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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

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April Fools - 4/1/22

April Fools’ Day was always an exciting day in my house when I was a kid.  It was a good idea to check out everything before ingesting food, walking through doorways, or opening drawers.  I got my mom good one year by putting orange juice in the milk carton.  She never drank from the carton, so I figured my prank wouldn’t work, but wouldn’t you know she actually drank right from the carton that day and got a mouth full of juice instead of milk (she hates juice)!  What are some pranks you’ve pull


Valkyrie in Prompts

April 22nd - Introduction Line

Sometimes the story is outlined on paper or in our head, but how to begin? The first sentence should engage the reader without revealing too much or boring them to death. This time we’ll do it the other way around. PT #41a Pick an introductory sentence from a favorite book on your shelf at home or a story on GA and use it to start a short story or vignette. And because it’s still April: PT#41b Choose the first line of any poem and continue to write a poem of yo


Aditus in Prompts

All I ever wanted....July days

Vacation!! Nothing stimulates the recreative juices like a getaway.  Here we are in the middle of July with a lake beckoning, the hammock swaying gently between two trees, and a grill smoking away with barbequed delights searing and sizzling.  A cold, condensed mist trickles down the side of a glass of lemonade, or an adult beverage, and a dog-eared open book splays on your lap as the birds chirp and the squirrels wrestle.  Maybe it’s time to relax and try a new prompt!  Pull out the c

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

All About Bacon

Today's prompts are brought to you courtesy of my dinner on the day I wrote this blog. 🍳 🥓 This is a tribute to the porky, fatty goodness we all love (well, most of us, @Slytherin  ). Bacon makes everything better, right?   PT Prompt #63a: Describe bacon to someone who has never eaten it.   #63b: For the site poets - Write an Ode to Bacon.    PT Prompt #64:  You are a strict vegetarian and your non-vegetarian boyfriend has just moved in.  To your dismay,


Valkyrie in Prompts

A Typical Monday

What’s a typical Monday for you? For example, heart attacks occur most often on Mondays. PT #161, Write about being late for work on a Monday. Describe what else happens. The bus is late, you forgot important papers at home, or the elevator doesn’t work and your office is on the fifth floor. Play around with minor catastrophes. PT #162 Write about a normal, mundane Monday with a twist. Maybe let your protagonist meet a special person.   Please include the prom


Aditus in Prompts

A Picnic of Prompts

The lazy days of summer are nearing their end.  With it go the sunny mornings at the beach,  a hamper filled with cold, refreshing food and drink.  Slipping away are the baskets with containers of fried chicken, potato salad, and a bottle of chilled sauvignon blanc.  Before you know it, the hot dogs and ice cream from the back of a food truck are driving down the dusty road away from you.   In the meantime, let's practice writing about some food and crafting scenes around the sight, smell,

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

A Midsummer Night's Prompt

Maybe summer has just begun, according to the summer solstice.  But, we get to treat the month of July as the middle point of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.  Midsummer is a fantastic time of picnics, parades, hanging out at the lake or the ocean or the pool, and letting the sun and fun wash over you.  Let's play with our characters at a bright and cheery midsummer setting or even in a dark and spooky midsummer's night.     #61 - You're at a cookout and there is an attractive young

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

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