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Writing Prompts #396 & #397

Renee Stevens


There are many reasons that people might look forward to Friday, but here at the GA News Blog, we look forward to Friday because it means one thing.... New Prompts!!! Sometimes we get stuck and need a little push to help us get writing again, that's what the prompts are all about, to help get the juices flowing. As always, Comicfan has provided two new prompts for you to take a stab at. Hopefully one of these will inspire you to write a little something!


Prompt 396 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“When will I see you again?”


Prompt 397 – Creative
Tag – The Accident
You woke up to find most of your body in a cast. Your face hurts and you can’t use your hands. What happened that you ended up in such bad shape?


For the featured prompt response this week, I hope you enjoy Jamessavik's response to Prompt #395:





What is this place? I haven't lived here in decades but it is exactly the same.


The dogwood and the irises covering it's roots were both in bloom. So was the Mountain Laurel and Azaleas. The roses were strong and healthy on their trellises burdened by big, heavy fragrant deep red flowers. Humming birds were fluttering back and forth between the flowers.


I looked at it in pride. I had spent years putting it all together. I felt a deep feeling of contentment at finally seeing it all come together.


A huge yellow tabby approached me butting my shins with his head. He purred loudly and danced on the tips of his toes. As I stroked his fur, I was shocked at the realization, "Pouncer? How could it be you?"


I picked him up and he draped himself over my left shoulder giving my ear a very gentle nip.


This couldn't be real. Pouncer died in my arms in 2001. Two years later I had lost this house. In truth, I had sold it but you can never get what a dream is worth. Somehow the searing pain of that memory was gone.


Read the rest here.

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  • Site Administrator

Prompt 396 is perfect for the next installment in Nate and Jonathan's story.  :)

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I love 396 but no time...have an antho story to finish! Maybe after I have sent it to Cole. I wanted to write a poem next, though.

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As Robert Palmer once sang:


The best of both worlds

Double fun

I'd like to now propose a toast

To the best of both worlds



hehe, I think Hannah Montana sang about the Best of Both Worlds too:


You get the best of both worlds

Mix it all together and you know that it's the best of both worlds


hehe... okay so I have teenage daughters who grew up when she was popular...and that damn song was played endlessly a few years ago.

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