Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Rising in the Shadows - 3. Chapter 3: Desperate Detective
He’s...the head honcho of the monastery? Vincent stared at the smiling monk. He brushed his hand through his long blonde hair as he continued his deep and slow breathing. The mage noticed it was getting easier to breath at the higher altitude, but kept up the methodical pace.
Yes. I do apologize for letting it come as such a big surprise. As the head...honcho, as you say, you are welcome here whenever you please. The aura here is excellent for meditation, or should you need some peace and quiet. I’ll inform the other monks here to welcome you should you see them. Vincent smiled and nodded, but he darted his eyes back to the doorway. What is it, Vincent?
Someone’s coming.
Yes. It is Raul, one of the monks. He acts as the postman for the rare letter that comes our way. The shifter blinked wildly. I suppose you’re curious to know how I could tell? It’s rather simple, and I suppose I could tell you some hints and see if you can find your own path of discovery.
I would like that a lot!
Strong initiative. Alright, young mage. I want you to close your eyes and focus your energy at your feet. Tell me what you feel in this room. Vincent did as he was told and he felt a small weight under him.
Woah! I...feel...my own shadow?
Yes, now take that focus and spread it around the room. Pay no mind to your other senses. Feel the shadows around you. Slowing his breath, Vincent searched the room for more similar presences, and found another in front of him. He knew it was Yakob from where the new shadow came from. In an effort to continue his effort, he shifted his focus towards the hallway outside the monk’s chamber.
I felt yours...and now I feel that Raul guy’s! He’s getting closer.
Very good. It’s important to remember the weight of your allies’ shadows. Should your other senses become blocked, you can determine who, or what is around you. Take Raul’s as an example. For a monk, he’s a rather...big fellow. Somehow, he has managed to gain weight during his short stay here, even if our diet is strictly vegetarian. Focusing on the moving shadow in the hallway, Vincent felt the heftier weight in comparison to his own. Bounding vibrations in the man’s darkness prodded lightly on the mage’s mind.
I see. So...I’ll need to feel my friends’ shadows. I’ll try to remember that when I go to New York and see them.
Yes. You grasped this concept very well. Now you must practice it. I recommend you go on a walk in a crowded place. Feel the shadows passing you. Open your eyes and be able to sense the shadows of those coming near you, and discern them from the ones directed towards you.
I will. Thank you, Yakob. Vincent opened his eyes and went for a handshake, but was met by the monk’s outstretched palm.
My student. I am your teacher now. We shall greet and dismiss each other in the monk’s fashion of my monastery. Yakob smiled and stood within a few feet of his pupil. He placed his hands together with his fingers outstretched and open palms together. His wrists were kept straight with his forearms and bowed at the hip. Vincent quickly mimicked Yakob’s hand positions and bowed. The palms are held open to the other as a sign of offered assistance, but emanates a strength that goes with it. Do not be afraid to lend assistance to those who require your power, young mage. As many have told you, you possess rare magic that hasn’t been seen in quite some time. Use it wisely, proficiently, and correctly.
The shifter smiled peacefully despite having his wolf howl in his mind. Thank you...Master Yakob?
Covering his mouth, Yakob laughed. That is a new one! No, my student. There are many terms that apply to my position both here and with you. To the monks, I am their Abbot. As a teacher, I can be referred to as Roshi. But...you are to call me Yakob. No fancy titles are necessary, my fellow shadow mage. Understood? Earning a nod from the younger mage, Yakob grinned and circled around his desk and pulled out his chair. I believe it is time for you to return to your home. Meditate on what you have learned today, and how you can improve them on your own. As I said, I’ll be back in two day’s time to continue your training.
Yes, Yakob, And...thank you. Vincent felt he wasn’t showing enough appreciation towards his teacher and gave the palmed bow once more. As he was going out of the doorway, Yakob asked the mage to close the door behind him. Shutting the door, Vincent found his way out of the stone building. He passed by a large monk, who seemed very mindful of having a stranger in their midst. Vincent learned that his name was Raul, both from remembering how massive the man’s shadow felt and from the big man introducing himself. Raul, in the mage’s opinion, seemed quite gentle by nature, and when Vincent mentioned he was Yakob’s student, the monk immediately bowed. The shifter smiled and returned a bow to the robed man. Raul walked away and Vincent stepped toward the stone archway with snow crunching under his feet.
Snow, huh? Good thing that’s permeable. He fell into the shadows from under the thick snow and scaled down the mountain. Remembering his teacher’s homework for detecting shadows, Vincent was tempted to take a small field trip. Let me call Mason first. At the foot of the mountain, he found himself in front of a forest. Might need to find a town for some cell service. Traversing in the shadows, Vincent headed for the one place he was slightly familiar with in the area.
Caleb arrived at his Alpha’s residence in the late afternoon. He wasn’t told he was needed, but he was practically shoved out of the house by his mate to go do his job. Guess my leopardess wanted some alone time with the little one or something. But I suppose she is right. My place is by my Alpha and his mate’s side, I suppose. With a bag packed with some clothes for shifting and his laptop, he got into his car. The lion shot a text to the wolf as he was on the way, and received a message stating that the back door was unlocked and to come in.
Entering the house, he smelled the room and discovered the Alpha was in his office, but Vincent was nowhere near. Wonder where Little B ran off to? Knocking on the door, he heard Mason call for him to come in. “Afternoon, Mace. Where’s your mate?”
“The Appalachian Mountains with his new teacher.”
I’m sorry, what? The look of concern on the Enforcer’s face caused a minor chuckle from Mason. “When we went to the farm earlier, he found someone to train him in his shadow magic. A monk from the mountains. He’s trustworthy, Tierney spoke for him.” A small wave of relief rushed over the anxious lion, but still didn’t feel comfortable leaving the small mage unattended.
“Gotcha. Sorry if I’m intruding. Tasha wanted some alone time with Lowe and kicked me out of the house. Are you guys still good for watching Lowe the weekend after your New York trip?”
Mason almost forgot about their promise to watch the tyke! Oh, Gods. Why did we agree to that? It’s gonna be ‘Alpa’ this and ‘Alpa’ that. It’ll be a blast, sure, but I’m leaving any potty issues to Vinnie. “Yeah, we’re still on track for that. Vinnie’s been pretty excited for it. He loves the little guy almost as much as I do, and no, you’re not intruding. You’re my Enforcer, and you’re doing your job.” The wolf leaned to the side of his desk and pulled out a flash drive from a drawer. “Here, this is something you’ll need, to start the other side of the job. Plenty of schematics of the town, some of the watchlists that we keep an eye on, and dossiers on a couple citizens that live here and have caused some trouble.”
Caleb gratefully took the small thumb drive and grabbed the laptop from his bag. Uploading the information took a few minutes. Wow! This...is a lot more information than I thought they would have! For a small pack, they keep things very organized. “Thanks. I’ll get started on memorizing all this. Anything else to keep in mind?”
Mason leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. “Not really. We have a perimeter watch schedule, and I’ll add you to all the spreadsheets and cloud databases we have as an editor, but nothing really happens around here. This whole Stefan mess is the only thing we have going on. It’s been quiet and peaceful.”
Nodding at the good news, Caleb began his studying. He saw the perimeter schedule that Mason spoke of, and saw no need to change it. Just six wolves working the overnight shift, two at a time. Not much else is needed around here, I guess. The lion switched over to some emergency procedures and looked through them. I’m impressed. They have it down to a science. They use the emergency weather siren through town to warn the humans to stay indoors, as well as the mayor will send out a mass call/text for everyone to lock their doors. Two squadrons of ten swiftly patrol the streets and report to the abandoned warehouses a few blocks away from city hall. I knew those buildings were owned by the pack, but I didn’t know what they were for. “Nothing seems out of place, Alpha. You guys have a great contingency plan.”
“Don’t thank me. Thank Dad. This has been the system since he was Chief of Police.”
Digging further into the files, Caleb noted that something was missing from his previous pack experience. “Does this pack not have a proper tracking or hunting team?”
Mason shook his head. “No, it hasn’t been called for in over a hundred years for this area. We have a couple heads tapped for their tracking and hunting skills, should we need an impromptu team. Ingle’s the best tracker we have, and Morrine is our huntress.” The lion was a little hesitant in allowing just two people to lead essential teams in the pack, but he understood the lack of need. It’s not like we are attacked on a regular basis. I’m thinking too big! My previous pack was five times the size of OCP, and had so much more regarding resources and manpower. Scale it back...think smaller.
“So...this Yakob guy?” Mason lifted his eyes from his monitor to gaze at his Enforcer. “He’s a good guy, right?”
“Yes. He’s practically all smiles until you get to sparring with him. He showed no mercy to Vincent. Hate to say it, but I think my mate needed it. He-” Mason’s phone began to vibrate and when he pulled it out of his pocket, he saw Vincent’s number. “Hang on, it’s Vinnie.” Pressing the answer button on the touchscreen, Mason put the phone to his ear. “Hey, hot stuff.”
“Hey, big guy. I’ll be on my way back in a few. I’m in New York. Need anything?” N...New York? What is my mate doing...nevermind.
“I...uhh, well. I can’t think of anything I need from there. Why...why are you in New York?” Caleb’s eyes bulged at the mention of the Mated Alpha halfway across the country. Mason gave a waving hand motion for the lion to calm down and Caleb planted himself back in the chair.
A light laugh came from across the phone. “Yakob taught me another key skill with magic, and I needed a populated place. I’ll be sending you some selfies here in a bit and I’ll be home in about ten minutes. You sure you don’t want a hot dog? I can text Ty and ask for some good take-out we can’t get in Kentucky.”
Mason’s mind fizzled in playful irritation. He fixated on the concept of using Vincent’s power to get food from places they didn’t have in Owensville. You mean...I could have been getting take-out from New York’s finest diners this entire time? You little weasel! “I’ll take a hot dog. Uh, make it two. I’m sure Caleb here would want one.” He saw from across his desk that the lion licked his lips in interest.
“Gotcha. I’ll be there in a bit. Love ya!”
“Love you too, my mate. Be safe.” Vincent hung up on the call and Mason pinched the bridge of his nose. “He’s been in my house this entire time, and he’s offering this service now?”
Caleb couldn’t help but laugh. “Imagine a world where mages were accepted into humanity. Shadow mages would make a killing being delivery people.” Both of the shifters roared in laughter as they pictured Vincent running across the country. “Just think, I could get some actual Indian curry.”
Mason let his golden irises flash at the mention of food. “Australian barbeque!” A wide gasp came from the lion in a moment of relishment. “Jealous I thought of it first?”
“You know it! But...I’ll settle for a hot dog.” Another round of laughter echoed through the house as the shifters got back to work. A few moments passed and Caleb chuckled to himself, and Mason knew there was a joke coming. “Vin’s Shady Delivery Service,” the two cackled and nearly fell from their seats from their uncontrollable outburst.
The two shifters had their bellies filled from their dinner and practically slumped in their chairs. I...think I could get used to this. Kaplan relished the fact that Cyrus, once again, had treated him to a delicious meal. He began to enjoy the finer options of life in New York as they were thrust upon him by the large Alpha.
“Did you get enough to eat, my little pup?” The wolf noticed the soulful tan eyes staring at him from across the small table. He nodded, causing a giggle to come from the panda. “Good, then how about a walk? My legs could use a good stretch after the flight.”
“I agree.” Cyrus left a hefty tip for the waitress and stood, lending his arm for Kaplan to loop his own through and escorted his boyfriend out of the restaurant. The crisp air hit them and they strode to the left with no destination in mind. “This was nice, Cyrus.”
“Indeed, I’m enjoying your company, Mister Alvey. You make great conversation and you’re very adorable.” Given the compliment, the panda watched the cheeks of the Beta grow rosy in color. “You don’t get out much, do you?”
He’s practically a mind reader! “No, not really. I usually get bogged down in casework from both the city and the pack. There isn’t much time for me to enjoy living in the city.”
Cyrus beamed at the smaller shifter and flashed his emerald eyes. “Consider that changed. I admit, I have a lot of free time now, but when I become the Alpha of this pack, there will be dedicated time for us...as a couple. Would you say Wednesdays and Sundays are suitable for you?”
After a moment of thought, Kaplan agreed, Wednesdays are kinda light on court appearances, and Sundays are very workable. “I think that fits into my schedule.” The joke caused Cyrus to let out a loud laugh as the panda pulled the wolf in tighter. He moved his arm from looping the wolf’s arm to Kaplan’s side. The bear knew he emitted a warmth and wanted to keep the Beta close.
“I know it would be a fast move on the relationship, but would you like to spend the night with me? I have no business to attend to, Tierney is with Dirk and his magical meditation, and I can’t think of anything I would rather do.”
Spend...the night? “Like...sleep...together?”
Curling a smug grin, Cyrus leaned down into the Beta’s ear. “If it comes to that, then yes. It’s not like we haven’t been in the same bed before.”
The sultry voice made Kaplan blush as he did his best to curb his arousal for the Alpha. “I...I’d like that. Maybe...watch a movie?”
“So you can fall asleep in my arms again? Sounds like a plan, my pup.” And how does that sound to you, my bear?
Yes. I want wolf in arm.
I thought you would.
I knew this thought would make its way around again. My bear. We are ashamed of the scars, this I know. But...I feel as though Kaplan would be supportive.
Yes? Yes to what? Cyrus kept walking with his boyfriend, but was focused on his inner conversation with his animal spirit.
...he...he can see.
My...my bear? Are you certain? This is a rather big step for the both of us.
Y...yes. He see. But no one else.
Of course. Thank you, my friend. I will take care of it.
No. Twitching his head in confusion, Cyrus almost faltered in his step. Kaplan looked up to the Alpha in curiosity, “Cy? Everything okay?”
Clearing his throat, Cyrus looked down at the small wolf and gave a tiny smile. “Everything is alright, I’m just having a conversation with my bear. He’s...being...well, productive in taking a step further in our relationship. Could I have a moment with him? We can keep walking. I enjoy holding you by my side.” With a nod from Kaplan, Cyrus pulled the wolf to his side and continued walking. He pursued his bear’s hidden interest. My bear, what do you mean, ‘no?’
No...to you. I want...I want talk to wolf. Furrowing his brow in curiosity, he never considered letting his panda out to communicate in a relationship. His panda never once offered or had an interest in doing such a monumental task. He...nice. I want meet.
Are...are you sure? You’ve never stepped forth to meet any of the other potential mates.
I know. But...this one...special.
I see. Could this be the one then?
Not sure. But I want meet.
Then you shall, my bear. You know I give you what you want. You have never led me astray. Opening his tan eyes, he bent down to Kaplan's level as they walked the sidewalk. “Not to put a damper on this moment, but I believe it is time for you to come to my condo. There is much to be discussed, my pup.”
Kaplan smiled and let the Alpha lead the way. The two stepped toward the street and Cyrus began hailing a cab. Once in the cab, Cyrus told the driver where to take them, “Central Park Place Condos, please.” The cab driver nodded and gently pulled out into the streets. Cyrus was quick to bring Kaplan back into his arms. The bear was loving the contact with his man, He’s so small to me, almost toy-like. But he carries himself well and has a high stature, a rightful fit to stand at my side. The shifters enjoyed the cab ride, and even made a little small talk with the thick accented driver. As they arrived at the complex, Cyrus gave the driver his fare with extra for a tip. Kaplan closed the cab door and had his hand taken by the soothingly warm grip he had come to know.
Leading the small Beta into the lobby, Cyrus aimed for the elevator and pressed the button for the fiftieth floor. Kaplan’s eyes grew wide seeing that the Alpha possessed a grand view of the city. After the lengthy elevator ride, the panda led the way and pulled out his wallet. He stopped at a door and pulled out a black plastic card. “Congratulations, Kaplan. You’re the first to be invited to my home.” Pressing the card against a flat metal pane above the handle, an electronic lock was heard behind the door as Cyrus pulled down on the handle.
Stepping behind the Alpha, Kaplan gasped at the interior. Shiny white tile covered the floor and was met by equally white drywall across the entire condominium. Black and white artwork was littered across the walls, ranging from abstract works to large photographs of various animals from across the world. In several of the corners were pieces of modern furniture and potted greenery. A small potted palm tree caught Kaplan’s eye in the corner, connecting the open concept kitchen and living room. But the living room rug is what the Beta fixated on, “Is...that…”
Cyrus turned to gaze at his rug and smiled. The large black rug was sewn with white blotches in a very familiar pattern, “Yes. It’s a panda. It’s one of my favorite decorations, and it travels with me wherever I go.”
Adoring the luminescent lighting fixtures in the large room, Kaplan soaked in every detail. “It’s...very nice, Cyrus.”
“Please, have a seat, my little one. There’s a coat rack behind you, and please do take your shoes off. Mopping has become one of my least favorite hobbies with this place.” Chuckling at the statement, the wolf removed his coat and shoes. When he placed his feet onto the floor, he couldn’t believe what he was feeling. “Ah, I forgot to mention. They’re heated tiles. I can turn them off if you’d like.”
“Umm. No, this...this feels nice! I have never felt anything like this.”
Cyrus smiled at the wonderment coursing through the small shifter. “I had them installed when I purchased the condo. New York tends to be rather chilly at night, and these have been a life saver. Would you like a drink? Water? Wine? Whiskey?”
“Water will be fine.”
“Make yourself at home, Kaplan.” The Alpha turned to the kitchen and prepared their drinks for the evening. He pulled out a pint glass and a large wine glass from an upper cabinet. Reaching into a lower cabinet in the center of his kitchen island, he brought out a bottle of cabernet and began popping the cork out with a waiter’s corkscrew. As he worked with the wine, he saw that the wolf was still wandering and admiring the decor. He is very attentive to details. I can’t wait to be attentive right back to him. With his wine poured, he pressed the pint glass against the refrigerator’s door to have water dispensed. “Here you go. So...you want to watch a movie? This is exciting! I haven’t sat down for a movie in...years!”
Years? As in plural? He must really be a busy guy to not have the chance to sit down for a couple hours! “Wow. Well, what kind of movies do you like?”
Walking around the kitchen island, the bear handed his boyfriend the glass of water and flashed his emerald irises. “Anything that involves you and me cuddling.” Cyrus smelt the faint trickle of arousal from the small wolf as the glass was gently taken from his grasp. “But I adore all film genres. I’m a fan of the classics, especially horror films.”
Still blushing from the earlier comment, Kaplan nodded in agreement. “I’m okay with watching a horror flick.”
A hum verberated from Cyrus’ lips. “Then I’ll really get to hold on to you. Let me get this set up.” He saw that his company was still wearing a sweater and knew that would have to go. “I thought I offered for you to make yourself comfortable?”
Looking down at his clothes, Kaplan got the hint. Right. The sweater. He set the glass down on a coaster and pulled the sweater over his head. Getting up to put the sweater on the coat rack, Cyrus had the flatscreen ready to go and saw how the removal of the outerwear messed up the wolf’s hair.
My Gods...he’s asking for it, isn’t he my bear?
Yes. Messy hair. I like.
Me too. Cyrus took a seat on the plush leather couch and patted the spot next to him, encouraging the Beta to be near. Kaplan smiled and placed himself next to the Alpha, laying his head on the much larger man. The panda wrapped his arm around, landing his hand on Kaplan’s side as he sipped his wine. He sat the glass down on the end table nearby and lifted the remote to start the movie.
I haven’t heard from either of those two in so long. Was I forgotten? Or is this just part of the operation? Should I call Mason? Yeah...I think I need to.
Detective Terry Shaw sat in front of his apartment with a lit cigarette in one hand and his phone in the other. He thumbed his password and pawed his way to his contact list. Finding the farmer’s phone number, he hesitated on calling.
Over a week ago, Shaw had his world flipped upside down, but he had taken it in stride. After confronting the little short nerd on him having magic powers, the farmer came barreling into the police station the next day. How was I supposed to know the supernatural actually existed? Mason explained to the detective the whole ordeal, including how he was the man in charge of the area. The farmer even told the detective that he would be watched over just because he lived in the town! I was pretty floored by that. I guess wolves are pretty territorial, even if they run cities and towns! His mind was getting weighed down from all of the new information, as well as being put in a precarious position. I’m playing double agent to two men right now. Obviously, I’m on the farmer’s side in all this. That murdering Italian has to pay for his crimes...especially for killing that kid’s parents.
After a deep puff of his cigarette, he pressed the dial button. I feel ridiculous! Nervous to call someone. I’ve done undercover work before, how is this any different? Just because there’s werewolves and wizards and...Gods, who knows what else.
“Terry. Has Stefan reached out to you?” His voice is still scary to me, but...I know he’s one of the good guys in all this.
“No, that’s the problem. I haven’t heard anything from either of you two. I’ll probably head to our typical meeting spot later tonight to see if he shows up.”
“I’m sorry about all that, detective. Our world hasn’t been a ray of sunshine either. Vinnie had his turning, and he’s been busy getting ready for his trip to New York.”
New York? What’s he going to the Big Apple for? “So, say Stefan shows tonight. What info do you want me to feed him? I gotta seem like I’m doing something for him.”
A sigh could be heard on the farmer’s side of the line. “I wouldn’t mention the trip to New York. That might land me in hot water with that pack’s Alpha if Stefan tears something up there. You can mention that Vinnie is a fully turned wolf now...and that his wolf is an Alpha.”
Taking a puff from his cigarette, Shaw got lost within the terminology. “What’s a turning, and...he’s an Alpha? Did the kid grow up to be the size of you or somethin’?”
A loud bout of laughter was blared into Shaw’s ear, signaling that he was incorrect in his judgement of definition. “Sorry about that, Shaw! Vinnie completed the process of becoming a wolf, otherwise known as a turning, and no, Vinnie is still the same size. But when his wolf’s mind, or you could say animal instincts, were born, his wolf is recognized as a leader. With that, his animal spirit is stronger than most shapeshifters, and he can do things like flash his eyes a different color and partially shift his hands to claws. Does that make sense?”
The detective nodded as he puffed smoke. “Yeah, that does. So he’s...like a little version of you? He can pull that big voice thing you pulled in Henry’s office?”
“Yep. That’s the Alpha’s Voice. We mostly use it when we need to get the attention of someone or to calm someone down, but it can be used as an intimidation factor when we’re pissed off.”
“Alright, then. That’s pretty informational, Mason. I’ll head to the spot in about half an hour. I’m just not sure if Stefan is done with me.”
“Stay safe, Shaw. Feel free to call anytime you need something.”
“Thanks.” Shaw ended the call and finished his cigarette, carelessly flicking it into the parking lot from his second story balcony. Guess I should put some clothes on. He rose from his ragged camping chair and opened his apartment door.
“Hello, detective.” Shaw darted his eyes to his beige couch and lost all air in his damaged lungs. St...Stefan! The middle-aged Italian man sat on the couch with a kicked up leg resting on the other knee, twirling a pair of handcuffs around his index finger. “I don’t suppose I’ll need these this time, correct?”
Collecting his breath, the detective gave a subtle grin at the mage’s joke and shook his head. “No, don’t think they would do much good.”
“Excellent. How is the farmer and Little Vinnie?” Shaw swallowed as he caught a glare from the steel-gray eyes. “Doing well, from what I just heard. Tell me...whose side are you on with this?”
Crossing his arms, Shaw huffed at the question. “I’m no fool. Yours.”
“Then why tell the Alpha of the land that you’re on his?” The slender man put down his leg and propped up the other almost dramatically. “You wouldn’t happen to have plans to double cross me, would you?”
He’s not an idiot. I need to be smart about this. The only thing is, my placement here is convoluted! “Don’t get it twisted. My only option here was to be a double agent after that wolf Alpha thing got to me at the precinct. I need them to think I’m on their side. You were there when Henry and Mason cornered me.”
“Yes, I was. Still, how can I know you’re not going to flip your side of the coin before this is all over?”
“Because I want to bring you in. You said it yourself, you are willing to ante up for your crimes. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you don’t seem the type to go back on your word.”
A deep and harrowing laugh came from the seated man as he bent back his head. “I suppose you are right, I won’t go back on my statement. I like a man who can keep his head on straight. So...Little Vinnie has become an Alpha shifter. That fact is finally confirmed. What an unusual turn of events.” Stefan rose from his position, causing Shaw to take a step backwards. “Do...I scare you, detective?”
“Like I said, I’m no fool. You can burn me to a crisp whenever you feel like it.”
The mage pursed his lips and clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. “I could, but you’re too valuable to me right now. Keep it up, Terry. You’re doing well in your role. If I may make a suggestion, though.”
Regaining his foothold, Shaw stood strong. “What’s that?”
“Do try to get more information than I can, I believe this Mason fellow is not feeding you enough information. I happen to know Little Vinnie was out of town earlier this afternoon. It seems...he has found someone to teach him shadow magic, an old friend of mine.” The mage gazed down at the floor with a bad taste in his mouth. “Someone...who is still a thorn in my side, and I don’t think I could actually face him right now.”
Someone...that could beat him? “So, then why let Vincent learn more? Why not go after him now?”
“Because, you little tool. I’ve already broken one promise to the boy, and I refuse to break another! I couldn’t stay away.” Stefan reminisced about his meeting with Vincent on the grocery rooftop. “I told him I would leave this town until he called, ready for his fight with me, and I failed. I needed to see what I was up against! Now, he’s become an Alpha shapeshifter.” The mage crossed his arms with his fists balled up tight. He might actually be a challenge for me. Especially if Yakob is training him properly. No matter, I will still be victorious!
“I encourage you to step up your game, my little pawn, or you won’t be taking me to jail any time soon.” Before Shaw’s eyes, the man disappeared and left a trail of black wisps on the floor.
@tigg615 is a great editor, and words can not describe how grateful I am that he's on this project with me! With three chapters now published, and two chapters to be edited, he has shown me many of my flaws, and I am working diligently to break my bad habits. I've been meaning to give him a little spotlight, as he is also editing one of my followed stories as well. Thank you, my brilliant editor! Maybe once this trilogy is done, there will be time for you to fix my first book. I'm sure there is much to be done within that monstrosity!
Also, don't hate me if I made one of my infamous grammatical errors in this message. If I did, I made it with good intentions!
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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