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Concerned Reader

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Is anyone else here concerned on what is going on? I came in looking for my favorite stories and found that they have been removed. I later found out why they were removed, by the author. I was told this in the chat room by those that are suppose to be running the site. They were not to shy to belittle the author, which the author in question is Jacobmillertex. I have been following his stories for over a year now.


After leaving the chat room, I emailed the author and he got back to me say that what was going on was between him and the site. He didn't want to bad mouth the site. Then later I find a blog here on this site with one of the admins. more than willing to bad mouthed the author. He is one of the main guy, if not main guy I understand. He could't stay above it all, like Jacob, and just left it between them.


He stated that Jacob took his toys and ran, but yet he did the same thing by kicking Jacob off the site like he did and said in his comments. Things that should have stayed between the two people, landed up being posted for all to see. It was not done by the author, but by the site it self.


I went back to Jacob and told him what I read, he told he read it to. I kept asking and he finally folded and told me what happened. Man I am saying what a mis representation was given on the blog here on this site.


Jacob went to CJ, which I understand is the one in charge of Hosted authors. They talked back and forth to be hosted, and CJ said he will put Jacob up. Nothing then was said for a week and then Jacob emailed him again. CJ told him that he was sick, but will do what he said he would do. Jacob understood and didn't bother again. He waited for three weeks for a answer, and didn't get one. He then got into contact with a mod., and they just talked to him like he was nothing. He emailed me the PM of the conversation and I saw both sides of the conversation. He asked them to delete the stories, but he agreed to give them time to resolve the issue. Early in the morning Jacob got a new PM from CIA and was told he was not going to become hosted because they way he acted. After reading the PM, I do not see where Jacob acted wrong. He was simply asking why he wasn't kept informed. They took that and turned it around on him.


Now because Jacob asked what was going on, he was kicked off the site after asking to have his stories removed. They kept telling him he has the right, but they never told him if he does they will kick him off the site. Who here is acting like a kid.


Is there anyone else out there as concerned as I am about this whole thing? I wonder how many other great authors have been kicked off of this site because they asked the site questions? I wonder why the site people acted the way they did? This concerns me a lot and again I got emailed the PM's on this conversation and read both sides of the conversation. I know Jacob wasn't trying to put his side across like others did. You all should be very concerned as I am. Kicking people off because they question what is going on. That is just not right!



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Jacob is still a member of this site. He may be PMed and he may read posts. He may also respond to PMs and posts. He can choose to posts stories, we may choose to publish them.


However no one is entitled to any rank. Being hosted is a privledge not a right. The person Jacob emailed/PMed was out due to illness and everyone else was busy moving stories. Jacob was advised not only by staff (myself included) but by his editor to exercise some patience. If he considers 3 weeks patience then I feel sorry for him and anyone around him. There are people who have been waiting several months for this move to take place to be kicked up to promising, much less hosted status.


Personally I am appalled that he shared my personal PMs to him and that is a breach of ethics and shows a certian amount of his personality and it's flaws. Although I frankly don't care if he posts the whole damn thing, I've said worse in the Communination Forums.


Just so that EVERYONE is aware, I argued extensively to give Jacob a second chance. I'm sorry he blew that and wasted my time.


His loss.

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There are two sides to everything, of course.


We had an author come here and start posting into the new story system while we were in the middle of transitioning. He requested Hosted Author, a rather complicated proposition insomuch as it requires a significant investment of time and manpower to develop sites and do all the legwork of setting up. This, of course, presumes that the applicant meets the qualifications for hosting established by the Writer Support Team.


Now, we happen to have three new Hosted Authors waiting to be announced because we don't have enough resources right now to set them all up. JSmith is on a hiatus due to an accident at work. CJames has been out for weeks because of illness, Steph is a skinner with very limited time, and that leaves me as the only one doing tech work right now. I have spent at least 50-60 hours per week working on GA.Stories development and transfer since November. (nevermind that I work 50 hours a week for my job where I actually get paid.)


So, back to Jacob. He requested Hosting and CJames informed him we were busy and that he would consider and it we would get back to him. After this was said, CJames pretty much dropped off the Internet for 3 weeks because of illness. Sorry. We are guilty for not getting back to him with an update on this. It was during this time that all of the availible staff and several additional volunteers were moving Hosted Authors stories into the system, along with Promising Authors and eFiction authors. It was a bit hectic around here, to say the least.


We're still in a big mess with the Hosted Authors. The only two with updated sites are me (because I eat the dogfood first here) and Comicality. With any luck, I'll be able to get a lot of the other Hosted Authors sites updated tomorrow. But the truth is, there is only me right now that can do it. We are busy as hell. In addition to all this, my main computer's motherboard is on the fritz so, I have had to build a replacement computer. All well and good, except the freaky winter weather has cause multiple delays in parts shipments. Just background information to the PM I got the other day...


Instead of sending a PM to me or another admin or any mod including Lugh, Jacob just sends a message, "Please delete all my stories."


So, one of the criteria of being a Hosted Author at Gay Authors is to help support the site. Jacob's first inclination when there is a problem is to delete his stories? Now, it so happens that now that just prior to his PM, I had been looking over the Prolific Author list and had instructed the team to review the authors on it for Promising/Hosted including Jacob. On the fast track. I had anticipated being complete with the other Hosted Author sites by this point and would have been except for the computer failures.


Now, I'm sorry that it takes a long time to evaluate authors for Hosted, but a lot of that falls down to limited resources to build an author's site. It does us no good to accept someone as Hosted and not be able to build their site. GA.Stories and our Content Management System were put in to relieve that problem.


Several PMs were exchanged with Jacob in which he made it clear that if Gay Authors wasn't going to commit to Hosting him right now, then he was going to leave. We sent a PM back saying that he appeared to lack any commitment to the site and that severely reduces the chance of getting approval, which most assuredly wouldn't be happening RIGHT NOW. He told us to delete his stories. We did.


Please note that since Jacob couldn't have the highest recognition offered by this site immediately upon his asking, he wanted nothing to do with the site. In essence, he took his toys and left. People were asking all over the place and I made a statement to that effect. As I had already heard that he was making different statements as to why he left. Truth win out.


So, Mr. Concerned Reader, if you don't like how we handle things here, I'm sorry. Perhaps this is not the place for you?


To Authors: If you are posting in GA.Stories and making an effort to involve yourself here at all to build your readership, you're going to end up getting reviewed for Promising or Hosted Authors as appropriate. This is done by a dedicated staff of volunteers. It takes time. Not demonstrating commitment and throwing a tantrum because you posted a whole story here and now want Hosted Author is a good way to make sure you never get hosted, even if you're the second coming of Tom Clancy, J.K Rowling and J.D Robb combined.


This site is not about popularity, contrary to wagging tongues. It is about good stories. Those hosted here are here because people think they have good stories and those authors have demonstrated commitment to the site. Some have moved on. Some have passed on. But there work remains. Does being popular help? Sure. DomLuka has a command audience that well sell their soul for his next chapter. But there are plenty of authors here that have great writing, but are not celebrities.


We're all human here. We're all volunteers. And there are far too many people that think that just because Gay Authors is here, they are entitled to the best of everything. Sorry. You need to adjust your expectations.



Site Admin


:(............ I feel like crap here, his frustrations are immature to me. He must know how much time it takes for mods to delve into stories and other issues on a site with so many few mods involved. Jacob is a good writer, I would never had suggested him to the GA site otherwise, his 'reaction' floored me. In light of the short staff due to the situations, I expected patience from him. That said I wish Cia had not responded to him, she was correct in her assessment however it was ill timed I think. As it was the 'straw that broke..." I am sad that he will no longer be posting his stories here, but we cannot have an author dictating his presence.

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I take it that neither JacobMillerTex or this concerned reader have the slightest clue about just how busy staff has been around here. I have no idea just how many hours have been spend on GA stories, but it very well may be well with in the 1,000's range. Just from the time I personally spent on it, it was definitely more than 16 hours, and that was just for leftovers. Add to that the fact that some teams have had people either gone or having low activity, and you end up with a situation in which there's not much time to sort through everything. And yet, people expect everything they desire at the snap of their fingers. Grow up princesses. The site (and most other things) don't work that way. I would love to be hosted myself at some point, but I don't go around demanding it. I've been on GA for over 3 years now, and I have a lot of respect for everyone who makes this site possible. I've said this kind of thing way too many times. Please stop acting like spoiled children. Most people here are adults. Act like it! Go read or write a story and give back to the site instead of bitching.

Edited by Tiger
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Jacob is still a member here.... maybe we can just chalk it up to stress and a misunderstanding? Some authors may think they are being bullied because they're not seeing all the work that is being done, first hand. Some authors don't realize the work it takes to manage/update and the like. Keep in mind though that these people who have questions/concerns aren't mean spirited... and probably aren't trying to be.


So if you think you're being bullied, you probably aren't. The staff is just really stressed out and have probably dealt with similar problems time and time again... it was just you that asked last.


As a Hosted Author, I understand the process of becoming a Hosted Author. I was hosted back when the staff was full and less stressed out by transitions and the like, so it was a pretty seamless experience. Patience and a willingness to cooperate is key though and a lot of authors will do well to remember that.

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This is the one that posted the concerned blog, which you guys shut down. I am seeing where Jacob and other authors are having problems. I know some of you know, Jacob isn't the only one you ran out of here, this site. IN fact their is a site on the web that has a former author pretty much saying the same thing that happened to Jacob. Then I heard there are a lot more out there besides this two.


Let's forget the other because I haven't spoken to them. But I have seen the PM and I have seen the site of the other author that you all kicked off this site just like you did to Jacob. If it was just Jacob, okay benefit of the doubt I will give to the site. But then there is a entire blog out there pretty much saying the same thing on another author you guys kicked off. Then again the pm tells the complete truth and that sides me with Jacob.


Jacob didn't demand to be hosted. I have known him for over a year and that is just not him. He was asking why wasn't he kept up on what was going on. Using his own words here, a simple one sentence email would have done the trick. I agree and isn't hard to do.


Mod Benji, you should be ashamed of yourself. I read your response and man you are just not right. I am being my tongue here, but I hope Jacob never sees it. Jacob speaks nothing bad good about you Benji, with high praises and you talk about him this way. Something about the site. Even after what happened here, he talks highly about you guys and the site. If I was in his shoes, I wouldn't if that happened to me what happened to him here.


None of you guys know Jacob, except Benji, but yet you can talk bad about him. Like I said I have had the owner to be his friend ever since he started posting his stories. The way you are painting Jacob is totally in the wrong light, shame on you.


All Jacob was asking for is to be told what was going on. Never did he demand to be hosted. But every blog that talks out about this, you guys close it down. That isn't nice or fair.


Once again it isn't just Jacob here having the problem. There is a entire blog on the net talking about how authors have been treated here on this site. That really speaks miles in my opinion.




Concerned Reader

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This is the one that posted the concerned blog, which you guys shut down. I am seeing where Jacob and other authors are having problems. I know some of you know, Jacob isn't the only one you ran out of here, this site. IN fact their is a site on the web that has a former author pretty much saying the same thing that happened to Jacob. Then I heard there are a lot more out there besides this two.


Let's forget the other because I haven't spoken to them. But I have seen the PM and I have seen the site of the other author that you all kicked off this site just like you did to Jacob. If it was just Jacob, okay benefit of the doubt I will give to the site. But then there is a entire blog out there pretty much saying the same thing on another author you guys kicked off. Then again the pm tells the complete truth and that sides me with Jacob.


Jacob didn't demand to be hosted. I have known him for over a year and that is just not him. He was asking why wasn't he kept up on what was going on. Using his own words here, a simple one sentence email would have done the trick. I agree and isn't hard to do.


Mod Benji, you should be ashamed of yourself. I read your response and man you are just not right. I am being my tongue here, but I hope Jacob never sees it. Jacob speaks nothing bad good about you Benji, with high praises and you talk about him this way. Something about the site. Even after what happened here, he talks highly about you guys and the site. If I was in his shoes, I wouldn't if that happened to me what happened to him here.


None of you guys know Jacob, except Benji, but yet you can talk bad about him. Like I said I have had the owner to be his friend ever since he started posting his stories. The way you are painting Jacob is totally in the wrong light, shame on you.


All Jacob was asking for is to be told what was going on. Never did he demand to be hosted. But every blog that talks out about this, you guys close it down. That isn't nice or fair.


Once again it isn't just Jacob here having the problem. There is a entire blog on the net talking about how authors have been treated here on this site. That really speaks miles in my opinion.




Concerned Reader


No site is perfect, and it is obvious to all of us that this is a time of pretty intense transition here.


The theme of this topic is that this site is arbitrary and autocratic. I think that while we can all sit around and levy judgment on either Jacob or GA, the fact that this topic is still here, and it's still open, tends to decry that whole line of reasoning. In other words, if Myr and Co. were as arbitrary and nasty as you think they are, why is your topic still here, and not deleted or locked?

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None of you guys know Jacob, except Benji, but yet you can talk bad about him. Like I said I have had the owner to be his friend ever since he started posting his stories. The way you are painting Jacob is totally in the wrong light, shame on you.

Concerned Reader


And yet you know none of the admins on here, but yet you talk bad about them. Shame on you. Stop being a hypocrite. Everyone is telling you how difficult and how much work it takes to run and update everything on GA, and he expects to be thrown to the top of the list because he has the patience of a child? Like they said, they have tons of work to do, much more pressing issues, so you sir need to cut them a break and stop throwing accusations around when you are clearly not aware of the situation. I'm not even an author but I realize how much of their FREE TIME!!!! the admins are putting into this site (especially with the updates) so we can all enjoy.


I'm so freakin sick of people bitching about everything not going perfect on the switchover.


No site is perfect, and it is obvious to all of us that this is a time of pretty intense transition here.


The theme of this topic is that this site is arbitrary and autocratic. I think that while we can all sit around and levy judgment on either Jacob or GA, the fact that this topic is still here, and it's still open, tends to decry that whole line of reasoning. In other words, if Myr and Co. were as arbitrary and nasty as you think they are, why is your topic still here, and not deleted or locked?


Good point Mark.

Edited by TetRefine
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I'm not even going to get into all the accusations being thrown at the Admins, Mods, and Tech people here. I just thought to point out the simple fact that the only reason that GA is here that those I already mention put a lot of time and effort into keeping a site running that you don't have to pay to post to. They are offering a free service, with the option to support the site by paying for a premium membership. Nobody made them offer a site for authors to post on, but yet they still do. Being a hosted/promising author is a privilege, not a right, for those who post their stories on the site. I for one just want to thank the entire GA staff for all the work they have put into the site and for ALLOWING me to post my stories!

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let me guess the blogs you are talking about... they (yes there were actually two people before Jacob!) were circulated around here and laughed about, TBH. That is, until the people in question posted some vulgar nastiness both in public and private. However, I (nor the mods, nor admins) went around smearing the names of these people about because we think that is just plain old stupid. We also did not go around giving people negitive rep points for no good reason, which is another thing Jacob has done.


Nor do I go about stirring up my readers to post things on my behalf that are inflamitory. Infact, if anyone cares to look here: https://www.gayauthors.org/forums/user/12410-jacobmillertex/


you will see this:


Reputation: 320

Getting There!


Group:Author: Author

Active Posts:32 (0.49 per day)

Most Active In:GA.Stories Discussion (14 posts)

Joined:01-December 10

Profile Views:1,083

Last Active: Yesterday, 11:15 PM



Which shows he was online barely an hour ago (contrary to his claims of being not allowed onsite) and he is not banned (else he would be in the former members group).


So let the facts speak for themselves.


Jacob has had a drama queen moment.


It is over.


End scene.


Exit stage left.


Cut the lights.



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This is the one that posted the concerned blog, which you guys shut down. I am seeing where Jacob and other authors are having problems. I know some of you know, Jacob isn't the only one you ran out of here, this site. IN fact their is a site on the web that has a former author pretty much saying the same thing that happened to Jacob. Then I heard there are a lot more out there besides this two.


Let's forget the other because I haven't spoken to them. But I have seen the PM and I have seen the site of the other author that you all kicked off this site just like you did to Jacob. If it was just Jacob, okay benefit of the doubt I will give to the site. But then there is a entire blog out there pretty much saying the same thing on another author you guys kicked off. Then again the pm tells the complete truth and that sides me with Jacob.


Jacob didn't demand to be hosted. I have known him for over a year and that is just not him. He was asking why wasn't he kept up on what was going on. Using his own words here, a simple one sentence email would have done the trick. I agree and isn't hard to do.


Mod Benji, you should be ashamed of yourself. I read your response and man you are just not right. I am being my tongue here, but I hope Jacob never sees it. Jacob speaks nothing bad good about you Benji, with high praises and you talk about him this way. Something about the site. Even after what happened here, he talks highly about you guys and the site. If I was in his shoes, I wouldn't if that happened to me what happened to him here.


None of you guys know Jacob, except Benji, but yet you can talk bad about him. Like I said I have had the owner to be his friend ever since he started posting his stories. The way you are painting Jacob is totally in the wrong light, shame on you.


All Jacob was asking for is to be told what was going on. Never did he demand to be hosted. But every blog that talks out about this, you guys close it down. That isn't nice or fair.


Once again it isn't just Jacob here having the problem. There is a entire blog on the net talking about how authors have been treated here on this site. That really speaks miles in my opinion.




Concerned Reader


:angry:.............You have me very wrong here, I have tried my best to calm Jacob down, even he will admit to that. He ignored my advice, and actually played the part of a jilted date here. I stand by my assessment here, I love his writings and wish he would have calmed down to accept the realities of this site. There are not enough mods on it to regulate everything here. And with the new changes in December on the site, and with mods being down with sickness and work, it was wrong of him to lash out as he did. So 'concerned writer'! I am not at fault here, nor are the mods and Admin. Pray tell me what think the implication is here given the circumstance? BTW, I was very enthusiastic about having Jacob on this site, I'm the one that asked him to come on board here, his writings are great and in line with GA stories. So why would I be his detractor if not for his antics to the other mods?


I'm really pissed off at some of the response's in here at the mods, they work hard, they have many problems you have idea about, plagiarism abounds and the amount of effort and time to sort that out takes a lot of time from them. Hell Jacob has only been here 3-4 weeks, most story writers wait 3-6 months to get hosted. That was Jacobs problem, not yours I might add, if you think I have a piss poor attitude, you well be right. You have no idea what these mods have to do on a day to day basis. I have no shame in my response to Jacob, we are clear here. But to your inference? 'Frankly my dear I don't give ..........'

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  • Site Administrator

Wow. I started checking into IP records since Danny's grammar is consistent with the grammar from Jacob's PM.

And I'd like to say hello to:

joshhern76, BrandonHern, carloshern04, daniellehern04, dannydanny77, DaddyRick, and JacobMillerTex. That must be some rocking house to have ALL these members living there. Wouldn't you say?


Oh, and Jacob's posts and Danny's posts have come from the same IP address today.

Just saying...


This One

Site Admin

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I agree with you that this site is free and those that run it doesn't have to do that, but again. Without the writers posting here, the site wouldn't be nothing. If the writers keep getting kicked out, there will be no stories to read.


Again I have seen the conversation and just read it again to make sure my facts were right. They are and let me say the things that were said were not called for. Denouncing other story sites, calling them porn sites. Calling a writer less than the other writers on this site and his readers will or might go to the other readers. I can go on and on, but this is a site and it is somewhat like a business. I have never walked into a business or dealt with one that talks to their customers, writers here are the customers, the way this staff does.


Now as far as my statement about closing blogs, it happens. Someone closed this blog then reopened it. Jacob's ow blog was closed after blogging that he was not posting anymore. Another reader blog Author suddenly disappearing was closed because it talked about this issue. They are getting silenced and that isn't right.


Then again there is a entire site on the net about authors being treated like Jacob and kicked off. That has to say something everyone. It has to say something is wrong here. Someting is really wrong.

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  • Site Administrator

In the interest of full disclosure, this is the PM that Cia sent this morning. (Posted with her permission)


After some thought this is my take on the situation. There is a list of authors who were told they were going to be made hosted last fall but that has been on hold until GA Stories was fully functioning. Hosted Authors will no longer have a website set up like they did previously but the technical members of the admin/mods are beginning to create a new look for the hosted authors websites on GA. Through out this process people have been having to wait and most people have been willing to give us that knowing what sort of work we have been going through for months. You've damaged a good portion of what inclination we might have had to promote you by acting as you have.


When I was promoted to Promising this was just getting started (and it was over a year on-site before that happened btw, I became a forum mod around 6 months) there was a bit of a gap in the first pm's and the final, you're in, you gave us your details and we've posted the info. Such is life, the online world isn't instanteous all the time. 3 weeks is a bit to wait and I agree that you checking in after that time or even before then was warranted. Unpublishing your stories and asking they be deleted without at least TALKING to CJ or another mod was hasty and a bit rude.


If you really wanted to be a part of GA, and a hosted author needs very much to be a committed part of the site, you would not have acted like that. It was akin to someone saying, you don't value my toys enough and aren't paying enough attention to me because of them so I'm taking them away and going elsewhere. If you had instead just sent another pm to CJ and/or another team member before you did that our reaction to your demands would be very different. Perhaps you don't understand how the process for becoming a hosted author works. Mods can say they think you deserve it, members can agree. Ultimately it is up to the WST team to make that determination however.


There is actual criteria involved, some of which is more important than other parts. If you have a large body of work, even unfinished, that finished work requirement might be overlooked. A big part of being hosted on the site though is your presence here. Just becoming hosted will not automatically thrust your stories into prominence, nor will becoming promising. It helps a bit, but until GA Stories was introduced the number one complaint I heard from hosted authors was that e-fiction users got a lot more feedback than they did. So in actuality being hosted meant they had a lot of readers for the most part, but not a lot of feedback about that. That's something of what it appears you are facing on GA. Your just not as active as other authors on-site and your reader base suffers for that somewhat. You don't have to be here all the time to be popular, Dom Luka shows that, but interacting with the readers on site versus just expecting the quality of your work to speak for itself is much more effective.


As for your readers on other sites being confused as to where to go to read your stories on-site that is ridiculous. I'm sorry but the author listing page in GA Stories is alphabetical. It's not hard to find your name in that if a reader is willing to look. The field where you can type in an author name will jump them immediately to your story listing page. For both of those options all you need to do is provide them your username on GA. You can also copy the url for you story listing page and post it for them on the other sites, I'm sure. The system isn't that confusing unless a reader isn't willing to stop and just look at the options. Not only do I see it as perfectly understandable there is a Help tab right there that explains how to find things!


You need to decide what you are willing to do. Wait for a team consensus, which might take some time, about promoting you in the promising/hosted system, either now or when certain requirements have been met in the future. That may be possible even after you've shown bad manners this way. If you aren't willing to do that then your other choice is to have us delete your stories and that will be that. I can't guarantee that the team consensus won't be a flat no but I can at least say it will be brought up and discussed.

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