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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Damian's Wolf - 29. A Long Drive

Jordan yawned as he carried a bag out to his new car. Tossing it in the trunk, the wolf made his way to Damian, who was busy installing Dylan's car seat. The neko cursed as he pinched his hand in a buckle.

"Who designed these things?" he fumed, shaking his hand.


Jordan leaned into the backseat, his hip brushing over Damian's groin as he reached for the buckle. He could feel Damian's dick hardening against him as he fumbled with the buckle.

With a satisfying click, he achieved his goal, backing out of the car. Turning, the man grabbed Damian's arm, pulling the neko into him.

"Are you okay?" Jordan asked quietly. "You seem a little... upset tonight."

"What was that kiss at the store? You were claiming your territory?" Damian demanded.

"There was a man staring at you like he wanted you. I... I got a little possessive."

"And you didn't think of, oh, I don't know, hugging me?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was going to upset you like this," Jordan said.

"I am not your territory. And I am not some cat to be claimed to soothe your wolf," Damian growled. "Both you and Lysander, deciding things and claiming this and fucking that."

"Is that what this is about? Us not having sex?"

"No! Yes! I don't fucking know!" the neko snapped, turning away from the wolf. "I'm just pissed right now, and I have no idea why."

"Would it help if I hugged you?"

Damian shrugged silently. Jordan wrapped his arms around the neko, burying his head in Damian's neck.

"I love you Damian. I really do. And I am sorry for trying to possess you. It was wrong."

"I know you do. I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"We can have sex whenever you want, you know," Jordan said.

"Makeup sex maybe?" Damian asked.

"I'm up for it," Jordan smiled. "I'm not sure that this counts as a fight though."

"Does it have to be?"

The wolf shrugged.

"I don't think so."

Taking Damian's hand, Jordan hurried back to the apartment, Lysander looking up from where he was packing Dylan's bag.

"Are we almost ready?" the elf asked.

"Give us a few minutes," Jordan replied.

"No problem. Need any help?"

"Nah, I think Jordan and I can do this one," Damian said.

"Have fun."

Lysander's eyes twinkled as he watched the two hurry into the bedroom. They were going to have a lot of fun.


Jordan dug his hands into Damian's ass, the neko purring with delight. The wolf had already drained him and now the two were feeling relaxed, the neko's juice affecting Jordan as it had the last time. He had no idea how long they had been in the room, and he didn't really care. All the wolf wanted to do was keep his hands on his mate, and enjoy giving Damian the pleasure he deserved.

"You are so perfect..." Jordan breathed as he slowly humped the neko.

Damian's tail wrapped around Jordan's leg, his hands digging into the bed as he moaned softly.

A knock came at the door, interrupting the two.

"Hey, are you two done in there? I want to get on the road before midnight!" Lysander called.

"Why don't we leave in the morning?" Damian replied, Jordan laughing into his lower back.

"Someone doesn't want to leave the bed..."

The door opened, Lysander poking his head into the room. Jordan turned slightly, beckoning the elf toward them with a finger. Lysander shrugged, moving to the bed.

"I should have known this was going to happen," he said, sitting beside the two. "We have to go tonight, or risk getting caught by the moon tomorrow."

"Don't you have a potion?"

"Nope. I've never taken a potion for my wolf," Lysander said proudly.

"Okay, fine," Jordan sighed, sitting up. "Come on Damian, let's get going."

"Ungh..." Damian muttered. "I don't want to..."

"Shit Jordan, you must be damned good at-"

"Shut up," Jordan said, his face burning.

"He is," Damian agreed with a purr.

"Gods, you're both perverts..."

"Yeah, but we're your perverts," Lysander grinned, kissing the man.

Jordan pushed the elf away, refusing to let Lysander in his mouth.

"Nope. No neko juice for you. You're driving."

"One of these days, you'll have to let me go down on you Damian," Lysander chuckled.

"No way. Then I'll have both of you draining me every chance you get."

The neko slid out of bed, his rod hanging tiredly. Jordan knelt quickly, licking at Damian's dick, and his mate squealed, tumbling back. Lysander grabbed Jordan by the ear, tugging sharply.


"Come on, no more juice for you," the elf said. "Get dressed and go get Dylan ready."


"Oh, you two were done anyway. You can cuddle in the car."


Jordan watched the lights of Astara disappear into the night. Leaning his head against the car window, the wolf let out a quiet sigh.

"You're still awake?" Lysander asked beside him.

"This close to the full moon? You bet your ass I am. And I'm exhausted."

"Is that normal for you? I mean not being able to sleep during the full moon."

"You mean that's not normal for werewolves?" Jordan frowned at the implications. "I've been spending the last twelve months in a nightmare, unable to sleep during the full moon, and that's not normal?"

"No. You should be able to sleep just fine. I think your wolf is just restless, trying to make up for lost time. You haven't been running, have you?"

Jordan snorted.

"Between you, Damian, Dylan, and work, I'm lucky if I get a full night sleep. When am I supposed to run?"

"So I'm a problem then?"

"What? No! That's not what I meant!"

"Then be careful with your words," Lysander said quietly. "Because if I'm stopping you from doing what you need to, I'll step back."

"Well fuck, what am I supposed to do? I want to spend time with you two, but I also have to work, and I have to find time to wolf out in all that. Fuck, today was the first time I saw Arisa in over a week, and I got into a fight with her mate!"

"Well, maybe this week is a chance for you to get away and be free. Find what you want, so you can be happy."

"I am happy-"

Lysander shook his head.

"You seem pretty miserable to me most of the time."

"Maybe, but being with you and Damian is the happiest I have been all year."

"Then you have some major issues."

Jordan laughed bitterly.

"Yeah, I knew that already..."

"Don't take this the wrong way, mei Aerael, but I am not a therapist, and I really can't help you with your problems. All I can do is offer you some support," Lysander said.

"I feel like most of my problems come from me being a wolf. Maybe potions would work."

"Maybe," Lysander agreed. "If you want, I can see if my esul has some you can have. But I doubt it. Mei falien doesn't believe in locking out half of themselves."

"It's better than being awake for three days," Jordan shrugged.

"I agree. If all else fails, we can see if the local pack has a potion they can spare."

"It won't affect Damian, will it?"

"As long as we can shift, no. The potion should be long gone by the time we... have our way with him..." Lysander grinned.

"I hope we're doing the right thing with him," Jordan sighed, looking back at the neko, whose hand was resting on Dylan's car seat as they slept.

"He wants to be a wolf. We're helping him become one. Remember, he still has a week to decide for certain."

"I hope he decides against it."

"I hope he chooses what makes him happiest," Lysander said. "He deserves that. And so do you."

Lysander pulled into a gas station, shutting off the car.

"Do you want anything?" the elf asked.

"No... Actually, yeah," Jordan decided, getting out of the car.

He moved around to Lysander, wrapping his arms around the elf tightly. Lysander smiled as he returned the hug, rubbing Jordan's back.

"Feel better?"

"Yeah," Jordan said in mild surprise. "Sorry, I was just... just..."

"Crashing from your Damian high? I can't wait to taste him," Lysander laughed.

Jordan chuckled weakly, heading back to the car as the elf began refilling the gas. He watched Lysander bending over the car, the elf winking at the wolf as his body contorted slightly to show off his butt rubbing on the car. Jordan laughed and shook his head. This trip had already been interesting. Part of him couldn't wait to see the rest.


They reached Ceos as the sun rose, Jordan excited to see the new city. In the distance he could see mountains rising, their peaks covered with a thin dusting of snow. Lysander had told him they were still ten hours from Mydara, but the elf just couldn't drive anymore.

Jordan wrinkled his nose as a stench filled the car. A minute later, Dylan's cry sounded like a siren, waking Damian.

"Well, I guess that's our cue to take a break," Lysander said. "Who's ready for some breakfast? After we take care of Dylan's little problem, of course."

"It sure doesn't smell that little..."

They passed through a street, Lysander swerving as a neko cut him off. Jordan was amazed at the sight of nekos, humans, and elves all living together. Astara didn't have nearly this number of cats.

"I didn't think we'd see so many nekos here," Damian said quietly as they pulled into a car park.

"I think it's cool," Jordan added as Lysander pulled into a car park. A single story building sat in the morning light, a sign in Rellanic blinking in bright red.

"Okay, who wants to change siala Kalael?" the elf asked.

"I'm not letting him out of my sight," Damian said, getting out of the car.

"Pheyruen siado Damian," Lysander soothed. "No one's going to hurt Dylan."

"You two don't understand," Damian said sharply.

The neko grabbed his mates, pulling them close so he could talk quietly.

"I was exiled from Sarelin because of my markings. Markings that Dylan shares. What do you think a neko would do to another neko they found that has these markings?"

Damian picked up his son, setting him on a seat so he could change him.

"I don't like being here," he said.

"Okay. We'll eat quickly and get back on the road," Lysander decided. "I just wanted to take you here because it's authentic Eastern Elf food. All Mydara has is Western Elf."

"Western as in west of the mountains, right?" Jordan clarified.

"Well, technically Mydara is in the middle of the mountain range, but yes. This place is really good. I eat here every time I visit mei falien."

"Let's get this over with," Damian said, picking Dylan's seat up.

They entered the restaurant, dim lighting setting a mellow atmosphere. Damian hid slightly behind his mates as a neko approached, a smile on her face.

"Geyn rinyal evunae. How many are in your party?" she asked.

"Three and a baby," Lysander smiled back.

The neko froze, her eyes staring past Lysander and Jordan. Her ears flattened, disappearing into her hair, as her tail puffed out.

"Excuse me for a moment."

The neko vanished behind a door. Jordan looked back at Damian, finding his mate taking deep breaths with his eyes closed.

"We should go..." the neko whispered.

"No," Jordan said. "I'm not letting you get chased out of another town."

An elven couple walked in behind them, staring at Damian.

"Look Danuva, he has a baby neko," the woman whispered, peering at Dylan.

"Yeah, he's our son," Lysander said.

"He's so cute..."

The other elf smiled apologetically at them.

"I'm sorry, my partner is obsessed with neko babies," he said.

"Oh, it's no problem. I think they're adorable myself," Lysander chuckled.

"Kind of smelly though," Jordan added.

Damian just hugged Dylan close, looking around suspiciously. Jordan hadn't seen the neko look so nervous since he had first met Arisa.

The door opened, another neko stepping out with a scowl.

"We won't be serving you here," he said firmly.

"Why not?" Jordan demanded.

"Because we do not want his kind mucking the place up for respectable customers."

The neko pointed at Damian, whose ears flicked uneasily.

"Well that's just rude," one of the elves muttered behind Jordan. "I don't think we'll be eating here anymore."

"Our mate has done nothing wrong," Jordan growled.

Damian tugged on the wolf's arm.

"Can we just go please?" he asked tiredly.

Lysander nodded, placing an arm around Jordan.

"Let's go mei Aerael. These akerasele aren't worth our time," the elf said.

Dylan's cries filled the car, Jordan clenching the steering wheel tightly at the noise. He was pissed off. Damian didn't deserve this. And now they were wandering around Ceos, trying to find a place to feed Dylan.

"I found it. It's human owned and human run, so there should be no problems with racist nekos," Lysander growled.

Jordan was shocked. The elf seemed close to losing control. He had never seen Lysander this angry before. It mirrored how the man felt, but to see his mate so pissed... It scared Jordan.

"Galaran eln mei areula. Nurg cal ey sonal ey avor?" Lysander snarled under his breath as Jordan turned.

The wolf followed his mate's directions, trying to ignore Dylan's whining. There wasn't anything he could do for the neko right now. Damian just seemed depressed by it all. His hand was resting on Dylan, half-heartedly trying to console his son.

Pulling into another car park, Jordan came to a stop in front of a smaller restaurant. Several other cars sat nearby, a decent morning's business. He just hoped they were friendlier than the last place.

"I'll take Dylan," Lysander said, taking a deep breath. "He'll help me stay calm."

"Is that safe?" Jordan asked.

"I'm fine," Lysander insisted, unbuckling the neko.

Jordan took Damian into his arms, holding his mate tightly.

"I'm sorry..." Damian whispered.

"It wasn't your fault," Jordan said, rubbing Damian's back gently. "We love you, and neither of us give a fuck about some stupid neko's prejudices. You are my mate and I will defend you against anyone who dares to disrespect you. Now, let's see if we can feed Dylan here."

Entering the restaurant, the group was greeted by a smiling man.

"Good morning, and welcome to the Jaded Elf."

He scanned the three adults, his smile faltering slightly.

"Or perhaps it isn't such a good morning?" he inquired.

Jordan shrugged slightly.

"Can we get a table for three and a baby?" the wolf asked.

"And some warm water as well?" Lysander added.

"Of course. Right this way please."

Moments later, they were sitting in a booth, Dylan crying loudly. Jordan noticed all the looks they were getting from the others who were eating. They could fuck right off. He was not in the mood to deal with more assholes who took offence to a baby.

Their waiter returned quickly with a warm cup of water, Lysander mixing up some formula for Dylan as his mates ordered drinks. Slipping the bottle in Dylan's mouth, Lysander let out a quiet sigh as their son fell silent, suckling happily on the bottle.

"Well. This has ruined the day..."

Jordan shrugged.

"It could still get better," he said. "Maybe with some eggs and bacon."

"I just want to eat breakfast and go to bed," Lysander muttered.

"Just give me your parents' address. I'll get us there," Jordan yawned. "Eventually."

"Maybe we should just go home," Damian said.

"Oh come on you two. Are we going to let one asshole mess up our entire trip? I actually want to meet your parents, Lysander."

"Okay, I'm not letting it ruin our trip," Lysander said sharply. "But if our attitude is such a problem right now..."

The elf handed Jordan Dylan's bottle, the neko letting out a cry of protest. Standing up, Lysander grabbed Damian by the arm.

"Just get me some ham and hash browns," he said.

"What... where...." Damian stammered as he was led away, toward the bathrooms.

Jordan shook his head, moving so he could continue feeding Dylan. When the waiter returned, the wolf placed their orders, before pulling the empty bottle from the neko. Dylan looked at him sleepily, his little hands waving at Jordan.

"Not so noisy now, huh?" Jordan smiled. "You know, your daddy is very nervous right now. I didn't realize your people could hate a cute little baby like you. You don't have to worry about that though. We'll keep you safe."

He spotted Damian and Lysander walking back to the table, the elf looking satisfied and the nek blushing furiously. Damian's tail swished nervously as he looked around, and Jordan fought to hold back a chuckle.

"So, was he everything you thought he'd be?" the man asked Lysander.

"And then some," Lysander smiled.

"I can't believe we just did that..." Damian breathed.

"Did it help?"

"Oh yeah..."

Lysander leaned back in his seat, wrapping an arm around Damian. resting his head on Damian's shoulder, the elf closed his eyes. Jordan shook his head again as a quiet snore escaped the elf.

"Well, let's hope breakfast gets here soon."


"Turn left onto C-22 West."

Jordan followed his phone's directions, the GPS proving invaluable as they sped toward the mountains in the distance. Beside him, Damian leaned against the window, watching grain filled fields rush past them. In the back seat, Lysander was sleeping, while Dylan babbled, enjoying the sounds he was learning to make.

"It's too quiet in here," Damian said suddenly. "Do you mind if I turn on the radio?"

"Go for it," Jordan shrugged.

The neko reached over, twisting a dial, and music blasted loudly through the car. Yelping, Damian spun the dial again, the volume decreasing.

"Ungh... way to wake a wolf up," Lysander called tiredly from the back seat.


"Where are we?"

"About three hours out of Ceos," Jordan said as Damian continued poking around with the radio. "No, wait, go back. I like that song."

"You like the Howlers?" Lysander asked in surprise. "I didn't think you knew who they were."

"I don't," Jordan shrugged.

"They play in Elias Park sometimes."

"Wait, they're the wolves in the park? I took Damian to see them a couple weeks ago."

"Yeah. Their lead singer is gorgeous," Lysander grinned.

Damian began humming along to the song quietly, Jordan tapping gently against the wheel and nodding a moment later.

"You can turn it up," Lysander said. "I'm awake now."

Jordan turned up the music, Lysander's hand thumping against the back of Damian's seat. The wolf could hear Dylan talking excitedly to the elf.

"Do you think we can all go see them when we get back to Astara?" Damian asked.

"That would be fun. Maybe take Dylan to the park for the day," Lysander added.

Jordan's phone began ringing, the wolf pulling it out of his pocket and handing it to Damian.

"Here, answer this for me, will you?" he said, turning down the music.

Damian held the phone up to his ear, still tapping quietly as the song finished.

"Hello? No, this is his mate, Damian. He's driving at the moment. Yes, I know her."

The neko gasped sharply, Jordan glancing over in concern.

"Damian? What's going on?" Lysander asked.

"Miss Reyla..."

Jordan moved toward the side of the road, pulling to a stop as other cars honked at him. He took the phone from Damian, the neko looking as though he had just seen a ghost.

"Hello, this is Jordan."

"Hello Jordan, this is Officer Finn with the Astara Guard. We're calling about your business partner, Blanche Reyla," a man's voice said.

"Is she okay? I told her to go home early yesterday because of allergies."

"The Guard responded to a fire at her house a few hours ago. Unfortunately, she did not survive."

"She's... She's dead...?"

"Yes. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I must ask where you were around midnight last night."

"With my mates. We're driving to Mydara... Fuck..."

"You're a werewolf?" Finn asked sharply.

"Yeah. What does that have to do with it?" Jordan asked defensively.

"It raises the possibility of this being a hate crime. There have been similar fires set over the past month, targeting packless wolves. Do you know if Blanche had any enemies?"

"No, none that I know of. There was an elf who used to work there-"

"Halor, correct?"


"We will look into him. You are not part of any pack, correct?"

"I am a guest of the North Astaran Wolf Pack. One of my mates is a member. Do you think this fire is related to the fire that burned down my last apartment?"

"It is possible, yes. At this point, we have little to go on. If we learn anything more, we will be sure to give you a call. Thank you for your cooperation."

The phone went dead, and Jordan let it drop onto the dashboard.

"Fuck... Today just insists on being horrible..."

"Who the fuck would want to kill Miss Reyla? And burning her to death..."

Damian shuddered violently.

"They thought I did it..." Jordan said. "Because she made me a partner, what, barely two weeks ago?"

"Yeah, that would be suspicious," Lysander said. "Are you two okay?"

"If someone really did kill her, it was probably because I'm a wolf. Which means there's a good chance I caused her death."

"You can't think like that."

Lysander set a hand on Jordan's shoulder, squeezing him reassuringly.

"I know..."

"Here, why don't I drive us the rest of the way?" Lysander suggested. "I'm rested enough, and you aren't really in a good mental place right now."

"Okay," Jordan agreed quietly, unbuckling his belt.

He and Lysander switched places, Dylan bubbling happily at the new person sliding into the seat beside him. Jordan smiled wanly at the infant, his mind in turmoil.

Miss Reyla was dead, burned to death in her own home. He was now the sole owner of the bookstore. And someone was possibly targeting wolves.

"Shit! Arisa!" he yelped, grabbing his phone.

Dialing the elf's number, he waited for her to pick up.

"What?" the elf grumbled from the other side of the phone.

"Where are you?" Jordan demanded.

"In bed with Claire, if you must know. Why are my whereabouts suddenly important?"

"Because someone burned down Miss Reyla's house last night and killed her. It sounded like what happened to your place. You need to be careful when you leave the complex, okay?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Wow. Someone burned her? Seriously? She was a human, she would have been dead soon enough. Why bother killing her?"

"Fuck if I know. The best we can think is that they targeted her because of her connection to me."

"Because you're a wolf? A fire is a very visible death. Someone wanted this to be seen. Yeah, I can see how this could be a problem for us. I'll be careful," Arisa said. "Oh, and thank you Jordan."

"You're my friend, no matter how much we argue and fight," Jordan shrugged.

"For sure. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a tit buffet waiting for me."

"Gods, I did not hear that..."

Jordan hung up, sliding his phone back into his pocket. He let out a troubled sigh, leaning against the window. So many things had just changed in a split moment. And he was not happy with any of them.

Copyright © 2019 Yeoldebard; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

As soon as Damian answered the phone, I knew it was bad news. Out of all the times I've pulled out my "I'm Callin' It" cap, I'm not sure if I can place a probable guess, other than Jordan's ex-magic teacher. If Jordan's apartment door was held by magic, then Miss Reyla meets her demise, in what I assume to be the same manner as the apartment fire, the teacher is the only suspect. 

I'm trying so hard to feel bad for Reyla's death... but Arisa saying t!t buffet is making it real hard...

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3 minutes ago, astone2292 said:

As soon as Damian answered the phone, I knew it was bad news. Out of all the times I've pulled out my "I'm Callin' It" cap, I'm not sure if I can place a probable guess, other than Jordan's ex-magic teacher. If Jordan's apartment door was held by magic, then Miss Reyla meets her demise, in what I assume to be the same manner as the apartment fire, the teacher is the only suspect. 

I'm trying so hard to feel bad for Reyla's death... but Arisa saying t!t buffet is making it real hard...

Some of us show our sorrow through laughter. Others try to use laughter to make people happier. Arisa happens to do both.

About the arsonist, only time can tell. Hopefully before anyone else dies.

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