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Bill W

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    varied... music, movies, sports and interesting people...

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  1. Outrageous hero of Cervantes' novel? You mean tilting at wind mills or mistaking an inn for a castle isn't normal?
  2. Quixotry is a noun that means a wild, visionary idea, or an eccentric notion or act. It can also refer to a quixotism. The word quixotic is an adjective that means foolishly impractical, especially when pursuing ideals. It can also mean marked by rash, lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action. Here are some synonyms for quixotic: chimerical, fanciful, fantastic, imaginary, and visionary.
  3. Bill W

    Chapter 47 S2

    That was an interesting story about your friend and Royal Gorge, although frightening was probably be what your friend was thinking. I'm glad you enjoyed that little trip down memory lane. As far as where the fictional Jamesville is located, you were in the right area. I was thinking around Haswell, because there were no major routes there and I figured it would take them longer to get anywhere, since they'd have to take county roads to most places. I merely picked that location out of the hat, so to speak, since I didn't have any intimate knowledge of the area. I hope I didn't do too badly. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. Bill W

    Chapter 47 S2

    I hope you get a chance to do that, drs.
  5. Bill W

    Chapter 47 S2

    I'm glad you enjoyed the visual aspects of the chapter. Yes, Mac's mom was convinced to try some things, even though it wasn't very easy or comfortable for her, but Devin and Mac had a good time. They may end up going to a museum, but it may be different that what you might be thinking. And if I ever got to the Louvre, I'd probably end up spending more than one day there.
  6. Bill W

    Chapter 47 S2

    I'm glad you enjoyed it, but the trip is just beginning and it may get even more interesting.
  7. And we'll have to wait and see over the next few days if @Myr loves K words as well.
  8. Bill W

    Chapter 47 S2

    You're very welcome, and looking through the spaces between the planks can be quite thrilling, and even interesting, unless you're suffering from acrophobia.
  9. Bill W

    Chapter 47 S2

    Yes, they manage to find plenty of places that the boys, and even some of us, find interesting. I'm glad that you guys find them interesting and possibly something you might check out if you're ever in that area.
  10. Bill W

    Chapter 47 S2

    They do a fairly good job of planning things like this and I'm glad you find it interesting.
  11. Bill W

    Chapter 47 S2

    You can never tell what parents might do because they think their children will enjoy it.
  12. When I was growing up, it was comon that parents would buy their children a kaleidoscope toy to play with. It was very entertaining to watch the different patterns form as you looked through the tube.,
  13. The word "kaleidoscopic" comes from the Ancient Greek words kalos ("beautiful"), eidos ("shape"), and skopeō ("to look to, to examine"). The suffix "-ic" is used to form adjectives from other parts of speech in Greek and Latin loanwords in English. The word "kaleidoscopic" entered the English language in the 1840s. "Kaleidoscopic" means continually shifting or rapidly changing. For example, you might describe a scene as kaleidoscopic if it's a continually shifting pattern of shapes and colors. The word "kaleidoscope" refers to an optical instrument that displays a continually changing pattern of shapes and colors. It's a tube that contains loose pieces of glass or plastic, and two mirrors at one end. When the tube is turned, the pieces of glass reflect off the mirrors to create many different patterns.
  14. Chapter 47 – The Semester’s Over We actually slept until 8:00, which meant we’d been asleep for ten hours, but I guess that was to make up for some of the nights before our finals when we’d only slept for five hours or less. As soon as we showered and got dressed, we loaded our things into the SUV, and then we checked the house to make sure we were leaving it in good shape, and now we were ready to think about getting something to eat. Seeing we were both starving and knew the dining hall
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