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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

The G.a. 2011 Summer Anthology Is Now Online!

The 2011 Summer Anthology - Walk on the Wild Side - is now live!   Please check out the stories at the above link, and please don't forget to leave the authors a comment in the discussion threads (there's a link at the end of each story to take you to those threads). The quarterly anthologies are provided free of charge by our authors - giving them feedback is the only payment they receive. Archangel by Quonus10   Brothers of the Flames by Rilbur   Dare by Kingdom by the Sea  


Graeme in Anthologies

G.a. 2010 Winter Anthology Now Online

The 2010 GA Winter Anthology is now online!   The theme is "Haunted", but interestingly many authors have not gone with a supernatural theme.   We have a number of new anthology authors with this anthology, and some strong poetry from past contributors. Many of the stories are quite short, but we also have one of the longest anthology stories I've seen.   Take your time and enjoy the collection. Everyone is sure to be something that appeals to them.   Graeme GA Anthology Coordina


Graeme in Anthologies

G.a. 2010 Fall Anthology Now Online

The theme for the 2010 Fall Anthology is "No Going Back". Surprisingly, there are a significant number of science fiction and fantasy stories in this anthology. No so surprising, a number of authors have interpreted the theme as being related to marriage, which just shows that we still have a lot of romantics amongst our authors!   We also have what I believe is the first lesbian themed story in this anthology. Check it out, as it just goes to prove that when it comes to romance, we're all hum


Graeme in Anthologies

G.a. 2010 Summer Anthology Now Online

The theme for the 2010 Summer Anthology is "Out of This World". While, given the theme, there are a lot of science fiction and fantasy stories, there are also many entries that have taken a different interpretation of the theme.   Have fun reading the stories (and one poem) everyone! Just remember to click on the feedback/discussion links at the bottom of each story to take you to the discussion threads in the forums so you can leave the author a comment.   A special thanks to all the author


Graeme in Anthologies

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