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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Ian's Heart - 32. Chapter 32 - Ian

Nothing quite prepares you for the change in diet of your baby, and I don’t mean the food that goes down. That part is fine, it’s what happens after that. It’s almost normal to find myself gagging when changing a poopy diaper these days. I thought I would get used to it – but nope. Of course, Riley thinks her Daddy is being silly and laughs the entire time.

Our little Riley was turning into quite the Diva, she hates being dirty, hates wet hair caught on her skin, and is a fashion snob. She let us know when she didn’t like what clothes we dressed her in. I think Sasha has been in her ear occasionally just to mess with us. So, when we heard her crying through the baby monitor after her morning nap I knew she wanted a change first before anything else. The only problem with that is, so did Adam and Pat.

“Not it!” Pat and Adam cried in unison.

“I hate you both,” I said glaring, I swear I could hear the pair of them snickering while I climbed the stairs.

I made sure while I was changing Riley’s bum that I said mean things about her dad and brother but kept my tone light and cheery. Not because I knew they could hear me through the baby monitor – I swear.

“I want you to remember these moments angel girl, your Daddy is the one who changed your stinky bum and made you all clean again.”

Riley giggled and threw her arms around as I secured her clean diaper. I changed her from a onesie to a warm musk pink dress with lemon yellow crocheted flowers attached in one corner of the front, and woollen lemon-yellow tights, her belly bare naked waiting from me to finish dressing her. I blew a raspberry on her stomach and she gave me that belly laugh I loved to hear so much. I finished off her outfit with a pair of cable knit bunny booties on her tootsies, because nobody likes cold feet.

“You like that huh?” I chuckled, then blew on her belly again making sure the rumbly air sound was louder this time.

She squealed as I did it then laughed again drumming her tiny fists on my head.

“You’re my angel girl.”

I peppered her face with little kisses as I finished dressing her. Even though we had a fire going in the living room, I didn’t want to take any chances that she would be cold. When I picked her up off the changing table and turned, Adam was standing against the door frame watching us.

“Jesus,” I gasped, “you scared the crap out of me.”

Adam smiled affectionately at me and Riley as he slowly moved gathering us in his arms.

“Promise me when everything with Paddy is settled I can finally make you my husband,” Adam said before dropping his lips to my forehead.

“Don’t use me as an excuse.” Pat’s voice was laced with irritation.

Surprised, Adam and I turned to our son. I had no idea what to say, but thankfully Adam beat me to the punch.

“We’re not using it as an excuse, Pat–”

Paddy clenched his jaw crossing his arms, “Seems to me you are.”

He stepped further into the room and squared off with us. It was easy to see that this was a topic he felt strongly about.

“Life doesn’t stop because I’m having a…” He flung his arm out. “Whatever this is.”

Adams shoulders dropped as he observed Paddy, his face softened.

“Pat, what you’re going through now is big, life changing. We need to focus our energy there, we’re a family. If you hurt, we hurt, if your happy, we’re happy. It’s the way it works, we support each other.” Adam said vehemently.

“Ha!” Pat pointed at Adam. “That right there is why you shouldn’t put your wedding off. We are a family, and we support each other. We can do both at once – can’t we?”

I didn’t know what else to do but nod my head in agreement, even though I didn’t want to agree with him. All I want to do is make sure Pat is okay, happy, and he felt loved.

“I’m sixteen, not six. You two getting married is important too. To all of us. Now, I’m going down stairs. Dad, I expect you to meet me there in ten minutes with your overly stuffed girly wedding binder.”

He came storming back in the room relieving me of Riley.

“I’m taking my sister, she’ll be scarred for life the way you two get carried away.” Pat spun on his heel to leave. “Chop-chop!” He clapped his hands together around Riley.

“That’s my line,” I yelled out to his stomps down the hallway.

“Yeah, well tough,” he yelled back, “hurry up! Don’t spend all day sucking face.”

Adam smirked at me, “I guess we’ve been told.”

“Yeah,” I answered grimly. “What do you really think?”

Adam wrapped his arms around me once more pulling me into him for a hug, then sighed. “I think our son wants something else to focus on for five minutes. He’s nervous about Theo coming tonight.”

I nuzzled into Adam’s neck enjoying his warm loving arms around me.

“Shall we indulge him?” I asked mumbling.

“Yes, I think so. It seems important to him, just as it is to us. The wedding was something he was looking forward to before everything with Declan came up.”

I looked up at Adam and pressed my lips gently to his for a chaste kiss.

“I love you.”

“I love you more. Now, go and get your “girlie” wedding binder and let’s do some planning.”

Adam slapped my ass before releasing me.

“And stop smack talking me to our daughter.” Adam laughed.

He received the bird from me as I left the room.


Paddy was sitting at the table, Riley perched in front of him with his arm around her pulled against his chest for support. Pat chewed on the end of a pen with a notepad in front of him while Riley tried to grab for it. We’d offered to take her from him but he wouldn’t have it. He was a committed big brother and loved his little sister to death.

“Okay so, we’ll ask Kat and Aunty Kit to do the cake; check. Bill to officiate since he’s already ordained; check. You’re,” – Pat pointed to me – “having Grandpa as best man and me as a groomsman; check. Dad you’re having Grandad as best man and Aunty Payne as groomswoman, groomsmaid, or whatever she’d be called.”

Pat leaned over writing, and ticking off the checklist. He would play and tease Riley while he waited for us to make decisions. I think Adam was right, this is serving as a nice distraction for Pat and giving us the proverbial kick in the but to get things orgainsed.

“Ask Aunty Payne what she’d like to be identified as, I don’t really know if there is a correct term.” Adam frowned. “I’ve heard of honoured attendant but that seems kind of distant and cold, she’s my best friend, Payne’s family.”

“It does seem a little, hmm, business like, huh.” Pat scrunched up his nose. “I’ll text her and see what she wants.”

“Can you wait until I ask her though, Bud?” Adam chuckled.

“Oooh, cars. I had a thought,” Pat said holding his pen up at us. “Why don’t you ask Liam and Seb, everyone likes classic cars and the mustang and Camaro would look great in your wedding picture’s.” Pat bounced in his seat. “Ask Liam to do the wedding photos you know he’s good enough.”

I was stunned I hadn’t even thought of that, I looked to Adam for his reaction which seem to be along the same line as mine.

“Cool, yeah,” Adam said nodding his head. “We’ll ask him tomorrow at the family brunch. But… we aren’t using him if he won’t let us pay him like we would any photographer.”

“We’ll ask Lee to do the flowers, he’s more than capable. He’s always showing us the picture of stuff he’s made for weddings, me and Sha will be happy to help him. He’ll just have to show us what to do. I’m pretty sure the whole lunch table will help.”

“I agree.” I answered. “Make sure to get me the addresses of your lunch table Pat, and correct spelling of their names please.”

“Thanks Dad.” Pat smiled lovingly.

“Good, one more thing off the list.” Pat wrote more down on his notepad.

“You two need to make your guest lists, I’ll ask Aunt Kit for the information. She organised Will and Liam’s invitations and they were nice.” Pat went through his list again. “I think we are down to music and a date. Then we can book the museum, uh… garden for the ceremony and function room for the reception.”

“March twenty,” Adam said.

“Really?” I asked shocked, “seems like a random date.”

“What? It’s the day we got back together and really started our lives together as a family.” Adam looked at me with sad eyes.

“Okay! March Twenty it is. I’ll call the museum on Monday.” I shrugged grinning.

“Great.” Pat put his pen down, leaning back in his chair as he blew out a breath. He looked over to the microwave. “Holy crap, we’ve been at this for four hours.”

“I better check the meat for dinner, then jump in the shower.” I got up to check the crockpot. “Taco’s tonight gentlemen.”


Derek and Theo arrived at six-thirty, thank god they were on time.

“Paddy, come and give me a hand setting the table. You’ll wear a hole in that rug.” I called out to him as he paced the hallway.

The doorbell went at that very moment.

“I’ll get it!” Pat shouted for the entire neighborhood to hear.

Adam smiled warmly at me from his chair at the table while he fed Riley. Our angel girl was tired and grumpy because she didn’t have her afternoon nap. We’d gotten so caught up in planning the wedding and as she was happy and playing with Pat we hadn’t even realised it.

“Hey guys,” I greeted our friends as they came into the room. “Did you want something to drink, beer, wine, coffee?”

Pat stood half in the room and shuffled nervously on his feet.

“Paddy, can you help me bring all of this to the table?”

“Uh, we’ll have whatever you folks are having with supper,” Theo answered.

Pat moved swiftly helping to get us eating as soon as possible. I could feel the tension reeling off of him as we sat down to eat. His gaze went from Adam to me and back again, his uncertainty broke my heart. He hadn’t even pretended to be interested in his food. Adam stood and excused himself to put Riley down, which was a good idea since she was falling asleep sitting up in her high chair.

“Pat why don’t you ask Theo what you want to ask?” I prompted him.

Paddy had a few false starts, he was frowning in frustration and cleared his throat. Theo put his hand up to stop him from any further discomfort. He put down his Taco and gave Pat his full attention.

“Let me save you the trouble Pat.” He smiled warmly at our son. “After seeing you and Declan together at your birthday party… let’s just say I was intrigued and did some digging around.”

Pat’s eyes glanced at me then back to Theo as he nervously rubbed his cheek.

“Did you…um…did you find out anything?”

Theo nodded smiling warmly again at Pat, “Yes.”

“Well?” Pat said crossing his arms defensively, he quickly glanced at me again while he fidgeted in his seat.

“I’m ninety-nine percent positive Declan is your biological brother; a DNA test would confirm it for a definitive answer.”

Theo seemed reluctant to share any further information until Pat reacted, which didn’t seem to be forthcoming. He sat on the other side of the table across from Theo staring at him with a stoic expression.

“You okay Pat?” I asked reaching out for him but he pulled away. I tried to not take it personally, this must have hit him like a ton of bricks.

“Uh-huh.” He glared at Theo. “How can than that be? Why were we separated?”

Theo took a long breath, “Well, I seemed to have managed to piece together some of the events.”

“Okay?” Pat wiped his eyes quickly and aggressively.

My heart lurched, and my stomach tightened. Adam reached for my hand under the table squeezing it so tightly. At least I knew this was affecting him as much as it was me. We couldn’t help Pat, and that was killing us.

“You were with your parents when the accident happened Pat, did you know that?” Theo asked.

He shook his head, “No.”

“The accident took your parents lives. You were protected by the child seat, it saved your life. Unfortunately, you received severe injuries and weren’t expected to make it. You were in a coma for nearly a month, you also had a broken arm and bruises. You were in the hospital for a while because your parents were… well you know.” Theo said the latter softly.

“Where was Declan then?” Pat asked, his tone calmer, but not his body language.

“Your brother Declan was with a family friend at the time. You are originally from Louisville. You and your parents were travelling through Lexington when the accident happened.”

Pat wiped his eyes again, then gave his attention back to Theo. This time when I reached for Patty I didn’t let him pull away, I put my hand on his shoulder and kept it there. I wanted him to know we were there for him, no matter what.

“But what about Declan? What happened?”

Theo cleared his throat and looked at Derek, he nodded his head then rubbed Theo’s back gently.

“It seems your parents were Catholic and heavily involved in the church. The priest knew of a couple desperate for a child, and with the help of child services in Louisville he was adopted quickly. After that there was miscommunication, mishandling between the jurisdictions and you went into foster care. I’m sorry Pat.”

Paddy slumped back in his chair, arms across his chest. He’d given up and let the tears fall.

“I’m sorry Pat, I know what it must sound like to you.” Theo paused for a moment pensively while he observed Pat’s reaction before continuing. “Mrs. Brierbeck – the family friend – was devastated when I spoke with her. She feels responsible for you and Declan being separated all this time.”

“It wasn’t her fault,” Pat mumbled absently staring at a spot on the table cloth while his hand fiddled with some unused cutlery.

My chest grew even tighter, my heart breaking for Pat so I went to him and quietly suggested we take Rain out for her to relieve herself. Thankfully, he blindly followed behind me his little girl at his side faithfully as we approached the laundry room where the door to the back yard was situated. I sat down on the top step and gestured for Pat to sit down with me. He stared at the spot in question for a moment then plopped his ass down.

“Are you okay?” I asked gently resting my hand on his shoulder.

He hung his head then rubbed his eyes with his hands. No doubt they were itchy after his tears and the aggressive way he had been swiping at them. All I want to do is make his pain go away, but I know that’s impossible; it breaks my heart that he’s hurting.

“Pat, talk to me.”

He wrapped his arms around his body like they could protect him from any further trauma. When Paddy swivelled his head to look at me, his eyes red and puffy and his face streaked with tears, my heart broke for the third time tonight. He looked so young and vulnerable, I had to swallow around the lump in my throat. When he finally spoke, his voice was gravelly and just above a whisper.

“I’m sad Dad, and angry. I’m sad that I don’t remember my parents, I’m angry they were taken away from me. I’m angry that everything got fucked up and I was separated from my brother. I’m sad I have a brother, a brother I don’t even know. It all seems so unfair.”

My hand went around Paddy’s shoulders pulling him into me, the second his head hit my chest he was in tears. “Paddy, we can’t change the first two but we can make sure that you get to know your brother”. I held him to me with everything I had. Rain came over sniffing Pat trying to work her way into his lap, he let go of me but didn’t move except to lift his little girl into our hug.


I walked into the bedroom with a sigh, Adam’s turned to face me as he got undressed.

“Paddy okay?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “He’s over the initial shock of it all. I know we were all expecting it, but hearing it makes it real I guess. Pat’s strong, he’ll be okay after he processes it all I think.” I smiled ruefully at Adam.

“Of course, he will.” Adam held out his arms. “Come here,” he said as I approached him.

He wrapped his strong arms around me, stroking my back with one hand, the other holding my head so he could kiss me. Every time he kisses me, even if it’s a little peck, I can feel his love spread through me. When he pulled back he rested his forehead on mine staring into my eyes.

“I love you,” Adam said running his hand up and down my spine, “You want to shower with me.”

“Every single time.”


Sunday morning before our weekly family brunch, we walked up to the front door of the Drake household. Last night we had promised Pat that he could be the one to tell Declan. Adam and I had cleared it with Deborah and Vince this morning and they had agreed that Paddy should be the one to tell him. Paddy stood in front of the door wringing his hands, then wiped them nervously down the front of his jeans.

“Are you sure about this Pat?” Adam asked with his hand on Paddy’s shoulder, while he held Riley with the other.


He blew out a breath, knocked on his head and then the front door. Adam smirked at me and shook his head, because that’s what I usually do when I’m taking a leap of faith that I’m not doing something stupid.

A young girls voice rang out through the front door.

“I’ll get it.”

The door flew wide open, she was taken back at the sight of us.

“Who are you?” she asked tilting her head.

Deborah walked up behind her, putting her hands gently on the young girl’s shoulders.

“Go and help your brother please, then I want that bedroom of yours spotless. Now go!”

“Aw, man,” the girl stomped away.

Deborah looked up at us with a rueful smile, “Sorry, that was Danielle, Declan’s youngest sister. Denise is around somewhere, hopefully cleaning her room.” She opened the door and let us through. “Come in, come in.”

“You can always hope,” I answered.

She chuckled. “I can, maybe one day it will happen.”

We met with Vince in the living room, shook hands and he offered us a drink and to sit down.

“Patrick, Declan is up in our bedroom sorting laundry. Let him know that his Dad and I said it’s okay for you guys to go out back and talk or go for a walk if you want. Danielle can finish it off.” Deborah said to him.

“Thanks, Mrs. Drake,” Pat answered nervously.

“It’s going to be fine Pat, just explain what you did and why. He’ll understand.” I nodded to Pat to give him some reassurance.

“Our room is down the hallway, past the bathroom then the second door on the left.” Deborah smiled warmly at Pat. “You’ll be fine Patrick, he’ll be over the moon. I promise.”


Pat and Declan had gone for a walk while we spent an hour trying to explain how the extended family worked. They had concerns about Declan’s friendship with Lee, who is John and Bill’s youngest son and he is in the same year as Declan. Although he is a fantastic kid the young boy has a unique look, the exterior contradicts the inside of the teenager.

He wears tight jeans, seventies and eighties Australian rock band concert t-shirts over plain long sleeve ones, with high Doc Martins. His hair is always died black with a vibrant color mixed through and cut in a punk style. Lately Lee has been sporting a lip and eyebrow ring, this look is all accentuated by makeup. Nothing over the top but thick eyeliner and lip enhancer. He absolutely has the rebellious teenager look down, but underneath all of that is one of the nicest kids I’ve ever come across.

“Honestly Deborah you have nothing to worry about. Lee is a really kind and loving boy, his Dads would never let him be disrespectful anyone.” I chuckled.

“It is a little weird though his mom and dads all livi–”

Deborah was cut off by Declan.

“Mom, Dad, I was right.” An excited Declan came running into the room after we heard the front door slam shut. “Patrick is my brother, we have the same birth parents. We were separated when we were little…”

I waited for Paddy to enter the room, but it never happened, in the mean time Declan was one hell of an excited bundle of hyperactivity. As he explained the story to his parents all his words seem to become one, I swear he didn’t take one breath the whole time.

Where the hell is Pat.

“I’ll go look for him, Babe,” Adam said quietly kissing the side of my head as he stood and left the room in search of our son.

“Is that okay with you Mr. Wright?” Declan asked eagerly.

I shook my head, “Sorry Declan, I wasn’t paying attention. Is what alright?”

He looked a little disappointed that I hadn’t been listening, “Pat asked if I could go with him to family brunch. I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you and Mr. Price.”

“Of course, Declan, as long as your parents don’t mind.” I smiled warmly.

Declan turned back to his parents with pleading puppy dog eyes that were the same as Pat’s, “Please.”

Vince and Deborah glanced in my direction, I kept the smile on my face and nodded silently that is was okay. Of course, it is okay, I guess Declan’s part of the family now too. It’s only right he be there. I’ll have to talk with the clan and see if we can invite Declan’s family along to a brunch, so they can meet and see what the family is all about.

“Are you sure he won’t be imposing?”

I shook my head, “Absolutely, it’s all of the extended family. It’s a gathering of chosen family rather than by blood. We’d love it if you all came. I’ve already spoken with John and Bill and they extended the invitation to all of you. They’d love for Declan to be there, firstly he’s one of Lee’s best friends, he’d be welcome by that friendship alone. Everyone would like to get to know you all.”

“Oh, that’s real nice. Thank you,” Deborah smiled, “not this week though. We’ll let Pat and Declan enjoy getting to know each other for now. Maybe next time.”

“The invitation is open, not just for now. I’ll check with you again for next Sunday. I promise you’ll all be accepted unconditionally and with open arms.” I told them.

“What time will Declan be home?” Vince asked.

“Oh, there’s no real set time for brunch but Pat has a shift at the bowling alley this afternoon, so Declan would be home by three at the very latest.”

Deborah looked to Vince for the answer and he gave her a resigned smile. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Okay, young man, you can go. Just promise me your homework and chores will be finished when you get back?”

“Yes Mom, I promise.” The kid was grinning from ear-to-ear.

Pat and Adam joined us at the precise moment. Declan launched himself at Paddy in a hug that would suffocate a large animal.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He ran off to get changed calling out to his sisters teasing them, “Pat’s my brother, you have two brothers now. Ha-ha!”

We all chuckled at Declan tormenting his sister’s with enthusiasm which could only come from a young teenager.

Poor Pat looked like a deer in the headlights, he hadn’t been prepared for Deckan’s fervent reaction. He was still trying to come to terms with it all. I’m hoping with Declan’s eagerness over the news it might help Pat deal with it. Maybe not; but we will handle it together as a family.

Hi folks, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I thought I might start preparing you guys now, there is only a few chapters until the finale of Ian's Heart. I honestly hope you are enjoying their journey and will do until the end.

Thanks as always to Rick, John, Glenn, and Rob for your constant advice and support while writing, and to everyone reading the story. You overlook my lack of gramma skills and don't take jabs. So thanks everyone.

Copyright © 2017 Bndmetl; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

9 minutes ago, Rndmrunner said:

I love this story. Let me repeat that, I love this story.


Okay now the hard part: the explanation of how Pat and Declan got separated doesn't add up. Children can't be adopted or made wards of the state without birth certificates. Tax filings, wills, estate processing, life insurance, friends, family, church members would all be aware of two children. They could still get separated but not because no one knew.


Enough said, did I say that I love this story.


Thanks Rick, it isn't the whole story. It is only what Theo has pieced together from old records that are almost fifteen years old.

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3 minutes ago, Wesley8890 said:

What's up with March 20 all of a sudden? Loved the chapter


It’s the day we got back together and really started our lives together as a family.” Adam looked at me with sad eyes.



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12 minutes ago, Wesley8890 said:

I meant everywhere I go I see 3-20 now it's my little bros b-day


In that case I'm just making sure you remember it for 2019.

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1 hour ago, Bndmetl said:

Thanks Rick, it isn't the whole story. It is only what Theo has pieced together from old records that are almost fifteen years old.

It was that hateful mother of Will or Liam. Whichever. The one who tormented them!  ;–)


She was working with Kyle and Kaleb’s vile, disgusting parents!  ;–)


John was a coconspirator.  ;–)

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3 minutes ago, droughtquake said:

It was that hateful mother of Will or Liam. Whichever. The one who tormented them!  ;–)


She was working with Kyle and Kaleb’s vile, disgusting parents!  ;–)


John was a coconspirator.  ;–)


dammit drought, how do you always know the playbook. :lmao:

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Awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!  I just know our Benny is coming to the wedding...HELL YEAH!!! 💃:hug::heart:

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22 minutes ago, Onim said:

Awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!  I just know our Benny is coming to the wedding...HELL YEAH!!! 💃:hug::heart:


What are you wearing to the wedding? I don't want to wear the same outfit. That would be embarrassing.

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2 minutes ago, Bndmetl said:


What are you wearing to the wedding? I don't want to wear the same outfit. That would be embarrassing.

Not sure, I'm probably going to be stuck here with the task of helping pulling Ember's head out of his arse!!...:facepalm:Unlesssssssss...you can give us 2 chapters at once...0:) then I'd just swing by and pick u up :yes: How's that for a bribe, my friend???:2thumbs:

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39 minutes ago, Onim said:

Not sure, I'm probably going to be stuck here with the task of helping pulling Ember's head out of his arse!!...:facepalm:Unlesssssssss...you can give us 2 chapters at once...0:) then I'd just swing by and pick u up :yes: How's that for a bribe, my friend???:2thumbs:


Resorting to blackmail is beneath you. 

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5 minutes ago, BlindAmbition said:

I feel for Pat. Years of knowing his brother were stolen. While he has a loving family, his short life has been shrouded in chaos. That would leave anyone unsure and feeling out of control.


It would, I hope Declan settles and realises the pain and confusion Pat would be feeling, even though he may be happy he has a brother and has been reunited it's overshadowed by history.

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1 minute ago, Bndmetl said:


Resorting to blackmail is beneath you. 

:rofl: Noooooo...it was a mild form of "subtle" enticement...geezzzzzzzzzzzz, wording is everything ya know!! :whistle: :worship:

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Another great chapter. I'm glad that it's kind of worked out so that Pat and Declan are true brothers. I hope that Pat can finally come to grips with the fact that he was in the car when the accident happened that their parents died and he wound up in the hospital in a coma for a month. During that time Declan got adopted by way of the Catholic church that their parents belonged to, the priest knew of a couple who were looking to adopt a child, and this is when Pat got lost in the shuffle everyone forgot about him being in Lexington in the hospital after he was released he was placed in foster care and was lost in the system. It may take quite a while for Pat to get used to the fact that he has a biological brother who he only met a few weeks ago when he came to his birthday party with the brother of his protectors Will and Liam. I hope that the wedding plans that Pat is working on with Ian and Adam will help with the struggles he's feeling inside right now. Although I know this part of the overall story needs to end I hope that it doesn't end before the wedding of Ian and Adam. Thanks for writing this amazing story. 

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28 minutes ago, Bndmetl said:


Resorting to blackmail is beneath you. 

Do what you have to do. I prefer the word persuasion. That other word has such a negative connotation to it. 😊

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4 minutes ago, empresslovesreading said:

What planet are you living on?!?!



They didn't tell me, I was just dropped off and told to stay in line. So I did. It's not so bad here, just... different.

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32 minutes ago, Bndmetl said:

Resorting to blackmail is beneath you. 

I’m more curious about its efficacy!  ;–)

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4 minutes ago, Butcher56 said:

Another great chapter. I'm glad that it's kind of worked out so that Pat and Declan are true brothers. I hope that Pat can finally come to grips with the fact that he was in the car when the accident happened that their parents died and he wound up in the hospital in a coma for a month. During that time Declan got adopted by way of the Catholic church that their parents belonged to, the priest knew of a couple who were looking to adopt a child, and this is when Pat got lost in the shuffle everyone forgot about him being in Lexington in the hospital after he was released he was placed in foster care and was lost in the system. It may take quite a while for Pat to get used to the fact that he has a biological brother who he only met a few weeks ago when he came to his birthday party with the brother of his protectors Will and Liam. I hope that the wedding plans that Pat is working on with Ian and Adam will help with the struggles he's feeling inside right now. Although I know this part of the overall story needs to end I hope that it doesn't end before the wedding of Ian and Adam. Thanks for writing this amazing story. 


You'll get to the wedding, we have a parking spot reserved for you.

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2 minutes ago, Bndmetl said:

You'll get to the wedding, we have a parking spot reserved for you.

How rude! You’re going to make @Butcher56 sit in the parking lot while the wedding is going on? Now I can believe you’re from another planet!  ;–)

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1 minute ago, droughtquake said:

How rude! You’re going to make @Butcher56 sit in the parking lot while the wedding is going on? Now I can believe you’re from another planet!  ;–)



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16 minutes ago, droughtquake said:

How rude! You’re going to make @Butcher56 sit in the parking lot while the wedding is going on? Now I can believe you’re from another planet!  ;–)

Normally I'd offer to stay in the parking lot while he goes in for me but considering the cast of characters involved? OH HELL TO THE NO! My royal ass is going!

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