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Writing Prompts #240 & #241



Ah another Friday has arrived and you all know what that means ... I get to torture you with a new set of ideas to get you writing. Every week is a surprise and I never know when someone is going to take up the challenge and post one of the prompts. Last week, Kitt didn't even bother to post her tale in the thread for it but put it right up on the Prompt Me! page. :lol: Okay enough chatter out of me, here are this weeks prompts.


Prompt 240 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following words in story – a present, a gold ring, a taxi driver, a new novel, and a pretzel.


Prompt 241 – Creative
Tag – The Toy Store
You just became the manager of a toy store. What sort of toys does your store stock and what are your customers like?


Every week I like to look at what was done on the prompts and this week is no different. Mann Ramblings let us see what is going to be part of an ongoing story. I was struck by the characters he was introducing and thought everyone should get a peek at it.

"Just give me a minute, please."
Shawn looked around the dark room lit by amber fireflies in lanterns that glowed brighter than should be possible. The shimmering flicker cast shadows that danced in every corner making the walls and its contents look alive. He swore he could hear the lick and crackle of flame coming from the lanterns, he could feel the warmth but it did nothing to soothe the disquiet in his chest.
A large, high walled ceramic basin filled with steaming water sat in the middle of the room. Next to that sat a small bucket with soap, sponges and other items spilling out the top. He edged closer to the basin. How hot was the water, really? The steam rolled off the surface in heavy plumes.
A tapping on the floor broke his questions.
“Och, we haven’t got all night, laddie.”
Shawn turned and scrutinized the stout woman tapping her strong foot on the floor, arms crossed over her full bosom. A rounded kind face looked back at him with a stern impatience that showed the lines of an age that he couldn't begin to guess. Her long grey hair was braided and wound into a bun atop her head. The heavy woolen dress covering her neck to floor gave her a mix of grandma and handmaiden. Thick limbs and stunted proportions gave her the appearance of some kind of dwarf, but she stood the same height as Shawn. But Shawn was quickly realizing everything seemed bigger here and he was the smaller one.
She quickly stepped forward and grabbed a handful of the tunic draped over Shawn's body. Even quicker, she snatched it up and over his head leaving him stark naked. He tried desperately to keep a hold on it but he was still so weak and the stout woman seemed so strong. The tunic was the only thing he'd worn since he woke up here; he had no idea what had happened to his regular clothes or if they still existed.
“Give it back, lady!” he shouted. She balled up the tunic and tossed it aside even as Shawn tried to cover himself with his hands. A loud bass filled cackle erupted from her.
“Och, laddie. I'm na a lady, for sure,” she laughed. “Ye can call me Maertagh.”
Maertagh seemed completely amused while Shawn's skin flushed. His eyes flitted around looking for a way out.
“Oh, god. This is like being naked with your grandmother.” Shawn's voice shook as his hands shifted around trying to find the best method of maintaining his crumbling modesty.


To see the rest of Mann's story and what some of our other authors have come up with feel free to go and read their work. It can be found here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37160-prompt-239-creative/ . Don't forget to leave them a comment or two to help encourage them as well.


Have a good week everyone and don't forget to write.

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Recommended Comments

Pink cheeks are cute :P I also liked Greg_A's story - don't miss that one :)


Toy store - I wish I could write then I would write a story about care bears, teddy bears and stuffed animals LOL

Not the toy store you had in mind right ? :gikkle:





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Hmmm I really don't remember that care bear, what have I missed out on, I'm sure he would have been my favourite.

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Grumpy Kinky needs to be careful, or it will find itself featuring in one of Joann's prompts :lol:

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Innocent??  This coming the bear who brought you "Big flashy neon kinky sign for special toy shop" :lol:


**offers to pay Joann ten bucks to feature the care bear in her next prompt**

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