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About JamesSavik

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  • My Words
    Cat Bastard
  • Location
    Darkest Ignoramia
  • Interests
    astronomy, physics, math, programming, E-bay, red heads, my truck

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  1. Eighty-seven percent of the world's supply of beryllium is mined in Utah. It's an important additive in alloys of copper and steel, used in reactors and nuclear weapons, X-ray tubes and the magnetrons of microwave ovens. It is a listed carcinogen, so use appropriate measures when handling or working with beryllium. Fun story: As a young nerd, I built a collection of element samples. I had small amounts of various elements in glass vials. Some idiot told the Resident Ass...sistant in the dorm I had dangerous, possible bomb making chemicals in my dorm room. On the way back from my networks class, I was tackled and arrested by a couple of deputy sheriffs. After viewing what I had, one of the chemistry professors told the cops that what I had was harmless and stored appropriately. No bombs or nefarious things could be done with the small samples I had. It was a false alarm and no terrorist bombs could be made with it. They were still a little freaked out by the uranium ore and thorianite being slightly radioactive. Thankfully, they let the bong slide. What's a few alpha particles among friends?
  2. There are two notable properties of Helium that make it interesting. Helium is a noble gas. Noble gasses have unique electron shell configurations which bind their electrons in tight and refuse to form bonds with other elements. Chemically, they simply refuse to react with anything. They appear along the right side of the periodic table and refuse to associate themselves with other elemental riffraff. All known Helium on earth is the product of nuclear decay. It can be extracted from natural gas, but its concentrations vary, and it is a difficult and expensive task. Alpha particles, the nuclei of Helium, are emitted by naturally occurring radioactive isotopes.
  3. I was wrong. Alpha particles are stripped Helium nuclei. Doh!
  4. Hydrogen sits at the top of the periodic table as the lightest and simplest element with one proton, neutron and electron (typically). Indeed, in its ionized state, it is called an alpha particle and is released as a product of nuclear decay of unstable isotopes. Hydrogen is one of the most chemically active elements and form ionic and covalent bonds with ease. In 2011, the explosions at the Fukushima nuclear plants were hydrogen gas. Water used to cool the cores was denatured by the heat of the runaway fission reactions into its basic components, oxygen and hydrogen, creating the fuel for massive explosions. https://i.postimg.cc/J7GdtWWk/fukashima-explosion.jpg
  5. I don't circumvent the authorities because I'm doing anything illegal. I circumvent the authorities because they expect bribes.
  6. I had a friend who used to do chirography. I think my Mum liked him better than me because he actually had talent.
  7. It is phenomenal how relieved you feel when something you have been dreading is finally over. 🦷 👨‍⚕️ 🏘️🔨
  8. Ligature strangulation is one of Law & Order's top murder methods.
  9. I vehemently deny that I'm coming out of retirement as a pole dancer.
  10. When the phlebotomist found out I have B- blood, they called me so often, I think they should have installed a zipper for efficiency.
  11. If you write something controversial, you'll be surprised at some of the suggestions you get. Expect them to be rude, crude, impractical, and physically impossible.
  12. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  13. In the bad old days, psychiatrists often diagnosed homosexuals as sociopaths because they didn't feel any guilt for being homosexual. This diagnosis often led to lobotomies. This is why the 1973 removal of homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) by the American Psychiatric Association was so important.
  14. My Mom's house was like a museum. She collected rocks from every trip she took. This one came from Missouri, this one came from Texas, this one came from Arid-zona.... Getting rid of them would be a crime against history. 🙄
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