Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Alpha - 8. Tease
The first of couple months were rough for Dorian. He tried his best to fill the role of the man he had so admired. There were plenty of missteps during his break-in period. He had to contend with people who sought his favor in their business dealings. It was part of the job, so he did his best to tolerate it. The ones who frustrated him were the groups trying to increase their own power or attempting to curry favor to boost their position. At times, it wasn’t clear where people’s allegiances lied, but Dorian felt fortunate he had his trusted best friend to help him.
“I’ve been sitting in on a lot of the manager meetings for the last couple of months.” Levi took his regular chair beside Dorian’s desk and sipped his coffee. “How would you feel if I took a bigger role in overseeing the business aspect of the pack? I know it’s something you still don’t like dealing with.”
“It’s my responsibility to keep on top of everything. Alpha Wagner didn’t delegate it to others. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it someday.”
“Actually, he did delegate a lot of the duties to others. That’s why we have the lawyers, accountants, and god knows how many others. Yes, he was very hands on in running the business, but you don’t have to do things the same way he did. The man had been running companies for years. You need to find the balance that works for you. Put your own mark on the alphaship.”
“Okay, Levi. Yeah, I’ve been struggling and at times feel like I’m drowning with all the paperwork involved. But running this isn’t all that different from managing the logging crews. I just have to get to a point where I know and trust the people working for me will do their job.”
“Umm, Dorian.” Levi patted a stack of folders waiting for his friend to review. “You didn’t have all this to deal with.”
The alpha growled as he eyed the nearly foot-high pile.
“There was an assignment for what section would be logged, and you made sure the team did the work. There wasn’t a whole lot of decision making. You mostly supervised.”
“Thanks for letting me know your true feelings on my management skills. You still have no idea what I did in the company do you? On anything it took to run one of those crews? Don’t forget I was one of your bosses then too.” Dorian looked pissed even though his friend had always trivialized the job he had done. “There was a lot to working as a captain in the Corps also, though I know you never felt they were important to the pack.” He waved his hands around exaggeratedly. “Are you trying to say I don’t have what it takes to run all this?”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying. Stop trying to pick a fight. I’m here to help you. Look, I suppose everyone has a learning curve when they’re thrust into a position like you were, and you had a lot dumped in your lap. You can’t be expected to know everything from the get go.” Levi tried to soothe his friend’s building anger. “Look, I may not have an MBA yet, but I do have a business degree, I’m good with accounting, and I understand the legal side of things. I actually like this stuff.” He carefully watched Dorian. “All I’m suggesting is let me take the pressure off you. We can do a briefing as often as you like, where I can give you a run down on all of it. If a problem pops up with a manager or something, I can handle it or you step in to put them in their place.”
“I don’t know. It feels like I’d be passing off my responsibilities.”
“No, it’s called delegating, which is what leaders are supposed to do.”
“You really want to do this?”
“Yes, Dorian, I do. That will leave you more time to oversee our borders, work with the hunters, and take care of the people.”
The alpha mulled it over for a while as he stared out the window. “Fine. But I want a briefing every morning. I still need to learn all this. I’ll give you the authority to operate the business side in my name.”
“You’re a wise leader.”
Dorian growled at his friend’s jovial attitude. “Don’t ruin the moment.” He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples. “I really am lucky to have you as my beta and best friend.”
“I’ll always be here to help guide you, Alpha.”
Levi threw himself into his new responsibilities and didn’t let anyone or anything stand in his way. He often butted heads with the directors of different companies. Some of the issue was with management pushing to see how far they could go with the new beta. Other times it was Levi’s lack of experience when he tried to force the results he wanted. He gave Dorian a rundown each morning and focused the main discussion to one company a day. There was a lot of head nodding as the briefings progressed, and the alpha did his best to understand what he was being told.
“Okay, Levi. I think I’m starting to get the hang of this. I may not fully understand the top level workings of each company, but we’re making progress.”
“It’s a lot to take in. I spent four years in college to learn this. You’ve had to take a crash course.”
“I’m fortunate you pushed to do this.” Dorian looked over the report once again and tapped his finger on one particular spot. “One more time. What’s with these numbers in red for this company?”
“That one’s underperforming. Every time I try to talk to the manager about it, I get stonewalled. I don’t think he likes having to report to someone younger than him.”
“He’s a good man. I talk to him at most of the pack meetings. He worked his way from the most basic job there to manager, so he knows the operation better than anyone.” He read over the report one more time, inspecting each column of numbers.
“True as that is, he may have also been there too long. He only sees his way of doing things no matter if they’re outdated or not. As the numbers show, they aren’t working.” Levi settled back and reached for his coffee. “There’s another possibility.” He stirred it as the alpha waited expectantly for him to continue. “Terry might be profiting from the company’s losses.”
“What do the lawyers and accountants say? They’re supposed to stay on top of things like that.”
“I haven’t gotten much feedback from them. They see the problem, but don’t have any suggestions either way.” Levi watched as his friend tried to analyze the situation. The beginnings of a smile showed at the corner of his mouth. “I’ve also heard rumors he wants to consolidate that industry with him as the head. It would put three companies under his control and greatly increase his standing.”
Dorian considered his beta’s words. “What would you recommend?”
“Honestly? I think we should consider the option of replacing him if he can’t turn things around soon. He runs the risk of bankrupting that operation. I need more access to the books to finalize any decisions we make. Possibly speak to his subordinates as well.” Levi tapped his pen over a thick file. “If this merger talk is real and going on behind our back, it could be a power grab on his part. He’d end up controlling a good portion of the pack’s income. Is his loyalty to you or his bank account?”
“I’ll call him in for a talk. I won’t have someone disrespecting my beta or hiding information from you. If he’s got to go, I want a list of possible replacements. Is there anything else?”
“That’s it for today.”
There was a knock on the door announcing Dorian’s evening meeting had arrived. “Enter.” The distinguished grey haired man strode into the room with confidence. He dipped his head to show respect for his leader.
“Terry, thanks for coming in. Have a seat.”
“Alpha, you honor me. How may I be of assistance to you?”
“I’ll cut to the chase. The numbers from your company have dropped significantly yet production and output seems to be the same.”
“It’s a normal fluctuation, Alpha. These things tend to go in cycles. I’m sure as the season progresses we’ll be back up.”
“My beta has tried to do a thorough review, but he keeps getting blocked by you or your staff. At present, all we can go on is the weekly logs. The two years prior to me ascending to alpha you had no trouble keeping the numbers in the black. Since I took over you’ve been consistently in the red.”
“I’m competing with three other companies for the same customers, Alpha. Two of those are also owned by the pack. I think you’ll find their profits are also down.”
Dorian glanced at a report on his desk. “Yes, they are, but not to the extent yours are. Me being new to the position it’s more important than ever for my beta to have access to the information I need. Without it I can’t make proper business decisions for the pack’s assets.”
“Alpha, I’d been pushing for months to consolidate all three into one company prior to Alpha Wagner’s death. We had started the ground work for it shortly before...” The man cleared his throat. “I still believe it would make us more competitive in the field by eliminating redundancies in management and sales. Also, we wouldn’t have to fight against each other for a share of the market. The other two directors and I tabled the discussion due to the transition. We didn’t think it was proper to proceed until you were settled in.”
“And who would lead this merged company?”
“Based off my discussions with your predecessor, I would, Alpha. Out of the three managing directors I have the most experience.”
“I’ll discuss it with Levi. In the meantime, you’re instructed to give him full access to anything he needs. He is my eyes and ears in determining if your proposal has merit. If he feels you or your staff are stonewalling him in any way, I’ll deal with the problem personally.”
“Of course, Alpha.”
“That’s all for now, Terry. Thanks for coming in.” Dorian didn’t stand or offer to shake the man’s hand.
Terry dipped his head deeply and backed out of the room concerned by the obvious slight directed at him.
Levi entered shortly after and smiled as Dorian turned off the speaker phone.
“Your thoughts?”
“Well, it confirms the rumors about consolidating. Terry would control one industry if it was done as he mentioned. I’ll see what I can find. If it was discussed before, there should be something in the files. If not, it pushes me to think it’s more of a power grab he thinks he can get past a pair of younger wolves. I’d like your permission to investigate his personal finances. See if he’s skimming anything from the company that should go to the pack.”
“Do what you think is best. I always thought he was loyal, but now I’m not so sure. How many other business leaders might be doing the same thing?”
“Oh, I have this for you.” Levi placed a container on the desk. “Mom knows you’re a little stressed with everything and sent this for you.”
Dorian lifted the lid and inhaled deeply. “No one makes cookies as good as your mom.” He popped one in his mouth and moaned.
“Careful there, boss. You making sounds like that with just me in the office will give people the wrong impression.” He laughed before narrowing his eyes playfully. “There’s something seriously wrong when you make it sound like you’re filling a bitch while you’ve got something from Mom in your mouth.”
“Maybe so, but these are as good sex. I don’t give a fuck what people think and you never have. How many people smelled my scent on you? Speaking of sex, you can stay, bend your ass over the desk, and make yourself useful, or you can leave. Just don’t mess with me enjoying my cookies.”
“One more comment like that and I’m taking those back to Mom.” Levi playfully punched the alpha’s arm. “If you’re joking about my ass we seriously need to get you laid.” Grinning evilly he pushed his jeans and underwear below his ass and bent over the desk, glancing over his shoulder.
Dorian grabbed the box off his desk, holding it protectively in his arms. “You have no idea. And don’t go offering it up unless you’re gonna carry through. Not like I haven’t fucked you plenty of times, but you can be one hell of a mean tease.” He shoved another cookie in his mouth and moaned happily. “Always good having a buddy who goes both ways when there’s no bitches around.”
“It’s just as good having a friend who doesn’t care who’s hole he buries his bone in as long as he gets off. Come on Dor. I want that big thing in me.”
A low growl and flash of the eyes showed his extreme lust. Pulling down his zipper, Dorian knew the cookies wouldn’t be the only thing causing him to moan. He sure hoped the office was soundproofed.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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