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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Item Prompts

Last week, I looked in the basement for a pot for my new palm tree. You wouldn't believe how much crap I found there. Time for the next yard sale, but I digress.   PT#205 Tell the story of the forgotten rocking chair pushed into the corner of a basement and covered in dusty cobwebs.   PT#206 Three friends clear out the basement of an old house. One opens a rotting kitchen cabinet and finds a moldy box with a set of gleaming, pristine chef knives.  When he picks up t


Aditus in Prompts

Author Guess Who #20 - Reveal!

Holy smokes! I mean literally. Okay, not really, but use your imaginations for a moment. A dark theater stage. The crimson curtains slowly open to fog creeping out into the audience. A lone spotlight shines upon a mysterious silhouette. Who could it be? What is their purpose? Will they entertain or shock us?  For those who fell asleep, it's the fourth Thursday of the month, which means it's time for the Author Guess Who reveal! If you missed out on the interview, you can read it right... 

Mystery Deep Dive 2

Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Caper Light-hearted mystery that is easy to read, witty and not too intense.  Can also be more comic in nature.  Examples: Clue, Scooby Doo, Hardy Boys, or Janet Evanovitch books A Ticklish Thriller (Revised) by Ticklishboy30 Complete Top 6 Most Read Mystery - Cozy Mystery also referred to as "cozies", are a sub-genre of crime fiction in which sex and violence occur off stage, the detective is an amateur sleuth, and the crime and detecti


Myr in Genre Deep Dives

February Signature Feature: N'than by Mikesboy

February is the month of love, which is supposed to conquer all. But what about when your life seems to be one bad experience after another? Trust doesn't come easily when it seems like everyone has ulterior motives... Will N'than ever find that person who doesn't see him as someone to be used? Length: 14,532 Description: N'than is the last of his kind. He's lived for others, now the wants to find out who he is. Who can he trust? A reader said: Now I loved that story! Very w


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb.11 - Feb. 17)

Wow, that week went by in a whirl  Not that I was swept off my feet by Prince Charming, but just overall it was a quick week. I could of sworn a day or two ago that I was doing last weeks wrap up. Instead of me babbling on, I want to call to attention our Annual Anthology Topic Poll. This is a great concept that I think is turning out not only some great topics, but great engagement across the site! When you see a lot of votes you think oh well, what will mine count? In this case your


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb.11 - Feb. 17)

Wow, that week went by in a whirl  Not that I was swept off my feet by Prince Charming, but just overall it was a quick week. I could of sworn a day or two ago that I was doing last weeks wrap up. Instead of me babbling on, I want to call to attention our Annual Anthology Topic Poll. This is a great concept that I think is turning out not only some great topics, but great engagement across the site! When you see a lot of votes you think oh well, what will mine count? In this case your


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Callbacks As I might have mentioned in previous writing articles...I really am a fan of having my stories come full circle at some point in time. Usually, this takes place in the beginning of the story, and then at the very end. But not always. Sometimes you can create an entirely different flavor for some of your previous scenes and interactions, and even redefine the meaning that other characters and hardships that you focused somewhere (anywhere, really) within your fiction. And an effect


Comicality in Writing Tips

Fantasy Island

Ahhh!  The lovely idea of an island filled with magic, mystery, and love.  In the depths of winter, let's take a journey to a place with tropical drinks, grass huts, and warm breezes.   #203 - Use the following words in a story.  Daiquiri, husk, oar, coati, sanguine, furtive, umbrella, and turkey. #204 - You get up early in the morning.  The sun is just starting to ease upwards with brilliant rays bathing the palm trees and bougainvillea's growing against the seawall.  As you make your

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

It's Time to Vote!

I'd like to extend a huge thank you to the Anthology theme selection committee for submitting some pretty awesome themes to vote on!  It was not easy narrowing down the entries.  In fact, we ended up with a top six instead of a top five!  We are trying something a little different this year to select our top theme.  Please click on the link below to rank your top three choices.  The theme that has the most votes for first will be our 2024 anthology theme!   https://gayauthors.org/surv


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Literary Fiction Deep Dive 2

Top 10 Most Read Literary Fiction - Contemporary Literary Exploration of the human condition in modern times.  Brian: Taking Courage by Robert Hugill Temporary Hold No going back by Robert Hugill In Process What Happened To The Baxter Boys by Mancunian Complete Thicker Than Water by John Henry In Process Stronger Than Lions by Sean J Halford Temporary Hold As They Say - (Revised) by D.K. Daniels In Process The Easiest Thing in the World


Myr in Genre Deep Dives

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