat, with hot tears in his bloodshot eyes.

Ken moved over to him immediately.

B? Are you alright?

Brad’s eyes were wide with emotions, but he was okay.

Wrapping his big arms around his lover, Ken held him, while Brad absorbed and processed everything that happened.

His Brothers gave him a tight mental hug and lessened their Presence but kept the Link active, not wanting to intrude on the privacy between the two men.

Brad turned in Ken’s arms and pulled their bodies tightly together, pushing his face into the crux of Ken’s thick neck and shoulder. He was still trembling, and Ken soothingly ran his hands up and down Brad’s back.

I love you, B. You were awesome. I never had any doubt you could handle it.

I love you, Ken. Thanks. I’m good.

Darren’s voice entered Ken’s Mind.

Hey, Ken?

Yeah, Dar?

Sorry to intrude, but there’s something the doc needs you to do really quick before you leave. Hold out your hand.

Ken held his hand out, and a USB flash drive appeared, dropping into his open palm.

Plug that into the PC in the office. It’s time for a little virus action in their system.

Ken took the flash drive, and seconds after he plugged it in the PC rebooted. The computer booted up fast. Apparently, the Enemy didn’t skimp when it came to having state of the art PCs.

The doctor’s presence entered the Link.

It should be finished any moment now. I have wanted to try this for some time, but as busy as everyone has been the opportunity has not presented itself before now. Well done, my boys.

In a private Link, the doctor’s voice entered Brad’s Mind.

Bradford, are you alright? Kevin sounded worried when he called to me.

I’m alright now, doc, thanks for asking. I realized a long time ago, Ken knows me better than I know myself. Today he put me in a position to learn something about myself. He put me on the path, knowing it would stick if I figured it out on my own rather than him telling me.

The doctor chuckled, surprising Brad.

Yes, Albrecht is the same with me. You would think after all these years I would know myself well, but he manages to teach me more about myself every day than I care to admit.

Thanks for sharing that, doc. He paused and grinned.

I guess we’re both lucky men. All of us are.

Yes, my boy. I count myself the luckiest. I have Albrecht and all of you, and now Henry and Drew.

I still don’t know how you put up with us all those years, doc. How you ever found the patience is beyond me.

It is quite simple, really. Albrecht taught me a valuable lesson about patience shortly after we met. I was quite uptight before then.

I can’t imagine you being uptight sir. What did he teach you?

He taught me how to fish.

You’re pulling my leg!

No, my boy! Not at all. I still hold memories of our time together right after we met, floating on a raft in a small pond waiting for catfish to bite. Nearly a century later, I discovered there were no fish in that pond. Albrecht wanted to teach me how to slow down and not be so uptight about life and what I could not control. If I find myself being impatient, I go back to that time with him, floating on the water in the hot sun, quiet and peaceful, and my troubles never seem as heavy.

Brad paused briefly, deep in thought, and his mental voice sounded quiet as he finally asked: Doc, am I being selfish?

No, Bradford. You miss your friend. Your grief is real and painful. You are not being selfish.

I mean, I know now beyond any doubt Tony is fine and in Heaven, but I still feel sad, and there’s a hole in my life. I’m happy for him. He can’t be hurt ever again, but he should still be here living his life, finding a wife, having kids, and growing old. I feel like something good was stolen. I would have been friends with him through all of that and been a part of it, and now it’s gone.

It was taken from you both. The pain never lessens, and if it ever does, that is the day you should be worried. It is the price we pay for who and what we are and our role in the Battle. Even though it sounds cliché, I will say it anyway; time softens the pain, but it never goes away. You are Immortal and will outlive any human friends you have, but you should never let that shy you away from having close friends outside your Brothers.

Thanks, doc.

The PC dinged, and a small window popped up telling Ken to eject the flash drive. He pulled it out and stuck it in his pocket.

He knew Brad was talking to the doc, so he came up behind him and put his arm across the front of Brad’s upper chest, pulling his head back gently and kissing him on the forehead.

He smiled, and Brad felt the familiar warmth run through him, as much from Ken’s smile as from his lover’s arm around him.

“You good to go, B?”

“Yeah, let’s head back. We still need to have the ceremony for Tony.”

“I’m proud of you, Brad.”

“For what?”

“For today. Bein’ you. For kickin’ The Master’s ass, and figurin’ things out. You made me so hot for you; I can hardly stand it.”

Brad grinned and said, “See, I told you Ken Jr. would be in control before bedtime.”

Ken threw back his head and laughed.

“You fucker. Let’s get outta here.”

Ken took Brad’s hand, pulling him up, and they walked hand in hand back to the Explorer.




Tony’s ceremony was short but sincere. Albrecht had a way about him; he was so utterly confident, yet peacefully serene at the same time. Even though he never met Tony in person, everything he said was significant. Albrecht had fought The Enemy for thousands of years and performed the ceremony countless times and knew how to honor those who fell in Battle. Brad shared his memories of Tony with Albrecht earlier, and he used the information in a profoundly meaningful way, giving Brad closure over Tony’s absence in his life.

Brad shed no more tears, but Ken kept his arm around his shoulder, holding him through it all. Everyone was present for the ceremony, including Drew. Henry thought it would be good for Drew to attend and he stayed in Brad’s arms most of the time, instinctively wanting to comfort him.

Bryan mentioned he wanted to take Tony’s ashes to the Valley and scatter them over the roots of the Tree. His comment did get a tear out of Brad, and he hugged Bryan hard and tight, loving his Brother and the gesture of compassion for his grief.

The next few days leading up to New Year’s Eve were quiet, and Sally planned a party for anyone who would be in the Lab that night. The guys drew straws for who would be in Australia to celebrate that evening since they were across the International Date Line.

Bryan and Lane got the duty, and after pulling some clothes together, Darren synchronized their Avatars and sent the two men across the planet and into the safe spot of the Australian Lab.




New Year’s Eve was a blast for everyone. Drew wanted so badly to stay up for the countdown with Henry and his uncles, but he drifted off shortly after 2300. Henry took him to their room and put him to bed but decided to wake him up just before midnight.

Sally cornered Henry, whispering in his ear that after midnight, she wanted to celebrate the New Year between the two of them, and Henry was half hard the entire night thinking about it.

The guys were aware of his excitement through their Link but only gave him a little ribbing because they were all anxious to get back to their own beds and do the same thing. It didn’t stop any them from hanging shit on one another in fun, though.

Laughing, Ken said, “Yeah, Henry, B’s gonna help me with my countdown in a little while.”

Kelly and the young soldiers in Australia made a Skype call to everyone. Kelly looked like she was ready to pop. Albrecht was keeping a close eye on her, and the guys were on pins and needles waiting for her baby to come. Kelly had slowly grown on all of them as she came out of her shell. She still had some rough edges to her, but she finally believed they all cared about her; it just took her a while to trust them.

Once again, the doctor was a miracle worker. Initially, Darren had serious concerns about Kelly’s ability to be a mom when he rescued her, especially with the infant’s Mind already Open. Everyone helped with Kelly, but Darren had a soft spot in his heart for her and her unborn child, and he was the one who most often checked up on her and kept her in good health.

Craig positioned the camera in the kitchen for the Skype call so everyone in Atlanta could see the brunch spread Rich and Bryan put together for the Australian crowd. It was just after lunchtime on New Year’s Day in Uluru, Australia.

At one point on the call, Lane said, “Me and Bry should come over here every year. We’re a day ahead of all you sissies now. If we do this often enough, we’ll be the oldest and get more respect.”

Bryan rolled his eyes, shaking his head, and said, “God, I love my nerd.”

Everyone milked Lane’s comment dry with jokes until tears ran down a few of their faces from laughing so hard.

Craig left the call open until just after midnight in Atlanta so they could do the second countdown.

Henry woke Drew and came out of their room, holding a very sleepy little boy. Henry gave Ken a nod about the champagne, so Ken poured a tiny amount in Drew’s favorite cup and gave it to him.

“Here ‘ya go, Drewster. You get ‘ta celebrate with the big boys tonight. Just a sip, and it’s gonna taste awful, but you gotta do it.”

Sure enough, Drew scrunched his face in a horrible expression and everybody laughed.

Ken whispered in his ear, “I hate it too, buddy, but it’s a tradition. You did great! Now for the good stuff!”

Ken had another cup filled with grape juice and gave it to him instead.

Drew was passed around for goodnight hugs and shortly after the countdown, everyone went their separate ways. Loy and Ricky stayed in the Lab, Bryan and Lane were in Australia, so Ken, Brad, Kevin, Bill, Pat, and Darren all got to sleep in their own beds that night.




The next morning Henry woke early. Ken had called off training, but Henry was still in the habit of waking up at 0600. He went to piss and then made his usual stop in the small exam room a few doors down from the room he and Drew shared.

He pulled his underwear off and lay down on the table, ready to do his tantric exercise. He was still boned up from his night with Sally. He jumped, startled when the door opened as Sally snuck in. She looked tired but had a smile on her face.

“I’m glad I caught you before you started. I want to learn to help you with that.”

Henry grinned and spread his thighs to give her full access to his erection.

“The grip’s a little tricky, but I’m sure with a bit of practice you’ll get it down. Just don’t be afraid to squeeze too hard.”

She grinned back, “Practice makes perfect, right? But after I get it right, I’ll want a few rounds with you before breakfast. Sorry, but I’m really horny this morning.”

“No need to apologize, Sal. You know me well enough by now to know I’m a ‘morning’ man and ready to help you out anytime you need me to.”

“I’m glad we can do this, Henry. I’m going to miss this when we eventually have to stop, but until then, this thing between your legs is mine.”

He laughed but caught his breath when her hand wrapped around him and went to work. Her hands looked small against the size of him, and they were soft and cool against his hot flesh.

Sally had nice hands, and she mastered the technique quickly. She got him off once and was amazed to see how his body reacted as it absorbed the backwash of semen. Henry’s whole body flexed, turning beet red, and he broke out into a light sweat. Seeing his reaction turned her on even more.

Henry spent the next few hours satisfying both of them while Drew slept on in their room.




As soon as Ken and Brad walked into their kitchen, Ken set the house in ‘vault’ mode. They hadn’t left any lights on, so the only illumination was the light under the microwave.

“I’ll be right back, B. Gotta take a leak.”

Brad opened the refrigerator and took out a small bottle of water. He smiled as he opened it; Lane called the half-sized bottles ‘Hobbit’ water.

As he opened it, his eyes went to the security console by the door. Moving over he stared at it, knowing what was there if he could bring himself to look. As he sipped his water, he listened to Ken’s steady stream hitting the water in the toilet all the way from the kitchen. The corner of his mouth rose slightly.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with the water pressure in my man; he pisses like a stallion.

Brad’s thoughts turned melancholy as he looked at the console. Setting his water down, he pulled up the log files for the last two months. Most of the time they had been out of the house, either on Lab duty in Atlanta or Australia, or on ZEUS, or at the Orphanage with Bill and Kevin. The house was a wreck, and he made a mental note to make time to clean it up in the next few days. His Mind kept drifting from the task at hand, which told him he was still unsure about wanting to look.

He knew what was there, and his eyes misted at the thought. Sighing, he opened the logs, and a list of alerts filled the screen where various people had knocked on the front door. The camera activated via motion sensor when someone came within range, so there was a video clip associated with each alert.

He hesitated again but knew he had to see. Ken came up behind him. He could be deathly quiet when he wanted to be, but Brad felt his body heat and Presence through their connection. Ken was shirtless, and Brad noted his distinct scent. Ken wrapped his big arms around Brad from behind and rested his chin on Brad’s shoulder, pressing their cheeks together. He hugged them close and swayed them back and forth gently.

Ken figured out immediately what Brad was doing, and he asked quietly, “Are you sure you wanna see this, B?”

“I think I need to Ken. I’m not sure why, but I do.”

“I don’t like you beatin’ yourself up over this.”

“I’m not. After Raphael showed me Tony, I’m okay with it all, and I talked with the doc earlier today. Fuck Ken, the doc’s such a good man. I think sometimes we take him for granted, and I don’t like that.”

As they talked, Brad scanned through the video clips, seeing where Tony stopped by the house several times. The more recent the time stamp, the more severe his expression. In the last few, he seemed nervous and kept glancing over his shoulder.

Finally, there were no more, and Brad erased them. He had a perfect memory, and there was no need to save the files.

“Let’s go to bed, B.”

Ken lowered his arms and took Brad by the hand, leading him back to their bedroom in the dark.

Brad had been practicing the spatial awareness technique Darren used to locate Luke, and even though Ken guided him, he was completely aware of the bed and the furniture and maneuvered easily in the darkness.

When they got to the bedroom, Ken started undressing him. Brad lifted his arms and Ken pulled his t-shirt off. As he lowered them, one of Ken’s arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him close while his other hand went to Brad’s chest, gently kneading and clawing his left pec.

“Fuck B, you’re so hot. I love you so fuckin much.”

Ken took one of Brad’s hands and placed it on his crotch so Brad could feel how hard he was.

Brad’s fingers gripped the clear outline of Ken’s erection through his shorts, running his fingers up and down his length. He felt the warm wet spot at the tip.

“That’s how much I love you, B.”

Brad chuckled and whispered in his ear, “Only that much?”

Ken chuckled back, “You fucker. I’m so hard for you, I can hardly stand it, but tonight’s about you. I don’t want sex; I wanna love you. I wanna love the rest of the hurt outta you.”

Ken’s throat tightened as he let his emotions loose.

“You’re such an amazin’ man, Brad. I mean it. I know I tell you I love you all the time, and I know you can feel it, but I don’t say the other things often enough. You’re so fuckin’ brave and kind, and compassionate. You’re everythin’ I ever imagined in a husband and more; so much more.”

Brad teared up at Ken’s words. He didn’t need to hear them; he and Ken were secure in their relationship and feelings for one another, but validation never hurt.

“Thanks, Ken. You know I feel the same way. I can’t believe how lucky I am to be with you. You’re the man of my dreams, but you’re real. I can touch you, and smell you, and feel you.”

Brad gently kneaded the big balls of Ken’s shoulders as he spoke, feeling the warm, soft skin over hard muscle.

As they professed their feelings for one another, Brad pulled their Souls together, and in the Spiritual Realm their Light shone brightly. Ken wrapped their bodies together, needing to feel them pressed against one another, chest to chest, muscle against muscle. They hugged in their signature position with their chins resting on each other's neck and shoulder.

Brad concentrated, and their shorts disappeared. Their erections, now free, lined up perfectly and Ken gently thrust his hips, grinding them together. Brad used his Mind to pull their foreskins back, exposing their leaking heads and soon both their shafts were slick with precum.

“I don’t think I can hold off, B. You feel too good against me.”

The thought of Ken being so turned on he was about to shoot hands-free triggered Brad’s impending orgasm. He struggled to hold off a few more seconds so they could cum together.

Their bodies tensed at the same moment, and Ken activated their physical bond the instant they started to shoot, and the overpowering sensations of both orgasms gripped them as their seed spurted between their tight stomachs.

Both men were sweating slightly and didn’t move, holding onto one another tightly through their orgasm. Ken’s hips continued gently thrusting until they stopped shooting.

They both moaned, “Ohhhhh fuckkkk,” at the same time, causing them to smile and laugh.

Ken turned Brad around, lowered him to the bed, and crawled over him. Brad turned on the small lamp beside the bed; he wanted to see Ken over him, take in the sight of him, and lose himself in the emerald green windows to Ken’s Soul. Ken’s eyes were ringed with Brad’s crystal blue at the moment, another expression of their perfect blending.

Ken held himself up with one arm, and he placed his other hand on Brad’s chest. He left it there for a moment, feeling Brad’s strong, steady heartbeat. With his enhanced senses, Ken felt Brad’s heartbeat in his hand, and through their physical bond, Brad felt it too, and what it did to Ken.

Ken’s hand eventually trailed down and across Brad’s tight body, using a feather-light touch. He ran his fingers through the cum trapped in the hair covering Brad’s stomach, intending to use it as lube. His slick fingertips grazed down Brad’s still hard shaft and over his balls, continuing lower until he cupped his hand down and around to find Brad’s opening.

Ken gently rubbed a finger for a moment, seeing and feeling the reaction in Brad’s body, and then started to ease his finger in and out. Both of them flushed with excitement, and fresh sweat broke out over their muscled bodies.

Ken’s finger went deeper and found Brad’s prostate, and he grinned when Brad’s eyes rolled back in his head. He spent a long time gently massaging the gland; he was an expert at pleasuring his lover after nearly twenty-five years together.

Ken wanted to take Brad to another place, to immerse him so fully in the Love he felt for his soon-to-be-husband that nothing else existed while they were together.

When he felt the time was right, Ken lifted Brad’s legs onto his shoulders and entered him, setting up a steady rhythm that would let both of them last for a while.

Ken periodically leaned down so they could kiss, wanting his tongue inside his lover’s body just as his hard dick was. After a while he lay down, putting most of his weight on Brad, knowing he could take it and also knowing Brad wanted it. Ken knew what his body did to Brad and used it as much as he did his tongue and his manhood. It was also a good position to thrust more powerfully into his lover, and he loved feeling Brad’s erection gliding against his stomach as he pushed into him.

Ken made it all about Brad, and his own fulfillment came from bringing Brad so much pleasure. Nearly two hours later, both of them drenched in sweat, he brought them both to orgasm at the same time. He slowed their perception of Time to prolong the pleasure, and both of them were nearly incoherent by the time they started shooting.

Both men strained with all their strength, holding and squeezing one another as pleasure overtook them. Their skin was so slick with sweat their hands slipped, and they kept re-gripping one another.

Ken finally lost himself in his lover and let himself be held and caressed. That part was for Brad too; when Brad held him, it sent Ken to that other place, and Brad received his fulfillment knowing he was the source of that feeling.

They lay still for a time, catching their breath and cooling down. Ken finally rolled off and onto his back, and Brad snuggled against him with his head on Ken’s chest so he could feel and hear Ken’s heartbeat.

They didn’t say anything; there was no need for words. The expression of what they meant to one another couldn’t be more profound than what they just experienced and continued to feel.

Instead of falling asleep, Brad was wide awake. He repositioned himself, propping his head on one hand, while his other hand caressed Ken with a feather-light touch. Starting on his legs, Brad slowly moved over Ken’s abs and chest, and then over his arms and finally his head. He took his time, just loving the feel of touching Ken and eliciting such a soothing sensation in his man.

Ken soaked it up, letting Brad enjoy his body, and enjoying the touch. There was no need to ask permission to touch the other whenever and wherever they wanted or needed.

When Brad finally started to tire, he snuggled against Ken. Ken wrapped an arm around Brad’s shoulders, holding him close, and kissed the top of his head.

They both thought a gentle: I love you, to one another and fell asleep.




The next day seemed brighter for everyone. It was Monday, the start of a new week, and a New Year. Everyone showed up early for training, all in good spirits and ready to start.

Ken received an email from the doctor just before he and Brad left the house letting him know all the building materials were ready and waiting for the renovations. Ken called off training for the week to work on the upgrades to the Lab. The medical testing facility that occupied the front part of the building vacated over the weekend, so all was finally ready. It was short notice, but the work needed to be done.

Having done a considerable amount of the construction work on the Australian Lab, Darren and Pat had the most experience and became the foremen for the project. With all of them working in tandem and using their abilities, the work went amazingly fast. They quickly dried the mud and plaster while hanging sheetrock, and with their strength and speed, they tore through walls that needed to be taken down. With Patrick’s Understanding of the Physical Realm, they saw into the materials they dealt with and inherently knew how best to complete each task or modify the substances.

Drew was excited to help too. He had used the plasma cutter in Thomin’s Vault, and while strictly supervised, Henry let him cut through the metal beams in the building’s infrastructure.

By the end of the week, the main living areas in the Lab, along with the medical exam rooms, were finished. Much to Bryan’s excitement, the kitchen received new appliances, and the doctor’s new technology was implemented throughout the facility. They even added a walk-in freezer and multiple walk-in pantries just like the Australian base.

By Friday afternoon everything was nearly complete, and the guys were installing carpet and painting walls. New workout equipment would be delivered the following week, which would significantly expand their regimens moving forward.

Sally gave Drew half days off from his lessons to help the guys and be a part of what was going on. She enjoyed the break herself and used the time to catch up on some projects for the doctor. She also maintained a revolving food and drink table for the guys. Bryan was too busy helping with the renovations to cook, so she tried to give them as much variety as possible and keep the food marginally healthy. Their metabolisms burned off most of the bad fats and sugary calories, but they still insisted on eating good, healthy food as much as possible.

However, Friday afternoon, in celebration of putting the finishing touches on the renovations, she had their favorite BBQ restaurant cater a heavy lunch. She was supervising the delivery of tray after tray of BBQ chicken, ribs, brisket, coleslaw, baked beans, potato salad, garlic bread, banana pudding, and sweet iced tea. She had three tables set up stocked with food and swore she could hear Ken’s stomach rumbling when the smells started wafting through the hallways.

Sally stood at the back door chatting with the supervisor of the delivery crew, while his assistants carried in bags of ice, paper plates, and cups in one last trip.

“We appreciate your business, Miss Bisel. I have your bill in the van, let me run and get it, and I’ll run your credit card. Just need your signature, and we’ll be all finished.”

The catering crew was delightful to work with, and Sally had chatted with all of them in the last half hour while they set up.

“I’ll save you a trip, Steve. No need to come back in.”

She followed him out to the van, signed the release form and the electronic credit card device. The crew piled into the second vehicle and left. She chatted with Steve a few more minutes and then said her goodbyes as he started the van and began pulling out of the parking lot.

When the van pulled away, Sally looked up and jumped, startled to see a man standing only a few feet away from her who had been hidden on the other side of the van. She froze in terror as their eyes met; eyes she hadn’t seen in months and never expected to see again.

Her voice was quiet as she whispered, “Oh, no!”

Panic filled her, and she tried to run towards the door and into the area protected by the Runes.

“Hey, Sal. Nice to see you again, baby.”

The man was Carlo, her fiancé, killed by The Enemy months ago when they kidnapped her. Carlo moved blindingly fast and grabbed her wrist. His body was cold and hard, and his grip so strong he broke her hand.

He clamped a hand over her mouth and pulled her body tightly against his. Memories of their time together flooded her mind.

He whispered in her ear, “I’ve missed you so much! Have you missed me too?”

Removing his hand from her mouth, he kissed her as she struggled to free herself. Grabbing her injured hand, he twisted her arm painfully behind her. He had one hand around her throat, and the other immobilizing her.

She screamed in pain and managed to cry, “HELP!” before he covered her mouth again. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the lewd, cruel grin on his face. Whatever he was, he wasn’t Carlo, not anymore.

The emotions she felt so strongly after he died all came back, and her Mind spun. She was terrified and kicking herself for not being more careful by staying inside the protection of the Runes. Her carelessness was going to cost her her life.

With their enhanced hearing, Ken, Pat, Ricky, Kevin, and Bryan, heard her scream. As always when in the Lab, the guys stayed Linked, and their reaction was instinctive and immediate.

Brad found Sally’s Mind, saw what was happening and used her sight while Darren synchronized their Avatars, and the eleven men appeared in the parking lot surrounding Carlo, who had his hand around Sally’s throat.

The doctor ran for Drew, while Albrecht quickly made his way to the door, but stayed inside the protection of the Runes.

Pat looked at Carlo with his Avatar; whatever Carlo was, he was intricately complex. There were multiple levels of Dark Magic involved, knotted together so tightly it would take him time to follow the threads.

Brad tried to grab Carlo’s Mind and was surprised there was nothing there. He had never encountered anything like the absence he felt. There was simply nothing there, but he was looking right at him!

Darren tried to reach out and teleport Sally to him, but he was blocked.

Fuck! He’s blocking me!

Carlo grinned and said, “I know how fast you are, but you aren’t fast enough to keep me from snapping her neck if you try to move.”

Ken knew they needed time to formulate a plan, even if only a few seconds. He stared at Carlo, or whatever he was and said, “Let her go, now!”

Carlo ignored him. He looked at Sally and ran a lock of her hair under his nose, inhaling the scent of her shampoo.

“Ahhhh I miss that smell. You always smell so great, Sal. Have you missed me? Or are you happy shacking up like a whore with all the strippers?”

Pat was confused. Pieces inside Carlo were missing as if parts of the Magic used to create whatever he now was were invisible to his Avatar. He knew Ken and the others would see it as well, but not as acutely as he did.

Guys, something’s hidden inside him. A lot is going on there, but pieces are missing. I’m betting one of Orophir’s Amulets is involved, or The Master figured out how they work and somehow incorporated the same matrix into this thing.

Albrecht’s voice entered their thoughts.

He is a Golem, Patrick, and yes, I believe you are correct. Be careful; there is some misdirection here. He is Powerful, but The Master knows such a creature is no match for you, so something else is happening. Be on your guard.

Ken: Dar, you can’t teleport Sally outta harm’s way, but teleport me right on top of him. He won’t see me comin’, and I can pin him down before he can hurt her.

Things were happening fast, and there was no time to come up with a better plan. They began to Power up even as they appeared around Sally, and Brad wove the bright White ribbon of energy coursing through all of them.

Darren tapped into it, synchronizing their Avatars. Ken locked them into One, and he appeared behind Carlo.

Ken was ready and exerted every ounce of strength in his powerful body as he grabbed Carlo from behind, immobilizing his arms. Sally fell forward, and before she hit the ground she appeared in Darren’s arms.

Ken said, “Okay fucker, what is it you want? Why’re you here?”

Carlo threw his head back and started to laugh, and the sound haunted Sally. She used to love his laugh, but now Carlo’s voice held a dark edge to it that sent a shiver down her spine.

“You just made my job much easier than I imagined, Ken. I’m not here for Sally. I’m here for you.”

Carlo raised his head and shouted, “Master! It is done!”

As soon as the words escaped Carlo’s lips, his skin darkened, and in less than a second, his body dissipated into fine black powder, covering Ken and soaking into his body.

Ken’s eyes widened in shock. He tried to say something, his mouth moving, but no sound came out. He looked confused for a brief second, and then slowly fell to the ground.

The Master’s voice rang through their Minds.

At last! I told you there were others in your lives. As powerful as you are, you cannot withstand a Blood Curse! In the final minutes of your life Ken Habersham, know you had a brother. His corpse lies in my prison, drained of blood, used to impart the Curse upon you. The only Cure is out of your reach. Your bloodline is no more, and that would have been your only hope.

The rest of you watch helplessly as he fades, and know that your Order, and any hope of defeating me, dies with him!

Brad rushed to Ken as he dropped to the pavement, moving feebly and trying to turn over. Brad grabbed him from behind, cradling his body and wrapping his arms around him.

Ken faded from the Link. He didn’t just drop out; he vanished in a way they had never felt before.

Anger burned in Brad, through all of them, and not a little fear. They summoned all their Power - The Tree, The Veil, the Animal Spirits, the Music of Creation - and the weave was as thick and as Powerful as it ever had been.

Lane synchronized their Avatars, and Healing arced towards Ken’s body. Patrick’s Understanding was in all of them, and they could see the Black knot of the Curse in Ken.

The ribbons Lane sent never reached Ken. Some type of barrier surrounded him. It wasn’t Darkness like they expected, their Power simply faded before reaching him. Pouring more of themselves into it, they pushed, knowing their Avatars would make them equal to the task, but there seemed nothing to be equal to. There was no resistance, their Power just dissipated before entering him.

“Ken! Oh, God, no!”

Brad tried to delve into Ken, but it was like he wasn’t there.

In a quiet voice, and with a note of panic, Ken said, “B? Where are you? I can’t feel you.”

Albrecht witnessed everything, tightly Linked with Aaron, who had Drew safely in his room. Drew was scared and wide-eyed but promised to stay put.

Albrecht’s voice entered their Link.

Get Ken to the Tree as quickly as you can! He will be stronger there, and it will slow the Curse and give us time to think. Go! Aaron and I will take care of Sally. Contact me once you are there!

Bryan knelt and lifted Ken out of Brad’s arms, saying, “I got him, Brad.”

As Bryan stood up with Ken draped in his arms, they vanished in a flash of emerald green Power. Patrick, Ricky, and Kevin followed with a flare of green light.

Brad wasn’t sure why the thought struck him, but the flash of Bryan’s Power as he Recalled himself to the Tree was the color of Ken’s eyes, the same color as the canopy of Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life. His eyes watered at the thought. As Brad prepared to follow Bryan and the others, he turned to Henry.

Henry, I’m sorry, but you can’t go with us. You aren’t allowed in the Valley, and I’m not sure what would happen if we took you with us.

Henry was frantic, wanting to follow and help Ken but knowing he was also the practical one to stay. With the Team gone he was Drew’s primary protection, and he saw himself as Protector of the doctor and Albrecht as well.

It’s going to be okay, Brad. I don’t know how, but it will work out. You all will find a way. I’m with you in spirit; you know that. I love Ken like a Brother. I love all of you, and I wish I could be with you.

I know, Henry.

Brad took the time to embrace Henry before reaching across the planet to look through Bryan’s eyes. Darren synchronized their Avatar’s and used Brad’s sight to teleport them to the Valley.




Bryan appeared at the roots of Yggdrasil. He set Ken down on the soft grass as Rick, Kevin, and Pat materialized beside him. Ken felt hot, and it scared Bryan shitless that he sensed no Life in him. With his enhanced senses, he could hear Ken’s shallow breathing and feel his heartbeat, but it was like Ken wasn’t in front of him. Anger at The Master seethed in Bryan, but he focused his emotions and channeled them into helping his Brother.

Brad and the other Mentalists appeared seconds behind Bryan and the Bodies, and the dual nature of the Valley made itself felt immediately. The Power of the Spiritual and Physical Realm quickly fueled the duality of their nature.

Ken seemed confused and delirious, flailing his arms weakly as if reaching for something.

Brad quickly moved over and put Ken’s head in his lap. The heat emanating from Ken’s body was alarming, and he was starting to sweat. The Curse in Ken was visible and had advanced rapidly through his being, but once in the Valley, it slowed. Albrecht was right.

As soon as Brad touched him, Ken settled down. Brad was terrified, and he knew Ken must be too; whatever was happening to him was killing him, and he didn’t even have the solace of their combined presence. The sudden rift between them made what was happening worse, preventing their Souls from touching.

Brad hunched over Ken, talking to him quietly, wanting Ken to hear his voice.

“I’m with you, Ken. You’re not going anywhere, and neither am I. We’ll figure this out. You aren’t going anywhere without me.”

Lane asked, “What the fuck is this thing in him? I can’t touch it! I can see it, but it’s like it isn’t there! The Healing dissipates before it touches him.”

Brad reached back across the planet to Albrecht.

We’re here, Albrecht! Whatever’s wrong with Ken seems to be slowing, but he’s hot and confused. I can’t reach him, Albrecht! What’s happening?

It’s a Blood Curse; a part of the Curse on Mankind. Aaron and I didn’t think it possible for The Master to find any living relatives. We didn’t know any were still alive, but he must have discovered someone.

The Master said Ken had a brother, and he killed him to make this Curse. Is there any way to break it?

Not without another living relative. Blood is the only Cure, and it would have to be someone from Ken’s immediate family. It’s Dark Magic Brad, with ties to the day The Master killed Drew’s first incarnation. Old Magic such as this goes back even further, to the Time before Creation.

Fuck! What are we going to do?

Aaron and I can help slow it, but Brad…

Aaron cut in: Do not lose hope, Bradford! We must keep Kenneth alive as long as possible and give ourselves time to discover a way. I will be honest; I do not know how this will turn out, but I have learned that with all of you, nothing is impossible.

A cold ball of fear gripped Brad, but he pushed it down, knowing he had to stay focused for Ken. Brad was acutely aware of how vulnerable they were at the moment and how vulnerable their guests were as well. Henry and the Runes in the Lab were the only things protecting them with the Team absent, and Henry had to protect Drew above everyone else.

Brad’s Mind spun in different directions, but he stilled himself, calling on the Centering Flame Albrecht taught them to use as a focus and calm their Minds. Brad learned long ago not to let his Mind control him, but rather to control it and make it work for him, even unconsciously.

Bryan asked some of the guys to gather firewood; only dead limbs already on the ground and none from the Tree. They knew the drill from previous visits. Bryan sounded terse, but no one was offended; they were all scared for Ken and what was happening.

Lane: Doc, how’s Sally?

She is in shock. Seeing Carlo again in such a manner has affected her deeply. She is still shaking, and I cannot blame her. I am sure The Master specifically used Carlo’s corpse knowing how she would react. He is still angry over her rescue those months ago. Her hand is badly broken. I have given her a sedative and something for the pain and will set the bones momentarily.

No need, doc. Being in the Valley already has us amped up. If you don’t mind, I’ll piggyback off you and take care of her. Dar and Pat can help me.

I am ready.


Darren was gathering firewood but teleported to Lane instantly when he heard his name.

Lane merged with Darren, and the two men’s eyes turned White. Their breath caught as they merged; the intense intimacy was as fresh and breathtaking as ever. Darren brought Pat in with them to access his Understanding. Lane took one of Darren’s hands while Pat held the other, and the three men looked to the Heavens, sending their Presence into the doctor in Atlanta.

Aaron became the vessel for their Power, and White ribbons of energy flowed through his hands. Vector arcs and knowledge of Sally’s wounds filled his vision, and he knew specifically which bones were damaged and how badly. There was nerve damage where Carlo crushed her hand he hadn’t yet discerned.

Lane blocked Sally’s pain centers even though the doctor had numbed her hand. Darren used the strength of his Mind to set the bones, knowing through Pat precisely how much force was required and at what angles. Lane noted the damage in her flows but working through the doctor made it more difficult, and Pat’s Understanding left no room for doubt as to what needed to be done.

Once Darren set the bones, Healing flowed through him and into Sally, and he watched the bones knit together in seconds. The Power required to Heal Sally was minimal; healing a human was not nearly as strenuous as Healing one of themselves. As part Nephilim, it took far more energy to repair their bodies.

Lastly, Lane sent Sally into a deep slumber.

The three men were aware of the doctor’s awe at what they performed through him; it was the closest he would ever feel to being one of them. There was no jealousy, only fatherly pride, and a renewed appreciation for who and what they were.

That should take care of her, doc.

Well done, my boys, as always. Albrecht and I will prepare something for Kenneth to help slow the progressive nature of the Curse. We do not have long to discover a means to counteract what is happening to him. I fear it will be a day or two at most before it will consume him. Contact me in one hour, and I will let you know our progress.

His presence disappeared from the Link as he focused on his new task.

While Lane, Darren, and Patrick took care of Sally, the rest of the men gathered firewood. Bill teleported to his garage and grabbed the gear from their camping trip to the Valley, mainly cotton blankets, towels, and water skins. Loy put together a lean-to in case it rained, and they quickly and efficiently set up a base camp and made Ken as comfortable as possible.

Once the trivial tasks were done, with nothing left to occupy their thoughts, the reality set in that they were at a loss as to what to do for Ken.

While everyone moved around setting things up, Brad sat with Ken’s head in his lap. He kept one hand on Ken’s chest, feeling his heartbeat and the heat coming off of him. He was so hot, his body dripped sweat.

Bill brought skins of water and cotton towels and said, “Brad let’s get him undressed and as comfortable as we can.”

Together they removed Ken’s shirt and shorts. Darren cooled the water with his Mind and Brad wet a number of the towels and draped them over his chest, arms, legs, and his forehead. His body heat warmed them up in no time, so he kept rewetting them.

Fuck, Ken! How can this be happening? Last week we were together, and everything was fine. I had a faceoff with The Master, and you were with me. We ate those shitty powdered donuts! You did it because I needed it, but I don’t know what to do for you right now! Albrecht and the doc are putting something together for us to slow this thing down, but it’s not a cure.

Albrecht said only the blood of another living relative will be enough. If there is anybody, we have to find them. I’m not going to lose you! After everything we’ve been through, it can’t end like this! It just can’t!

As Brad sat deep in thought tears fell down his handsome face, and he brushed the hair back off Ken’s forehead in a soothing gesture.

When the camp was set up, Kevin came over and knelt beside Ken. He covered Brad’s hand resting on Ken’s heart.

“Brad… I know this doesn’t look good, but we’ll figure it out. There’s no way any of us are letting Ken go any more than you are. We’ll keep you in the loop on everything, but you stay here with him. I know you need to be here. We’re heading back to the Lab to talk with Albrecht and the doc, to try and get some answers and figure out a plan. Will you be alright? Do you want anyone to stay with you?”

“Thanks, Kev. I’ll stay here with Ken, but I’ll be with all of you no matter where you are and do whatever I need to. If I need anyone to be here, I’ll let you know.”

Kevin cupped the back of Brad’s neck and shoulder, squeezing him and said, “Be strong, Brad, but lean on of us as much as you need to. We’ll figure this shit out. You got a wedding to plan, and a little setback like this isn’t going to put a halt to that. Right?”

Brad swiped a tear out of his eye but managed a grin as he looked at his Brother.


The rest of the guys gathered close, and Darren took them back to Atlanta. In the place where their Souls were One, Brad felt their arms around him, supporting him. That feeling remained, even after their bodies vanished.

With his Brothers gone, the quiet seemed deafening. Brad heard Ken’s heartbeat, and through his hand on Ken’s chest, he felt it. He hung on that feeling, knowing it meant Ken was still alive.

Brad knelt over, his tears falling and mixing with the sweat on Ken’s forehead.

“Don’t you leave me, you fucker! Be strong, Ken! Fight this for us! Oh God, please let him hear me; he has to hear me!”

Brad kept whispering “please” over and over as he cried quietly.

Brad had no sense of time passing or how long he cried. He periodically re-wet the towels, trying to cool Ken’s body and give him some comfort. As powerful as Brad was in the Valley, he was able to cool the water on his own. It took him longer than Darren, but he managed.

A slight soothing sensation crossed his Mind like a gentle breeze, and Brad knew he was no longer alone. He sensed no alarm or panic and didn’t move when a hand rested on his shoulder.

“Greetings, Brad Wilson. If you wish solitude, we understand, but if you like, we will keep vigil with you.”

Brad looked up to see Istariel, along with Alariel, Loy’s half-brother, and the other two Nephilim in their human forms. The four Nephilim, he now knew, who had been on their journey from the very start.

“Thank you for coming.”

“We are aware of what transpired. Raphael and Michael sent us, although we would have come on our own. They wish you to know they care and are deeply concerned.”

Brad didn’t answer but nodded his head in acknowledgment.

“They cannot intervene. It is not that they will not; they cannot. A Blood Curse is Deep Magic and goes back to the foundations of Creation. They do not have the Power to undo it, even if they wished.”

Brad wasn’t prepared for that knowledge, figuring they were forbidden to act because Luke wasn’t involved. The fact that what was wrong with Ken was so deeply Powerful shocked him. It also pushed home that even without Luke in the picture, The Master was extremely powerful.

A slight sense of guilt tugged at the back of Brad’s Mind for assuming Raphael and Michael would refuse to act.

“Is there anything you require?”

“I was about to refill the water skins from the stream, but I don’t want to leave him. Would one of you mind doing that?”

Alariel glanced at the other two, who took the skins and left.

Brad fell silent again. After a moment Istariel broke the quiet, saying, “I miss watching Drew Ross. With the Runes in your Lab, we can no longer see and I miss watching over him. How is he?”

Brad was grateful for the distraction and proceeded to fill Istariel in on Drew and all that had happened in Thomin’s Vault, and his lessons, and Christmas. He kept a hand over Ken’s heart the entire time, and when the two Nephilim brought fresh water, he wrung out the towels, chilled them, and reapplied them. It was something to do, some motion to make him feel he was helping even the tiniest bit.




After Ruth died, Gladys retreated within herself and no longer spoke to the nurses who came to check on her. Mostly, she stared at Ruth’s empty bed with an angry look of betrayal.

The nurses continued to talk to her, and Rachael, one of the nurses on duty told Gladys she would soon have a new roommate. There was a waiting list to get into the facility, and the paperwork was already in motion for a new tenant.

Gladys heard Rachael but ignored her, remaining sad and despondent. She hadn’t known Ruth for long but cared for her; the two women looked after one another, and now there was no one to care for her. She and Ruth shared stories of their children, but everything Gladys told Ruth was a fabrication. She spoke of a life she had with her two sons as though it were real, bragging on how big and handsome her two boys were, and how she was certain her grandchildren would surprise her any day and take her home with them.

Ruth knew it was a lie but went along with it for her friend, knowing it made her feel better. By their age, everyone had some form of tragedy in their lives. When someone ended up alone in an assisted living center with no visitors, their story was rarely a happy one.

One afternoon Rachael came in to make sure Gladys took her medications and was startled by the sound of fluttering wings. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a small white form and spun around, expecting to see a bird in the room, but there was nothing there.

She thought of the day Ruth passed away when she heard the same sound, and the memory made her uneasy. When Rachael turned back around, Gladys looked like she was asleep, but something didn’t seem right. Rachael couldn’t wake her and ran to get the doctor on duty.

In the Physical Realm, Gladys was in a coma, but in her Mind, she lived a Dream. She was young and raising her two boys, Richard and Bruce, and her life was perfect.

Michael made sure of it.




Ken wasn’t sure where he was. Confusion filled his Mind; he remembered Carlo holding Sally, confronting him, massive pain and disorientation… and then he was here, wherever ‘here’ was.

Reaching for Brad, he felt nothing. In fact, Ken didn’t sense anyone or anything. Momentary panic hit at the emptiness in him where Brad should be. He looked around and what he saw made no sense. His Understanding showed him nothing as if he looked at a blank picture through his Avatar that didn’t match what his eyes showed him.

Ken looked around, taking in the barren rocky landscape. Sharp jagged rocks covered the expanse, and he stood in a low area, like a bowl in a mountain range. The light was bright but strange, giving everything a red tinge that distorted colors. The air was still, the temperature hot and muggy, and his t-shirt was already soaked through with sweat.

Unexpectedly the wind gusted, instantly covering Ken in a fine coat of dust. Even though the wind was hot, it felt good, making the stifling heat bearable. Ken took off his shirt, to wipe his face and then tucked it into his belt.

As he continued looking around something about the place seemed familiar. It took a few minutes before it struck him; it looked like the Valley of the Tree, but there was no plant life of any kind, and the Tree was gone!

“Fuck! Where the hell am I? B, where are you?”

A rumbling noise caught his attention, and the ground shook under his feet. Even with his enhanced dexterity and agility, Ken fell to the ground. A sharp pain shot through his chest as a Black splinter of Darkness erupted from the ground where the Tree normally grew.

The pain was so intense he fell over, clutching his chest, realizing what he felt was tied to what was happening. As the splinter increased, gaining mass, his pain increased. It reached for him, and he instinctively knew if it touched him, he would die.

The splinter grew quickly and began taking on the aspect of the Tree, but it was black and stony, almost oily looking.

Ken took off running as fast as he could with the ground still moving under him. His inhuman agility and speed were in full effect as he jumped and flipped, pushing and catapulting off falling boulders and rolling to his feet to keep his momentum. If anyone could have seen him, he was glorious, his grace and perfection magnificent. His Avatar shone brightly on his shoulder, trying to fend off the Darkness growing inside him.

As Ken moved further away the pain lessened, but he knew it was only a matter of time before the Black Tree filled the Valley and consumed him along with it. He had to try and formulate some kind of plan. He missed Brad more than ever, and his Brothers.

Fuck! It looks like I’m alone on this one.

Ken hoped Brad and the rest of the guys were alright. He was sure they would try to find him, but he was worried about them. His worry wasn’t out of ego; he knew how capable they were, but he couldn’t help it. In the war they were in bad things happened. What was happening to him was a perfect example.

Horrible, Evil things could strike any of them in the blink of an eye; Darren’s torture, Bill’s self-imprisonment, Loy and Ricky nearly dying at the hands of The Master’s Amalgam… The danger never stopped. If Ken could prevent any of the hurt and pain they had already suffered, or would in the future, he would; he would take it all on himself to spare them because he loved them that much. The irony was that all of them felt the same way.

The tight bonds between Ken and his Brothers formed while they were SEALS. Serving together in war created ties transcending normal relationships, and now their Nephilim Heritage was Awake, the bonds were even more profound and powerful. They lived in one another’s Hearts, Minds, and Souls, often blended so tightly together they were One being.

Ken continued moving despite his pain, attempting to get as much distance between himself and the Black splinter as he could. The shaking finally subsided, and he slowed to a walk. Ken wasn’t winded, but he was hot, his body slick with sweat. He wished he wore hiking shoes instead of his workout shoes.

He stopped, motionless when he heard someone groan. It was faint, but his enhanced hearing picked it up. He wasn’t immediately sure what direction it came from; the echoes off the rocks made it confusing. He focused through the part of his Avatar that came from Patrick and saw the lines and vector arcs interpreting the sound he heard. He stayed perfectly still until he heard it again. There! Directly behind some nearby boulders, nearly as large as his Explorer.

Assuming it was a trap Ken proceeded cautiously, moving quickly and silently around the rocks until he saw a man, unconscious and trapped under a medium-sized rock. He paused again, making sure no one else was around, then crouched down close. Through his Understanding, Ken realized the man’s leg was badly broken but not crushed, and he knew exactly how much force to exert to move the boulder and cause the least amount of damage.

The boulder was big, weighing over a ton, and Ken braced himself, his arms, back, and legs flexing with effort.

Ken was slightly winded after moving the large rock and knelt, rolling the man over, careful of his injured leg. Once Ken saw the man’s face, his eyes went wide; it was like looking at a different version of himself! It wasn’t him, but the resemblance was uncanny. The man was older, in his mid-fifties, but remarkably fit, and Ken noticed a USMC tattoo on his forearm.

He whispered to himself, “Fuck me!”

The man groaned, and his eyes slowly opened. Their eyes met, both emerald green, and neither man knew what to say.




Everyone minus Brad and Ken appeared in the Lab. The doctor and Albrecht were busy putting something together. The two men worked in unison as if they were one Mind with four arms, and in essence, they were. Except for the last hundred years, they had been together for millennia.

Kevin immediately went to them and said, “Brad stayed with Ken. We have a base camp at the Tree set up to keep Ken comfortable.”

The doctor nodded, “Good. We will have things prepared shortly.”




Lane went to check on Sally and found her asleep. He was worried about her mental state; seeing Carlo had to be traumatic, especially as a Golem and what he did to Ken. Sally had loved Carlo and wanted to marry him and have his children, and to see him turned into a creature of Darkness was unthinkable.

Fuck, sometimes I hate this shit! Why did The Master target her? She didn’t deserve that!

Bryan heard his thoughts and more importantly, the emotions behind them.

No, she didn’t, but she’s tough, Lane; tougher than most of us realize. That doesn’t make it any better Little Buddy, but it’s true. She’s as much a part of this war as we are now.

Lane cast his Awareness out into Creation, Listening to whatever he might find. He was the Seer and Oracle of The Order and carried the Gift within of him. He needed to be Open to See anything that might help Ken.

Hold me, Bry.

Bryan came up behind his lover, wrapping his big arms around Lane and pulling their bodies tightly together. Bryan did as Lane asked and needed, holding him and surrounding him with his Body, Mind, and Soul.

Lane rested against Bryan’s muscular body. Leaning back, he rested his head on Bryan’s shoulder, exhaling and stilling his Mind, forcing calm amidst the turmoil of his emotions. Pushing his fear for Ken aside, as hard as it was, Lane surrendered himself to his Avatar. In his experience, Dreams and Visions he received were more potent than those he tried to force and control.

He wasn’t sure if it was from Remiel or the Ether, but his brown eyes flashed White, and a Vision of two Protectors pulling a body out of a large chest freezer entered his Mind. The body was wrapped in a sheet and tied up, and much of the fabric was soaked through with blood. One arm of the corpse slipped out of the wrapping and Lane saw a muscled forearm with a USMC tattoo.

The location looked to be a tool shed of some kind with two black Escalades parked outside on the grass. The vehicles had Georgia License plates reading ‘Fulton County’ on them, one of the largest counties in Atlanta.

There were two ‘suits’ standing by one of the cars. Lane heard the two Protectors talking as they worked, bitching about the previous night’s Atlanta Hawks game on ESPN.

Tossing the frozen body on the ground, they moved to what looked like a large outdoor kiln. Lane heard the gas jets and saw the air rippling from the intense heat emanating from it.

Lane’s Intuition and unconscious Mind put the pieces together. The Master said Ken had a brother that was killed to make the Blood Curse. He knew the corpse wrapped up in the bloody sheet was Ken’s brother, and the Enemy was about to cremate him.

A dog barked nearby, and his Vision ended as one of the ‘suits’ moved closer. He must have been wearing one of Orophir’s Amulets, and when he got in range it blocked Lane’s Avatar.

Lane shouted: Loy!

Lane brought them together and shared his Vision. He knew the events were happening at that moment, somewhere in Atlanta.

Loy cast his Awareness across the metro-Atlanta area, filling the animals with his Presence. He limited his contact only to canines; there were thousands of dogs in Atlanta, but he was the Steward of the Animal Kingdom on Earth. His powerful Mind and Avatar looked through the eyes of all the dogs. In a matter of seconds, he found the dog barking at the Protectors. The fear the dog felt from the evil in the men was easy to find.

Kevin was the acting leader in Ken’s absence, and his thoughts were clear and firm.

Bill take us into a Construct of the Conference room. Take us deep. We need time to talk.




The nine men appeared around the Conference table in full assault gear, and Kevin’s voice was intense.

“Guys, we need to get that body. It might not do any good as far as what’s going on with Ken, but we can’t let The Enemy just get rid of it.”

Lane interjected, “That place is too well protected against us. They have all the houses we know of blocked from teleporting in, and they’ve been increasing their Runes; even though I saw the Vision, I don’t think we could physically get there, at least not without some major preparation and we don’t have time for that.”

Kevin’s face was serious, and he looked pissed. He wasn’t mad at Lane; he knew Lane was presenting the facts as they knew them. He was furious at the entire situation.

“We don’t know if having the body will help, but either way I want to get it for Ken.”

Henry piped up and said, “Send me. Their Protections won’t affect me.”

Rick replied, “Henry, that’s not a good idea. We can’t risk sending you into one of their strongholds.”

“Sorry Rick, but that’s bullshit. You guys have done more for me than I can ever repay. I know you always say we don’t keep score, but I can’t help it. I’m keeping score on what you all have done for Drew and me. This is an easy decision. They aren’t expecting us to go after the body. Just get me close, and I’ll be in and out fast. I only have to get far enough away to get outside the area of that guy with the Amulet, and you can pull me back.”

Darren frowned and said, “This could be a trap. The Master’s done something like this before.”

Henry wasn’t backing down, “What does your gut tell you, Lane? Is it a trap? Even if it is, I say you send me anyway. If I know it’s a trap, I’ll be ready for it.”

Kevin missed Ken more than ever. The pressure of being the focal point of the decision was tough, and he envied how Ken always made it look so easy.

Kevin looked at Henry and asked, “Are you sure? You don’t have to do this, Henry.”

“Yes, I do. You know I do. Ken would never blame us if we don’t go, but imagine how he’ll feel deep down knowing we had a chance to at least get his brother’s body back for a decent burial? We still might be saving this guy… We can’t see the body, but it might be covered in runes under those sheets that will do something else. We still might be saving his Soul. We don’t know, but why risk it?”

After a brief pause, Kevin said, “Okay. Loy, find a spot nearby that’s out of sight and we’ll send Henry in. Henry, there’s no time to suit up for this. Once we go back up, you’ll only have a few seconds to get to the body before they throw it in the kiln.”

“I’m ready.”

Loy sent a private thought to Henry.

Remember Henry, the animals will do what you tell them. If you get in a bad spot, call on them to help you. They will sacrifice themselves for you if need be.

Henry acknowledged Loy’s comment but was still rattled by the animal thing. He hadn’t had any time to explore that part of himself yet. Loy increased his Awareness and took control of the dog barking nearby. The dog sprinted out of sight, and Loy used its eyes for Darren to send Henry in.




Henry appeared in front of the dog and glanced around quickly, getting his bearings. The dog sat, looking at him expectantly while its tail wagged so fast it was a blur. Henry smiled and winked.

Good boy!

The dog’s excitement, contentment, and unconditional love radiated into Henry’s Heart, warming him.

Stay put; I might need your help.

Henry focused on the task at hand and looked at the house. He knew the place; he had been there before when he was a Protector. With inhuman speed Henry took off, his Shields bright and powerful.

Henry attacked the two ‘suits’ with dual arcs of Mental Energy. Unaware of his presence, neither was prepared for his assault, but one of them wore an Amulet and his attack dissipated. His other landed, and the ‘suit’ fell to the ground dead, his Mind obliterated.

The other ‘suit’ cried out: Master! One of them is here!

Henry knew he only had seconds to succeed or be captured.

The two Protectors watched the one ‘suit’ drop dead and heard the outcry of the other. They both took up a defensive stance as Henry hurled himself at them. Once again, his training paid off as Albrecht’s tutelage and everything Ken and the other guys taught him came to bear. He launched himself, twisting his body, avoiding their blows altogether as his body clotheslined the two powerful men. Their necks snapped clean from the force of his body hitting them, and they dropped to the ground dead.

He recognized both men and knew they were willing servants of The Master. He added their names to the tally of The Enemy he killed since joining the Team. So far, he hadn’t killed any innocents he was aware of, and he wanted to keep it that way.

Henry rolled to a stop, crouched at the sheet-covered corpse. He scooped it up as the other ‘suit’ attack him, but his Shields held solidly. He looked at the ‘suit,' not saying a word, but smiled grimly.

A look of rage and frustration crossed the man’s face, knowing if he didn’t stop Henry, The Master would most likely kill him.

Henry scooped up the body and took off as fast as he could run. Henry heard the sound of splintering wood and felt the presence of The Master. Henry guessed he must have broken through a wall of the house to get out quickly. The adrenaline rush from the sound boosted his speed. He spun around just as he made it back to the dog with the body in his arms.

Henry’s eyes locked with the twin black holes amidst the Dark Shroud covering The Master’s face. Henry also saw the Black Talon already on its way to destroy him.

Henry slowed his perception of Time, knowing Loy and the others watched through the dog.

With inhuman speed, Henry raised one hand and flipped The Master off as he disappeared. The Black Talon moved through the space where Henry stood a fraction of a second before. A chill run down his spine as he appeared in the Lab with his middle finger still stuck out in a defiant gesture and the body of Ken’s older brother cradled in his arms.

Darren looked at his finger with raised eyebrows.

I hope that was for The Master and not me!

Henry grinned and set the body on the exam table.




The doctor and Albrecht stopped what they were doing when Henry set the body down.

Everyone followed, and the room became cramped with all the big men. A few of them helped unwrap the corpse, prepared to see a gruesome sight. There was no mistaking the man was related to Ken; they weren’t twins by any means, but the resemblance was striking.

He had been brutally tortured, and with his body drained of blood, his skin was cyanotic. For a man of his age, he was in fantastic shape and strongly muscled. Nothing like Ken after his enhancements, but they saw the genetic similarities.

Darren’s eyes flashed White as he pulled strength from everyone to thaw the frozen corpse, and Bryan and Lane cleaned him up while the doctor and Albrecht went back to finish their preparations.

Most of them were in tears. Ken had a brother, a flesh and blood brother who lay before them, lifeless. The Master had not lied; he killed Richard, using his blood to craft the Blood Curse. A similar train of thought went through most of them; what if they had relatives The Master had been able to track down? Did they have blood relatives that were in danger of being killed and used against them as well?

Bill moved to the bedside, taking in Richard’s oddly familiar features. He laid his hand on Richard’s chest and Read Richard Yaeger. With Bill’s touch, he knew everything about Richard Yaeger from the moment of his conception to the second they were in. He was adopted, with no knowledge of his younger brother until The Master told him of Ken’s existence.

Richard had been a Marine and served a full lifetime career in the Corps. He even served in Desert Storm at the same time as Ken. He was born in 1959, so was four years older than Ken chronologically. He was a brave man, married and divorced twice, with no children.

All the details of his life were made clear to Bill, up to and including his torture and the creation of the Blood Curse. The torture was purely physical; his Soul had not been needed by The Master to create the Curse, and for some reason, The Master left it untouched. Uriel took Richard seconds after his death, and there was a huge sense of relief in everyone over that, knowing how much additional pain Ken would have felt otherwise.

Richard had vague memories of a woman who might have been his birth mother. He had one solid memory of his birth father, and it wasn’t a pleasant one. He learned as a young boy his father had died in an oil rig accident.

Bill trembled and shook, absorbing Rich’s experiences as if they were his own. The torture The Master put Rich through became a part of Bill, and he was present through all of it. Richard’s resolve not to give in, and the cowardice he felt for eventually begging and screaming were severe, and Bill relived the overwhelming presence of The Master in Rich’s Mind.

Bill had Read a lot of people recently, and it was all harsh. Sadness welled up within him over Richard’s life and death, and how sad and happy Ken would be to discover he had a brother. Bill would share Richard’s life with Ken, certain he would want to know everything possible about his brother.

Lane merged with Bill, aware of how intensely recent events wore on him. Lane knew Kevin was present through it all, and his presence softened the worst of it. Bill leaned on Kevin heavily in times like the present, but his Brothers were there for him as well.

Some of Lane’s tears were for Bill. He knew all too well the double-edged sword of Bill’s Avatar. His Dreams were often just as painful and profoundly impactful as what Bill experienced. Putting his arms around Bill, Lane hugged him, and at the same time, he wrapped his Mind and Heart around his Brother.

I’m with you, Bill.

Lane’s words were a comfort, and Bill hugged him back, his appreciation clear through the Link.

Once Lane drew away, Bill pulled a ring out of his pocket, the one loaned to him by his Angelic grandfather Jegudiel, and slipped it on his finger. Immediately he was surrounded by countless unborn Souls. Their freshness and purity were a balm, counteracting the pain of everything he dealt with recently. He rested in the Hall of Wings, slowing his perception of Time, and through his Avatar, he breathed in the presence of the unborn Souls letting them comfort and refresh him.

Lane knew it was a longshot, but he took Richard Yaeger’s memory of the woman who might have been his mother, and the single lucid memory of his father. Using the Temporal powers associated with his Avatar and the Gift, Lane looked back in Time to when the memory was made. With a clear picture of the woman and the man in his Mind, he went to get his sketchbook.




Albrecht finished crushing the powder in the crucible and added the contents to what Aaron already had prepared.

I’m ready, Aaron. Let me know when to begin.

There was a slight pause before Albrecht heard his lover’s voice: Now, love.

The two men delved into one another and became One. Their breath caught in their chests; even after millennia of being together, their merging was just as emotionally intense as the first time, and their eyes moistened.

Aaron channeled their energies into one White ribbon. The weave was delicate, like fine lace, and he began slowly building the intricate trap.

The warning crystals Albrecht set changed colors, indicating their target was close.

The ball of energy expanded, creating a Portal to a place neither man had ever ventured physically but had studied their entire lives. It was a place beyond the Pale where many powerful creatures lived; some benign, but most vile and evil. Orophir resided there, hidden from everyone in his cave, even Luke. It was also the domain of the Eschphene.

Aaron heard a loud pop as their trap sprung, and a female Iktomi was brought briefly into the Physical Realm. Its black spiked shell looked slick and oily, and the venomous tail thrashed about in her death throes.

Albrecht swiftly impaled the creature with a silver rune-etched dagger he had ready, pinning its body to the countertop while Aaron deftly removed the egg sack as the mother expired. The egg sack broke open, spilling what looked like small black diamonds into Aaron’s hands.

The Runes in the Lab immediately started working, and within seconds of harvesting the egg sack, the body of the mother dissipated. Albrecht placed the eggs in a glyph covered box, sealing them away and preventing their destruction by the Runes.

Well done. We haven’t lost our touch.

It has been so long since we have needed to do anything like this, love.

The doctor called out to the rest of the Team with his Mind.

Please gather in the Conference room immediately. Albrecht and I are finished with our preparations.




Darren teleported them all into the Conference room within seconds of the doctor’s request, from wherever any of them happened to be in the Lab. When Aaron and Albrecht entered the room, the nine men were already seated and waiting, their faces grim and stoic, anxious to know what the doctor had to share with them.

Bradford, are you with us?

Brad had been in the Link the entire time but not actively listening, trusting his Brothers.

He almost intervened when Henry went to collect Richard’s body but decided not to say anything. He was still talking with Istariel and the other Nephilim while attending to Ken.

Yes, sir, I’m here.

How is Kenneth?

No apparent change in the last half-hour, sir. I’m trying to make him comfortable. Istariel and the other three Nephilim are here with me, so I’m not alone.

What I propose for Kenneth is a bit unorthodox and not without some small risk, but I believe it is our best chance of slowing the Curse to give us more time.

What are you planning, sir?

Albrecht and I have harvested the egg sack of a pregnant Iktomi. My plan is to hatch the eggs a few at a time and let them feed off the energy of the Curse. As they fill up and die, you will replace them with two more unhatched eggs. This will slow the Curse by a factor of half at least. The growth rate of the creatures is fast, and the Power of the Curse will enhance that. I estimate you will have between eight to ten hours per hatchling. Space it out, so there are always two feeding at any given time.

I understand, doc.

The doctor shared the basic handling instructions for the eggs.

I will have Darren send these to you.

No need, sir. I’m strong enough here to get them.

The box disappeared from Albrecht’s hands.

There was a slight pause as Albrecht and Aaron looked at one another. The doctor’s mental voice was quiet and compassionate.

How are you holding up, Bradford?

I don’t know, sir. I have to believe this will somehow turn out okay and Ken will be back with me soon. I’m not processing the alternative right now.

Albrecht: You know we are only a thought away, Brad. If you need us, say the word, and we will have Darren send us.

That statement shocked Brad enough that he asked: You can come here?

Albrecht: Neither one of us have been back since the Calling of the Veil, but you know the story of how we became Immortal. We would risk anything for you and Ken; you know that. If Michael or any of the other Archangels have anything to say about us being there for you, they will answer to us.

A fresh tear spilled from Brad’s eye, and he leaned on his mentors for a brief moment, letting them know once again how much they meant to him.

Thank you.

You and Ken mean the world to us, Brad. We’ll figure something out. Be brave and stay with Ken. Call us if you need us to come to you.




Istariel: I did not mean to intrude Brad Wilson, but I heard your conversation with Dr. Thomas and Albrecht. You are potent here and weren’t Shielding yourself. There is something you should know in case there is need. Drew Ross and his father are permitted to be here. Michael has given Henry Ross a dispensation as Drew’s father and Drew being who and what he is, has every right to be here. This is the place of his birth, his betrayal, and his first death.

While Istariel spoke, Brad broke the seal on the small rune etched box, and the other Nephilim started when they saw the contents.

Brad held one of the tiny eggs in the palm of his hand. It looked like a small faceted black diamond, but when he looked closely, he saw the tiny form of an Iktomi inside. It reminded him of a pollywog from his youth. He remembered finding the egg clusters in the small pools of water near the river he used to visit, the River where Ken nearly died.

Istariel noticed the discomfort of his cousins.

Be at ease. The doctor is clever as always and desperate, but he would not endanger Kenneth Habersham’s life. You know this.

Brad placed the small egg on Ken’s chest over his Heart energy center where the Blackness of the Blood Curse was evident, even on his skin. It looked like a massive bruise spreading over his torso, and some of the veins in his chest and shoulders were turning black as it spread.

Even without the enhanced senses of his partner, Brad could see the tiny creature squirming as he placed it near the source of the Curse. He channeled a trickle of energy into the egg, causing it to rupture, releasing the Iktomi. Immediately it latched onto Ken’s body, sucking on the power of the Curse for nourishment.

Brad continued to talk with Istariel, Alariel, and their two cousins for a time although his heart wasn’t in it; he was thankful for their company, but he was distracted.

After a while, Istariel sensed his mood.

We will depart for now. If you need us, do not hesitate to call.

Thanks again for being here; all of you. I’m sorry I’m not better company.

Istariel squeezed Brad’s shoulder before he vanished across the Veil with the others.




To Ken, it was like staring into his own eyes. He had no idea how it was possible, but he knew the man in front of him was his brother. The Master told Ken he had a brother and had killed him to enact the Blood Curse. Did that mean Ken was dead too? He was sure he wasn’t, at least not yet. But how in the world could his brother be there? If he were dead, Uriel would have taken his Soul, assuming The Master didn’t consume it as part of the Curse.

Something was going on, but he had no idea what, and it pissed him off!

Recognition shone in Richard’s eyes as well, and he managed to squeak out a quiet, “Fuck me!”

The guy who tortured and killed him said he had a brother, and he was going to use Richard’s blood to destroy him. He didn’t feel dead; however he imagined death, the place he was in wasn’t it.

Ken was stunned, but managed to say, “Hi.”

He didn’t know what else to say.

Before either man said anything else, the ground started shaking again, and Ken clutched his chest in pain. In the center of the Valley, The Black splinter grew larger.

Richard tried to sit up and grab Ken but cursed loudly when he twisted his broken leg.

The pain in Ken’s chest didn’t last as long that time. Ken breathed hard but managed to say, “We have ‘ta get further away. Can you walk?”

“Help me up, and we’ll see.”

Richard yelled and cussed like a sailor from the pain, and with Ken’s help, he managed to stand but couldn’t put any weight on his leg.

Ken said, “Sorry, but I’m gonna have ‘ta carry you for a bit. I’ll try not ‘ta jar you too much, but we’ve gotta cover some ground. That thing’s growin’ and we can’t let it reach us.”

“What the fuck’s goin’ on?”

Ken was startled at how much his brother talked and sounded like him.

“I don’t know.”

Ken picked his bother up in a fireman’s carry as if he weighed nothing. Richard stifled a groan as Ken took off at an incredibly fast pace. He could have gone much faster but tried to keep his gate even and smooth.

After an hour Ken made it to the cave leading to the outer cliff that was the path out of the Valley. He had no idea how they were going to navigate the climb down with Richard’s broken leg, but they had to traverse the tunnel first. One thing at a time.

Ken set Richard down with his back against the rocky wall.

Richard’s eyes were closed, and he looked pale from the pain and loss of blood from the gash in his leg. Ken didn’t even know what that meant. He knew they weren’t physically in the Valley, so he assumed they were in a Construct of some kind. How and why he didn’t know, or who created it. It was part of the Curse, and he didn’t know the rules, but was thankful his Avatar and abilities worked.

Ken saw nothing other than rocks as they made their way to the tunnel, and he needed to find something, preferably wood, to make a splint for Richard’s leg.

Ken was thinking about how to solve the problem of the splint when Richard broke the silence.

“Are you who I think you are? Are you Bruce? I heard that guy, the one that freaked me out, say your name.”

Rich’s voice dropped to a whisper Ken easily heard, “Am I dead?”

Rich’s voice snapped Ken back to the present and he said, “I go by Ken now, but yeah, I’m Bruce.”

The two men felt awkward. Richard held his hand out, “Richard.”

Ken took his hand and shook it.

Richard said, “Ken.”

He repeated Ken’s name oddly as if he wanted to hear the sound of it.

“I have a brother named Ken. Fuck me, what’s goin’ on? Nothin’s made sense since those guys nabbed me.”

The reality hit Ken hard that Richard was already dead. He didn’t know how his brother could be there, or where ‘there’ was. Ken teared up a bit and squatted down to face his brother eye to eye, man to man.

“Can I call you Rich?”

“You can call me whatever the hell you want if you can get us outta here.”

“Rich… I can tell you what I know, but you aren’t gonna like it. You probably aren’t gonna believe most of what I tell ‘ya.”

“Try me. I think I’m already dead, but this sure doesn’t seem like Heaven or Hell. I’m not a religious guy, and none of this makes sense, but it beats being in Hell or Purgatory or whatever.”

“I’m not sure how long we have ‘ta sit here. If that thing starts growin’ again, we’ll need ‘ta move fast. This cave leads out, but it’s a helluva’ climb down, and with your leg it’ll be rough. I can get us down if you can hang on ‘ta me, but the climb takes a while.”

“Start talkin’, and we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

Ken stared at the man who was his brother, a total stranger, yet wanting desperately to know him. He reached out with his Mind but wasn’t able to make contact. Richard was Shielded somehow as if he wasn’t really in front of him and it put Ken on edge.

Ken started talking, recounting his story from his recruitment into the Navy, the Program, and his involvement in The Order. He was short and concise, treating it like a debriefing. Richard didn’t interrupt or say a word.

Once Ken finished, he was caught off guard by Richard’s first question, “So you got anybody special in your life? Do I have any nieces or nephew’s runnin’ around I need ‘ta know about?”

Ken was silent for a second, not sure how Richard would take the news Ken was gay.

“Yeah, I have someone special. My Soul is bound to my partner.”

“What’s her name?”

Ken paused for a brief second before answering.

“His name’s Brad.”

Silence. Ken felt a different pain in his chest from the lack of response.

Even with his enhanced hearing, Ken wasn’t sure at first what he heard. After a few seconds, he was convinced Richard was laughing.

Ken’s temper flared, interpreting Rich’s laughter as a bad sign, maybe even homophobic.

Keeping his deep voice tight and even, he asked, “What’s so fuckin’ funny?”

Rich couldn’t stop laughing. After a minute, he calmed down enough to wipe the tears out of his eyes from laughing so hard.

“You’re gay, and your brother, me, who you’ve never met, is named Dick.” He busted out laughing again, holding his stomach.

Eventually, he continued, “I shoulda’ known. No straight man could have a body like yours. I had a good buddy I buried in the war… He was gay. Best man I ever knew. I’m not laughin’ at ya Ken. It just struck me funny. Sorry, I didn’t mean ‘ta piss you off.”

Relief ran through Ken, and his face softened. He hung his head.

“You look like you can take care of yourself. You’re strong as shit, and better lookin’ than me and that’s sayin’ somethin’, but, if we get outta this shithole, if anybody gives you any grief about that you let me take care of it.”

There was another short silence between them, and then Rich asked out of the blue, “So you aren’t into anythin’ weird are ya? Like dresses, or piss, or any of that shit?”

Ken’s eyes widened, and he looked at Rich, not sure how to even respond when he saw the smirk on Rich’s face. Rich broke out laughing again, and he said, “You are so easy to fuck with!”

Ken got that little kid grin on his face that Brad loved so much, and he blushed as his eyes teared up again.

When Ken was a teenager, before he joined the Navy, he knew he was gay. He often dreamed of finding his real family but was terrified of how they would react if they knew about his sexuality. Now he found a brother, and he was already dead, yet he accepted the part of Ken he was always worried about revealing.

Brad was in his life, and Ken wasn’t ashamed; his current thoughts were left over from his youth, but the situation brought them fresh to his mind. His emotions were raw from the realization he had a brother and had essentially already lost him. Ken was sure as soon as he managed to find his way out of the Construct, or whatever it was, Rich would be gone.

Richard saw his tears and said, “Awww fuck I made ‘ya cry. I’m sorry, Ken.”

Ken’s throat tightened, and he had to swallow a few times before he found his voice.

“I’m sorry, Rich. You just made me really happy. I finally found you, and somethin’ I worried about my whole life turned out ‘ta be nothin’. I’m glad you’re with me.”

“Come here.”

Ken moved over and knelt beside his brother.

“Gimme a hug, little brother.”

Ken leaned in, and Rich put his arms around his brother. His eyes were wet too.

“I wanted to have a kid brother all my life. Now I got one, and he’s a fuckin’ stud, but I’ll still kick anyone’s ass that tries to mess with you. Got it?”

Ken smiled, nodding his head, and managed to say, “Got it.”

“So, tell me about this guy of yours. He better be badass if he landed you.”

“He is.”

Before they continued, the ground started shaking again. Ken clutched his chest and cried out in frustration.

“Fuck! We gotta move.”

Ken leaned over and slipped Rich onto one shoulder as he ducked into the cave. His Avatar shone brightly on the ball of his opposite shoulder, giving off more than enough light to navigate the cave.

Ken used all his agility and control to stay on his feet while carrying Rich. Occasionally he bumped the walls and heard Rich groan. The two men sweated heavily in the heat and humidity, and it was hard to keep Rich on his shoulder. Rich kept slipping, and Ken continually had to readjust his weight, causing him more pain.

Rich was a tough Marine and stayed stoically silent through it all, only occasionally grunting or groaning.

As Ken got them to the outside ledge, the tremors stopped. He wasn’t sure, but the tremors seemed to be getting less severe. Ken wasn’t sure if it was the distance from the Blackness or something else, but the pain in his chest seemed less on the last episode, and he hoped it had something to do with Brad or the guys trying to help him. That thought gave him hope.

The two brothers took the opportunity to share more about each other, discovering they had a lot in common. Ignoring the fact they expected to die soon, like good soldiers Ken and Rich were optimistic and carried on, acting as if they would live to see another day, both pretending they would be together for years to come.

Ken and Rich shared as much as they could about one another in the time they had, but each had an entire lifetime to cover, and they barely scratched the surface. Rich told Ken about his life before the Marines, growing up in Oklahoma. He shared his time in the service during Desert Storm, and they were amazed they had both been in Iraq at the same time, and even went to some of the same places in the same time frame but never ran into one another.

Rich was impressed Ken was both a Navy SEAL and a Sniper. Rich glossed over his own accomplishments, which Ken realized were significant and he was just as proud of what he heard.

The brothers liked each other immensely, but neither one acknowledged the fact they had to build a relationship in what little time they had. In no time the two men bantered like old friends, hanging shit one another and laughing. The ease and comfort they found in one another were instantly deep and profound.

Rich asked Ken about his life, what it meant to be part Nephilim, and he wanted to know all about Michael, Ken’s Angelic Grandfather. Ken wasn’t sure if Rich was humoring him or if he believed everything Ken told him at face value.




Brad’s eyes never left Ken. Sweat covered his body, and Brad kept wiping him down and applying cold towels. He lifted Ken’s head periodically and poured water in his mouth in small amounts. He was afraid Ken would become dehydrated, so he asked the doctor to put together some IVs and a catheter.

Brad watched as the blackness in Ken grew, becoming more pronounced. Every once in a while, Ken trembled violently and the Curse would spread.

The Iktomi did slow the process just as the doctor and Albrecht predicted, but it wasn’t going to be enough. Time was running out, and Brad felt the pressure and panic of every second.

Brad continually reached for Ken’s Mind, but there was nothing there. The loneliness and isolation in Brad were terrifying, reminding him of the time he and Ken were separated by the Creature that nearly killed them both. The same overwhelming sense of separation was back, but this time he fought it off because he could see Ken in front of him. Brad leaned heavily on his Brothers in the Link when the feelings became too strong to handle by himself.

However, this time wasn’t the same as with the Creature. Brad was in full control of his Powers and abilities now. He was strong, perhaps the strongest Mind on the planet. His man, his Soulmate, was in front of him. They shared a Soul…If Brad couldn’t reach Ken’s Mind, he was determined to find another way.

With his hand on Ken’s chest, Brad let his unconscious Mind work on the problem. He was sure the Veil held the key, and his thoughts drifted to when he first discovered his ability to cross the Veil, telling the doctor he didn’t see what good it would do. Brad smiled at his naïveté at the time and wondered again how the doctor kept from wringing their necks when they made idiotic comment or questions.

Brad shifted his Sight to the Spiritual side of the Valley. The Paradox of the place he was in, two sides separate yet the same, increased his powers significantly. He studied what he saw in Ken, letting his Intuition run with ideas.

He cried as he looked at Ken, missing his presence more than ever. He missed Ken’s smile and how Ken held his hand while they drove. While he sat thinking, Brad took one of Ken’s hands and ran his thumb across the back of it just like Ken did for him. In his Mind, Brad was only half a man without Ken; he knew it wasn’t true, but he still thought it. Half Ken’s Soul resided in him, and the fact that all the men shared their Souls had saved them on more than one occasion.

Brad’s Mind latched onto that train of thought, and he formulated a plan. Using all his knowledge and skill, he gathered Power. The sky over the Valley filled with clouds in response to what he was about to do.

He called on the Ancient Spirits and creatures that lived near the Tree, only shying away from Leroy because the risk was too high if something went wrong.

Brad spent minutes building himself up, immersing himself in every bit of Power he could draw in. He glowed so brightly his body became lost in the Light. When he couldn’t stand it anymore, stretched nearly beyond his limits, he cut loose in one massive surge. A lightning bolt as thick as his body shot out of the clouds, striking the Curse.

Brad used the Power to reach for Ken’s Soul, trying to circumvent the Curse and bring them together. If he could add his strength to Ken’s, or give Ken everything he had, he might last longer.

Brad wasn’t sure if the Curse ignored his Power or absorbed it, but he continued pouring himself into his attempt until he passed out, drained almost to death. He collapsed, draped over Ken’s body and dropped out of the Link.




Kent Peterson found himself in the common area of the Australian Lab. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep next to his wife, Marge. He tried to celebrate New Year’s Eve, but there was no liquor or beer available, and the party was boring. Kent hated champagne and poured his glass down the sink when he thought no one was looking.

He remembered falling asleep in his skivvies, but as he looked down at himself, he wore Khaki shorts and his favorite polo shirt. Well, it used to be his favorite shirt; now it was uncomfortable because his stomach stretched the material, and it was too tight. Kent noted but chose to ignore, the stains covering the front; his stomach was so big it caught all the drips when he stuffed food into his mouth.

Misdirecting his frustration about the shirt, his thoughts turned to how much he hated being in the Lab; how much he hated the entire situation. He felt like a prisoner, although he knew he technically wasn’t. That guy Henry did something to him and his buddies, scaring the living shit out of them. They knew the cockamamie story Dutcher and Whetherson told them was true, but it was still hard to believe. Even knowing everything was real Kent still didn’t like them; they were faggots, and it had been ingrained in him by his old man to hate queers and perverts like them.

Both his sons had been brainwashed by the fags. Jake and Craig idolized them, especially that guy Albrecht who was in charge of their ‘training.’ Kent didn’t like the way Albrecht looked at him. Albrecht was too quiet, and Kent never liked guys who were too quiet. To him, it meant they were always up to something and the steady looks Albrecht gave Kent he misconstrued as judgment.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he got up and went to the kitchen. He wondered again how he had managed to get out of bed and dressed without remembering, thinking he must have sleepwalked. He looked to see if anyone else was up but didn’t find anyone. It was late, the Lab quiet and empty, and he was sure everybody was asleep. He searched through the cupboards for a snack but didn’t see anything he liked. Hampton’s kid Rich was in charge of the food, and he only asked for healthy shit.

God, I’d kill for a bag of Cheetos and a Dr. Pepper, or a beer! Fuck, how long has it been since I had a fresh, warm Krispy Kreme donut? How much longer do we have to stay in this God-forsaken place before we can get back to our lives!?

Kent ranted in his head, which he did most of the time unless he ranted to his buddies. Glenn Hampton was quieter since the incident with Henry and didn’t say as much, but he knew Glenn hated the situation as much as he did.

Rummaging around, Kent found a Coke Zero in the fridge. At least it was carbonated even though it tasted like shit. Anything with zero sugars and zero carbs had to be shit. He liked real Coke, not Pepsi, or any other Coke ‘knockoff.' He made a face as he chugged it and tried to crumple the empty aluminum can like when he was younger, but it barely folded in the middle. He looked down at his plump fingers and shrugged; he lost his grip years ago. Aggravated, he dumped the can into the recycle bin, and the loud echo in the quiet of the night seemed oddly unnerving.

Kent wasn’t tired, but he was bored and decided to go back to bed and try to get some sleep. He waddled down the hallway to the tiny room he and Margie slept in. It was dark when he opened the door, so he moved carefully to his side of the bed, positioning himself as quietly as he could against the edge of the mattress and slid his way down.

Kent started to sit down to take off his shoes but was startled when he sat on someone. Jumping up, he let out a subdued, “Shit!”

Margie must have rolled over to his side of the bed. She was a heavy sleeper, and he wasn’t surprised she didn’t wake up.

He fumbled for the lamp beside the bed and flipped the switch.

As the room lit, Kent nearly jumped out of his skin as he stared at himself in bed with Margie. His face was purple, his mouth open but not breathing, contorted in a mask of silent pain. In a panic Kent fled the room, knocking over the lamp. He heard it fall on the floor and break as he bounced off the door across the hall from his room.

He ran down the hallway as fast as he could, breaking into a cold sweat. He had to be dreaming! He huffed and puffed, out of breath from even the short distance he ran.

Kent spun around and fell on the couch, tripping over his feet when he heard a deep voice he didn’t recognize.

“You aren’t dreaming, Kent Peterson. You stopped breathing a few minutes ago after experiencing a massive heart attack. You never woke up. I came early to talk to you.”

“What the fuck!? Who are you!? You’re telling me I’m dead!?”

“Who I am is not important Kent, but what I am here to do is. You are being given a second chance. Normally you would never see me, and I would take your Soul to the next phase of its existence. You have been granted a Dispensation.”

Uriel spoke quietly, almost to himself, but Kent heard him say, “If you only knew how rare that is.”

“I’m just dreaming! I want to wake up!”

Uriel’s deep voice was compassionate as he continued, “I am sorry, Kent. You saw yourself in bed as you are. I slipped you out of Time before I take your Soul so we can talk. There are mere seconds left once I return you to your body. You have a choice to make.”

“I don’t believe you! Leave me alone!”

“I suggest you take advantage of my presence, Kent. If I do as you say and take you now, rest assured you will not be happy.”

Uriel looked at Kent, pained at what he saw.

“Hate fills you, Kent. It is deeply rooted and permeates your entire being. You must let it go and ask Forgiveness.”

Kent was quiet, his voice a whisper, as he kept repeating, “This isn’t happening. This can’t be happening.”

His eyes wandered all over the place looking anywhere but at the tall, powerful being in front of him.

Finally, Kent made eye contact, and he was stunned as the Depth of Uriel’s eyes drew him in. Stars, Time, patience, and Infinite Love looked back at him. There was sorrow as well, but Kent didn’t understand it was directed at him.

Once he looked into Uriel’s eyes, he knew he wasn’t dreaming. He was terrified and panicked.

“Wh… who are you?”

“I am the Angel of Death.”

If it was possible for Kent to faint he would have, but Uriel was in his Mind and Heart, and Kent in a Construct of Uriel’s fabrication. The sudden terror of his situation made him want to release his bowels, but Uriel didn’t allow him that indignity.

Kent’s life and memories, his entire existence, were open to Uriel, who looked at the River of Kent’s life with all the streams and outlets through Time. He saw the culmination of Kent’s life up to that moment, and then it was blank. The Dispensation caused the nullness, leaving Kent’s fate undetermined.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Much rests on your decision Kent, besides your Eternal Soul. The lives of your sons, Jacob and Craig, will be greatly affected by what happens to you now. They have important roles to play in years to come, and how they react to what happens to you will affect the direction they take.”


“I am not here to discuss them Kent. I am here to discuss your Fate.”

Kent was shaking and sweating, so scared he could hardly think. The Angel of Death was about to take him to Hell.

“What do I have to do?”

“Release your hate and ask Forgiveness. It is quite simple, but you must be sincere. Simply mouthing the words is meaningless.”

“What do you mean, hate?”

Uriel’s eyes widened slightly in disbelief. Even after tens of thousands of years, the self-deception in humans astounded him, illustrating the effects of the Curse even more.

Uriel’s deep voice was compassionate but stern as he said, “Your life is filled with it, Kent. You are a shallow, hateful, bigoted, self-centered, egotistical man. You care for no one outside of what they can do for you or how they make your life easier. You use and manipulate people and put them down to make yourself feel better. You do this because you hate yourself, although it is so deeply rooted in you, you do not see it for what it is. This is the wellspring of your downfall. It is evident even now in how you feel towards the men of The Order. They saved your life and have been nothing but kind to you, keeping you and your family safe, yet you still rant at them in your Mind. You hate them for loving one another in a way you do not comprehend. It has been so long since you felt love you have forgotten it, and no longer know how.

“Before the men of The Order, it was your neighbor, who you yelled at for parking his boat in the driveway. You were jealous of not owning a boat yourself, so you wished him to get rid of his. The examples fill your life every day. Even now your heart denies what I tell you, and you blame Glenn Hampton for your plight. You followed him most of your life, and he will have his own day of reckoning, but he is not responsible for your actions. You blindly followed him for years because it was easier than thinking for yourself, and it eased your conscience to follow his lead.”

Tears spilled down Kent’s face. As Uriel spoke, he pulled the memories of each occurrence to the forefront of Kent’s conscious thoughts. Kent relived each incident as they flashed through his Mind in seconds that took days to his perception.

Instead of having the desired effect, Uriel’s words hardened Kent’s heart. His shame and pride would not allow him to admit his guilt or that he had ever done wrong. He seemed incapable of admitting his embarrassment, even if it cost him his Soul.

His lips quivering in fear, Kent shouted, “Fuck you! You have no right to judge me!”

Uriel’s heavy sigh of resignation seemed loud in the room as he lowered his head, “I am not your Judge, Kent Peterson. I am a simple Messenger and Conveyor of Souls.”

Uriel closed his eyes in disappointment, filled with sadness over what was happening. The human before him was so shallow he was choosing to spend eternity in a personal Hell rather than admit he was wrong. Salvation was within his grasp, being handed to him, and he was unwilling to accept it.

A quiet pause followed, and when Uriel broke the silence, his voice was solemn with the finality of the situation.

“Very well, Kent Peterson. I am sorry. I tried.”

Kent’s obstinate anger quickly turned to terror as Uriel’s form began to change. The visage Kent saw wasn’t the pleasant incarnation people witnessed when Uriel carried them Home. Raven Black wings appeared, and his Aura went cold and Dark. Kent’s screams went silent, smothered in Uriel’s Black wings in preparation to carry him to his eternal torment and damnation.

His Hell wasn’t the Lake of Eternal Fire Kent always heard about; it was the Eternal separation from the Creator and everything meaningful. The desperate loneliness hadn’t even started yet when he began shouting.

“No! I’m sorry! Please! I beg youuuuu……….!”

The echoes of his voice went unheard.




After dinner, there was nothing on television any of the young soldiers wanted to watch, so they begged Albrecht to lead them in a Yoga class before he headed back to Atlanta. He agreed, and smirking, worked them into exhaustion.

An hour later, drenched in sweat, with every muscle in their young bodies trembling, they stumbled their way towards a hot shower. Jake, as always, gave Craig an encouraging slap on his back and told him how well he did. Craig saw the pride in Jake’s eyes at the impressive progress of his body under Albrecht’s physical training and tutelage. Craig was transforming from a teenager into a man.

The guys showered together, joking around. They were very close, like younger versions of their fathers from many years ago, however, they weren’t assholes like their fathers. Jacob seemed to be their natural leader. They were all alpha males except for Rich, but Jacob was the oldest and highest-ranked among them, and everyone naturally deferred to him.

Albrecht said goodnight to the young men and Kelly, promising to be back in the morning. Kelly was under strict instructions to get in touch with him immediately if she felt any initial contractions. Her due date was still a week away, and Albrecht felt comfortable leaving her for one night. He trusted Jacob and the others to use good judgment about contacting him if Kelly wouldn’t.

Craig crawled into bed, determined to read at least a few pages of the Philosophy book Albrecht had them studying. Albrecht had given the young men a list of modern Philosophers to read and study, wanting to expose them to as many as possible. He explained no one man had the ideas right, but he wanted to discuss the virtues of each.

After Philosophy he planned to start them on Theology, wanting to work on their Minds as well as their bodies. The Mind/Body connection was crucial to their wellbeing, and he was setting them on a path that would change their lives forever.

Craig fell asleep after only a few pages, with the book draped across his chest. He woke with a start, sitting up quickly with a sense something was very wrong. The book fell off his chest as he moved, but he was so intent on finding the source of his feeling he let it fall to the floor.

He fell asleep with the light on, so the room was dimly lit. He stayed still a few seconds listening. The sound had to come from inside his room as the rooms were soundproofed, but he didn’t see anything out of place. Still, the pervading sense of wrongness was too persistent to ignore.

Throwing off the covers, Craig stood and moved to the door, poking his head out into the hallway. His anxiety levels were rising, and his body started to tremble.

He moved down the hallway, but the Lab was quiet. The only lights he could see were from the microwaves in the kitchen they kept on to use as nightlights.

Panicked, Craig ran to Jacob’s room, and opened the door. There was a general rule of not locking their doors, and if a door was shut, it meant privacy. He saw Jake asleep with the same book on his chest.

Jake was a light sleeper and woke as his door opened.

“Craig? Is something wrong?”

Craig didn’t answer and ran to his parent’s door. He opened it, but the room was dark. Craig knew his dad would be pissed if he woke him up, but at the moment he didn’t care. He flipped the light switch by the door and the sight of his father in his underwear, his face purple and mouth open, hit Craig hard.

“NO! DAD!”

He ran to his father’s side. Craig’s mother woke up at his shout, and as soon as she saw Kent’s body, she screamed.

Jacob’s door was still open, and he heard Craig and his mother scream and ran as fast as he could to his parents’ room. Jacob was a combat soldier and well trained; as awful as the sight was, if his dad wasn’t dead, he needed help immediately.




Kelly woke when a contraction hit her. Reaching for Chloe’s Mind, she was shocked at the fear coming from her unborn daughter. Chloe’s distress triggered the contractions, and the realization hit Kelly she was giving birth. If the contraction wasn’t enough to clue her in, the wet sheets from her water breaking did. Kelly was a heavy sleeper, and it hadn’t woken her up.

Chloe was scared, and Kelly looked in the Mind of her daughter. Mr. Peterson was dead! Chloe’s emotions were Powerful and triggered the physical reaction in Kelly, sending her into labor.

Terrified, Kelly shouted in her Mind as loud as she could.

Darren! Albrecht! Anyone! Please help me!

In her panic, Kelly didn’t have the control to reach Jacob or Craig or one of the other young soldiers. With their Minds Closed, it was different, and her hormonal swings made it difficult even when she was calm; it was much easier to reach someone already Open.

There was no one present in the Australian Lab to hear her Mental shout, and she didn’t have the range to reach across the planet. She cried out, but her room was soundproof. She doubled over in pain, clutching her big round belly. She remembered Albrecht leaving for the night, saying he would be back in the morning. She hoped and prayed one of them would somehow hear her, or sense something wrong and contact her.

The emotional pain in Jacob and Craig along with their mother drew Chloe like a moth to a flame. Like Drew, Chloe was more empathic than telepathic with her abilities raw and undeveloped. Drew Linked with her on occasion, and she felt great pleasure at his presence in her young Mind. She learned that her presence helped Drew when he was sad, and she wanted to help Jacob, Craig, and Marge.

Kelly put a Shield around herself and her daughter. Darren, the doctor, and Albrecht stressed the need to keep Chloe from merging with anyone, especially an adult. Kelly struggled with her unborn daughter, but her physical pain from labor was taking its toll, draining her. Chloe didn’t understand and kept pushing; her want was simple, and like any child, she pushed for what she wanted.

The trauma of trying to contain her daughter and going through labor with no relief taxed Kelly beyond her strength.

She had come so far from the scared and angry girl Darren rescued. She was a runaway, and The Enemy had found her and used her body as an incubator to have babies. She never knew why and was kept unconscious through most of that time, but she remembered the pain, and just like Chloe, those babies had been Awake. The genetic manipulation of her unborn children had been torturous and harsh on both the mother and the fetuses.

Over time, with the unconditional love shown her by Darren, Pat, the doctor, Albrecht, and the rest of the guys, they broke through her barriers, and she came to a place in her life where she was at least content. She wasn’t sure she would ever be happy, but she no longer felt abandoned and unloved.

She liked everyone except that wanker Hampton and his mates, but his death didn’t make her happy. She didn’t feel much in the way of loss, though. He was a tosser, but he didn’t deserve to die.

Kelly had started having sexual thoughts towards Jacob, and even fantasized once about the two of them getting married and having more children. Darren had healed her body so she could have more children if she wished. She thought Jacob extraordinarily handsome, and the night he escorted her to the Atlanta Symphony Building for Lane’s Christmas present had been a turning point in her feelings for him. He was such a gentleman and stayed with her the entire night, caring for her and making her smile.

Kelly realized she really did care about the men who took her in. At first, she thought it was ludicrous they were gay, thinking they were too rugged and good looking to be gay. Regardless, the unconditional love they had for each other and the people under their care, the example they set, affected her as deeply and powerfully as if they had altered her Mind.

She learned to trust them, and Darren promised never to lie to her. Even when painful, he always told her the truth, and she respected his honesty. Her previous life was filled with lies and deceit, and living in truth was astonishingly refreshing to her.

Pain wracked her body as another contraction hit, and Chloe put relentless pressure against her Shields. She didn’t know what to do, and finally, exhausted and drained both mentally and physically, she passed out.




Lane sketched pictures of Gladys Hutchins and her husband, Harding Yaeger. It was a long shot, but facial recognition software helped them find Boris Cromwell when Ken had been captured, and Lane thought the idea worth trying again. Using his Avatar, Lane looked through alternate realities until he discovered a timeline where Gladys and Harding were still alive, and memorizing their features he brought them to life on paper.

The sketches were nearly complete when his eyes flashed White, and harsh anxiety gripped him. An image of Kelly in labor filled his Mind, alone and distressed, screaming, and he saw blood on her sheets.

With what was happening to Ken, none of them were in Australia, and the timing couldn’t be worse.

Fuck! Guys! Kelly’s going into labor! She’s alone in her room!

Darren: I’ll go and take care of her! You guys keep working on a way to help Ken!

Darren synchronized their Avatar’s and he and Pat vanished, appearing across the globe in the Lab in Uluru, Australia.

As soon as they appeared, Patrick’s enhanced hearing picked up on Marjorie Peterson’s hysterical sobbing.

Darren and Pat rushed through the common area and down the hallway where the bedrooms were and saw Jacob holding Craig in his arms. Jacob’s head snapped up when he saw the motion, his eyes red and bloodshot. Craig looked a total mess, his face red and splotchy from crying.

Pat: Dar, go to Kelly. I’ll find out what’s going on here.

Jacob’s voice was raw with emotion.

“Guys! Thank God, you’re here! Maybe it’s not too late!”

Darren reached for Kelly, and felt her but couldn’t use her eyes to teleport. Rushing to her room, he found her unconscious, her bedsheets covered in blood, and as soon as the door opened he heard the cries of a newborn infant.

Kelly’s energy flows were weak but stable, and Darren sent a gentle Healing into her body, restoring her and putting her into a deep sleep.

Darren reached down and picked Chloe up. He snipped her umbilical cord with his Mind, and with a soft weave of Power, he cleansed her tiny form and removed any trauma to her body from the natural birth. Cloe stopped crying as soon as Darren touched her. She already knew him, and his Presence made her feel safe and happy.

Her tiny eyes, barely open, looked into his as her Mind tried to do the same. He wrapped her in Love and smiled, his dimples in full force. She smiled back with her face and her Mind. Darren had never been around a newborn infant, and he was mesmerized by the tiny miracle he held in his hands.




Pat heard Chloe’s cries as soon as Darren opened the door to Kelly’s room, but had to let Darren take care of it. The look in Jacob’s eyes was pleading. He didn’t have time to ask what happened, so he looked into Jacob’s memories of the last half hour.

Craig begged, “Please Mr. Manning! You have to bring him back! You have too!”

Craig’s voice, choked with sobs, tore at Pat’s Heart.

Pat moved into the room and saw Kent Peterson’s body. His Understanding told him immediately Kent had been dead for nearly ten minutes and Uriel had already collected his Soul.

Pat’s eyes filled with tears, and both Jacob and Craig saw the look on his face.

The tone of Craig’s voice turned accusatory.

“Where were you?! You should have been here! You could have saved him!”

Reaching out, Pat put a hand on Craig’s shoulder in comfort, but Craig tried to slap his hand away. With the density and weight of Pat’s arm, it hardly moved.

Pat said, “I’m so sorry, Craig. We have an emergency… Ken’s dying and Sally… it’s bad.”

The emotions running through Craig were clear to Pat, furious at the entire Team, thinking they should still be able to save his father.

While Pat dealt with his grief over Kent’s death and the turmoil in Jacob, Craig, and Marge, Darren’s Aura increased as he Healed Kelly’s body of the trauma of her unattended birth.

Chloe’s fine and Kelly will be. She’s wiped out. Chloe inadvertently made it rough on her… Kelly used all her strength to Shield Jacob and Craig. She must have felt it when Kent passed and wanted to help them. It almost killed Kelly, but we got here in time.

Fuck. If she died too…

Yeah. Just damn, Pat. What a day.

I don’t know what to tell the boys, Dar. Their dad’s gone, and any of us could have saved him. We should have done something about his health before now, but with everything going on…

Darren pulled Pat into himself and they became One, taking them so deep Time stood still.

In their bodies, fresh tears filled their eyes, but before a single tear fell, the two men were in one another, comforting and leaning on one another in their grief over everything happening.

They stayed together for hours as they perceived it while no Time passed for their bodies, immersed in one another.

Darren shared everything about Chloe with Pat, how she felt in his hands and the look in her eyes. She was so new and fresh; her life a bright star in the middle of a dark night. Darren shared how his Heart melted when she smiled at him with her eyes and her Mind.

When they came back to themselves, Brad disappeared from the Link, and it took a few seconds for the other Mentalists to Power up and reach one another across the planet.

Kevin: Lane, Bry! Get to the Tree and find out what happened!




Instantly Bryan recalled himself to the Tree, and Lane appeared a fraction of a second later, using Bryan’s eyes.

As soon as Bryan saw Brad draped over Ken, relief hit him as his Avatar sensed Life in his Brother. Brad was alive but unconscious; his energy centers nearly depleted. Thankfully the strength of the Curse kept the Iktomi distracted, and they didn’t latch on to Brad. While unconscious and defenseless, they might have killed him.

Bryan also noted the Iktomi squirming, about ready to burst, near the end of their life cycle from feeding off the Curse.

A sigh of relief followed through the Link as everyone realized Brad was alright. They didn’t know what he had done or if he had injured himself, but he was alive.

Darren: Guy’s, Kent Peterson is dead. He passed away in his sleep of a massive heart attack. Kelly gave birth and it almost killed her, but I got to her in time. Chloe’s fine, but Kelly’s unconscious.

Kevin: Jesus. Okay, Dar, you and Pat stay there. Get the doc or Albrecht with you as soon as you can and stay there until further notice. Lane and Bry you guys stay with Ken and Brad; find out what happened with Brad and call us if you need help. Do what you can for them. Bill, Ricky, and Loy, we have to figure out how to save Ken. Dar, how are the boys?

Darren: Mostly in shock. Kent passed in the last few minutes, so it’s fresh. Jacob seems calm, but Craig’s a mess. He blames us and honestly, I don’t know what to tell him. We should have done something about Kent’s health before now. I know we aren’t responsible, but we still could have prevented it.

Kevin: Give them our love, Pat, even if they don’t want to hear it. I’m sorry you guys are taking the brunt of that. Do what you can for them. Fuck they didn’t need this! Give our best to Kelly when she’s awake and tell her we’ll see her soon.

As Bryan gazed at Ken, looking at the Curse through his Avatar, he shuddered at the wrongness of it. Ken trembled again, and Bryan watched the Blackness expand, this time spreading out from Ken’s body and reaching for the Tree.

Fuck me! Guys, we don’t have a lot of time. If the Curse infects the Tree, there’s no telling what’s going to happen!

Fresh urgency ran through the Link at Bryan’s words. Being in the Valley slowed down the Curse, and if they took Ken back to the Lab, it would spread faster and kill him. They couldn’t risk the Tree being affected; there was no telling what would happen in the Physical Realm if that happened.

How could things have spiraled so out of control in less than a day?




“You ready? This is gonna be a bitch. I’m sweatin’ like a pig, and it’s gonna be hard ‘ta hold onto me. I’m gonna need both arms and both feet to make it down, and the climb takes a few hours on a good day.”

Rich put on a brave face, but it was obvious he was in a lot of pain.

“I don’t have a choice, right? I’m a Marine; I’ll suck it up. I have a trick that might help. Use our shirts and bind my hands together. Carry me like a sling with one hand over a shoulder and the other under your other arm around your torso. If I start to slip, I’ll catch on your shoulder. You’re strong enough that should work. If not, drop me and save yourself.”

“That’s not gonna happen.”

Rich was astonished at Ken’s strength. When he got into position, Ken’s back felt like concrete. He carried both their full body weight, and he wasn’t even breathing hard.

“What the fuck does that doc guy feed you? Holy shit you’re solid.”

Ken laughed and said, “You probably don’t wanna know what makes me this way. What the doc did to me was a huge start, but bein’ with Brad makes me even stronger; not really my body but everything else about me, and with my Avatar that translates to my physical body too.”

Rich laughed, “So doin’ the nasty with your fella makes you stronger? Hell, I’d be willin’ to try a walk on the wild side if it did that to me.”

Ken laughed even harder and said, “Well, me and B don’t stray, but a few of the guys might be inclined, especially once they lay eyes on you. I can set you up with a hot muscle bear and his partner when we get outta here. Loy and Rick would eat you up. Darren and Pat would too.”

Rich’s eyes bulged, and Ken laughed harder. Ken left out the part of their DNA killing him if he wasn’t safe. It was all a joke anyway, so it didn’t matter. Ken wanted Rich’s mind distracted with the banter.

As Ken started the climb down, he was acutely aware of how much pain Rich was in. With his enhanced hearing and physical sensitivity, he picked up on every grunt and groan Rich tried to stifle and felt his body react to the pain when his leg jarred against Ken or the rock wall. Ken tried to make his movements as smooth as possible to keep Rich from swaying, but he could only do so much while climbing.

To pass the time and cover his nervousness, Rich relayed stories from his two marriages. He seemed to have the same gift of conversation Ken had, and it took Ken’s mind off the climb.

Before they were even a third of the way down, Rich was exhausted and trembling. As strong as Rich was, he was past middle-age and supporting his body weight for such a long time without a break wasn’t doable. Sweat dripped off both men, and Rich kept repositioning himself as his body slipped. Ken knew he had to give Rich some form of relief or he wasn’t going to make it.

“Hang on a couple more minutes, and you can rest.”

“How the fuck is that gonna happen?”

“Just wait.”

Ken made the climb often enough he knew some areas were easier than others, with better cracks to grip. It took longer to find one than expected, but he eventually found a spot where he had one solid toe hold and two good handholds.

Securing his foot as best he could and knowing it would have to support their combined weight, Ken stopped moving.

“This is gonna be a little tricky, but I want you to scoot around in front of me and sit on my quad.”

“No fuckin’ way!”

“Yes fuckin’ way, Rich! Get your ass around here and sit. I can take it while you let your arms rest.”

“Fuckin’ showoff.”

Ken smirked and said cockily, “Be glad I can. There are a couple more spots we can do this on the way down if I can find ’em. You’re still gonna be screamin’ like a little girl before we make it ‘ta the bottom.”

“OORAH Fucker! We’ll see about that!”

The two brothers fell silent, Rich out of pain and exhaustion, and Ken with worry. Rich didn’t want to admit weakness to his newfound younger brother, but he was grateful for the relief.

After five minutes, Ken asked, “So how about it old-timer? You ready ‘ta head down?”

“Hell, I’m waitin’ on your sorry ass.”

It took a moment to reposition himself, but he managed. The short rest did its job, and for another few minutes he was able to continue.

The Blackness started expanding again, and Ken’s chest tightened. He stopped moving, tensing his body to fight off the sudden pain. Fresh sweat covered him as his muscles tensed. He had to be careful when he realized his fingers nearly crumbled the loose rock he grasped.

Unexpectedly, Brad brushed against his Soul. The contact was so brief he wondered if it even happened. Ken’s reaction was swift and intense, reaching as hard as he could for his lover, but Brad was gone again.

Ken cried out, “Fuck! B!”

Oh, my God! B! Can you hear me!?

Whatever Brad tried almost worked! It was like the fingertips of their Souls briefly touched as they grabbed for one another, but the strain was too great, and they slipped apart.

“Ken? What’s goin’ on? What was that?”

“Fuck! I just felt Brad for a second. He’s tryin’ ‘ta reach me, but whatever he tried didn’t work.”

Rich felt the tension in Ken and heard the conflict in his voice. Ken hung his head and squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing heavy from the emotional impact of what just happened.

Rich didn’t understand but could tell Ken was upset.

Not knowing what to say, he muttered, “I’m sorry, Ken.”

Ken kept silent for another few seconds, trying to get his breathing under control. The tightness in his chest wasn’t from the Blackness this time; it was from the pain of missing the other half of his Soul.

When he could continue his voice was strained, and he said, “This is all fucked up, and it’s not your fault or mine. I know whose fault it is, and he’s the top person on my list for an ass-kickin'.”

The Will and Conviction of Ken’s Avatar backed up his voice, and Rich was unnerved, catching a glimpse of who and what Ken was. A multitude of emotions ran through Rich’s Mind as he realized just how Powerful his little brother was.

First and foremost, Rich was aware of what a great man Ken was. How Ken came to be the man he was Rich had no idea, but he wished more than anything he had been a part of it. Yet, at the same time, Ken’s strength made him feel woefully inadequate. Rich was a very competitive man and knew he couldn’t hold a candle to his younger brother.

Ken had a pretty good idea of what was going through Rich’s mind. He wished they could merge so he could discover everything about Rich and show his brother how much he already meant to him, and that there was nothing to compete over. They only just met, but Ken felt like they had known each other forever, and there was already a place etched in his Soul where his brother’s presence would be forever.

Ken knew even if he got out of the Construct, Rich wouldn’t. He was already dead, and Ken had to make every second count. The bond they created in the Construct would have to last him a lifetime once he was out and back in the real world.

Ken knew they had to keep moving and started their descent again, but continued their conversation, “Rich, don’t go there. I’m not competin’ with you, and you aren’t with me. We’re brothers, man, and we’re stickin’ together.”

He hesitated and then continued, “I love you, bro. I know that sounds silly ’cause we just met, but I do. I wish we’d grown up together.”

Ken needed to get Rich out of the headspace he was in, so he shifted the conversation radically. The little kid grin appeared on his face, which Rich couldn’t see, and he asked, “So how big are you?”

Rich said, “Six foot, about two-thirty, why?”

Ken laughed, “No, I mean how big are you?”

“What the fuck?”

“That small, huh? Nothin’ to be ashamed of.”

“Fuck you, junior. I bet I’m bigger’n you. The old man gave me everythin’, and you got what was left!”

They started to banter and hang shit one another, bragging about who had the bigger dick. Ken accomplished his goal, taking Rich’s focus off the discomfort and pain in his arms and leg. Through it all, Ken was anxious about Brad and tried not to let it show.

Rich knew what Ken was doing and played along, hoping to take his little brother’s mind off Brad. He had only known his younger brother a few hours, but now that he found him, he didn’t want their time together to end.




As soon as Brad struck the Curse, The Master was aware. Confident there was nothing The Order could do against it, he was still surprised at the Power Brad Wilson threw at it. As the Summoner of the Curse, he was attuned to it and felt the attempt.

Through it, he also sensed Brad Wilson’s desperation, and it made him smile.

Hope on, little Warrior. It will make the pain of his death all the sweeter. I will save you for last and savor your pain. You and Ken Habersham are the two ends of the Circle. It is appropriate he is the first and you are the last, so you can watch the others fall.




After Lane and Bryan vanished, Bill noticed Lane’s sketchbook on his desk with the two faces he brought to life on paper. The drawings were amazing. Lane was incredibly talented but unassuming about his music and his drawing and painting skills. Bill had a clear image in his Mind of the drawing Lane made for him and Kevin as a Christmas present. It hung in their bedroom and meant more to them than anything.

The sketches looked finished to Bill’s untrained eye. They were easily good enough to scan and run against the doctor’s facial recognition algorithm. While Bill was in the process of digitizing the images, Sally came out of her room looking pale and withdrawn.

Bill knew she didn’t feel well because she didn’t have any makeup on. They hardly ever saw her without makeup and always kidded her about it; she was such a girl that way.

Bill stood and hugged her.

“Hey, hun. How are you doing?”

His voice was gentle, and she clung to his sturdy frame, her head barely reaching him mid-chest.

As soon as her arms wrapped around him, his Avatar fired off and Read her. She didn’t see his eyes squeeze shut as her emotional pain at seeing Carlo as a Golem became part of him.

She sniffed but was determined not to cry.

“I’m alright, thanks.”

He cupped her chin, raising her face to make eye contact. He knew she wasn’t telling the truth, and she saw it in his eyes immediately. She looked embarrassed and blushed slightly.

“I’m sorry, Bill. I shouldn’t be so upset. I’m more worried about Ken than seeing Carlo again. I know that thing wasn’t him.”

“Sally, what happened to you was horrific. There’s no need to be sorry or ashamed at being upset. I know exactly what you’re feeling… Sorry I couldn’t help it. When we hugged… Well, you know how my ability works.”

She snuggled against Bill’s warm, hard body in comfort, wanting to feel safe. He held her until she finally pulled back.

“Okay, I need to put my big girl panties on. I’ve got plenty of time to cry and work through this, but for now, I want to help with Ken. Is there anything I can do?”

“I’m scanning these drawings Lane did of who we think Ken’s mom and dad are. He managed to find them in another reality where they’re still alive, so they should be accurate. Can you run the facial recognition algorithms? You’re probably better at it than I am right now. I’m not fully up to speed on all the new software the doc’s been working on.”

Sally’s eyes widened at Bill’s comment of how Lane acquired the images of Ken’s parents.

Bill grinned and said, “Yeah, he did that. If anyone told me two years ago we’d be doing shit like this, I’d have called them insane. Now it’s just another day at the office.”

“I’ll be glad to scan them.”

Sally sat down, working quickly and efficiently. While she worked, she asked, “So, what else is going on? What other leads do we have to help Ken?”

Bill filled Sally in on Kent Peterson’s death and Kelly giving birth.

“Oh, my God! Marge, Craig, and Jacob must be devastated!”

“It was a bad day. Craig blames us for not being there to save his dad.”

“I’m so sorry, Bill. You know he’ll realize that’s not true when he settles down.”

“Maybe… But he’s partially right. We should have done something about his health before now.”

“Bill… None of you are to blame. Kent Peterson was a walking time bomb, and anyone who saw him knew it. He looked in the mirror every morning and saw his reflection. I don’t intend to sound mean, but he did it to himself.”

“Yeah, but we should have done something. Normally we wouldn’t…We can’t get distracted with things like that, but he was under our protection, and that changes our rules. We had plans to change all of them to stay hidden and off The Enemy’s radar. All this other shit just happened too soon.”

Sally put a hand on Bill’s big bicep and gently squeezed him in comfort.

“You guys can’t be everywhere or be everything to everybody. I realized that when I figured out you couldn’t bring Carlo back. When I saw Greg Rawlins at the party in the backyard when he came back from Heaven, it got my hopes up that you all could bring Carlo back for me. I realize now, not only that you couldn’t, but it was unfair for me to think that. Now, after working with the doctor and Albrecht and all you guys, I realize it was completely unfair to put that kind of pressure or obligation on you. If you want, I’ll talk to Craig. It might help coming from me; I can relate to how he feels.”

“That’s probably a good idea, Sally. Thanks, hun.”

Bill leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

“Hey, I gotta earn my pay somehow other than making the best pot of coffee around.”

Bill left Sally to work on the scans, while he went back into the Conference Room with Kevin, Loy, Rick, the doctor, and Albrecht, who were in an in-depth discussion over what options they might have to save Ken.




Lane and Bryan saw the clouds in the sky dissipating even as they looked up, and knew they were a response to whatever Brad just did. Their skin prickled from the electricity still in the air.

They rushed to Brad’s side, and Bryan gently pulled him off Ken.

Lane, through his Avatar, looked back through Time and saw what Brad attempted. The amount of Power he channeled was phenomenal, the emotional adrenaline and desperation pushing him beyond his normal limits. How the Curse could be unaffected by that much Power was baffling, but it seemed untouched.

“Let’s get him comfortable Bry and get him recharged.”

Bill brought extra blankets and towels, and Bryan rolled up a blanket and put it under Brad’s head as they put him beside Ken.

I need to Power us up anyway to cool down the water. Ken’s still burning up.

With Bryan physically present in the Valley, it wasn’t a matter of drawing from the Tree. In that place, at the source of his Power and as Protector of Yggdrasil, the Power continually tried to push into him, and it was more a matter of letting it in.

Opening himself, Bryan’s Mind and Heart expanded like the night of his first Awakening, filling him with the Life of Creation. Lane, One with his partner, followed Bryan’s Awareness. To him, it was like riding the crest of a tsunami, but one that was peaceful and controlled.

Lane Listened, drawing even more Power. The two men were like magnets for Animal Spirits residing in the Valley, and they swam in the air around the two men lending them strength. The Spirits instinctively wanted to help Ken, and Lane had to Command them to not empty themselves.

Lane wove a delicate net of energy and sent it into Brad, restoring him. He Opened Brad’s energy centers one by one, strengthened the flows, and pulled him into a complete merge with himself and Bryan.

Brad woke in the beautiful place where their Souls were One. The three men were naked together there, and Bryan and Lane had him sandwiched between them.

Instead of words, their thoughts blended, so each of them became fully aware of what the others knew.

Brad wanted to cry, but no tears came. It surprised him, but he quickly realized his unconscious Mind was steeling him to help Ken. He could no longer sit idly by and let his Brothers do all the work.

Bryan finally spoke, “Brad, you need to stay here with Ken. He needs to feel you here, and we need to try and figure out a way to stop that thing from spreading to the Tree.”

“I can’t just sit here.

Lane continued, “The guys are working on it, Brad. As soon as they need us, we’ll know. In the meantime, stay here with Ken.”

Just then, Ken’s body trembled violently and the Blackness spread, not only in Ken but closer to the Tree.




While events transpired in the Physical Realm, Gladys lived her perfect life in a Dream, raising Richard and Bruce as a single mother. It was a struggle, but she managed, and she was incredibly proud of her boys.

Gladys relished the life she was never able to live in reality. Michael was with her the entire time, watching over her, walking with her, unseen but present. He was with her as each boy took their first step, skinned their knees playing outside, rode their first bikes, played little league, and every stage in between.

She watched Richard and Bruce grow into manhood. Rich was more athletic and competitive, and he was very protective of his younger brother. Bruce was a decent athlete but didn’t seem to have the interest his older brother did.

Pride and sadness filled Gladys the day Richard told her he was joining the Marines. Four years later, Bruce joined the Navy, and again Gladys was proud yet terrified for her two handsome sons.

She bragged at church, and carried pictures of them in her wallet, ready to show anyone at the drop of a hat. She had photos of them in their uniforms on the mantle in her tiny living room.

Her sons were rarely able to visit at the same time, but whenever either one of them managed to get home on leave, she baked them her famous apple pie and made them homemade ice cream along with their favorite meal.

Michael made sure Gladys was happy and content as much as he was able, and was present with her in the dark times of her loneliness.

Both her sons married and had children, and Gladys loved being a grandmother and spoiling her grandchildren rotten. She begged her sons to let her grandchildren live with her in the summers while they were out of school.

It was a perfect life. Michael made sure of it. She was the earthly mother of his grandson and deserved a respite from the harsh life she led in reality.




Samuel Evander had served The Master for nearly two decades. He had given his Soul over to Darkness and gained unimaginable power over ordinary humans as a result. Dedicated to The Master, Samuel was willing, as were all His servants, to lay down his life for Him.

Two days after killing the old woman, a cab dropped Samuel off at the Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City to head back to Atlanta. He suffocated the old woman and considered his mission accomplished. The last known relatives of Ken Habersham were dead, and there was no possibility of a Cure. The Master would be victorious over The Order and when his reign over Mankind was undisputed, Samuel would have played a significant role in His success and would be duly rewarded.

Stopping at a small newspaper stand, Samuel purchased a copy of The Oklahoman, the local Oklahoma City paper, before boarding his flight back to Atlanta. The plane was nearly full, which irritated him to no end. Even though he sat in first class, he preferred to fly without sitting next to anyone. There were a few empty seats, and just before the flight took off, he touched his forefinger to his temple, and his eyes flashed white. The other passengers rearranged themselves as necessary, and he was soon seated by himself.

Samuel ordered a Bloody Mary as his pre-flight cocktail, making sure the flight attendant knew precisely how he liked it.

Shortly after takeoff he removed his hat and leaned his head back to doze until he was awakened by the flight crew when the in-flight meal service began. He slept again after his meal but woke up a short time later due to turbulence.

Irritated, Samuel remained awake the rest of the flight. Bored, he opened the newspaper and began skimming the headlines. He soon tired of the paper and was about to put it down when his blood ran cold. Panic hit him hard, and fear, when he read the headline in the obituaries: Retraction - Tragedy Strikes Grace Living Center in Chickasha, OK. Incorrect Death reported.


Tragedy struck twice at the Grace Living Center in Chickasha, OK last week. Gladys Hutchins was incorrectly reported as deceased in a records mishap. The woman who passed away was Ruth Emmet, the roommate of Gladys Hutchins. .


Samuel didn’t finish reading the rest of the article. He killed the wrong woman! He had to return immediately and complete his task and keep The Master from discovering his mistake!

His flight was nearly to Atlanta. A chill went down his spine… He had to correct his blunder as quickly as possible! Controlling the Mind of one of the flight attendants he made her contact the cockpit to arrange for his return flight.

There wasn’t another direct flight back to Oklahoma City for another four hours, and he paced and fumed the entire time.

Samuel was on edge, and his irritation spread to the people around him, making nearby passengers ill-tempered and snappish.




Rich couldn’t hang on much longer; he was at the limit of his endurance, both physical and mental. He stopped talking, and his breath came in ragged gasps. Ken stopped trying to get him to talk so he could save his breath.

Ken tried to find another spot where Rich could rest but wasn’t able to find one and wasted precious time moving sideways rather than down. Still a few hundred yards from the bottom, Ken knew Rich wasn’t going to make it.

Everything happened in a split second. Rich’s arms gave out, and he slid down Ken’s body. With his hands bound, he caught at Ken’s shoulder just like they planned, but the t-shirt started to rip.

Ken slowed his perception of Time to give himself time to think. His Mind was on overdrive, formulating a plan. Only one thing came to mind, one chance to get them both down, and it was going to be painful. Taking a deep breath, Ken braced himself.

To Rich, it all happened instantaneously. Ken released his hold on the rock wall and grabbed hold of Rich. Ken’s leg muscles bunched and he kicked off, launching them straight out from the sheer rock wall. With his superhuman agility and dexterity, Ken twisted himself around so Rich was in front of him.

They dropped like a bullet at the precise angle Ken wanted, his vision filled with the vector arcs and trajectory needed to make it happen. Ken cradled Rich’s body, wrapping his brother up as much as possible to lessen the impact. Ken knew it would hurt Rich too, especially his already broken leg, but they would be alive.

In midair, a massive surge of pain hit Ken in his chest as the Dark Splinter expanded again. He stifled an outcry of pain, pulling from his Avatar to make him equal to the task of saving himself and his brother. Fresh sweat broke out across his muscled body as he fought off the pain and maintained perfect control. His resolve never wavered, sucking up the pain and letting it hit the wall of his Will and determination.

Ken didn’t understand where he was or what was happening to him. The mystery of Rich already being dead was confusing, but he wasn’t about to let anything happen to his newfound brother regardless. Rich lived and breathed inside the Construct, whatever or wherever it was, and Ken had to do his best to save him.

The extreme training Ken put himself and his Teammates through nearly every day once again saved his life.

Seconds before impact, Ken slowed is perception of Time again. He tucked and rolled his body into as much of a ball as he could, wrapping Rich up, and rolling them. His shoulders hit first, as intended. His aim was perfect, and he impacted precisely at the clearest, smoothest spot on the rocks below at the precise angle. Flexing his back, Ken rolled with the velocity, absorbing the shock with his body, which was far less because of his actions. In his Mind, he envisioned himself like a stone being skipped over water…he rolled and deflected the impact. Their momentum threw them high in the air, but their combined weight fought gravity and slowed their velocity. He continued to flip and roll their bodies every time they hit the ground, again and again, slowing more each time.

Rich grunted with each impact, and it hurt Ken to know the pain his brother was going through. Finally, they rolled to a stop, with Ken on his back, holding Rich. He opened his arms and as gently as he could moved Rich off him and onto the rocky ground.

Rich was unconscious, passed out from the pain and maybe even fear. He had no idea what Ken planned or that he was capable of such a feat. It all happened so fast he didn’t have time to react. With his Avatar, Ken looked more closely and saw fractures in two of Rich’s ribs he must have gotten from the impact.

Thankful they were alive Ken stayed still for a moment, recovering from the pain in his chest. The adrenaline rush from the drop helped. His back burned where his sweaty skin scraped on the rocks. He tried to roll as much as he could, but some friction was inevitable against the rocky surface. Blood trickled down his back, but he knew it was superficial.

Fuck, B. I miss you so much. I need you to Heal Rich. I don’t know what the hell’s goin’ on. I sometimes forget how much I rely on you. I know you see it, but you’re my rock. I wish I told you more often.

Ken’s eyes watered as he sat beside his newfound brother, one hand on Rich’s chest in comfort, careful not to put pressure on his ribs. Ken lowered his head for a moment, lost in his thoughts. So much was happening, and he didn’t have a clue about much of it.

Ken teared up as he thought about Rich and began to sob. His throat was so tight he couldn’t have talked if he wanted to. He looked at the man he barely knew but wanted to know so much it hurt. Ken wanted to know Rich as he already knew Brad. It would be a mistake to merge with Rich so soon even if he could, but he didn’t know how much time they had left together, and he felt desperate to find out as much as he could.

Suddenly the pain hit him again, this time harder than ever. He fought it, his whole body tense, trying to fight it off. His Avatar glowed brightly, but this time was different, and the pain hit his Soul as well as his Body.

It didn’t stop as it had before and after a few minutes, Ken passed out, slumped beside his brother, unconscious.




As Rich regained consciousness, he felt like he had been run over by a truck. Ken scared him shitless when he pushed off the rock wall, and he was convinced they were both going to plummet to their deaths. Suicide seemed out of character from what little he knew of Ken, so he trusted him. It didn’t mean he wasn’t scared shitless though, and he chuckled to himself.

He remembered Ken wrapping him up with his own body and expected them both to be splattered on the rocky surface below, but Ken’s body hardened and curled around him and rolled into the fall. The pain jarred Rich to the point where he passed out, so he didn’t know how Ken managed to stop them safely.

As he opened his eyes, he saw Ken slumped over, partially on his side. The Blackness in Ken’s body was visible now, and Rich panicked. He didn’t understand any of what was going on. First, he was captured by strangers and taken to a guy who called himself The Master. The bastard was evil, and Darkness covered his face. He was tortured slowly for nearly a month and finally succumbed to death as they slowly drained his body of blood.

Before his torture started, The Master told Rich he had a brother they were going to kill, using his blood to do it. He wouldn’t have believed it, except The Master had no eyes, just dark spots that sucked his Mind into them. That was worse than the physical torture.

Rich woke in this place, and after a few minutes an earthquake hit, and he was buried under a large boulder that broke his leg.

Once he regained consciousness, he made eye contact and knew right away Ken was his brother. Now it looked like he was going to lose Ken within hours of meeting him. Against all odds they found one another, in whatever world or Dream they were in, and it tore Rich’s heart out knowing they were both going to die soon.

Rich felt the tremors and looking up he saw Dark tendrils on the sheer rock face they climbed down. Rich knew the Darkness was after Ken. He wasn’t sure how but he knew, and he had to try and get Ken further away.

Even though he was sure they were going to die, he wasn’t going to just let it happen. He was a fighter; a Marine. He yelled in pain as he pulled himself upright.

Grabbing one of Ken’s hands, Rich pulled his arm up, amazed at how heavy and solid Ken’s arm was. Bracing himself as best he could, Rich pulled with all his strength. Fire shot through his ribs, but he held on, screaming through the pain. Ken weighed over four hundred pounds, and Rich was only able to drag his body a few inches.

“Fuck! You fat ass! Wake up and help me!”

Tears of desperation fell down his cheeks, mixing with the sweat of his exertion. He braced himself and dragged Ken another few inches, determined if that’s all he could do, then that’s what he would do. He was moving his kid brother further away from the black shit that wanted to consume him.

When the trembling started again, Rich’s eyes widened when he felt it in himself. His Blood was the source of the Darkness that wanted to destroy Ken; it was tied to him. As the Blood Curse neared completion, it was strong enough for Rich to feel it.

Close to blacking out again from pain and exhaustion, Rich’s chest heaved in harsh gasps.

Pull. Drag. Crawl.

Pull. Drag. Crawl.

His existence boiled down to those motions. Rich’s Mind went back to when he tried to save his buddy, Adam. Gunny Adam Coleman was his best friend, and Rich tried to save him when an I.E.D. exploded under their Humvee. He hadn’t been able to save his best friend, but he was damn sure going to save his kid brother!

Inches at a time, Rich drug Ken’s body away from the Blackness closing in on them. He pulled until he passed out from exhaustion and pain, and when he came to, he continued his efforts.

Rich had passed the normal limits of his body hours prior. He was operating on will and determination only. He didn’t realize he only moved Ken’s body a few yards, but he was pulling him away, and that was all that mattered. Every inch Ken was further away from the Blackness was a good thing.

Pull. Drag. Crawl.

Pull. Drag. Crawl.




After a few hours and a small number of false-positive results on the facial recognition, Sally got a confirmed hit, but her excitement quickly turned to shock. Tears welled in her eyes as she read the obituary in the Express-Star, the local newspaper in Chickasha, OK.


Gladys Hutchins, age 82, passed peacefully in her sleep at Grace Living Center in Chickasha, OK. Ms. Hutchins had no known next of kin. Services will be held…


Glancing at Lane’s drawing, there was no question it was Ken’s mother. Her hand went to her mouth, and her heart ached. Gladys was Ken’s only hope, and a sob escaped before she could help herself.

Drew heard Sally’s sharp intake of breath and looked up to see tears in her eyes. He knew Sally was already upset about something and hadn’t told him, and he rushed over to her.

Sally didn’t want Drew to see what was on her screen, so she toggled the display back to his lesson plan.

Drew’s voice was quiet and tentative as he asked, “Miss Sally? Why are you crying?”

Sally knew Drew would know the truth soon enough, but she didn’t want to be the one to tell him. Steeling herself, she wiped her eyes and said, “I’m sorry honey, I saw something that made me sad. Go back to your lesson. I have to step into the Conference room and talk to Dr. Aaron.”

She printed six copies of the article, nearly numb from what she knew it meant for Ken, Brad, and the rest of the Team and their cause. She tapped lightly on the door before entering.

From the tears in her eyes, they knew her news wasn’t good. She didn’t say a word, afraid if she tried to speak, she would completely break down, so she slid the copies across the table to them.

Loy reached out with his Mind, separating the copies, and one each moved in front of the doctor, Albrecht, Ricky, Bill, Kevin, and himself.

The doctor’s response was a quiet and barely discernable, “Oh, my.”




Lane played his guitar, unsure if Ken could hear, but played many of Ken’s favorite songs regardless. He sang quietly but intently for his Brother, while Brad sat beside Ken with a hand on his chest. Bryan cooked and prepared food to pass the time.

Only a few Iktomi eggs remained, and the two creatures currently feeding on the Curse were nearly full and at the end of their life cycle. Brad ignored them, and they ignored him. Bryan dampened their Aura’s so the Iktomi would take no notice of them and focus on Ken.

Bryan ventured to the stream that fed the roots of the Tree and eventually into the small lake containing the Water of Life. The water from the stream was icy cold. It was where Brad and Ken first encountered Luke on their initial visit to the Valley.

The water from that stream stayed chilled, which relieved Brad from the effort of cooling it down.

Occasionally Ken trembled, and when it did, the Blackness expanded. Black tendrils were now within a few feet of the Tree’s closest roots. The Curse was getting stronger, and they could almost see it creeping slowly across the grass.

Bryan finally said, “Brad, we have to do something. Either move Ken or figure something out. The Tree can’t be infected.”

Lane knew how hard it was for Bryan to say those words.

Brad nodded his acknowledgment, but his face remained blank, with a detachment that worried Bryan and Lane.

Before Bryan could say anything else, a surge of emotion ran through the Link from their Brothers in Atlanta. The image of Gladys Hutchins’s obituary came into their Minds, shared by Loy. They had no choice but to hope and believe Ken had another living relative, but it seemed the Enemy was one step ahead of them and found her first.

Ken’s mother, his last chance, was gone, and Brad’s hopes went with her. He fell on Ken, sobbing uncontrollably.

Lowering his head, Bryan yelled, “FUCK!”




It had been some time since Samuel had been so utterly terrified. He loved his Master but also feared him, and he knew, without doubt, his failure would cost him his life. Samuel tried to will the plane to fly faster, even Compelling the Captain to do everything he could to shorten their flight time.

Samuel’s fear turned to anger, which he took out on those around him. He was subtle as he was trained to be but left his mark on the Minds and Souls of the passengers on the flight back to Oklahoma City. He felt more focused and less on edge by the time the plane set down after ruining several lives. The rush of power always seemed to help restore his sense of balance.

The girl at the car rental counter told him she was currently out of cars but should have one within the hour. Samuel’s eyes flashed white, and she gave him the keys to the nicest car on the lot, reserved for a businessman due later in the afternoon.

He drove fast and twice police attempted to pull him over, but his eyes flashed white and their lights turned off, ignoring him.

Finally, the icy cold fire in the pit of his stomach began to recede when he pulled into the parking lot of Grace Living Center in Chickasha.

He wasn’t just going to kill Gladys Hutchins; he was going to devour her Mind. But before that, he planned to create a Construct and torture her for a very long time. She would pay dearly, merely for existing and the anxiety she put him through.

As he strode purposefully down the hallway, Samuel saw Rachel, the nurse from his previous visit. She looked at him with recognition and a slight frown on her face. His immediate focus was the old woman, and he would deal with Rachel momentarily.

His long strides carried him down the hall to room 238. He smiled to himself as he pushed the door open and saw Gladys asleep on her bed.




As Brad cried, Ken trembled violently, but this time was different. The Curse was nearly complete, and the tremors didn’t stop. The black tendrils spread from Ken’s body, reaching for the Tree.

Bryan and Lane mimicked Brad’s shock and scrambled up.

Lane brought himself and Bryan together and threw a Shield over the Roots of the Tree. When Brad attacked the Curse, his Power vanished, never touching or effecting the Blackness, so Lane wasn’t sure if his Shield would have any effect.

Bryan was panicking, “Fuck! Brad, you have to get Ken out of here now! Lane help him!”

Brad forced himself to focus… He wasn’t about to give up. Ken had to stay in the Valley to have any hope of surviving. Glowing like a small star, Brad threw all his Power into Lane’s Shield.

Instinctively he called out: Grandfather! Please help!

Lane and Bryan heard his call and were surprised when Michael and Raphael appeared in an explosion of Light.

Istariel said the Archangels didn’t have the Power to remove the Curse, but Brad hoped they had the Power to slow it down.

Michael, dressed in his usual jeans, white t-shirt, and black leather jacket, appeared between the roots of the Tree and the black tendrils. Throwing his jacket off in the heat, he raised his arms and his sword appeared in his hands.

With a mighty swing, he drove the point into the ground, and a bolt of lightning came down from the Heavens, striking the pommel. His wings appeared as he assumed his True Form and he was so bright they could hardly look at him.

The strain in Michael’s body was evident. He was tense and every muscle flexed with the extreme effort of holding the Curse at bay.

Raphael, Shield me!

Raphael moved behind him, placing his hands on either side of Michael’s head. He bowed his head and spread his wings, wrapping them around Michael and creating a buffer.

Bryan watched through his Avatar, Understanding the Power they exerted strained reality. If the Valley wasn’t on both sides of the Veil, what they were doing would have ripped a hole in the fabric of Creation. Raphael prevented that, but there was still a chance if things progressed any further.

Brad was about to add his own Power to theirs when Luke appeared.

Brad moved himself in between Ken and Luke and shouted, “What are you doing here!?”

Luke smiled, but his eyes shone with hate; hatred for all of them.

As soon as he saw the smile on Luke’s face, Brad knew why he was there. Luke couldn’t interfere with Ken directly, even indirectly if that were his sole intent; the Oathstone prevented it. However, the Archangels were not part of the Oath Ken forced Luke to swear. Brad also realized why the Archangels had been scarce in their lives since the confrontation with Luke. They knew Luke could still come after them and might orchestrate events so that some of the Team could be collateral damage.

Brad’s gut wrenched. Their Power wasn’t able to affect the Curse, and Michael and Raphael were Ken’s only hope of holding it off even for a short time. Brad threw his thoughts across the world.

Guys! You have to do something!

Brad shared the scene unfolding in front of him, and they knew only minutes remained, if that, to save Ken.

Luke spread his wings, preparing to attack Michael, and Michael was the only thing holding the Curse at bay.

All the while, the Blackness in Ken dug deeper, devouring his very essence.




The beeping of Sally’s computer caught Drew’s attention. He glanced up and saw she was still in the Conference room talking with his dad and the others. The door was shut so he couldn’t hear what they were saying. He even tried listening with his Mind, but they were tightly Shielded. His curiosity was on fire as to what was going on. He knew it had something to do with his Uncle Ken, but no one had told him anything.

While Sally was distracted, Drew snuck over to her computer. It wasn’t a Windows-based machine…it was running the new Operating System the doctor developed, but much of the same functionality existed. He pressed Alt-Tab and the applications Sally had open popped up in a window. One of the icons was blinking along with the notification sound.

Henry was in deep conversation with everyone about the obituary Sally found, but he was watching Drew like a hawk. As good a boy as Drew was, he was still a little boy and very curious. Henry saw him sneak over to Sally’s workstation.

Henry was exasperated. It wasn’t the time for antics, and he got up with an irritated sigh. The doctor held out a hand in a gesture that said ‘patience.’

Drew stood staring at a picture of a woman on the screen when Henry came up behind him. Even as Henry started in on Drew, he saw what was on the monitor. Gladys Hutchins was alive! The search engine was still working and got another hit after Sally left the keyboard to tell them what she found!

Just then, Brad’s voice screamed in their Minds along with the image of Michael holding off the Curse from infecting the Tree, and Ken’s body, nearly lifeless and in his last minutes.

Guys! You have to do something!

They watched Luke appear, smiling.

Kevin yelled: Brad, we’ll be right there!

Henry: Guys, wait! She’s alive! Ken’s mom is alive! There was a retraction in the newspaper!

Henry shared the image of the article through the Link.




Tragedy Strikes Twice at Grace Living Center in Chickasha, OK. Incorrect Death reported.

Tragedy struck twice at the Grace Living Center in Chickasha, OK last week. Gladys Hutchins was incorrectly reported as deceased in a records mishap. The woman who passed away was Ruth Emmet, the roommate of Gladys Hutchins.




Individually none of the other Mentalists were as strong as Brad, but they were Powerful. Loy and Bill delved into one another, drawing strength from Rick and Bill. At the same time, they Listened and pulled from the Tree and Animal Spirits, and fluttered their Souls across the Veil.

Loy and Bill cast their Awareness across the country, skimming the Minds of humans until they located Chickasha, OK, and then looked deeper until they found Grace Living Center.

They found the Mind of Rachael, the nurse on duty in the facility and looked through her eyes. Darren synchronized their Avatars to his and Loy, Rick, Bill, and Kevin appeared in the hallway in front of Rachael.

Loy and Bill broadcast a Compulsion to ignore them and prevented a panic as the four of them materialized in the middle of the hallway. They arrived virtually invisible and undetectable to anyone, including The Enemy.

Bill touched Rachael, Reading her, and knew Gladys was in room 238. Bill also knew The Enemy recently touched Rachael’s Mind. Looking deeper, Bill realized it was the day Ruth Emmett died.

Loy cast his Awareness through the building and sensed the cold presence of The Enemy. They knew the layout of the building from Rachael and took off to Room 238 from the nurse's station with Rick and Kevin in the lead.

Loy’s and Bill’s Avatars glowed, and a cold ball of fear formed in the pit of their stomachs.

Something wrong was happening that very moment!

Loy brought the four of them together as One, taking them so deep Time nearly stood still. It was as much an act of desperation as Love, and their Light shone brightly against the Darkness they felt.




Samuel found Gladys asleep in her room. Standing at the foot of her bed, he wondered for a moment about what happened the first time? Had someone or something intervened to save her? She should already be dead.

You escaped once old woman, but not again. Whatever Power saved you before will not save you this time.

He moved to her bedside. Gladys lay in a coma, Dreaming of her perfect life. Samuel looked into her Mind and saw the life she lived. He grinned evilly as he twisted her Dream into a nightmare, forcing her to watch as her sons were trapped and dying in a barren landscape.

Samuel waited a moment, knowing that tiny thread of Time would be years in her Mind, and then he took a pillow and covered her face. Tears spilled down her aged face as she dreamed of the horrible loss of her sons. Her arms flailed feebly in reaction to her suffocation.

Die, old woman! You are a thorn in my side and the side of my Master!

Samuel’s face registered surprise, and then agony as a wave of Light swept through him. It was powerful and brighter than anything he had ever experienced in the Spiritual Realm. The pressure of the pillow vanished as his body turned to ash, obliterated by the Light of the four Warriors of the Order.

Seconds later they rushed into the room, Kevin first, followed by Rick and then Loy and Bill. Kevin rushed to Gladys’s bedside and jerked the pillow away, scattering the ashen remains of Samuel Evander.

Kevin looked with his Understanding and enhanced sight. She was alive! She woke with fright and a groan of agony, her wrinkled cheeks wet with tears. Gladys didn’t recognize any of the men in front of her, but her eyes pleaded with them to save her sons as they were dying in her Mind, trapped together in a barren rocky landscape.




Brad’s desperation filled the Link. The Curse was nearly complete! Brad realized the Curse was spreading to Yggdrasil because of Ken’s Avatar. The part of his Avatar that came from Bryan was the connection, and it would consume the Tree as well as Ken.

Another emotion was present the Link, nearly as powerful as Brad’s desperation; anger! It came from Bryan; the one thing that could rile the gentle nature of the man was someone hurting a loved one.

His deep voice was tight and controlled as he thought: Brad, Lane, help Michael and Raphael. This fucker is mine!

Luke raised an eyebrow when Bryan moved in front of him.

“You would dare?”

Luke’s voice sounded incredulous with a tinge of humor and even hopefulness.

“If you do this, it will circumvent the Oath as far as you are concerned.”

“You have to get through me to get to them, fucker. If you can.”

Lane felt the determination in his lover, and his pride for Bryan’s act overwhelmed his fear of what Bryan was doing.

I’m with you, Bry.

Blindingly fast Luke struck Bryan with one of his wings, launching Bryan’s big body through the air and into the branches of the Tree. With a bright emerald flash, Bryan disappeared.

Bryan was the Protector of Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life, and Leroy, The Midgard Serpent, who would one day destroy the world and all Creation. In the Valley, Bryan was at the heart of his Power and fulfilling his Purpose by defending Michael, who defended the Tree.

Bryan’s presence never left the Link. In fact, everyone felt him grow stronger, beyond anything they had ever felt from him.

A second flash of emerald Power had Bryan standing in front of Michael and Ken, his Avatar shining brightly on his muscled shoulder.

“That the best you got, fucker? You hit like a sissie.”

Luke looked mildly surprised but wasn’t concerned. Bryan was a Nephilim and an Original Man, powerful in his own right, but Luke was the Dark One, brought into being by the Creator himself before Existence.

Luke raised a hand, launching a Black Talon of Energy. Bryan slowed his perception of Time and embraced his Avatar. Life, not just of the current Reality but all the infinite incarnations where the Tree existed, flooded into Bryan. In the Valley and fulfilling his Purpose as Protector of the Tree, Bryan was strong enough to be the vessel for all of it.

The Talon hit Bryan full force, and he threw up his arms defensively using the same maneuver as Henry on the night he defended Drew from The Master. Bryan felt the same as Henry on that night, and a fleeting thought crossed his Mind of how much they had learned from Henry since he joined the ranks of their Brotherhood. Bryan had come to love Henry as a younger Brother, especially at that moment as he used a ‘Henry Original’ as the guys called it.

The Talon dissipated, and Luke’s eyes widened in surprise.

Bryan didn’t want to defile the Power of the Tree by using it as a direct weapon. They always drew from it at need to empower them, but they never used the Power of Life as a weapon in and of itself.

The ring on Bryan’s finger, a gift from Lane at Christmas and forged with Dragon Fire from Leroy himself, was attuned to the Dragon. Even in slumber, Leroy was aware of Luke when he was near, and it agitated him, evoking dreams of fire and destruction. The ring, especially in the Valley, amplified Bryan’s natural connection to the Dragon and he was more connected to Leroy’s than usual.

The Dragon Fire Agates in Bryan’s ring glowed, and he delved into the unconscious Mind of the Beast. Surrounded by heat, Bryan soared over the world with Leroy, breathing a Cleansing Fire. At that moment, Bryan had an epiphany, and his eyes widened in pride and love for the creature. Bryan realized as he watched in Leroy’s Dream that the beast wouldn’t devour the World when he was Awakened, he would Purify and Cleanse it, and create something new and fresh. A second epiphany was the Source of Rick’s Avatar must be Leroy’s Fire.

Bryan took the Rage and Fire from Leroy so he could sleep peacefully, and as he did Dragon Fire licked over his muscled body, burning off his clothes. His eyes became slitted and Leroy’s Rage, barely containable, burned in him.

Bryan’s already deep voice deepened even further, and he let out a bellow that shook the Tree as Dragon Fire belched from his mouth, hitting Luke full force.

Luke’s wings wrapped around himself in Protection as Bryan forced him to go entirely defensive, his wings smoking and singed from the Power Bryan threw at him.

Lane was torn, wanting to join Bryan in his fight against Luke. He wanted to add his strength to Bryan’s and watch his lover do something that should be impossible, to face the Dark One in single combat and if not win outright, to drive him away.

As Brad threw all his formidable Power into Raphael and Michael, Lane instinctively knew what to do. He had done it once before, and it had caused Luke considerable pain, drawing on the greatest source of his power, the Music of Creation.

His eyes turned White, and a violin and bow appeared in his hands. The violin was beautiful, with the brightly colored mosaic design of his Avatar in the rich, dark wood.

He chose the stringed instrument over the brass trumpet he used before. Then it was symbolic of his Heritage as Gabriel’s grandson. It also used a lot of oxygen, and he didn’t want to divert even the smallest bit of Power to infuse his body with air to maintain the note.

A single note, perfect and beautiful, emitted from the instrument of his Avatar was heard all the way to Heaven, and the Choir stopped to Listen. Gabriel touched his Mind, and Lane sensed the gratified smirk of approval on his inhumanly handsome face.

Bryan heard the note through the Rage and Fire and with it the love of his best friend, life partner, and soon-to-be-husband. Michael and Raphael heard it as well, and more Power flowed into them along with Brad’s.

As his Dragon’s Breath ended, Bryan stood breathing heavily from the exertion, his body magnificent as Fire still licked his form. Sweat gleamed on his skin, and he never looked more handsome or virile to Lane than at that moment, facing off against one of the most powerful beings in Creation in defense of their best friend and leader.

Luke staggered physically and Mentally. How an upstart hybrid could be so powerful was beyond him. His hatred towards The Order grew all the deeper, and he wished even more for The Master’s failure so he could destroy them himself.

Luke realized Bryan, at the Tree, could match him Power for Power. Even Luke couldn’t willingly unravel Creation by escalating the battle, but he was also a master of physical prowess, having trained with Michael before his Fall.

With a snarl, Luke spread his wings and launched himself at Bryan.

Bryan slowed his perception of Time again, watching Luke’s advance and recognizing elements of The Quintessential Dance. In response, he hurled himself at Luke; both beings graceful beyond words. They fought, and neither one landed a single blow. Bryan’s Avatar made him equal to the task, and he was as nimble and agile as he needed to be to stop Luke.

They were so quick their arms and feet were a blur. Lane and Brad watched, and their Brother’s saw through their eyes. They were with him, tied to his Soul, feeling everything, even while Loy and the others were in Atlanta.

Events were happening simultaneously. Only moments ago, Brad felt the tragedy of seeing Gladys Hutchins’s obituary when Sally found the article online.

It seemed futile, but none of them gave up. Brad called on Raphael to help, desperate to give his Brothers even a few more seconds to discover a way to help Ken.

Miraculously, while Michael and Raphael staved off the Curse from the Tree, and Bryan battled Luke, Henry shouted through the Link.

Guys, wait! She’s alive!

Renewed hope shot through the Link, giving Bryan the fortitude to continue holding Luke at bay and pushing him beyond being equal to land a haymaker on Luke’s jaw that sent him flying backward nearly fifty feet before spreading his wings to stop himself.

Luke’s black eyes seethed with hatred, and he sent another Black Talon at Bryan, only to be blocked by his bright Emerald Shield. Bryan smiled grimly and said, “Give it up fucker. You aren’t getting past me.”

The bellow of Luke’s frustration and rage was heard throughout the Spiritual Realm. The Master heard it as well as he felt the efforts of Michael and Raphael to save Ken Habersham.

The confident look on The Masters' face faltered when The Dark One cried out in anger and frustration as he fled the Valley, driven off by Bryan.




Rich was barely coherent, operating on the only thing left in him, determination to save his newfound brother. Every fraction of an inch he moved Ken further away from the Black tendrils meant the tendrils had to move closer to reach them.

The pain in his broken leg and body was nearly unbearable, but he pushed through it. Finally, he gave out. Rich wasn’t a Nephilim like his brother. He didn’t have Powers or strength beyond a normal man. His Mind wasn’t Open. He reached the end of his strength and faltered. He pushed in one last surge before he collapsed and lost consciousness beside his brother, his hand still clutching Ken’s. At least they would die together.

The Black tendrils accelerated, but neither man saw them.

When the tendrils were only a few feet away, a column of lightning hit the ground. In an explosion of Light, Michael appeared, driving his sword into the rocky ground, creating a barrier the Black tendrils could not cross.

Raphael appeared with him, shielding Michael and the two men, inside the Construct of the Dream that existed in their Mother’s Mind.




Kevin picked Gladys up as if she weighed nothing. To his strength, she didn’t, but he was gentle, not wanting to hurt her.

Her voice was frail and quivered as she asked, “Who are you? Please help my sons!”

Kevin had no idea if she was delirious or talking about Ken. It didn’t matter. His Avatar flared Emerald Green, and he disappeared. Rick followed, and a fraction of a second later Loy and Bill did as well.




Kevin: Dar, get everyone to the Tree! We have Ken’s mother, but I’m not sure how this works. We need the doc and Albrecht with us. Bring Henry and Drew too.

Darren’s handsome face looked upwards, and his eyes flashed White. His Avatar flared brightly as he synchronized with his Brothers’, scattered across the Earth.

All of them materialized around the base camp where Ken was on the ground, nearly consumed by the Curse.

Michael and Raphael were there, and Brad and Lane sent thick White ropes of energy into the Archangels supporting their efforts to hold the Curse at bay. As soon as everyone appeared, Brad and Lane diverted enough power to protect Drew, Henry, the doctor, and Albrecht.

The doctor saw the Blackness in Ken, spread over his body with only a small part of his face left untouched. That last part staved off by Ken’s angelic Grandfather Michael, along with the Black tendrils reaching for the Tree.

Henry threw his own strength into the Link, along with his Brothers.

As soon as Drew saw Ken, he started crying, and his arms flew around Henry’s neck as his father picked him up. Drew clung to Henry in fear, but his eyes never wavered from Ken. The Stone appeared in his hand, and he squeezed it so hard smoke oozed between his small fingers. His hand shook, and a bolt of Power erupted from the Stone, striking the heart of the Curse.

The ground shook from the force of the impact. The Stone was a part of the same Deep Magic as the Curse, as strong and Deep as what affected Ken. Michael’s relief was audible as Drew’s action made itself felt.

Henry had no idea how long Drew could maintain his effort, or if he even really knew what he was doing. His actions seemed instinctual, out of love for Ken. The raw emotion would sustain him for a short time, but not for long.

Kevin knelt, gently setting Gladys on the soft grass. Her white flannel nightgown looked bright, reflecting the Light of the Powers around her. She was wide-eyed and thought she was still Dreaming, surrounded by angels, but her tears were present, and her thoughts with her sons.




Aaron saw Ken as soon as Darren pulled him and Albrecht to the Valley. Emotions long-forgotten resurfaced being at the Tree again. The long struggle of his life started a few feet from where he stood.

Throughout thousands of years, Aaron accumulated vast knowledge, having studied at every bastion of learning throughout history. His intellect pieced together mysteries gleaned from all those scrolls, tablets, books, and carvings, and he knew more about science and Creation than any human alive.

As soon as Aaron laid eyes on Ken, he knew Gladys would have to sacrifice herself to save her son. Ken was too far gone. Gladys was old and frail, yet he knew by the look in her eyes she would unquestioningly give up her own life for the life of her son. Even though she didn’t know Ken, Aaron knew a mother’s unconditional love and instincts to protect her offspring would override any concern for her wellbeing.

The issue was Ken and how he would be devastated by her sacrifice. As a military strategist and leader, Ken would objectively know she did the right thing, but she was his mother, and that would remove his objectivity.

Aaron sighed, leaning on Albrecht in their private Link. Albrecht was witness to, and part of, Aaron’s thought processes. He knew Aaron would take the brunt of the decision. He loved Ken as a son, but in the Battle they were in Aaron would sacrifice Gladys to save Ken and thereby give the World a chance at Redemption.

Ken might not see it that way, and Aaron would be devastated if Ken hated him afterward, but it wouldn’t stop him from doing what was necessary.




Aaron: Brad, pull us into a Construct with Gladys. Do not include Drew. Go Deep, so we have time to talk.

Brad heard the Mental tone of the doctor’s voice, and his stomach lurched as his Intuition told him what was about to happen. His heart was already breaking for Ken and the hurt he would soon experience.

Instead of the Conference Room, Brad made a Construct of The River, taking them to the cove where Ken fought the Creature that almost killed him and Brad a few years prior. The place had a symbolic meaning that seemed appropriate. It was a place where they all experienced a beginning and an end in their lives.




The soothing sound of the bubbling water and the gentle breeze blowing through the leaves was pleasant. The bright sun warmed their faces but wasn’t too hot, and there was a beautiful shaded area where he set Gladys down gently.

She looked bewildered but not panicked.

Her watery eyes wide, Gladys asked in a quivering voice, “Are you angels?”

The nine men, part Nephilim, looked like Angels with their bright Auras and their inhuman grace and nobility. Henry wasn’t far off from them in looks, and the doctor and Albrecht were both handsome men as well. They all exuded a feeling of comfort and strength. In that place, in Brad’s Mind, Gladys sensed the loving bonds between them.

The doctor smiled and took her hand, “No, Gladys, we are not. A few of these fine young men come close. Your son Bruce should be among them, but he is very sick.”

“Where is he? And where is Rich?”

The doctor gently explained to her that Rich was dead, and Ken was dying.

Gladys groaned as he told her the harsh truth. Fresh tears spilled down all their faces as Aaron spoke. She hadn’t seen or held either son since they were infants in the Physical Realm, and now she was told one of them was already gone, and the other was about to be.

“Can’t you do something?”

“No Gladys, but you can.”

Brad’s throat tightened, and he choked back a sob at the doctor’s words.

Oh God, why does it have to be this way!?

“Gladys, I am sorry, but we do not have much time, and it is difficult to explain. You do not know how important your Bruce is to the world. If he dies the hope of Mankind’s redemption diminishes greatly. You hold the means to save him.”


“You are his last living relative. What has been done to him is very Powerful, and only your blood can save him. I am sorry, my dear; it is difficult for me to say that. I know what it will mean for you.”

As odd as it seemed, Gladys’s eyes and Mind cleared for the first time since her boys were taken from her. She wasn’t able to protect or save her sons when they were infants, but now, beyond reason, she had a chance to save at least one of them. It didn’t matter what the man in front of her said about Bruce being important to the world. Her decision wasn’t about the world; it was about saving the life of her son.

Gladys straightened, standing up, and her white flannel nightgown, bright in the afternoon sun billowed slightly in the breeze, and she almost looked like an angel herself. Her external visage changed as the pieces of her Mind Healed.

For a moment, she appeared young and beautiful again and then became herself.

“I am an old woman. I lived my life alone, thinking about my two sons every day. I prayed and imagined they would come back into my life and take me away from that home. I lived my life again, in a Dream. It was a gift from an Angel; it had to be. I spent a second life with them. My life will be over soon enough. I will gladly give up what time I have left for my Bruce.”

The doctor’s eyes flooded with tears at her words. Her bravery and self-sacrifice were profound, and it proved good still existed inside people. That was what they were fighting for.

“I will make it painless, my dear.”

“Thank you for that, but it wouldn’t matter. Can I see him? Even for a moment?”

“If you wish, but it will be upsetting. What was done to him is nearly complete.”

“Show me.”




No one felt the transition as they moved out of the Construct, and their perception of Time returned to normal. No time passed for Michael or Raphael, but with Drew’s help, the strain on them lessened. The two Archangel’s knew the doctor was preparing the old woman for what needed to be done, and they held on for Ken and out of respect for what Gladys was about to do.

Brad took Gladys by her hand and helped her up. She saw Ken on the ground, his big muscled body naked and sweating and his skin blackened except for a part of his handsome face.

Her hand went to her mouth, and fresh tears spilled from of her eyes.

“Oh, Bruce! What have they done to you?”

She knelt by her son, looking tiny and frail beside his big, sturdy frame. Her hand, trembling with age, reached out and caressed his forehead. Her voice was almost a whisper as she said, “You are so handsome! Just like I knew you would be. Look at you!”

She took his hand in hers, but his dense body weighed too much, and she didn’t have the strength to lift his arm.

She sat for only a few seconds, brushing the hair off his forehead. With one of the towels, she wiped the sweat off his face and leaned over to kiss his forehead.

Inhaling deeply, Gladys braced herself and asked, “What do I have to do?”

The doctor’s voice was even, and his hands steady. Albrecht was in Aaron’s Mind and Heart and knew what it cost him to keep his calm exterior. Albrecht’s belt buckle hid a small silver dagger, and he handed it to Aaron.

Aaron glanced at Lane and sent a private thought.

Would you please block her pain centers?

It was no effort, and Lane did as he was asked. Brad closed his eyes, unable to watch.

“Turn your head, Gladys.”

“No. I want to see my son. I want to know I saved him.”

The doctor made long, deep incisions from her wrist up to mid-arm, slicing the veins lengthwise and blood welled forth, dripping down her arm.

As the first drops spilled onto Ken, the blackness disappeared where they hit, but it was superficial. The Curse had taken root, and those spots quickly Darkened again.

The doctor took Gladys’s wrist and guided it, letting the blood fall in a pattern. He took her fingers and traced the symbols on Ken’s body, using her blood as ink to shape the Runes.

He paused only for a brief second. Gladys was already nearly unconscious from the loss of blood. When the Runes were complete, he placed her hand on the symbols at the center of Ken’s chest.

When her hand touched the Runes, there was an explosion of Light, and Gladys’s body fell over, now lifeless, onto the body of her son. The Curse was obliterated, and everyone felt the strength and rush of Power released in her act.

Michael sagged in relief, leaning heavily on his sword to support himself. Raphael, behind him, slumped to the ground as well. The Stone fell quiet in Drew’s hand.

Ken’s body arched up in reaction to the Power passing through him. The Blackness vanished, and The Master screamed on his Throne as the Curse was swept away.

Ken entered the Link, and the relief of his presence was tangible in all of them. Bittersweet tears showed in all their eyes. Their Brother was with them again, but the cost was high, and the hefty price would make itself felt.

As Ken sat up, he realized someone was on top of him; an elderly woman in a white flannel nightgown covered in blood.

Ken looked around frantically for Rich but didn’t see him.

Brad knelt by his side, his eyes red and bloodshot with tears streaming down his handsome face.

He could barely talk as he said, “I’m sorry, Ken.”

Leaning over, Brad wrapped his arms around his lover.

Ken’s confusion was evident in the Link, and as painful as it was Brad shared the memories of everything that had transpired from the parking lot when Carlo inflicted the Blood Curse on Ken up to that moment.

Ken’s tanned, handsome face went pale, and his eyes turned red as hot tears spilled down his face. Brad gripped him tightly, and Ken wrapped the frail body of his mother in his arms and started sobbing so hard his entire body shook.

The pain in Ken’s voice was gut-wrenching.

“No! Oh, God, no! She can’t be gone.”

Ken turned to Michael and Raphael, begging them, “Please do something!”

Michael’s gaze didn’t waver. His grandson deserved the truth, no matter how painful.

“I am sorry, Ken.”

Ken lowered his head, crushing his face into her bloodstained nightgown and cried his heart out. Brad rocked him gently, wanting Ken to know he was there. They were One, and Brad shared every bit of his lover’s pain as his own.

Ken’s Brothers were with him as well and wrapped themselves around his Heart and Mind. The few closest to him knelt and put their hands on him wherever they could reach.

Michael and Raphael sensed Uriel’s presence and turned to him as he appeared.

The significance of the event was evident in Uriel’s face, and he saw the pain and sorrow in everyone. He watched as Bryan drove off Luke and was proud, but what the old woman did dwarfed even his grandsons feat.

Come, Gladys, it is time to take you Home.

Ken hugged his mother even tighter as her Soul exited her frail body. With its passing, she weighed a few grams less, and his heightened senses detected the difference.

“Don’t cry, Bruce.”

Everyone was stunned to hear Gladys’s voice. She stood beside Uriel, transparent, with the soft nimbus of a human Soul surrounding her.

Ken could barely talk, and his vision was blurry from the thickness of his tears. His head whipped up, and he saw her.


Gladys’s ethereal eyes were bright with tears of joy at seeing her son restored.

“Look at you!”

“Mom! … I don’t want you to go. Please don’t go!”

The pleading in his voice caused fresh tears all around.

“I didn’t know you were alive.”

A profound sense of anger ignited in of Ken. It seemed jumbled and ambiguous at first… anger at The Master for creating the circumstances, but also at the doctor for sacrificing his mother to save him.

“Don’t be angry, Bruce. I was old, and my time nearly up. They need you more than you need me. Look at you! I’m so proud of you! You’re more handsome than I ever imagined. There was no choice for me; my life was nothing to give up, and now we can both be at peace. We’ll see each other again.”

All eyes were on Ken and Gladys, and there was another shock as a new voice said, “Hey fucker! You made it!”

Rich stood on the other side of Uriel, who had a smug smile on his face. Rich moved over and put an arm around his mother, hugging her against him.

Michael and Raphael both looked quizzically at their Brother, who shrugged his shoulders in the same manner Bryan did when he did something important that he didn’t want to take credit for.

I took a lengthy route with Rich… a very long, scenic route. I will take him and Gladys Home together, as they deserve.

Ken gently set Gladys’s frail body down on the grass and rushed to embrace his brother. Rich was a Soul now, but in the Valley and with Ken’s Avatar he was solid, and they embraced. Ken’s big arms wrapped around his brother and his mother.

“I wish I could stay, kiddo. I wish we coulda’ had a beer. I wish I woulda’ got the chance to kick someone’s ass for givin’ you any shit about bein’ gay. We missed all that, but I’m glad we got ‘ta spend some time together. It wasn’t enough, but I’ll be waitin’ for ya. Take your time and get the mission done. You hear me? I don’t wanna have ‘ta come back and kick your sorry ass if you fuck it all up.”

Ken managed to laugh through his tears.

His voice was tight with emotion, but he managed to choke out the words, “I wish we had more time too. I feel cheated we never knew each other. I have a mom and a brother.”

His head hung as his throat started to close up again, and he said, “I don’t even know you, but I already miss you.”

Rich lightly smacked Ken on his cheek and said, “Suck it up. You’re a SEAL. I know it hurts but use it. Remember us and look forward to when we’ll spend forever together.”

Rich looked at Brad and smiled, “So you’re the stud that landed my kid brother. You take good care of him, or I’ll figure out a way ‘ta come down and kick your ass too.”

Brad smiled through his tears and nodded his head, unable to speak.

Rich glanced around at the rest of the men.

“That goes for all you yahoos. He shared everythin’ about you guys with me. I know how tight ya’ll are. I’m jealous, and wish I could’ a been a part of it.”

Uriel said, “Richard, Gladys, it is time to depart.”

Ken looked desperate and panicked. He pulled Rich against him one more time in a bear hug, and then pulled Gladys in a much gentler hug. The three of them held each other for a few seconds.

“I am sorry, Ken. I have delayed as long as I am able.”

Ken nodded and released them.

Uriel took both their hands and spread his wings, and with a mighty push launched the three of them into the sky. A few lengths into the air they all transformed into balls of Light and disappeared.

Ken fell to his knees and bowed his head. His shoulders slumped and shook with quiet sobs. He looked defeated.

Brad moved over and put a hand on his shoulder.

I love you, Ken. I’m here.

Unexpectedly, Drew moved over and threw his arms around Ken’s thick neck. He cried too, and whispered in Ken’s ear, “It’s okay, Uncle Ken. My mom’s gone too. I know how you feel.”

Once again, Drew sounded so much like an adult he caught everyone off guard.

Ken’s arms wrapped around the little boy, holding him tight, and he said, “Thanks, Buddy.”




Later that evening at the Lab in Atlanta, everyone sat around eating dinner together.

Ken was quiet and pensive, and everyone was present with him in the Link but didn’t intrude deeper, giving him as much time and space as he needed to deal with what happened.

What everyone had done for him while he was incapacitated was overwhelming. He was so proud and grateful towards all of them. He knew he would have done the same for any of them, but it still made him feel loved and having them with him made a difference in how he felt.

Darren brought Kelly and Chloe to Atlanta, and Ken took his turn at holding the newborn infant. Her Mind was so innocent and pure; it was refreshing, and Chloe didn’t make any noise other than happy gurgles as he bounced her gently in his powerful arms.

The doctor and Albrecht made themselves scarce after dinner. Ken had a good idea why, so after spending time with Kelly, he sought them out.

Knocking on the doctor’s office door, he stuck his head in, asking, “Hey doc, you got a minute?”

Aaron looked uncomfortable, a rarity for him, but said, “Always, Kenneth. You never need to ask, my boy. Come in.”

Ken moved in and closed the door, sitting down with his head in his hands. The doctor moved from behind his desk, and he and Albrecht took a seat on either side of Ken.

Ken was shocked when he heard the doctor’s voice. He seldom showed emotion and even more rarely cried, but he was crying as hard as when his daughter Charissa died. He leaned in and put his arms around Ken’s solid shoulders, hugging him tightly.

“I am so sorry, my boy! You must hate me.”

Ken was shocked, and he immediately got down on a knee in front of the doctor. Albrecht looked at both men with compassion but didn’t say anything yet. The matter was between them as men.

“No, doc! Don’t ever think that. I want ‘ta tell you I understand. I hate that you had ‘ta make the decision you did. Tactically, as a military man, I get it. That doesn’t make it hurt any less, but I know it wasn’t easy for you. I came in here ‘ta see if you’re alright. I know Albrecht’ll take care of you, but I want you ‘ta know you and I are okay. I’m not mad. I was for a few seconds, but not anymore. The whole thing just sucks.”

Albrecht’s eyes filled with pride. Ken could have so easily blamed Aaron for his mother’s death, but he didn’t.

The doctor’s voice was so quiet even Ken had a hard time hearing him, “I do not deserve you, Kenneth. You, or any of the men.”

Ken’s brow furrowed in anger, “I never want to hear those words cross your lips again, doc! It turns out my real dad was a bum that took my brother and me away from my mother, and it broke her so badly she never recovered. You’ve been more of a father to me than I could ever have hoped for.

“I know you talked about the toll this war would take on us. I knew it would be hard. We signed up for it though, and all of us’ll see it finished, or die tryin’. It’s gettin’ harder. Who knows if The Master’s found more relatives? We have ‘ta find a way ‘ta protect ourselves, and any of our families that might still be out there.

“We have Drew’s birthday in just over a month, and then we have a year ‘ta figure everythin’ out. That boy will not die again! We have ‘ta stick together more than ever, sir. I need you with us; on board. I know you are, so don’t take my words as I think you’re not. I really needed ‘ta let you know before any more time passed that I’m okay with what you had ‘ta do.”

The doctor looked humbled and said, “Thank you, Kenneth.”

He left anything else unsaid. There was an understanding between the two men, and Albrecht was proud of both of them.

Ken said, “I’ll be headin’ to the Australian Lab first thing tomorrow. We need ‘ta take care of Craig, Jacob, and Marge. The rest of the men and their families are probably rattled pretty bad by what happened.”

“You do not have to do that yourself, Kenneth. You and Bradford should take a few days to be together. Why don’t you send…”

“No, doc. I need ‘ta jump right back in. I’m leanin’ hard on Brad, but he’s strong enough for both of us right now. We can’t let up. I feel the pressure of everythin’ brewin’…. This storm is on our doorstep. We need ‘ta be strong and like Rich said, suck it up. We have ‘ta be as relentless as The Master if we’re gonna win this.

“I don’t know what else he has planned for us, but we need ‘ta stand together and tough it out. We have ‘ta find a way ‘ta help Drew survive and win his part of the fight, so we can do ours.

“But tonight, I’m goin’ home with B. I’ll give myself tonight, and tomorrow we hit the ground runnin’.”

“Albrecht and I stand with you, Kenneth. You surmised correctly that I wished to pull back, and you also know why. I think my reasoning still stands; however, I also realize I cannot remove myself. You are the Leader of The Order now, Kenneth. The old Order is gone, and we are the New Order. You can rely on us to be there with you every step of the way.”

Ken stood, pulling his two mentors into a tight embrace.

“I’ll see you tomorrow when I get back.”

Ken left their office to find Brad and go home to his own bed. He needed Brad something fierce. He needed to rest inside Brad’s Heart and Mind and feel their Bodies and Souls together.



Copyright © 2019 btaoc1963; All Rights Reserved.
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Ok, you have finally done it - tears. I have experienced many emotions so far during these 24 chapters but not a tear until this chapter. Well done. They just keep getting better and better.

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Whoa, that was a freaking intense chapter. Why am I pretty sure you're not done tugging on our heartstrings yet? I😲

Thanks for another great chapter. My only problem now is finding time to read. Real life somehow keeps getting in the way!

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I know what Ken is going through I as well have lost an older brother. the only difference is I had 30 years of memories of my brother. RIP Brother 1985-2018 Beloved son, and Brother gone too soon

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