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    John Henry
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  • 2,235 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is meant for mature audiences.  Reader discretion is advised.

Thicker Than Water - 62. Chapter 62

Diego and Steve sat on two very small and uncomfortable chairs while waiting to speak to Caleb's Principal. Diego was feeling anxious. Billy was running late, and they still had to go to court right after the meeting.

Mr. Padilla,” the office assistant called out, “Principal Harrington will see you now.”

“Thanks, Julie,” Diego replied. Julie had been working there since before Bryan was first enrolled, and they had always been on friendly terms; however, Diego got the sense that the dynamic had changed a little.

Mr. Harrington was a tall, thin, balding, middle-aged man, who wore casual clothing and glass with thick, black frames. Diego always thought, if the man had a pocket protector, he would've fit in Revenge of the Nerds. “Diego, nice to see you again, despite the circumstances. And you must be Steve. Caleb has mentioned you quite a few times and always fondly.”

Steve awkwardly shook the man's hand. He was happy that Caleb had talked about him, but Steve wanted to yell at the shorter man for allowing his son to be attacked.

Diego saw a man in a suit sitting at Mr. Harrington's desk. Mr. Harrington nervously said, “Diego and Steve, this is Brad Michaels, the attorney for the school district.”

Attorney?” Diego asked, rhetorically.

It's district policy, I'm afraid,” Brad said. “Principal Harrington can't represent the school district in any official capacity outside of his normal job duties, so any questions you may have that he can't answer, I can...within reason.”

Which is lawyer-speak for, 'I won't be answering any,'” Billy said, as he let himself into the office. “Sorry I'm late. Traffic was hell.”

And who are you?” Mr. Harrington asked.

My lawyer,” Diego replied happily. “Billy, this is--”

Oh, there's no need for introductions. Bradly and I go way back, don't we, Bradly?”

Brad looked sickened. “Unfortunately.”

The last time wasn't that bad, now was it?”

Your nephews destroyed my car!”

Allegedly. There wasn't any real evidence to support criminal charges.”

They filled my tires with quick drying cement!” Brad said, raising his voice.

Allegedly,” Billy added, calmly.

They messed with my horn, so it shouted racial slurs every time I hit the break!”


They threatened to kill me!” Brad said so firmly, he was almost shouting.

It was hardly a threat, Bradly. It was a line from a song that was paraphrasing Shakespeare for fuck's sake, and they didn't say it, the Eagles did.”

What was the line?” Steve asked.

I can't remember how it goes, but Bradly, you should do as the song says and get over it. That was like three years ago. They were just boys being boys...allegedly. Besides, we have a settlement and conditions to discuss.”

A settlement? You're kidding, right?”

Not at all. Thus far, this school district has seen two children targeted for either being homosexual or being related to homosexuals, which leaves the obvious question: Who else has been targeted? I only need one more victim to come forward to bring a class action based on discrimination. It was pretty clear that my first client had been a target for many years, and his bully just happens to be a cousin of the boy who tortured Caleb. The mother of the first bully is best friends with the former superintendent, and they're both currently protesting against my clients outside the courthouse.

Mr. Harrington, most of this conversation doesn't necessarily involve you, since the settlement and most of the conditions are up to the school board, which Bradly here is obligated to take them; however, the part that does concern you is your responsibility and negligence in protecting Caleb and others from being bullies and war crimes committed on them. It's clear to me that you don't give a fuck about the safety and well-being of the students at this school, and I have zero doubt that I could make a jury see things from my point of view; after all, who doesn't know what waterboarding is and how traumatizing it is on adults, let alone a small, defenseless child.

With that said, my clients are willing to drop all criminal charges provided the following: 1) The staff person who was supposed to be monitoring the playground that day is fired. 2) Mr. Harrington, you will resign immediately--”

What?! Why?!”

Caleb has been the target of bullying for years, yet nothing has been done about it, especially by you. This laissez faire attitude led to an 11-year-old boy being literally tortured on your playground. A torture, by the way, that has been outlawed by the international community, and is used by military experts only. There was a good chance they could've drowned him, while your staff took selfies. Should a child die before you pull your head out of your ass?!” Billy shouted. Neither Diego nor Steve had ever seen the man so worked up. “You, Sir, are lucky that you're not sitting in a jail cell, facing conspiracy to commit torture and assault, so you will resign or that's what we'll go after next. And, I highly doubt you'll survive prison with this kind of record.”

Billy turned his attention to Brad and said, “My clients will settle for nothing less than 2 million dollars; in addition, all staff will be required to take sensitivity training that will focus on supporting minorities and toppling bullying. The district will also institute an absolutely zero tolerance policy against assaults and all physical forms of bullying, while also cracking down all other forms. Monthly reports will be made available to the PTA outlining all reported cases of bullying and what the schools have done to address it. These reports will also be made available to the public, with names redacted to protect the children. I would say that's not unfair, wouldn't you, Bradly?”

That's a lot of money the school doesn't have,” Brad said.

They're a government entity, Bradly. They either have or can get the money. Tell the governor to sell his mansion if he has to.”

You know this will likely go to court?”

I'm counting on it, actually. I'll then raise my settling price to 5 million dollars per child who was bullied, and we live in a state with no cap on damages from pain and suffering. All I need to do is put these little kids on the stand and in front of the cameras, and make them relive their trauma. If you've ever worried about funding before, I think 2 million right now isn't an unfair amount.”

Game recognized game, and Brad agreed to take it to the school board.

Diego, Steve and Billy were quiet as they left the building. Then Diego asked, “Do you think they'll actually give us 2 million dollars?”

Billy laughed, “Not at all. They'd have to shut down a school to cover that amount. They'll come back with a tiny offer, probably around $10,000, and we'll go from there. We'll stop negotiating when we hit a total you and the board are okay with, or it goes to court, which nobody wants. Speaking of court, we need to get going. Judge Arthur agreed to delay proceedings for 30 minutes if necessary, and we're getting a little too close for my liking.”

Steve kissed Diego and said, “I love you, and I'll see you tonight.”

*     *     *

Are you ready to call your next witness, Mr. Parker?” Judge Arthur asked.

Yes, Your Honor. Respondent would like to recall the Petitioner, Calvin Johnson, to the stand.”

Calvin looked annoyed and stood. After taking the witness stand, Judge Arthur reminded Calvin that he was still under oath. “Proceed, Mr. Parker.”

Thank you, Your Honor. Mr. Johnson, given the testimony of the previous witnesses in this case, why did you refuse to tell the women the truth about the existence of Bryan and Caleb?”

I never hid anything. It just never came up.”

Diego rolled his eyes. Typical Calvin, he thought.

Billy smirked, “So, you just happened to forget that you had two small children?”

It wasn't like that.”

Then explain what it was like then. How could they have just slipped your mind?”

I didn't have custody of them anymore, so I didn't think to bring them up most of the time.”

And what about the times you did? Why did you lie about the custody situation?”

I didn't lie. They're lying.”

Is that really the stance you want to take, Mr. Johnson?”

Objection. Harassing,” called out Mr. Clarke.

Sustained. Mr. Parker, keep your questions civil.”

Sorry, Your Honor. Mr. Johnson, physical evidence has been provided from your own texts and emails that clearly contradict your statement, so how do you explain those, which are in your own words?”

I don't know.”

You don't know, or you just don't want to answer?”

Objection. Answered.”

Sustained. Move on, Mr. Parker.”

What is the real reason you're seeking custody, Mr. Johnson?”

I want my boys back.”

Except, you just dropped seeking custody of Bryan, so you clearly don't want them both back, which leads to why you want just Caleb?”

Bryan doesn't want me in his life, so I'm giving him what he wants.”

Caleb has stated that he doesn't want to live with you, either, so why are you pursuing him?”

like I said, I want my son back.”

No, you said, 'I want my boys back.'”

Objection. Argumentative,” Mr. Clarke called out.

Your Honor, as with all things related to the law, the devil is in the details.”

Then you better get to those details, Mr. Parker,” said the judge.. “The objection is overruled and the witness will answer the question.”

Like I said, I want Caleb.”

But why, Mr. Johnson? That's the answer you keep evading.”

Calvin sat quietly, trying to catch his lawyer's eye.

Mr. Johnson, you will answer the question,” Judge Arthur said, his voice filled with bitterness.

*     *     *

Can we talk, please?” Bryan asked Kenny as they stood next to Kenny's locker.

Kenny looked tired and his eyes were bloodshot as if he had been crying. Bryan wanted to hug the boy, but wasn't sure if he should. He wanted to give Kenny the space he needed, but he also didn't like seeing his best friend in pain.

I don't want to talk,” Kenny said, his voice shaking.

I love you, Kenny,” Bryan said. “Please just talk to me. I don't want to lose you.”

Tears welled in Kenny's eyes. “Please don't do this,” he whispered.

Kenny, I'm sorry for everything. I mean it. Please don't give up on me, on us.” Bryan's own tears started to fall, as well.

We can't, Bryan. I'm sorry.”

We don't have to be boyfriends, Kenny. We could go back to being just friends. You're my best friend. You always have been.”

And you were mine, too, but things changed...you changed. You're not the same person I was friends with.”

But you're the same boy I've always been in love with,” Bryan pleaded. “I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner, but I've always been in love with you, Kenny. Please...please, don't give up on us...please....”

Kenny took a deep, shuddering breath. “You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that to me.”

Yes, I do.”

No, you don't! Because if you did, you wouldn't have treated me the way you did, and you wouldn't have acted the way you have. Bryan, I fell in love with you from the first second I looked at you. The second you got off the school bus on our first day of Kindergarten, I was in love with you. Why do you think we became friends or even stayed friends? Why do you think I was so upset after you first kissed me? I had been dreaming of that for years! That's all I ever wanted!”

I'm sorry, Kenny. Please take me back! I promise it'll never happen again!”

I can't take that chance, Bryan. Not again. I'm sorry.” Before Bryan could say another word, Kenny took off running, with Bryan pulling himself into a ball, sobbing, and the crowd that gathered around them slowly dispersed.

*     *     *

Mr. Johnson, you will answer Mr. Parker's question, or I'll hold you in contempt,” Judge Arthur barked.

Fine,” Calvin snapped. “It's to get an inheritance, but I still want my boy. Nothing has changed that.”

Diego's face was red with suppressed rage. Of course this was about fucking money, Diego shouted in his head. But who's money was it? If anything had been left to the boys, surely he would've been notified and not Calvin.

No further questions, Your Honor,” Billy said, as he took his seat.

What do you mean you don't have any more questions?” Diego whispered. “I have a ton of questions, myself.”

And I don't need him to get the answers,” Billy said.

Mr. Clarke,” Judge Arthur asked, “do you want to redirect?”

Yes, Your Honor, thank you,” Mr. Clarke replied, as he stood.

Calvin, would you still be seeking custody if it wasn't for this alleged inheritance?”

Yes,” Calvin said. “I only waited this long, so I could give my boys the life they deserved.”

Thank you. No further questions.”

Judge Arthur dismissed Calvin and made some notes. “Mr. Parker, call your next witness.”

Respondent would like to recall Ashley Johnson to the stand.”

How many of you cried out, "I knew it!"? Lol Thank you for the continued support. Thanks to you, Thicker Than Water is still the #1 Comedy story and now #3 General Fiction story (as of July 5, 2024). Please Recommend, Review, React, Comment and Reply. It all helps.
Copyright © 2023 John Henry; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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30 minutes ago, John Henry said:

The final chapters have been written and are ready for publishing....

Woo hoo!!

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18 minutes ago, Lee Wilson said:

Woo hoo!!

Don't get too excited now....

Awkward Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

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