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Bearpaw: An Old West Tale

   (15 reviews)

Many men enjoyed the life and freedom of being a cowboy, but it wasn't an easy one in The Old West. The aches were many, but it was the loneliness that could wear a man down. Jubal was one of those who dreamed as he moved and protected cattle, and the day finally came he had enough money to buy his own piece of land. Fate, though, dealt him a terrible hand once again, taking everything from him and leaving him lost and alone. Was Lucas his savior, or just more trouble for a man who'd learned to trust no one?

This story contains my interpretation of western speak, so word choice, sentence structure, tenses (mixing them was apparently common), and phrasing might not be what you are used to. I've tried to be authentic without sacrificing the story's quality. I hope you stick with it. Happy reading! 
Copyright © 2023 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.

Story Recommendations (52 members)

  • Action Packed 35
  • Addictive/Pacing 42
  • Characters 50
  • Chills 16
  • Cliffhanger 23
  • Compelling 46
  • Feel-Good 38
  • Humor 30
  • Smoldering 29
  • Tearjerker 14
  • Unique 32
  • World Building 27

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

A lovely story looking at same sex love set in olde times in the Wild West, which sees our characters coming to terms with their sexuality and finding their mate while keeping away from prying eyes and judgement of the town folk.

If you like stories set in the Wild West then I recommend that you read this book. 

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Another great story from @Headstall. From the first line, you feel like you know these characters and are involved in their lives. They come alive with their dedication, with their flaws, bust most importantly, with their love for each other. They are as lifelike and realistic as can be, just as one would expect from a story by this author. 

Once again, he manages to captivate me and made me lose a few hours of sleep because I couldn't stop reading. I can't recommend this story enough, it is at least on par with his former stories. Simply put, in my opinions there is no better author when it comes to tales of the Old West in this website!

Thank you Gary!

Response from the author:

There is power to a review for stirring interest in new readers, but there is also power for the author. In essence, I needed this today, so thank you very much, Pascal. As with every story I write, the characters live in my head, and they truly are real, with flaws and goals and back stories, so to hear they feel perfectly real to you is splendid. I am an author who writes in many genres, but I'm thankful to have found this comfortable and rewarding niche in the historical western genre. It is my hope that any new readers would appreciate my attempts to write something authentic, something that does justice to the time period and the struggles these men faced in trying to build happy lives. Cheers!

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Bearpaw is a great read that will touch many emotions and excite your senses. Headstall writes stories in many different genres.  All are great, but for me, his Westerns are the best examples of classical Westerns. The stories are masterpieces that create an authentic Old West in which the characters, plot and setting feel real.  This story is an adventure, drama and wonderful romance. It's a must-read.

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Leo C

   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

This is a story that kept me on full update alert every monday night (update night) untill the end. It is keenly written in a language that seems very authentic western, and it has the abliity to make you feel like you are watching a western movie. The characters stand crystal clear and consistent, and you get to know them really well. You might even develop a sligth infatuation. The plot has it all from life threatening situations to love so sweet it almost makes you gag. Or from a deep well of insecurities to raging hormones, hot sex and breathtaking happiness. Whatefter you need from your gay fiction, it will be here in abundance. Gary's stories are all quite addictive, and I must issue a warning: You will be sad, when it ends. Luckily, Gary will probably start posting a new one before long. 


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· Edited by FanLit

   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

With his talented, devoted, passionate storytelling skills, a story by @Headstall will always take you on an emotional journey….this story is no different, as we read about the resiliency of characters in the Old West.  

Jubal’s journey to Bearpaw is a courageous triumph over loneliness and despair as he finds love, friendship and a part of the world where he is wanted and belongs….Hmm, seems the more things change, the more things stay the same.  😊

Give this story a read, you won’t be disappointed.

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Bearpaw is the charming story of two cowboys who find each other in the frontier west. With a good mix of romance, action and drama, Bearpaw is a read on which you can immerse yourself. 

A fantastic western tale that will have you smiling, laughing, quietly crying and then smiling again, this is a must read. 

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   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

As with all of Headstall's stories, the reader is immersed into the narrative from the first sentence. In Bearpaw, it starts with the desperation and violence often found in the old west, but quickly becomes a tale of grit, determination, and kindness, growing into deep love.

The characters are richly imagined, and quickly take on depth as people you would want to know in real life, portrayed with humor and sympathy. Plus, they take really good care of their horses.

A panoramic technicolor western worthy of a John Huston film festival. I rather liked it.

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Sherye Story Reader

   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

This is not just a western story, but one you wouldn't ever see on TV. This story is about 2 gay men that find each other even if bad circumstances bring them together. They make terrible instances turn into love for each other and they make a life with each other. There are always bad times in relationships and good ones too. These 2 take both instances and work it into the kind of life they want to build for each other. I reccomend this story to anyone whether you like westerns or not! Gary wrote this with his heart on his sleeve to bring a story to all his readers to keep them interested and he always keeps that in mind. Great story,  Gary! We love you!

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Dan South

   6 of 6 members found this review helpful 6 / 6 members

Rumination, tarnation, damnation. Imagination. Probably spelled most of those words wrong. Doesn’t change what I felt. What I feel.

What I’ve experienced.

I can’t not ruminate. I always feel the need to consider what what I’ve read. Tarnation has nothing to do with tarnish. No cloud, no darkness, no lack of polish.

Damnation? Dammit this is ending. Not over. Just ending. For now? I choose damnation as my oath, my swear word to deal with not getting another chapter next Monday. Damnation!

Imagination. Imagination? Stimulated. What did men made like me do to find love in the American west before it was America? Maybe the lucky ones found their Bearpaw.

I’m going to leave a respectful request that someone lists the best order to read the old west of @Headstall because I’ll be waiting here for what happens next or, more accurately, happened next.


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   7 of 7 members found this review helpful 7 / 7 members

If you like westerns, this is one of the best.  If you couldn't care less about westerns, this is still one of the best romances you will read!  The main  characters are complex, likable, and brave.  All of Gary's stories are very well-written, this is no exception.  Bearpaw will make you feel good and become a part of you.

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   7 of 7 members found this review helpful 7 / 7 members

Another wonderful addition to the western stories that @Headstall seems so talented at developing and writing.

The characters are developed so well, you care about this immediately and they have a past but it has made them who they are.

The imagery and environment share equal billing with the characters and the writing draws you into it oh so quickly and deeply.

Pull up a rocker and nice glass of tea and enjoy this great addition to this wonderful site.

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· Edited by Mancunian

   9 of 9 members found this review helpful 9 / 9 members

Are you one of those readers who say 'Westerns are not my thing'? You are! Then you haven't read one written by @Headstall and you are missing out. Gary has a good following for a good reason, he writes stories that draw you in making you feel like it is real and you are part of the story and you are there watching it not just reading it.

This is a story about surviving and getting by with the hand that life has dealt you. That is until life deals you another bad hand, and then suddenly out of nowhere comes an unexpected friendship that becomes more and makes you rethink about what you want life to be. This is Jubal's raw and gritty story and you can be a part of it if you read it. Western fan or not, I recommend this story to all. I rate it at five stars because I am not allowed to rate it more.

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   9 of 9 members found this review helpful 9 / 9 members

If you've ever thought about being transported back to the Old West, then this is the book for you. We're introduced to Jubal and Lucas after Jubal has fallen prey to some outlaws. Both men have a  secret that neither one knows about, but they discover their commonality after an ambush.  @Headstall  (Gary) is a master at descriptive and highly detailed storytelling that makes the reader feel as if they have been placed right into the middle of the scenes as they play out. 

Set aside a weekend to binge this story. 

Response from the author:

The thing I strive for the most is to put the reader right into the action, to make them feel as if they truly know the characters, so this review is very validating and meaningful to me, spyke. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful recommendation. I hope potential readers take heart. I believe Bearpaw is a story worth investing in, and I'm stoked that you agree. Cheers! 

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   12 of 12 members found this review helpful 12 / 12 members

Another classic Western tale set back in the day, realistic, true to life, and one heck of an enjoyable read. As well written a story you may find anywhere, and we are so lucky to have it grace the pages of Gay Authors!!

Riveting and thought provoking, this story will keep you glued to the keyboard as I was!

Seriously, stop reading this and get cracking on with the story, you'll be glad you did!!!

Response from the author:

Such a wonderful review of Bearpaw. I am fortunate to have readers such as you, who look for depth to the stories they read. I thank you for the kind words about this 'classic western' and how it was presented. I always try my best to give the reader a great experience, and I am more than satisfied with how this story turned out. There is great escapism to this genre, lots of layers to experience, and I hope more readers take the journey, and see it for themselves. Even if you didn't grow up on westerns, I feel it is a tale for any time. Thanks again, Doc. Cheers!

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· Edited by Albert1434

   10 of 10 members found this review helpful 10 / 10 members

Gary's colorful magic is clear to see in this perfect story of terror and happiness. With lots of love and many wonders to be found here in. With delicious description and dialogue which make this a story to fall in love with, I feel sure that if you read this amazing story you will love it too! :worship:default_worshippy.gifdefault_worshippy.gifdefault_worshippy.gifdefault_worshippy.gifdefault_worshippy.gifdefault_worshippy.gifdefault_worshippy.gifdefault_worshippy.gif

Response from the author:

Thanks so much for the support, and the wonderful recommendation to those who might consider reading this story, Albert. I always love hearing that you found some 'Gary magic'. I'm not exactly sure what that is, but I do know that I tried to do justice to the time period and these characters, making it as authentic as I possibly could. Bearpaw turned out to be a blessing in so many ways, and I will thank you again. Cheers!

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