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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Cornucopia - 9. Family

Tyler sat sullenly in the passenger seat, starting to feel anxiety creep up on him. He looked over at his companion who drove through the wooded roads with an ease that spoke of experience. “I’m starting to think this wasn’t such a good idea.”

“Oh, come on. This’ll be a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving.” Sean glanced over at his boyfriend with his usual smile. “We deserve this. Besides… think of how much fun we’ll have.”

Tyler grimaced. “I’m just worried that it’s been so long…”

“And whose fault is that?”

Tyler fixed him with an annoyed frown. “Both of us.”

Sean couldn’t argue with that point, so he let it drop. “What are you worried about, exactly?”

“I’m not worried.”


“I’m just…” Tyler sighed and ran his hand through his neatly cropped hair. A day ago, they had been enjoying some free time on the beach in California. His studies for the semester were on hold for a few days for the holiday and Sean’s schedule was freed up by a technical glitch in the studio. Out of nowhere, Sean decided to get a couple tickets for a flight to Pennsylvania for the weekend. Unfortunately, Tyler’s mother and her husband were out of the state themselves for a getaway since she hadn’t expected Tyler home. So, Sean decided they would do the next best thing. “It’s been two years since I’ve been here.”

Sean shrugged. “Two years, six months and about ten days, if I remember right.”

Tyler was starting to get irritated with Sean’s blasé attitude. “Exactly. I mean, keeping up over Facebook and text messages is what I know people do all the time. But it’s been so long. Shit, Tanner must be… what… nine now? He probably barely remembers me.”

Sean turned the car down the road he barely remembered and hoped he was going in the right direction. “Ty, you were told you were welcome any time. Any time includes Thanksgiving. We’ll just wing it, spend the day with everyone and have a good time.”

Tyler sighed and decided arguing about it wasn’t going to change anything. He had kept meaning to come back to visit. But college had been challenging and he ended up spending most of his summer breaks taking classes to help get it done faster. He was fortunate that he had the resources that the only worry he had on any given day was his studies. With Sean acting as his personal cheerleader, he had overcome a lot of obstacles. As difficult as his courses have been, it has all felt invigorating and exciting in a way. All his initial doubts have long since been banished and he was looking forward to what he’ll be able to accomplish once he gets his degree. Another incentive had been Sean not always able to be there when he was which only gave him time to focus more on his classes. Sean’s job at the studio kept him busy most days and some evenings. There were more than a few times Tyler would come home from classes for the day only to discover Sean was on the other side of the country for one reason or another. He would always be home the next day, but it did make for spending any length of time together difficult.

If he was being honest with himself, he worried that his friends wouldn’t recognize him or even like him much since his move to the west coast. His hair was definitely lighter, and his face was clearer than it used to be. The longer he spent in L.A. the more he got used to the place and had started to enjoy it. At some point, it had become home to him. While most of his friends didn’t live in as big a house as he did, he didn’t point it out or think of himself as better than them and they seemed to take it all in stride. He had made friends there and he enjoyed spending time with them as much as he used to love spending time with everyone here. Maybe he walked with a little more confidence than he had in the past. Or started to really enjoy those nights when he and Sean went to trendy restaurants where they might bump into a celebrity or two. None of that had changed who he was. At least that’s what Sean and Helen kept telling him.

“Um… Tyler?”

Sean’s voice broke him out of his inner thoughts. “Hm?”

Sean grimaced slightly with embarrassment. “I think I’m lost.”




Jacob was keeping himself busy in the kitchen getting all the side dishes prepared for the day as the turkey was roasting in the oven. He listened as everyone else in the house were talking and having fun and making sure he didn’t hear David’s familiar steps coming towards the kitchen. This was the first year he and Kyle had decided to do the majority of the cooking for Thanksgiving. Even though David seemed to want to do it, they explained that he should get to relax and enjoy the day with the children and everyone else instead of being cooped up in the kitchen when the two of them were more than capable of handling it themselves. With a reluctant smile, David “allowed” them to cook their first Thanksgiving dinner for the entire family.

Now he stood patiently, waiting for Kyle to return from cleaning up Aaron, who they were desperately trying to get potty trained. He had worked late the night before, trying to complete a project for a client and was feeling almost as tired as he had been when Aaron was a newborn. When he was just making tables, desks and everything else from his shop here it had been easier. He was able to set his own schedule and have time to take care of the boys and keep up with chores to be done in the orchard with Kyle. Now, Jacob had schedules, managing his two employees and trying to get as much done in one day as possible to help maintain a profit and keep the shop open.

“I’m back,” Kyle said as he hurried back into the room.

“What took so long?”

Kyle groaned. “He was being difficult.”

“Well, next time we’ll make Troy or Andy do it.” He opened a drawer and produced a potato peeler. “Here. Might as well get started on this.”

Kyle grabbed the biggest bowl in the cupboard and took it and the peeler to the table to sit while he peeled potatoes. “Everything else coming along?”

“Yup,” Jacob said confidently. “Turkey should be ready in about an hour. Just need to make the potatoes, finish the dressing and pull the casserole out of the oven before it burns. Did I miss anything?”

“Just don’t forget to lower the temperature on the oven when you put the pies in to bake while we eat dinner,” Kyle reminded him. “Think we have enough?”

Jacob snorted. “And leftovers. Did we get the table set?”

Kyle nodded as he peeled. “Yeah. Never hurts to double check.” He paused in his work, looking up at Jacob. “Do you hear that?”


He turned his attention the back door. “Sounded like a car just pulled up.”

Jacob turned to look out the window of the kitchen that overlooked the driveway. He frowned, suspiciously. “I don’t recognize the car.” Kyle rose from his seat to join him at the window as they watched to see who had just arrived. “What’s everyone else doing?”

“Watching football or playing games,” Kyle muttered quietly as he kept his eyes on the car. He saw the driver side door open first and saw Sean stand up. “Oh, my God,” Kyle said with a laugh.

Jacob’s jaw dropped open. “Holy shit. Better go tell the others. And set two more places at the big table.”

Kyle moved away from the window towards the hallway. “Mmm. I think I’ll let Andy be surprised.”

Jacob just nodded and waited as he saw the two younger men step up the ramp. He turned to intercept them, opening the door before they could reach it. “Holy shit, Tyler!”

Before he could a word out, Tyler was engulfed in two big arms and felt the breath almost squeezed out of him. “Happy Thanksgiving,” he managed to say as if this was a normal event between them.

“It’s about time you came to visit,” Jacob said with sincerity. “How long are you in town?”

Sean spoke up and smiled as Jacob let Tyler go and escorted them into the house. “Not long. He has classes next week and I have stuff to finish up before the end of the year.”

Jacob patted Sean’s back as he closed the door behind them. “Well, we’re glad to see you.”

“Where is everyone,” Tyler asked.

Jacob grinned as he walked over to where Kyle had been peeling and sat down and picked up the peeler. “Oh, just wait.”

Tyler looked at Sean wondering what Jacob was talking about. Before he could take a step towards the doorway leading to the hall, he heard footsteps approaching. He stood there as Andy appeared with Kyle right behind him. Tyler stood there staring at Andy, only just now realizing he didn’t know what to say. While Tyler felt a strong friendship with all of them and had come to find a deep and meaningful love with Sean, there was just something different about his bond with Andy. It wasn’t just their shared experience they had on their “road trip” years ago. It wasn’t the years they worked together or even having been his best man at Andy’s wedding. Looking at him again after nearly three years, he felt his heart catch in his throat, remembering those moments spent together, watching TV at his place, eating pizza, watching him take care of his young boys. The little moments that had been the foundation of their friendship that made all the big moments even more significant.

He watched as Andy, who always seemed to keep a to keep a casual demeanor stand there staring at him with eyes sparkling in the light. In the next moment Andy was across the room and squeezing his arms tightly around him and he could feel more than hear the outpouring of emotion as Andy’s hands lightly clutched at his back. Tyler hugged him close and felt a sting of tears in his eyes as he realized only now the mistake it had been not coming back sooner. The two friends held each other, oblivious to the others in the room, before Andy muttered in his ear, “you look like a twink.”

Tyler laughed and rubbed Andy’s back, whispering his reply. “I missed you too.”

Andy chuckled and stepped back but kept his hands on Tyler’s shoulders. “Looks like you’ve been keeping yourself busy.”

“You could say that.” Tyler smiled warmly. He hadn’t expected this kind of reception or the feelings that came with the memories of being in this house. “I’ve been spending most of my time just trying to get through my classes.”

Kyle stepped forward, smiling warmly. “Well, we all want to hear all about it. Why don’t you let Andy take you two into the front room while Jacob and I finish dinner?”

“In other words, he wants us out of his kitchen.” Andy smirked. “Come on. I’m sure Brian and the boys would love to see you again.”

Tyler held Sean’s hand and followed Andy through the familiar house. This hadn’t been his home, but it had been a place of refuge when he had needed it, and a place he had looked forward to seeing again. As he walked through the hall, he noted new pictures on the walls. Mostly of the children he remembered. Mixed in on the walls were newer pictures of each separate family that he noted the boys looked a lot bigger than the last time he saw them. When the three of them stepped into the doorway, Tyler’s smile widened as he saw Troy and Brian getting to their feet to welcome them. Brian hugged Sean first as Troy embraced Tyler.

“Well, this is about the best surprise we could get today,” Troy declared as he hugged Tyler. “How have you been?”

“Busy,” Tyler said with a chuckle before Brian took his place and hugged him warmly. “How’s being married with Andy been the last two years?”

“Surprisingly boring,” Brian replied with a smirk. “He’s a good boy and takes his meds like he’s supposed to.”

Andy looked over Brian’s shoulder to Tyler and rolled his eyes. “Don’t listen to him. I’m as troublesome as ever.”

Brian ignored his husband and turned his attention to Sean. “What about you? Keeping Tyler out of trouble enough to keep you busy?”

Sean chortled at that idea. “I’m usually busy with my job. Not easy keeping things flowing in a studio.”

“What do they have you doing?”

He shrugged. “Whatever they need me to do. But most of the time I’m working with the writing staff. At least then I get to use a little creativity. Sometimes I just have to run scripts around if there’s changes.”

David gently moved Brian aside, beaming at Tyler. “Well, we are glad to have you both here today.” He embraced Tyler warmly and then added. “I want to hear how things are going for you in college, young man.”

Tyler kept his smile in place as he looked into David’s sparkling eyes. “Doing pretty good. Been trying to catch up to everyone else.”

David’s eyebrows lifted slightly. “Is that why we haven’t seen you in so long?”

“Yeah. I was taking summer courses the last two years. I’m almost caught up.”

David frowned slightly. “You don’t have to catch up to anyone, son. It’s an education, not a race.”

Tyler just smiled. “Maybe. But I don’t want to be in college all my life.” He glanced around the room, noting that the only other people in the room was Sam, Liz and Colt, who he only met briefly at Andy and Brian’s wedding. Sitting on their laps were Emily and Aaron, both of whom were unfamiliar with the two strangers who just arrived and seemed content to sit for now. “Where are all the other kids?”

“They’re upstairs,” Andy explained. “In Matt’s room, playing a board game.”

“So,” Liz began with a friendly smile, “what prompted the surprise visit?”

“It was my idea,” Sean replied as David motioned for them to have a seat. “My job has been keeping me busy. He’s on a small break and my schedule suddenly cleared up so I decided to book us some tickets to come here so we could visit.”

“Well, that was nice.” Liz directed her next question to Tyler. “How long are you staying?”

“Just for the weekend. We flew into Pittsburgh last night and rented a car to drive out here.”

David chimed in, saying, “you don’t need to drive back tonight if you don’t want to. There’s plenty of room here if you two wanna spend the night.”

Sean and Tyler looked at each other, thinking it through but Andy spoke up before they could say anything. “They can bunk with us at our house tonight.” Andy gave Tyler a knowing smirk and a subtle wink.

Tyler, already used to Andy’s habits and knowing what he had to offer smiled and nodded. “Sure. That’ll work.” He looked to Sean to make sure who just shrugged and smiled, obviously not caring as long as Tyler was happy.

Andy hid his smile well as he rejoined Brian’s side. “Are you having any fun out there, or are you just being a bookworm every day?”

Tyler’s smile turned a little shy as he shrugged. “Well… I have enjoyed going to the beach once in awhile.”

Brian gave him a knowing grin. “It’s hard to resist. I spent more than a couple days on the beach when I was in Miami.”

“We do try and squeeze in a date night once in awhile to,” Sean added with a grin. “I’m hoping next summer he’ll take the time off and we might do a little traveling.”

David and the others smiled and nodded. “Well, Colt and I have been taking a few trips in the past couple years. If you two have any suggestions, we wouldn’t mind hearing them.”

Colt chuckled silently at the idea as he watched the others. He rather liked Tyler. They didn’t have much time to get to know one another at Andy’s wedding, but from what little time they did share, he could see the young man had some good qualities and an inner strength in him that seems to only falter when he starts to second guess himself. He leaned forward a little before speaking up. “What are you aiming for in school, Tyler?”

“Oh, ah, I’m actually working towards getting a master’s degree in communications.”

Colt smiled slightly. “Really? That’s what I studied myself.”

Andy grinned. “That and how to kill someone with a crayon.”

Colt awarded his joke with a droll look before continuing. “Decided on what direction that’s going to go for you?”

Tyler sat up a bit straighter, pleased that he was getting more than the general questions most people ask. “Well, I gave it some thought as I was going through my first year and I decided I was going to go into public relations. I never really thought of myself as a public speaker or someone who cares a lot about the media, but the further I’ve gotten into it the more I like the challenge.”

Colt nodded in approval. “You’d be surprised what you can do once you put your mind to it. When you get your degree, there’ll be plenty of places you can go from there.”

David smiled and flashed Tyler a knowing smirk. “Oh, I have no doubt he’ll have a bunch of people wanting to hire him.”

Tyler met David’s eyes for a moment and paled slightly under his tan skin. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to him that David would know anything about what he’s been up to, but he wondered if anyone else knew as well. It wasn’t something he wanted everyone knowing. Particularly Sean. “We’ll see what comes along, I suppose,” he said with a faint smile.

David’s smiled turned into a grin, but he didn’t say any more and allowed the conversation in the room to turn to other topics. Helen had kept him updated on Tyler while he kept her in the loop about her grandchildren. He could have said more but he felt that there was going to be too much for Tyler to handle before the day was over. He occasionally caught Sean’s eye and he just gave the young man a reassuring nod. Just having Tyler come back and seeing the happiness in Andy was all he cared about so he let it rest for the time being.

“So, what’s up with Jacob’s new business,” Tyler asked the room.

Troy smirked with more than a little pride in his smile. “He got a new building constructed not far from us where he sells his furniture and some wholesale stuff as well just to round things out.”

Sam affected a dissatisfied look and grumbled, “he’s gonna start eating into my business soon enough knowing that boy. One day he’s making dining room tables, the next he’s building whole damn houses…”

Tyler chuckled, knowing Sam was probably almost as proud of Jacob’s accomplishments as David or Kyle. David grinned and looked to his old friend. “Maybe you should retire.”

Sam grunted. “Not likely. Troy’s still got little kids to deal with. Let him get those out the door and then I’ll think about it.”

Troy gave his dad an unconvinced smirk. “Yeah, right. Like you’ve been thinking about it for the last seven years now.”

One side of Sam’s mouth twitched up as his eyes gleamed. “I’ll get around to retirement eventually.”

Liz rolled her eyes at her father-in-law’s antics before she spoke up. “It’s a nice store. Has a rustic look to it. And a lot bigger than I expected it to be.”

Tyler was intrigued. “Where is it?”

“Where your old trailer park used to be,” David answered with a kind of dry sarcasm.

Tyler’s eyes widened in surprise for a second as he thought about that past. “You know, when I saw a picture of the outside he posted online the other day, I thought it looked familiar, but I couldn’t place it for some reason. Now it makes so much sense.”

David made a small disapproving noise. “Yeah. I wasn’t too keen on the idea when he first talked about it. Kyle was nearly up in arms. But…” He sighed and shook his head with a smirk. “I could see the look in his eyes and knew his heart was set on it. One thing they both have in common is that they tend to be hard to change when they set their minds to something.”

“Too willful, if you ask me,” Sam grunted.

David rolled his eyes and decided not to rise to Sam’s bait. He sat back and looked over at Colt and Aaron who immediately grinned back at him, which gave David an idea. “Hey, Aaron. Come here.”

Tyler watched as the little toddler hopped off Colt’s lap and went to his grandfather. “Oh my God, he’s so cute,” he whispered to Sean who just nodded and watched. The last time he saw Aaron, he was just a little baby, barely able to crawl. And here he was now walking on steady legs with his black hair flopping around.

David put a hand around the boy’s shoulder and leaned towards him. “Why don’t you head upstairs and tell the boys to come down.” Aaron stood there for a moment as if contemplating his grandfather’s request before heading out of the room, the sound of his feet stomping across the floor and slowly up the stairs. David chuckled at the sound, more than a little proud of his littlest boy.

“Can’t believe I held him in my arms when he was only a couple months old,” Tyler said wistfully. “Doesn’t seem that long ago.”

“Kids grow up fast,” Sam said before pointing a thumb at Troy. “Look how big my baby got.”

Liz laughed as Troy shook his head with a grin. “Everyone’s favorite big baby.”

“Don’t encourage him,” Troy warned her.

A rumble through the house caught everyone’s attention. Andy moved to Tyler’s side and pulled him to his feet. Tyler looked at Andy with a question in his eyes before Andy said with a smirk, “Tanner’s a little bigger than you remember. And he’s probably gonna be excited to see you.”

“So?” Tyler turned towards the doorway as he heard the gaggle of boys descending the stairs.

“Watch out, Aaron.” Tyler recognized Tanner’s voice immediately and smiled, remembering the quiet, thoughtful little boy he used to know.

“Better catch him.”

“I got him.”

“Don’t drop my little brother!”

“I’m not going to drop him.”

“What’s going on out there,” David asked as he leaned forward in his recliner.

With his attention going immediately to David, Tanner appeared in the door, holding a smiling Aaron, followed by Chase and the other boys. “He looked like he was gonna fall down the stairs, so I picked him up.”

David nodded, letting him know he did the right thing. “Well, be careful with him.”

Tanner put Aaron down on his feet before looking at the rest of the room. When he saw Tyler standing there in front of his dad his eyes lit up. “Tyler!” The boy ran headlong into him.

Tyler was a little shocked at the force of the impact as Tanner hugged him and was thankful that Andy helped brace him. “Hey. How’s it going?” In the past it had never crossed his mind that Tanner or any of the other boys would remember him, much less miss him in anyway when he left for college. But the force of the boy’s tight hold around him and the bright eyes looking up at him showed him that he had been missed more than he could have imagined.

Andy whispered in his ear, “swear to God he’s gonna be a linebacker when he grows up.”

“Going good,” Tanner said. “When did you show up?”

“A little bit ago.” Before he could say more Blake joined his older brother, attaching himself to Tyler’s waist. “Hey, you.”

“Happy Thanksgiving,” Blake said cheerfully. “When do we eat?”

“I’m not in charge of that,” he replied with a laugh.

“Where’ve you been? It’s been forever.”

He patted Blake’s back affectionately. “Sorry, bud. Been busy with schoolwork. Just like you have.”

Blake seemed satisfied with that answer and released his hold on him. “Are you staying?”

Tyler hesitated and decided to put his new skills to use. “I’m staying for the weekend. In fact, I think I’m staying the night at your place.”

Blake’s eyes lit up and looked at his brother. “This is going to be so much fun!”

Tanner was ecstatic about the news. “Maybe Chase can spend the night and we can play some video games together!”

Tyler chuckled. “We’ll see.”

Conversations around the room continued as both Tyler and Sean got caught up with all the activities and accomplishments of all the kids and their parents. Colt, David and Sam sat near each other taking it all in and adding their own comments when the moment was right. A few times Tyler would see a strange look on Sean’s face he couldn’t put his finger on. It was almost as if he was nervous about something. At one point, he noticed Sean and David shared a look where David just smiled at him and nodded as if to reassure him. He was going to ask Sean about it, but Kyle stepped into the doorway to the room and announced that everything was ready which prompted everyone to their feet and start working towards the dining room or kitchen where they would be sitting down to eat.

He was going to say something to Sean before David stopped him. “Tyler?”

Tyler turned to look at the older man who was getting to his feet while everyone else was filing out of the room. “Yes?”

David stepped up to him with a smirk and leaned towards him, lowering his voice so as not to be overheard. “I didn’t want to say this in front of everyone, just in case. Have you told Sean about your lunches with Helen?”

Tyler’s eyes looked down at the floor for a second, feeling like he had been caught in some kind of lie. “Not exactly.”

David sighed but his smile hadn’t changed. “So, you’ve told him you have lunch with her occasionally, but you don’t tell him it’s not just with her.”

He sighed in minor irritation. “It’s not like I planned it,” Tyler defended himself. “It was her idea. She just…” He shrugged trying to accurately word it to get him out of a potential problem. “…wanted to give me a lot of options after I graduate.”

David chuckled silently and nodded his understanding. “So, why not talk to him about that?”

“Because Sean has been talking for over a year now about how great it will be when I get my degree and we can work together so we don’t miss each other so much.”

“I think you’re not giving him enough credit,” David said bluntly. “He really does care about you. More than you probably have guessed. If you talk to him about it, I’m sure things will be fine.”

Tyler’s eyes narrowed slightly at the absolute certainty David seemed to convey with his words and his smile. It made him wonder if he knew something else but decided not to press it. He’d figure it out the next time he had lunch with Helen. With a slight nudge, David steered him out of the room towards the dining room. “I haven’t made up my mind about anything yet. I mean, I love him. I don’t want him to get upset because I might find something else I’d rather do than work in the same place he does.”

David laughed silently and patted his back. “I’m sure it won’t be as bad as you think.”

They stepped into the dining room and took their seats. Tyler next to Sean near Andy and David to his usual place at the head of the table. As he was sitting down, Tyler noticed the table was a bit larger than he remembered. “Is this a new table,” he asked Jacob who was down on the other end near David.

“I extended it out to fit more people,” Jacob answered back with a smirk.

Sam grumbled as he was just settling into his seat at the far end. “You boys keep having kids, Jacob’ll have to extend the room.”

Troy chuckled. “Pretty sure there’s no more kids coming to any of us.”

Sam looked at his son. “Oh yeah? What about grandkids?”

Troy blinked in surprise having not considered that. He then gave his father a playful look. “Well… I guess then I’ll be sitting in your seat, and it’ll be someone else’s problem.”

Liz laughed as Sam’s eyebrows rose at Troy’s unsaid suggestion. “Smartass,” Sam muttered. They all chuckled but settled down and turned their attention to the other side of the table as David lightly tapped a fork on his glass to get everyone’s attention.

David smiled broadly, looking over the table at all the familiar faces as memories swelled in his heart. “Well, I think it’s safe to say we all have a lot to be grateful for this year,” he began. “We are all healthy and safe. My sons are working towards their own goals, and we even have a surprise to celebrate today with Tyler and his boyfriend come to visit and spend this moment with us.” He paused as his smile widened into a grin. “I can’t imagine being as prouder of all of you as I am right now. And I am so thankful that we get to spend this holiday together. As we eat and enjoy each other’s company today, let’s also remember those who can’t be with us and those who are part of the memories and the stories we share with each other.”

There was a slight pause before Sam spoke up from the other end of the table. “Here, here.” Everyone else gave their affirmations before filling their plates with the food in front of them.

Tyler gladly placed steaming slices of turkey onto his plate along with potatoes, green bean casserole and some dressing before settling in to enjoy the conversation and the general warmth of being together with his friends again. As he and the others ate, talk was slow at first with most of the comments made about the quality of the food. Kyle and Jacob took the compliments with their usual attitudes while any negative comments were received in the comical manner that they were given.

Dinner didn’t last that long, with everyone eating their fill. About halfway through, Tyler looked to Andy sitting next to him ask asked him, “so, where are we sleeping at your place?”

Andy smirked. “Tanner can sleep in Blake’s room or down on the couch. He won’t mind.”

Tyler smirked. “Considering how he greeted me, you’re probably right.”

“He’s mentioned you in the past,” Andy said. “He doesn’t miss that many people. Barely reacted when his mom died. Never wanted to see his other grandparents. But he got all excited to see you, so let that sink in.”

“Well then I guess I’ll have to do my best to visit more.” Tyler took a few bites before he added, “and, you know… the planes fly in both directions.”

Andy grinned a little at that. “You saying we should come out and visit?”

Tyler shrugged but couldn’t hold back a smirk. “Wouldn’t hurt. Weed is legal out there, you know.”

“Hmm. True.” He pondered it for a moment before he said. “Not that I can smoke that stuff anymore?”

“You can’t?!” Tyler had gotten excited at the idea of sharing with him later on and was a little disappointed they wouldn’t be now. “Why not?”

“Well, with the medication I’m on, I’m not supposed to.”

“Oh.” Tyler forced himself to not look as disappointed as he felt. “Well, that’s okay.”

Andy stared at him for a moment before he broke into a giggle. “Can’t believe you fell for that.” He resumed eating the last bites on his plate as he shook with his suppressed giggles.

Realizing he had been pranked, Tyler gave him a playful elbow to the side before finishing up his plate. He was just taking his last bite and some of the others were starting to get up when David’s voice interrupted all of them. “Keep your seats. I’m not done with all of you yet.” Everyone froze in place for a moment before those who had started to get up slowly sank back down into their chairs. Normally, David only had one small speech he made before they ate. For him to command everyone’s attention caused a few of them to show a little concern. David had a thoughtful look on his face and was silent for a moment before he continued. “I’ve been thinking about what I said earlier. And I think I left something out. It’s been something you’ve probably all heard at some point or another in your lives that I’ve told you, but I feel it bears repeating. Even if you don’t have the same dads or moms… if you don’t have the same hair color or eyes or big or short, remember that the people who you are with, who you’ve known for years and years… who you grew up with or formed a mutual bond of affection or love on one level or another, you are all a single family. Sometimes we don’t say it enough and we should. You’re my boys and Liz is my girl. So is Stephanie and Nate if they were here. And no matter how bad things seem or how rough life gets, you are a part of this family, and this house will always be your home, no matter what.” He looked around to each of them making sure they all understood and took it to heart before he seemed satisfied. With a nod of his head, he finished by saying, “if anyone has anything they want to add, feel free.”

Tyler sat there feeling the gravity of emotions David’s words evoked fall over the table. He couldn’t imagine anyone objecting. So, it was a heart-stopping shock when Sean slowly rose and said, “actually, I’d like to say something.”

David nodded and rubbed his hand over his mouth to hide his smirk as everyone’s attention went to Sean standing now at the other end of the table.

Feeling his face turn red hot, Tyler’s head whipped around to stare incredulously at Sean. He didn’t dare look at anyone else, feeling the heat of their stares on Sean and himself, almost swearing he could hear Brian giggling quietly as he watched Sean self-consciously gather himself together before he spoke.

Sean looked paler than he had been moments before when he finally found his voice. “Well, first off, I want to thank you Mr. Howard for inviting us here today. I know Tyler wanted to be here, even if he was a little nervous at first on the way here. But I really wanted us to be here because I wanted the two of us to come back here to where we first met.” Sean’s eyes went to Tyler. “Ty, the last three years with you have been amazing. You’ve been working so hard for so long and I’ve watched how much you’ve grown into yourself and as much as I loved you before we moved to L.A. I’ve been falling even more in love with you as you’ve made it your home and made friends and enjoyed the life we’ve made together.”

Tyler felt a storm of emotions swirling inside him that was threatening to sweep him away. He wanted to tell Sean how much he loved him for everything they’ve shared and wished they hadn’t been separated in the beginning the way they had been, but he couldn’t find his voice.

A slight tremor colored Sean’s voice as he kept going. “I’m sorry I’ve been busy working a lot and haven’t been there for you as much as I feel I should have, but that’s going to change here soon. I feel a little selfish sometimes because, if I had my way, I’d be spending every moment of every day with you. And I want this to only be the beginning of something wonderful. I wanted to wait until you finished school to ask you this, but I felt I couldn’t. So…” A whisper of a smirk lifted one side of Sean’s mouth. “…I sort of asked David if we could come here so I could ask you this in front of your family. I already called your mom, and she gave me her blessing.” Sean raised his hand, holding a gold ring out to Tyler as he asked, “so, Tyler Brewer, will you marry me?”

The idea had crossed Tyler’s mind many times in the last few years. It wasn’t that he didn’t think it possible. He didn’t feel unworthy of it. It was just something that never really came up between them. To suddenly have this turn take place, the whirling storm inside him suddenly broke as he burst into tears. Like a sudden release of a dam, all the hard times of his life, the feeling of being left behind, dismissed and unwanted were all being purged from his soul. But as happy as he felt, the tears prevented him from finding his voice.

A familiar hand on his shoulder accompanied by a voice of support was like a life preserver rescuing him. “Steady there, bro. We’re all here for you.”

Tyler looked back up at Sean who was still standing there, offering him a ring that may as well be the moon and stars before he managed a tearful smile and nodded his head. “Yes.”

Sean had a relieved look on his face, and he leaned in and placed the ring on Tyler’s finger. Their eyes met before they shared a warm kiss that promised a happy future ahead of them. A steady flow of good cheer surrounded them as Sean and Tyler rose to their feet. Andy’s arms around him felt like a welcome relief to him even as it brought more tears in his eyes. He had never felt so loved in those arms.

Andy’s words whispered in his ear only enhanced his joy. “So happy for you, brother.” He held onto him a moment longer before looking at his face and gave him a reproachful smirk. “Tyler…” Andy wiped the tears off Tyler’s face. “No more of that. It’s a good day.”

Tyler nodded and wiped his eyes once just to make sure they’re clear. “Thanks.”

The others were quick to offer their own congratulations with handshakes or hugs for the happy couple before heading out of the room. “Wish Ma was here to see this.”

Kyle and Jacob were just coming up to them and hugged them both warmly. “Oh, she’s seeing it now,” Kyle said with a grin.

“What do you mean?”

Jacob was all smiles as he held up his phone. “I recorded it and posted it on Facebook. Tagged her so she’d see it.”

Kyle leaned over to look at the screen. “Hm. Thirty likes in under five minutes.” He chuckled as he hugged Tyler. “I think you’re going to go viral.”

Tyler laughed at the idea. “Thank you.”

Kyle and Jacob moved out of the room to get dessert prepared. From behind him David and Colt stepped forward. Tyler noticed David looked very pleased with himself. “Congratulations, young man.”

For reasons he didn’t fully understand, Tyler had a sudden ache in his heart, wishing his dad could have been alive and been here for this sudden change in his life. But the moment passed and his heart settled once again when David hugged him and the released him to embrace Sean with a happy smile. “Welcome to the family.”




Later in the evening, Tyler was sitting on the patio overlooking Andy’s backyard and he, Andy and Sean sat around the table, sharing a blunt. He wasn’t sure if the weed was kicking in or not because the feeling of floating had never completely left him since dinner ended. But it was good to just sit there with the two people he loved most in the world, having a quiet conversation and enjoying each other’s company. If he was being perfectly honest, the marijuana was calming. All the peaks his emotions had hit so many times in one day left him feeling overwhelmed. That made him more than ready to step outside after Tanner and Blake went to bed to relax.

“Well, Sean,” Andy said as he stared up at the night sky, “you definitely found a way to get me to come out to California now.”

Sean smirked, feeling a little proud of himself. “It’s not like we don’t have four other bedrooms in the house, dude. Just let us know whenever you’re coming out.”

“Oh, he’s coming out for our wedding,” Tyler said. “I’m gonna need him there.”

Andy grinned, knowing what was coming next. “Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”

Tyler knew he knew and giggled. “Fuck off. You know why.”

Andy started to giggle himself as he tried unsuccessfully to sound innocent. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Sean rolled his eyes and chuckled at the two of them. “He needs to hear you say it, Ty.”

Tyler rolled his eyes and said, “Andy, will you please be the best man at my wedding?”

Andy tore his gaze away from the sky to look at Tyler. “Anything for my best wingman.”

Brian stepped out onto the patio with some beer bottles he passed around to everyone. “Aren’t you two sweet?”

Sean tilted his head up at Brian as he took one of the offered beers. “Aren’t they?”

“Like they’re some old married couple,” Brian quipped with a grin. He finished passing the beers around and sat down on Andy’s lap. “Flying high, dear?”

Andy shrugged. “Feeling good is all. Oh, hey, I think we should let the happy couple sleep in our bed tonight and we’ll bunk out on the pull out in the basement.”

“Why’s that?”

Andy suppressed a chuckle before answering, “because I’d rather they not fuck in my son’s bed.”

Sean’s lips twisted in a grimace. “We can control ourselves.”

“Sometimes,” Tyler added, which only made him giggle again.

Sean took the hint. “Well, only if it’s okay with Brian.”

Brian rolled his eyes. “Remind me to change the sheets in the morning.”

The four drank their beers and passed the last few hits of the pot around. Tyler could feel the weight of the ring on his finger, and it made him smile. A thought, unbidden, came to his mind and went right out of his mouth before he had time to think about it. “Sean, I don’t think I want to work at the studio after I graduate.” He closed his eyes and groaned softly.

There was a moment of silence which caused Tyler to hold his breath until Sean finally replied. “Okay.”

In his stoned mind, that didn’t sound right which prompted Tyler to sit up straighter, as if that might help him understand Sean’s reply. “What?”

Sean looked over at him, unperturbed. “I said, ‘okay.’”

Tyler’s eyes blinked as he shook his head. “Are you serious?”

“Well, yeah. I don’t care where you work as long as you’re happy with what you’re doing.”

“Are you sure,” he asked, unconvinced.

Sean sighed. “Baby, of course, I’m sure. Jeez. What made you think I wanted you to?”

Tyler fumbled for an answer. “Well, you were saying… how we could be a team and do all sorts of stuff together.”

Sean looked at Andy and Brian who watched the couple with patient amusement. “Can you believe this shit? I just asked him to marry me, and he thinks we’re not already a team?”

Tyler was baffled. “Well, I just thought –”

“Hey,” Andy said to interrupt them. “You two are done. Finish your beers and go up to bed.”

Sean slowly rose to his feet, downing the last of his bottle before walking up to Tyler and finishing his as well. “Come on, Lover boy.”

Brian giggled at the two of them as he leaned in and kissed his husband before wishing them a good night as Sean helpfully guided Tyler back inside and up the stairs to their assigned bedroom.

Tyler was still confused as he followed along with Sean. “You’re serious. You don’t mind?”

Sean stepped inside Andy and Brian’s bedroom, closing the door behind them before he started undressing. “How many other ways do you want me to say it?”

“It’s just…” Tyler slowly followed suit, opting to stay in his boxers as he slid into the bed. “…you seemed so excited about it when you talked about it last year.”

With a sigh, Sean turned the light off and carefully navigated his way to the bed to join his lover. “Ty… I don’t care what job you take. All I care about is that you’re happy with it. If you find some other job you think you want, then that’s what I want you to do.”

Tyler laid there thinking about it as Sean moved in closer and wrapped his arms around him. “Well, okay then. Just seems odd.”

“No, it doesn’t.”


“Yeah. You know why?”


Sean pressed himself closer to Tyler, nuzzling into his neck. “I got three reasons why.”

“What are they?”

To accentuate his point, Sean kissed the side of Tyler’s neck for each one. “I love you, I love you and I love you.”

Tyler smiled and let himself relax. “I just want you to be happy.”

“I am happy,” Sean said softly. “I’m marrying into a huge family. What’s not to be happy about?”

Tyler chuckled softly and then closed his eyes. Despite being in a strange bed and being thousands of miles from their home in L.A. Tyler realized that his home wasn’t just a place. It was a state of being where he was with people who loved him. And while he made a home in California, there was always going to be a home here for him.

Copyright © 2020 Jdonley75; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

1 minute ago, mayday said:

perfect ... but how are you going to continue the story???


Which story, exactly?

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