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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Ian's Heart - 29. Chapter 29


“Aaaagh!” I screamed, “Holy…Sh…F…Oh my god!”

My family and friends came rushing toward me, Sasha got to me first.

“Happy Birthday Baby!” she kissed me then relieved me of my new best friend.

Wow, it’s so hard to think; everyone rushing to hug me with birthday wishes. My entire body was trembling, I thought last year’s birthday was the best; coming to live with Dad. But this is better than I could ever have imagined, a puppy, a party, oh my. Great, now there’s laughing in my head, people are going the think I’m nuts. This year all these people are here for me, it is a little overwhelming. I can barely keep the tears hidden, the lump in my throat so big.

“You’re a young man now,” whispered my Nan, who was actually tearing up, squeezing me so tightly.

I chuckled as she practically threw me into the arms of my Grandad as she marched toward the kitchen. Grandad grabbed my shoulders with both of his hands.

“Don’t worry about your Nan, she’ll settle down. Happy Birthday, Pat! I left a little something for you in your bedroom, from your Grandpa and me. Our secret okay.” Grandad winked before hugging me, then leaving to speak to my Dads.

Thanks, Grandad.” I watched as he walked away.

The commotion in the room was distracting, not to mention Dad had turned the music on and up in volume.

“Patrick!” Grandma shouted over the music.

“Happy Birthday young man,” Grandpa said.

“Grandma, Grandpa, I didn’t know you were coming.” I smiled hugging them both. “Thank you, for coming for my birthday, I miss you both.”

“We miss you too, did you like your gift from your Dads?” Grandma asked with a grin.

I felt my face light up, “Yes, she’s is just so perfect.” I waved Sha back over.

Sasha came back over with my puppy. I put my arm around Sasha’s shoulders, kissing her temple as she sidled up next to me, and patting my puppy.

“Hey Baby.” Sasha smiled looking at our new family member.

“You remember my Grandparents–”

“Of course,” Sasha said, “isn’t she just beautiful,” showing my Grandparents my puppy.

“Have you named this gorgeous thing yet?” asked Grandma as she stroked my canine friend.

I shook my head, “No, I want to think about it first. A name is important.”

“And right you are, my boy.” My Grandpa smiled, reaching out squeezing my shoulder. “Enjoy your party, Pat, we’ll talk later.”

My Grandparents went off to say hello to my Dads. I smiled at Sasha, my insides were still all jittery from the shock of everyone yelling “Surprise,” the excitement of the day, this was my first birthday party – ever. Not to mention I have my very own pet, something I thought I would never have until I was old enough to get one for myself. Best day of my life so far.

Sasha curled into me, lifting her face up to kiss me.

Hey Baby,” I said pulling back from the kiss. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“I didn’t want to ruin it for you or your Dads.”

“Thanks, I love you,” I said before kissing her again.

“Love you too, Baby.” Sasha smiled.

Most of our friends had started gathering in the living room, so I steered Sasha to sit with me in the recliner. I sat down first, pulling her into my lap

“Where’s the puppy?” I murmured.

Sasha pointed to Liam sitting on the couch, he had the puppy up to his face letting her try and lick him. How does he do that? Somehow that guy manages to steal so stealthily, although it seems like Dad might have found a way to thwart his efforts – bring in the Grandparents.

“Liam!” I snapped.

He pulled my puppy from his face looking at me innocently.


“What’s wrong with Will?”

Liam looked at Will who was patiently sitting next to him.

“You alright baby?” Liam smiled.

He shoved the puppy to Will’s face.

“You want puppy kisses too?” Liam asked.

Will giggled as my furbaby excitedly licked Will’s face.

“Yuck,” Will laughed wiping the kisses away, “I think Pat meant for you to cuddle me instead of the dog.”

That’s exactly what I meant.

Liam raised an eyebrow setting the pup in his lap.

“I can cuddle you anytime I want,” he said to Will, “but this will probably be the only chance I’ll be able to… you know Pat, you should bring,” Liam tilted his head, “what’s her name?”

Shrugging a shoulder, “I want to think about it, I’m not sure what to call her yet.”

“Fair enough, you should bring her out to socialize with Cash and C.C. they’ll love it.” Liam grinned.

Stephen cut in, “–you should do that, Catahoula's need a lot of socialization.”

“Okay, I will do that then as long as you and Will don’t mind.”

“You can come over at any time, you’re always welcome. You know that Pat, you’re family.” Will shook his finger at me causing me to laugh.

I sat quietly for a while, it was nice sitting with all my friends and family that were here to celebrate my birthday. A little overwhelming, but still impressive. My Nan and Grandma had put out a nice spread of finger food for people to munch on. Adam had put some music on, it was loud enough for us to hear but not so loud we had to shout at each other.

A few more guests arrived swinging by me to say “Happy Birthday,” and either join our conversation or move on to get food or greet other guests.

“What’s going on in that head of yours Paddy?” Seb asked me as he sat down on the floor pulling Beau with him. Beau was holding a plate full of food for him and Seb to share.

I smiled. “Nothing, just thinking how great this is, I’ve never really celebrated my birthday before, except last year. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to top that one,” I said wistfully.

“Because it was your first time celebrating?” Seb smiled warmly, taking some cheese from their plate.

No, because that’s when I got Dad,” Sasha kissed me chastely.

“A lot has changed for you this year, hasn’t it?” Will asked.

“Hell yes, a lot of firsts this year, for me anyway. I wouldn’t even trade the bad stuff, this past year has been the best that I ever remember,” I answered. “I’m a lucky guy.”

“Probably yes, but you’ve also worked at changing things for yourself. You are a different person than when we first met you. You’re no longer shy–”

Beau signed cutting Will off, but he translated, “That’s for sure.”

Everyone laughed. Funny.

I flipped Beau the bird, he laughed so hard I swear I saw a tater-tot come out his nose – true story.

The music changed, and someone raised the volume. Pink was blaring through the house. Will got excited and pulled Liam out of his chair yelling over the music.

“Dance with me, baby.”

Liam smirked standing to dance with Will. Do you think he let go of my new girl? You’re right he did not. He held on to my new rainy day painted girl while he and Will danced.

“I love this song, lets dance,” Sha said as she slid off of my lap pulling me by the hand.

Now that a couple of us were dancing around others started to join in, the house became loud and full of fun energy. After a few songs, my Dads danced next to Sasha and me holding Riley who was giggling as they jigged. A slow song came on, I took Riley from my Dads so they could dance together. Now I’ll never admit this, but I love to watch them together. I hope one day that will be Sasha and me, so in love, and not afraid to show it no matter who is around. Their brief separation was the worst time, but since they’ve reunited, they are stronger than ever. A shining example of a loving relationship.

Sasha and I danced with Riley until my Grandma interrupted.

“Paddy, let me take Riley so you can enjoy yourself. Us old fogies are going to take her so you can enjoy your party and be loud.” Grandma reached for Riley.

“Oh,” I frowned as she took my sister from me, “can’t you stay a little longer.”

“We’ll still be here for a bit, but she won’t be able to sleep with all this racket,” Grandma said cuddling Riley.


Grandma smiled then leaned in kissing my cheek.

“You’re a good boy Pat, enjoy your party. We will be back in the morning for a birthday breakfast,” Grandma said, “we’ll give you your gift then. You’ll love it I promise.”

“Okay,” I said reluctantly.

I tried to hide my disappointment by hugging Grandma, then Riley.

“I’m just going to say goodbye to my Grandparents okay?” I asked Sasha.

“Sure, baby. I’ll stay here and dance with my brother.”

Sasha made her way over to Quinn who’d arrived with a friend in tow. The three of them were laughing and bouncing around to the music having a good time within seconds. It made me smile how close my girlfriend is with her brothers. I hope Riley and I are exactly the same as she grows up, even with the age difference.

“Grandma said you guys were heading off.”

“Yes, we’re old Paddy. We can’t take the excitement too much anymore, we get pooped out too quickly. You aren’t too disappointed are you?” Grandad asked.

“No it’s fine, but you are all coming for breakfast in the morning right?”

“We’ll be here.”

“Bye, Nan, bye Grandad,” I said hugging them, “I love you.”

“We love you too,” Grandma said as she squeezed me tighter pushing Grandpa out of the hug.

My Dads saw them out then waved them off. Once they came back into the room, they worked around in the kitchen until someone turned down the music and clinked on a glass to get everyone’s attention. I noticed Liam had put the puppy down, so I snatched her back up before taking my place with Sasha.

My Dads stood together arm-in-arm while they gave a speech together.

“Thank you, everyone, for coming to celebrate Paddy’s sixteenth birthday. It’s nice to see all the family together in one place, as well as a lot of Pat’s friends. Today is a big deal for this family, not only does Pat celebrate his birthday but it’s our anniversary as a family too.” My Dad Adam smiled.

“A year ago today, a young Patrick O’Rourke, came to live with me he was scrawny and very quiet. It only took a short time before he became Patrick Wright, the young man we all know today. Pat, you have come a long way in such a short time.

“Paddy, we couldn’t be prouder of the man you are becoming, you’re kind, caring, confident, loyal, hardworking, a wonderful doting big brother, and very talented whether it be cooking, art, even academics. You’ve grown so much, you are actually taller than me now, stop growing please…”

The guests all laughed as my Dad Ian wiped away his tears.

“We love you Son,” my Dad said while he hugged his emotional hip attachment. He held up his drink, “Happy Birthday Pat!”

“Here, here,” Liam called out.

My Uncles John and Bill took that moment to lift a cake up on to the counter for everyone to see, candles blazing.

“Happy birthday to you…” they started singing, everyone joined in.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do, so I stood there like a stunned mullet. Someone from behind nudged me forward, so I made my way to the cake as everyone sang the birthday song to me. I could feel the blush rising up my neck to my face until my ears were burning like they were on fire.

Hippip,” Uncle John called out as I reached the cake.

“Hooray,” the guests, sang out.

Dad – Adam – leaned in putting his hand on the back of my neck like he always does when he can see I’m nervous. My puppy whined and nervously wiggled in my arms from the raucous noise. I soothed her while Dad did the same for me.

“Make a wish and blow out the candles, Pat,” Dad whispered.

So I closed my eyes and made a wish – I might be clueless but I know enough to know that it’s bad luck to tell what you wish for, so I ain’t saying – then blew out the candles.

“Yay!” the crowd whistled and applauded.

My Dads hugged me while my Uncles pulled the cake back down and started cutting it into pieces and putting it on paper plates for the guests.

“Thank you, for all of this.”

“You okay?” Dad asked.

I nodded my head, it’s just so overwhelming I’m finding it hard to breathe. I wouldn’t dare tell my Dads that. They did this for me, so that I could have a real birthday for the first time.

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” I smiled. “I think I’m going to name her Rain,” I said handing him my puppy changing the subject.

“Because she looks like her colors ran in the rain?” he chuckled as he fussed over my girl.

“Mmm, yeah.”

Paddy, make sure you tell me if it gets too much. We’ll close down the party.” Dad leaned over so I only could hear him.

I shook my head, “No, I’m fine I promise. Thank you for the party. Dad,” I said laughing and pointing.

Some time while I had been talking to Dad, Payne and her new girlfriend had pulled my other Dad onto the dance floor, he was sandwiched between the two of them. Uncle John jumped in and danced with them, they were having a ball.

“I love it when Dad lets loose, how much wine has he had?” I asked.

“A bit,” Uncle Bill piped in as he sidled up to us. “God, I love that man.”

“Huh?” Dad said looking at my Uncle incredulously.

“John,” Uncle Bill said while eyeing off his husband “there’s not a man on this earth that could hold a candle to him.

“I feel the same way about Ian.” Dad sighed affectionately while watching the foursome dance around like dorks.

“Oookay! That’s my cue to gag and leave,” I said taking Rain from my Dad.

They were no longer aware I was there anyway.

Liam was sitting on the couch talking to Lee, and his two new friends from school. I put Rain in his lap.

“Rain, I’m calling her Rain,” I told Liam.

“Good name, brother. Are you having fun?”

“I am, have you seen our Dads?” I jutted my head in their direction.

Liam and the boys laughed.

“We were just watching them.” Lee laughed loudly. “Oh, no.” He stopped and just looked embarrassed.

I turned to see that Uncle Bill and Dad had joined them and it was like a dirty dancing frenzy between the six of them – and not with their own partners.

“At least they are having fun.” I shrugged a shoulder.

I pulled out my phone and took a couple of pictures of them.

“You guys want a copy, it’s good blackmail material?” I laughed.


“Hell, yes!”



I was the first up in the morning. I had my own little alarm clock. A wet nose on my face. It made me excited all over again. I have my very own puppy.

“Morning Rain.”

I roughed her up a little, then she started whining.

“Outside for you girlie.”

I looked around my room expecting pee and other little gifts. But there was nothing. Hmm, curious. I guess I got lucky last night and she was so tuckered out she didn’t go.

“Or not,” I said out loud.

I’d swung my legs over the side of my bed to get up, my feet were now wet. Gross.

“Puppy school, and house training for you baby girl. At least you didn’t do your other business.”

My eyes went to the birthday gift that had been snuck into my bedroom during the party last night. A set of brand new golf clubs. When I went into my room last night, they were sitting there in a new bag, with a bow and card.

Happy Birthday Grandson
Love Grandpa and Grandad.
PS. We are having a round after breakfast in the morning.

I got caught up in the excitement, and my Dads came running to my room after hearing all the racket I was making. They had no idea their fathers had done that, and didn’t seem to pleased, although they were happy for me.

As I wandered down the hallway to the stairs, my face plastered with a smile, the smell of bacon got stronger. Huh, somebody is up. Walking down the stairs, I saw my Grandparents all shuffling around the kitchen.

“Morning,” I said passing by them to get to the laundry to go out the back door, so Rain could sniff around and do her business.

“Hey, birthday boy, morning!” Grandpa called out.

I sat on the back step watching Rain checking out her new home. She sniffed around, and did her business here and there, marking her territory. The back door opened, a mug of hot chocolate shoved into my hands. Grandad sat down next to me.

“Did you have a good time last night?” He asked as he sipped on his coffee.

“I did thank you. I think my Dads had a great time too. I now have a great selection of blackmail pictures.” I laughed. “They hit the wine a little more than they usually would since Riley wasn’t here. After all the booze and dancing, I’m pretty sure they’ll be suffering this morning.”

“I’m glad you all had a good time,” Grandad stated. “She’s a gorgeous puppy, Pat. Have you decided on a name yet.”

“Yep,” I said nodding my head. “Rain, because of the coloring of her coat.”

“Ha, I can see that, good name. What kind of dog is she?”

It was as if she knew we were talking about her. When she saw Grandad, she bounded over to inspect the new person. Grandad almost giggled the way she forcefully made her way up his torso to lick his face in excitement.

“She’s a Catahoula Leopard mix. They couldn’t tell me what she’s mixed with though.” I answered.

“Rain certainly is a beauty.” Grandad chuckled as he tried to avoid my girl's advances.

He knocked his knee with mine. “Breakfast is just about ready, let’s go set the table and send your Nan up to wake up the two lazy drunks.”



“You ready to get your butt handed to you on the greens this morning youngster.” Grandpa chuckled.

“Oh my god, are you kidding? I’d gladly lose, if I had the ability to beat you in the first place.”

I got up and hugged my Grandpa and Grandad for the new set of clubs.

“Thank you so much for the golf clubs.” I gushed appreciatively.

“Why is everyone talking so loud,” my Dad – Ian– whined with his forehead resting on the table, while my Dad – Adam – picked at the leftovers from everyone else's plate.

“Ian honey, if you play up,” Grandma shrugged a shoulder, “you have to suffer the consequences.”

“Ugh!” he groaned, “Kill me now. Baby, you can raise the kids by yourself can’t you?”

“Uh-huh,” my Dad grunted nodding as he shoveled more bacon down.

The rest of us laughed while my Dad covered his ears insisting someone take him out back and shoot him like a rabid dog. He looked a little green this morning, I felt terrible for him, but then I remembered how much fun he was having last night and I got over it.

“Grab your clubs, Pat, we have a tee time in forty minutes and we still have to collect Liam on the way.” Grandad clapped his hands together.

“I’ll just quickly jump in the shower.”

I returned to the living room with my clubs fifteen minutes later.

“Okay, let’s go,” Grandad said.

It was strange, as we all walked to the door my Dads, Grandma and Nan followed us outside. Then I realized why. In the driveway was a black Jeep with a big bow on top. All four of my grandparents yelled:

“Happy Birthday!”

Okay, I’m not a baby, but I couldn’t help my reaction it was involuntary. I started crying, while I looked at the six of them.

“Is…is that mine?” I asked incredulously.

“All yours,” Grandad said chuckling.

Grandpa hugged me, then kissed the top of my head.

“It’s from all four of us, we went halves and got you this. It’s your sixteenth birthday, it’s a right of passage for a young man to have his own car.”

He rubbed my back, as he broke the hug, dropping the keys in my hand.

“Now you can drive all of us oldies around.” He grinned.

“It’s a Jeep Wrangler; not brand new or anything, but it’s had all its services, and we’ve had it checked by a mechanic,” Grandad told my Dads.

This can’t be real, I’ve been working and saving for college, owning a car never really crossed my mind. All my friends drive, and they have their own cars; my Dads are always happy to take me wherever I needed to go.

Dad – Adam – came over to me with Riley.

“We’ve paid your first year of insurance, and what not, and a full tank of gas. It goes without saying you never drive it without a licensed driver next to you.” Dad leaned down so only I could hear him, “You okay?”

I swallowed around the enormous lump in my throat, nodding my head.

“It’s okay to be overwhelmed Buddy, just breathe; I’m right here.”

My Dad – Ian – smiled warmly at me, along with my grandparents. They all seemed to understand.

“Th…Thank you,” I garbled as the damn broke.

I curled into Dad and Riley while I had a quick sob and tried to gather my emotions. My sister grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled until I yelped, that bundle of joy made the mood lighter as we all laughed at my assault, all be it mine was through tears.

“Cheeky girl,” I grinned, wiping the tears away.

I hugged my family one couple at a time, thanking them profusely for such an elaborate gift. Something I never expected to have for a long time. Then we opened all the doors, and everyone had a look through it checking out all its modern gadgets.

“Enough of the hugging, clubs in the vehicle men, we’re going to miss our tee time.”

While my Grandpa put our clubs in the back of my birthday car, I took a quick photo and sent a picture of it in a group text to the extended family, then we set out to pick up Liam.

Okay, Grandson here is your first lesson in tactical driving.” Grandad giggled.

“Dad!” My two Dads admonished him.

They smiled though, then they and my Grandma and Nan waved us off as I took off in my Jeep for the first time.


Hope you all enjoyed Pat's birthday.

Thank you to Rick, Glenn, Rob, for your help with this chapter, and to Cameron for listening to me whine a thousand times, then gave me the proverbial kick in the butt to get it finished.

Hope you all enjoy the upcoming Easter period and manage to avoid a sugar coma.

Copyright © 2017 Bndmetl; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Damn you for making me cry this early in the morning! Best Paddy chapter so far!!! Love the name Rain

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The most important present was family and friends. Everyone deserves a loving family. Rain is a good name for the puppy.

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Paddy appreciates everything people do for him! It makes everyone want to do even more things for him because he’s so appreciative. And he’s a sensitive young man whose emotions sometimes overwhelm him.  ;-)

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An absolutely wonderful chapter!  After everything he’s been through I’m so glad Pat had an amazing birthday!  Thanks for the chapter!

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Thanks for another great chapter. I was so glad to see Pat so happy.  Rain and Riley are lucky to have a loving guy to help look after them as they grow up.  I can't wait to see how Riley and Rain get along.


Happy Easter.

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13 hours ago, Wesley8890 said:

Damn you for making me cry this early in the morning! Best Paddy chapter so far!!! Love the name Rain


I'm sorry Wesley it wasn't my intention to make you cry but I hope they were happy tears. :hug:

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13 hours ago, Sweetlion said:

Good chapter, they were all happy.


It's nice sometimes isn't it, when everything is good, your family is happy, makes the bad stuff seem not so horrible. :) 

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12 hours ago, BlindAmbition said:

The most important present was family and friends. Everyone deserves a loving family. Rain is a good name for the puppy.


Everyone does deserve a loving family, whether it be blood or chosen. :D

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12 hours ago, droughtquake said:

Paddy appreciates everything people do for him! It makes everyone want to do even more things for him because he’s so appreciative. And he’s a sensitive young man whose emotions sometimes overwhelm him.  ;-)



I agree whole-heartedly. :) 

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12 hours ago, mfa607 said:

An absolutely wonderful chapter!  After everything he’s been through I’m so glad Pat had an amazing birthday!  Thanks for the chapter!


You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :cowboy:

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11 hours ago, Crazyd1965 said:

This was a wonderful chapter but they all are.😁


:)  Thank you, I think we needed a happy chapter with nothing but cheery goodness. 

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8 hours ago, Gomez Stanley C said:

Thanks for another great chapter. I was so glad to see Pat so happy.  Rain and Riley are lucky to have a loving guy to help look after them as they grow up.  I can't wait to see how Riley and Rain get along.


Happy Easter.


You're right, it's going to be funny watching poor Rain suffer through being chased by a toddler and roughed up. I'm sure she'll love it as much as she hates it. LOL.

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28 minutes ago, Bndmetl said:


I'm sorry Wesley it wasn't my intention to make you cry but I hope they were happy tears. :hug:

Always happily tears!🌈🌈

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I'll say one thing and that's that this is a wonderful chapter. I'm so happy for Pat as he's learning that the gift of a father was a very special gift, and now for his 16th birthday he has a new puppy, a set of new golf clubs and then to top it all off he gets a Jeep Wrangler, with the insurance paid for a year, full tank of gas and having it checked out by a mechanic. Paddy's birthday party and gifts are memories he'll treasure for the rest of his life. In the year since Paddy came to live with Ian a lot has happened, he got another dad, a sister, two sets of grandparents among many other things that he feels blessed to have. Paddy has quite a few great friends as well as a very special girlfriend to share his life with. I hope that everyone will have a great Easter by sharing the day with friends and family. 

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4 minutes ago, Butcher56 said:

I'll say one thing and that's that this is a wonderful chapter. I'm so happy for Pat as he's learning that the gift of a father was a very special gift, and now for his 16th birthday he has a new puppy, a set of new golf clubs and then to top it all off he gets a Jeep Wrangler, with the insurance paid for a year, full tank of gas and having it checked out by a mechanic. Paddy's birthday party and gifts are memories he'll treasure for the rest of his life. In the year since Paddy came to live with Ian a lot has happened, he got another dad, a sister, two sets of grandparents among many other things that he feels blessed to have. Paddy has quite a few great friends as well as a very special girlfriend to share his life with. I hope that everyone will have a great Easter by sharing the day with friends and family. 


Thanks Butcher, I hope you do also. Enjoy your time with your family. :2thumbs:

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What a difference a year makes.  From a shy boy living in a horrible foster situation to a confident young man with two loving parents and four doting grandparents.  An extended family of brothers and aunts and uncles who love him.  A baby sister and a puppy of his own.  So happy for the wonderful things that have happened for Patrick in the last year!!!  Thanks for the chapter Joh. 

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1 minute ago, glennish said:

What a difference a year makes.  From a shy boy living in a horrible foster situation to a confident young man with two loving parents and four doting grandparents.  An extended family of brothers and aunts and uncles who love him.  A baby sister and a puppy of his own.  So happy for the wonderful things that have happened for Patrick in the last year!!!  Thanks for the chapter Joh. 


Thank you for your help Glenn, thanks to you guys I love this story. :D

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1 hour ago, Bndmetl said:

:)  Thank you, I think we needed a happy chapter with nothing but cheery goodness. 

Which means the next one won’t be as cheerful…  ;-)

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2 minutes ago, droughtquake said:

Which means the next one won’t be as cheerful…  ;-)


I can't imagine why it wouldn't be, life is good at the moment. Right?

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Happy sweet 16 to Paddy, it’s great that he has had an amazing 12 months,

and it’s been good to see that Paddy has people that love and care for him.

An excellent chapter but a bit too short. 

Enjoy the long weekend 

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6 minutes ago, Bft said:

Happy sweet 16 to Paddy, it’s great that he has had an amazing 12 months,

and it’s been good to see that Paddy has people that love and care for him.

An excellent chapter but a bit too short. 

Enjoy the long weekend 


Sorry about the shortness of the chapter, but I wanted to keep it to Pat's birthday so I moved everything else to meld into the next couple of chapters. Unfortunately shortened the chapter. However, I'm glad you enjoyed it none the less.


I hope you have a great long weekend too. Take it easy on the roads, idiots everywhere, cops too.

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I have worked with several kids like Paddy over the years.  It is truly amazing what happens when they find their family; and heartbreaking when they don't.  So much emotion in the writing in this chapter, it was truly excellent.

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