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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

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Prompt 798 and Prompt 799

The year just keeps flying. I'm already looking ahead to Thanksgiving, mainly because I work in retail. So the prompts reflect that. Prompt 798 - Creative Tag - First Line "So are we inviting friends or making it a family holiday?" Prompt 799 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a fat turkey, a long table, a parade, a winter coat, and an apple pie. So while no one did last week's prompts we did have someone do prompt 786. Take a l


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 796 and Prompt 797

Wow! Welcome to November. Is it me or is the year just flying by? Well, it is now Friday, November the first. That means it is time for some new prompts. Prompt 796 - Creative Tag - The Heckler You were doing your job and having a good day until he showed up. This man had a nasty comment about everything you did, the way you looked, and how you spoke. At first, you were ready to cry and just hide. However, something inside you decided it was time to give this joker his just desser


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 794 and Prompt 795

October is flying by and we are nearly at the end. So just Halloween, Samhain, and then the day of the dead or All Hallows Day left. Maybe these prompts will help with the mood and get you writing? Prompt 794 - Creative Tag -  Dia de Muertos Working late on Halloween was not what you had planned on doing, but your boss had you and your department manager, Joseph Torres, stay to finish up. Joseph wanted to get home so he could help his wife prepare for a trip to the cemetery. He ex


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 792 and Prompt 793

Well, we are half way through the month and we have made it to another Friday. Are you ready for Halloween? Are you ready for candy and scary movies? Are you set to enjoy the creepy and the outlandish? Hopefully, this week's prompts might inspire you to write. Prompt 792 - Creative Tag - First Line "Damn, I can never get blood out of a silk shirt!" Prompt 793 - Creative Tag - The Great Pumpkin You'd heard the rumor in school when you were a kid. The farm at the edge


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 790 and Prompt 791

Hello and welcome to another attempt to get you to write and share your prompt stories. Prompts are usually short tales. However, over the years a prompt has inspired an author and multi chapter stories or novels have happened. They have been used as the start of chapters and as a way to reintroduce old characters into new settings. In plain English, prompts are there to inspire you to think or write in new ways. Don't be afraid to try one. Here are two new prompts to get you writing. Promp


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 788 and Prompt 789

Fall came in like a storm, summer shorts and tee shirts temps one day and boom autumn jackets and long pants the next. Leaves changing and cooler weather to bake in is finally upon those of us in the northern hemisphere. While dreaming of new things perhaps I can tempt you to write with one of the new prompts? Prompt 788 - Creative Tag - First Line "Oh, damn, you weren't supposed to hear about that!" Prompt 789 - Creative Tag -  Lost Love When you were just starting


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 786 and Prompt 787

First off my apology. I posted the blog and then forgot to post the prompts in the forum. D'oh! I went to look for those that might have done them and felt foolish. I promise they are up now and anyone who posts them, I will include with next week's prompts. Anyway, time for some new prompts. Prompt 786 - Creative Tag - First Line You watched as the water rushed into the cave as you tugged helplessly at the shackle on your arm; realizing high tide was starting to fill the spa


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 784 & Prompt 785

Well I'm off to recover from eye surgery, but I still have prompts for all of you. Let's see if any of these tempt you into writing. Prompt 784 - Creative Tag - Neko You were busy tracking the crime ring that was trafficking in exotic animals. Finally having enough evidence, you and your team swarm in to arrest the crooks and save the animals. You never expected to find a beaten and half starved person in a cage. It isn't until you finally pull the semi-conscious person out you sp


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 782 and Prompt 783

Welcome to another Friday. Is it me or are the weeks flying by? Anyway time for some new temptations. Prompt 782 - Creative First Line I'm done forgiving you, so get out! Prompt 783 - Creative Dance You were invited to a friend's party. The last thing you expected was to be swept off your feet and be the center of attention with an incredible partner dancing all night. Who was it and what happened after your dance? So that is the prompts for the week. Reme


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 780 and Prompt 781

Another week has come and gone, yet I'm stuck here with a rainy Friday. Rainy days and Fridays usually mean I've got prompts for you. Onwards, brave souls. Prompt 780 - Creative Tag - Enemy Mine The war between worlds has left both sides devastated. Chemicals released on by the warriors from both planets have caused major changes on the people, plants, and animals. With a little less than a fifth of both populations surviving, the remaining leaders attempt to make peace. Unfortuna


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 778 and Prompt 779

Hurricanes, storms, and more! Oh my. Sending out my best wishes for everyone's safety as we head into the weekend. Being Friday that means it is time for new prompts. Hopefully, something will strike your fancy. Prompt 778 - Creative Tag - First Line Silence filled the room as he stalked his way toward me, literally tossing people out of his way as he bore down on me. Prompt 779 - Creative Tag - School When the letter arrived informing you that you were invited to t


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 776 and Prompt 777

Another week is over and it's my turn to torment, um, I mean offer you some inspiration. Yes, ladies and gentleman I have new prompts for you. Prompt 776 - Creative Tag - First Line "I need to, um, tell you something. Okay?" Prompt 777 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story  - A full moon, a cracked window, an old letter, a skateboard, and a stuffed toy. Those are my offerings to you this week. Luckily, there were some brave souls who


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 774 and Prompt 775

Wow. This week has been crazy, but we made it to another Friday. You know what that means? No, not a night out and no work tomorrow! It means I have prompts for you.   Prompt 774 - Creative Tag - Doppelganger It has been a long week and you decide to treat yourself to a nice meal. You spot this nice restaurant as you go home and decide to give it a shot. As you walk in the door the loud noise in the place becomes suddenly silent. You pause as you fear the place might be in th


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 772 and Prompt 773

We made it to another Friday. That is reason to enough to celebrate, but it also means I've come with new offerings for you. Prompt 772 - Creative Tag - First Line The rain has been falling for hours, soaking my skin, and wiping out my tracks as I do my best to leave the pain behind me while I try to escape before anyone notices I'm gone.  Prompt 773 - Creative Tag - New Day You went with your friends to see the fortune teller that they had booked as a evening's ent


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 770 and Prompt 771

Well, ladies and gents we have made it to August. The year is just flying by. Hopefully, you are finding time to write, and because it is Friday time to offer up some new prompts. Prompt 770 - Creative Tag - Fallen Everything about him is wrong. He is too much of an opposite, and you fight with him every chance you get when you do see each other. However, if you see him near anyone else you feel angry and possessive. You can't deny it anymore, you've fallen, and fallen hard for hi


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 768 and Prompt 769

Wow, another week is nearly over. Mother Nature has been baking Europe and sending storms everywhere. I have lucked out with moderate temperatures today, but I hope everyone is okay. If you have been lucky enough to be able to relax, well I have some new prompts to entice you to write. Prompt 768 - Creative Tag - The Arrow The arrow lay on a pillow under glass. You remember it always being on the mantle of your grandmother's fireplace in her den since you were a child. No one in t


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 766 and 767

It is finally Friday. So my turn to offer up a little inspiration to you.   Prompt 766 - Creative Tag - First Line The ring sparkled in the moonlight as he stared intently at it, trying to find the words he desperately wanted to speak. Prompt 767 - Creative Tag - Gifts In an age where magic is barely exists, there is a village where everyone is born with some sort of magic. However, there is small little orphaned boy with mismatched eyes who seems to have many


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 764 and Prompt 765

Hello. Sorry everyone, sort of an issue on my end but finally getting the prompts out. As the saying goes, better late than never. Hopefully, one will catch your fancy. Prompt 764 - Creative Tag - First Line The tears were still falling as he grasped the doorframe watching the dark figure disappear into the rain. Prompt 765 - Creative Tag - List of words Use the following words in a story - a boat, a statue, a flock of seagulls,  a rain coat, and a blue blanket.


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 762 and Prompt 763

Oh, after a long break... I'm back! Hopefully, everyone read and enjoyed the anthology. Time now to flex your mind, look at the prompts, and perchance write a little something. Here are this week's offerings. Prompt 762 - Creative Tag - First Line "You're early," stated Death as they set their newspaper down and turned to face me. Prompt 763 - Creative Tag - Celebration Last night you went out to celebrate with friends. You remember drinking, eating, and a set of be


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 760 and Prompt 761

Oops. Sorry was a bit off last night so Friday is starting off a bit late. However, there are new prompts for your consideration. Prompt 760 – Creative Tag – First Line “Because I said so!” Prompt 761 – Creative Tag – The Ex You’ve been busy with work and finally, have a night off. Deciding you don’t want to spend it in front of the television you go out. Barely out of your car you turn and knock someone off their feet. As you go to help them up you find y


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 758 and 759

Welcome back. I can't believe we have reached another Friday. While racing to finish your anthology story you might find time for one of these prompts. Prompt 758 – Creative Tag – The Garden The new house next door always seems empty but an incredible garden seems to be growing in the backyard. One day your curiosity gets the better of you, you open the side gate, pass through the mushroom circle, and begin to follow some stepping stones that lead to a path. As you walk through th


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 756 and Prompt 757

It's May? It's May! The lusty month of May. Ooops, my love of Camelot and all that entails is showing. However, the year is just rolling along and we have reached the first Friday of the month and I'm here to tempt all of you with new prompts. Prompt 756 – Creative Tag – Given Life Your family has always been a bit odd. You were never allowed to read fantasy, fairytales, science fiction, or comic books of any kind. You never watched movies based off books or cartoons. The shelves


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 754 and Prompt 755

Ah, another Friday has arrived! So has more rain and my grass is getting to be ridiculously high. That isn't a lawn as much as a rapidly growing jungle. Hopefully this weekend the sun comes out so I can cut it down. If not, well, I can always curl up and write something.  Speaking of writing it is time for some new prompts. Hopefully, I can tempt someone into writing something based off of this week's offers. Prompt 754 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words i


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 752 and Prompt 753

We are almost to the weekend and for some people, that means Easter, Spring recess, and a break from normal routines. It means a bit of free time to perhaps write. That might be for the upcoming anthology or just maybe a new prompt story. Considering it is Friday, I have new prompts to tease you and tempt you into writing. Prompt 752 – Creative Tag – First Line Wherever he stepped the sandy beach burned and left glass imprints of his footsteps like a bizarre pathway out of hel


comicfan in Prompts

Prompt 750 and Prompt 751

Is it me or are things off? There are major storms, both rain,  and snow, across most of North America. There are a few weird animal happenings like a shark being saved in South Africa after going after a bird. There is even my order of postcards getting lost in the mail! Oh well. We shall press forward and focus on writing. How is your writing doing? Is everything going smoothly or are you uninspired? Might I offer some new prompts to you? I might have something to tempt you into writing a


comicfan in Prompts

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