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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

Entries in this blog

Writing Prompts #604 & #605

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.     Prompt 604 – Creative Tag – List of words Use the following words in a story – a coach, a white stallion, a gold ring, a cat, and a pickle.   Prompt 605 – Creative Tag – The Change Pat la

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Guest Prompts #7 & #8

RAWR!!! I"m back with some new prompts Did you miss me?  Thanks to Renee for doing the past couple of weeks for me whilst I was away. First off, I need some more prompts  Help me out, don't leave a guy hanging here. There has been some great ones, but we need some more!!   Prompt #7 - Technical    Brought to you by @aditus Write a conversation between three people, starting with: "I've got conditions." Ending with: "We don't know that" (500 words)  


wildone in Prompts

Writing Prompts #366 & #367

Before we get into this week's prompts, first a reminder. This sunday marks the end of daylight savings, so if you're in an area that does the whole daylight savings thing, don't forget that you will need to set your clock's back one hour prior to going to bed (if you go to bed before 2 am!). Now, let's see what comicfan has for us this week!   Prompt 366 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – corn, hay bale, scarecrow, tractor, and skinned knee.   Prompt 367 – C

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Second Chance Prompts #502 & #507

Brrrr... Anyone want some snow? I have plenty of it that I can give! First snowstorm of the year dropped at least 10 inches on us. Who else has gotten the white fluffy stuff? Anyway, now that the talk of weather is out of the way, it's time for the weekly prompts. Once again, we're taking a look back at two prompts which, for whatever reason, got overlooked. Don't forget to share your prompt responses in the threads. To make it easier, I've linked to both of the threads.   Prompt 502 – Word Li

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompts #502 & #503

So this week, I had to set up the prompts from comicfan a little early, because I'll be out of town. (Ha! I'm not even here and yet I'm still doing the prompts, go me!). I'll be featuring the responses to Prompt #500 today, but if you did the prompt and it's not posted here, it's nothing against you, it's just that it wasn't up before I set up the blog post. Feel free to share them in the comments if you'd like. Don't forget, that if you post your prompt responses in GA stories, anything under 1

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompts #540 & #541

And it's Friday, which not only means the end of most work weeks, but it also means it's time for a couple of new prompts! Did anyone brave the stores this morning? I didn't this year, partly because the hubby is working, but we didn't really need anything this year. Now, lets take a look at what we have in store for your prompts for this week.     Prompt 540 – Creative Tag – The Lottery Your job does everything by lottery, saying it is more fair. They pull a ball with a name on it for wor

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompts #522 & #523

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing! Prompt 522 – Creative Tag – First Line “Please, I have to see him.” Prompt 523 – Challenge Tag – Weather Weather can be an important part of a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompts #514 & #515

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing! Prompt 514 – Creative Tag – First Line “Where on earth did you find that?” Prompt 515 – Creative Tag – Fairy Tale This morning you woke up and

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompts #416 & #417

There are many reasons that people might look forward to Friday, but here at the GA News Blog, we look forward to Friday because it means one thing.... New Prompts!!! Sometimes we get stuck and need a little push to help us get writing again, that's what the prompts are all about, to help get the juices flowing. As always, Comicfan has provided two new prompts for you to take a stab at. Hopefully one of these will inspire you to write a little something!   Prompt 416 – Creative Tag – The bombs

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompts #376 & #377

Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. Don't forget, if under 1,000 words, prompt responses that are posted in GA Stories must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 376 – Creative Tag – First Line “But I never said that!”   Prompt 377 – Creative Ta

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

All I ever wanted....July days

Vacation!! Nothing stimulates the recreative juices like a getaway.  Here we are in the middle of July with a lake beckoning, the hammock swaying gently between two trees, and a grill smoking away with barbequed delights searing and sizzling.  A cold, condensed mist trickles down the side of a glass of lemonade, or an adult beverage, and a dog-eared open book splays on your lap as the birds chirp and the squirrels wrestle.  Maybe it’s time to relax and try a new prompt!  Pull out the c

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Prompt 752 and Prompt 753

We are almost to the weekend and for some people, that means Easter, Spring recess, and a break from normal routines. It means a bit of free time to perhaps write. That might be for the upcoming anthology or just maybe a new prompt story. Considering it is Friday, I have new prompts to tease you and tempt you into writing. Prompt 752 – Creative Tag – First Line Wherever he stepped the sandy beach burned and left glass imprints of his footsteps like a bizarre pathway out of hel


comicfan in Prompts

Writing Prompts #506 & #507

And it's the end of the week again. Sorry about being so late in posting the writing prompts for this week, I haven't been home all day. Since it's already late, let's not delay any further and get right into the prompts!   Prompt 506 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story : a dirty plate, a nurse, a green hat, a puddle, and a squirrel.   Prompt 507 – Creative Tag – The Choice Your life has been easy, but now you have to make a choice that will determine your whole

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Staff Prompts #1 & #2

Well, it is Halloween and I think we need to say the last rites for Guest Prompts 😢  But as one ideas dies, another springs forth, it is the circle of life  Today, is the first day of the Staff Prompts!!!! If you are a staff member and have any prompt ideas, sent them to @Renee Stevens and @wildone    Actually, if you want to suggest a guest prompt, you can submit too. We haven't shoveled in the dirt yet on the Guest prompts, yet   So with a bit of a Halloween theme, h


wildone in Prompts

Writing Prompts #670 & #671

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.     Prompt 670 – Creative Tag – First Line “After this, I never want to see you again.”   Prompt 671 - Challenge Tag – Historical Fiction Authors like to write

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompts #346 & #347

Who's ready for the weekend to get here? To help you start it out on the right foot, we're bringing you two new prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan. If you're interested in checking out some of the older prompts that Comicfan has supplied, you can check them out and share your responses in the Prompt Forum! Hopefully one of this weeks prompts will inspire you!   Prompt 346 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in story – the beach, a blanket, a deer, a torn pair of shorts, and an

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Prompt May 13th

Do you want to write a story, maybe for the upcoming anthology,  but nothing inspires an idea? How about this? PT# 47 For weeks, someone has this uneasy feeling they forgot something important: a birthday, an anniversary, an invitation. Then a long-forgotten childhood friend calls them. “I just wanted to remind you about—” About what? I’m curious to read your story. Or, you send someone on a scavenger hunt. PT# 48 The protagonist steps out their door and finds


Aditus in Prompts

Writing Prompts #528 & #529

Happy Friday, Y'all!!!!! Hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend, I know I am! To help start your weekend off right, it's time for some new prompts. Hopefully one of these great prompts will inspire you, and don't forget to share your responses (at least a link) so that they can possibly be featured next week. Also, as always, remember that prompt responses under 1K have to be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 528 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – a z

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompts #600 & #601

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.     Prompt 600 – Creative Tag – List of words Use the following words in a story – a bloody hand print, a bullet casing, a pink hair ribbon, a pizza, and a diamond cufflink.   Prompt 601 -Creative Tag

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Prompt 758 and 759

Welcome back. I can't believe we have reached another Friday. While racing to finish your anthology story you might find time for one of these prompts. Prompt 758 – Creative Tag – The Garden The new house next door always seems empty but an incredible garden seems to be growing in the backyard. One day your curiosity gets the better of you, you open the side gate, pass through the mushroom circle, and begin to follow some stepping stones that lead to a path. As you walk through th


comicfan in Prompts

Writing Prompts #462 & #463

Well, it's Friday again and since Comicfan is without a computer right now, and I'm out of prompts, I guess I'm just going to have to wing it. Since Thanksgiving is next week, I decided to do one prompt using it and one not (sorta). Hopefully you enjoy these prompts and if you do, don't forget to share it in the prompt forum.   Prompt #462 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in your prompt: Thanksgiving, turkey, dog, cornucopia, pilgrim   Prompt #463 - Creative Tag - Noisy

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Desert Prompts

I've just returned from spending a little over a week in the sunny southwestern US visiting my good friend and fellow prompt team member @Cole Matthews and his husband.  We had a great time going for walks in the desert, shopping at antique malls (the inspiration for Prompt #121), going to a concert, and of course, writing prompt responses!  Every time we get together, we always spend part of that time choosing prompts and then writing about them.  I've selected my favorite two out of the six we


Valkyrie in Prompts

Prompt 832 and Prompt 833

Well we have reached the major holidays of spring in quarantine. However, at least we are still here for Passover and Easter, I have new prompts to get you in the spirit. Prompt 832 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a dinner invitation, an egg, a bitter herb, a new shirt, and a bowl of soup. Prompt 833 - Creative Tag - The Egg Hunt When your mother asked for help at the local egg hunt you figured it would be helping to hide the eggs


comicfan in Prompts

Writing Prompts #610 & #611

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.     Prompt 610 – Creative Tag – Broken Confidences For years, you’ve been the one to keep everyone’s secrets and confidences. Now, the one man you’ve always desired comes to you admitting he has been cheated

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompts #548 & #549

Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had a great week and is ready for the weekend. To help start your weekend off on the right foot, we have a couple of new prompts for you. Don't forget that prompt responses under 1,000 words can be posted in GA Stories as long as they are part of a collection. And also, remember to share your prompt responses in the appropriate forum thread so that we can possibly share them next week!     Prompt 548 – Word List Tag – List of Words Use the following words

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

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