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  • Cole Matthews

    In Flagrante Delicato

    By Cole Matthews

    Getting "caught in the act" is the most common translation of this Latin phrase.  It involves a person being very naughty and someone 'walking in on them.'  I'm proposing these prompts because sometimes our characters can get just too nice.  Our protagonist can be too "pro" and our antagonist too "mean".  Sometimes having our main character suffer a character flaw, or two, can lend more authenticity to a story.  Let's stretch our wings and try something a bit nasty.   #223 - You are in

October Signature Feature: Finding Alex by Krista

October is all about fun and games, sometimes with a bit of a twist... How does that come into play with this story? Read on and find out!  Length: 17,423 Description: Daniel is single and in the closet. Then at his sister's wedding, he meets Alex, the bestman of his new brother-in-law. A reader said: Krista! Why? I bloody loved the build up. I wished we could have had more time with the couple  Great story though  ~ Bachgen Cymraeg   If you want to spread the wor


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 8 - Oct. 14)

We are now into our first week of the Leap of Faith Anthology. Curious if you have read 1, 2 or more stories already? Do you have a favourite? Did once touch you in a different way (get you minds out of the gutter)? Did any surprise you? Just in case you didn't know or missed an odd mention  of the anthology , it stared posting this past Thursday with a BANG! and the first set of stories will now have the limelight for 4 more days. Then this upcoming Thursday, another set will be revealed  


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

2023 Anthology: Leap of Faith *Now Live*

For this year's anthology, I challenged authors to match the turnout we had for last year's anthology, and while we didn't quite get there, I am thrilled to announce we still had a super turnout! So stay tuned over the next three weeks for some stellar writing, and be sure to leave a reaction, comment, and/or review to show anthology participants your appreciation.  Check out the links below for our first round of Leap of Faith!     


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Mystery Genre In Depth

Mystery sub-genres of mystery focus on investigating events.  Depending on the sub-genre, this can be solving a crime or murder, finding missing persons, finding missing stuff, or solving a grand historical conspiracy.   Sub-genres: Caper, Cozy Mystery, Detective, Historical Mystery, Light Mystery, Noir/Hard-Boiled, Police Procedural   Top 10 Most Read  - Light Mystery Circumnavigation by C James Box Shaped Heart by Laura S. Fox T


Myr in Reading Reports

Featured Story: Baring My Soul by Kbois

Well, in case you were wondering what to read among other things this month, make sure you check out this review done up by @chris191070. Check it out!!   Baring My Soul by Kbois Reviewer: chris191070 Status: Complete Word Count: 14,893 Well where does one start a review on a story that is so well written, that deals with topics of an upsetting nature. This is a story that will take many readers out of there comfort zone as it deals with abuse, suicide and mental ill


wildone in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 1 - Oct. 7)

Happy real Thanksgiving  At least to my Canadian friends.  You know what that means here, another day off for a long weekend or if you work on Monday, probably will be time and a half  Makes me thankful I live in Canada   This long weekend I find myself dog sitting at the dog's house. Not as in the dog house  but at the house the dog's live with their human friends. They wanted to put them in a kennel as they headed out of town for a celebration of life, but shall we say the doggies ar


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Story Parallels

Story Parallels If ‘this’…then ‘that’. When I’m writing or even creating a new idea for a new story in my head...that’s always a part of the process. Always. Not only from beginning to end, but involving the characters that exist within the plot and the world that I ultimately built, just for them. There is just something that gives the story a very personal level of depth for me, and it’s become a permanent style when it comes to my writing in general. Everything has a cause and an eff

Horrible Prompts

Let’s squeeze some prompts in before the anthology takes over the blog. It’s the time for creaking doors, flickering lights, and whispered words in the dark. Don’t forget everything orange. PT #171 How about we play with tropes: wide open mawing jaws, saliva drips, and then set a sweet counterpoint? PT #172 Write about a most unlikely person who hates orange and everything it implies.   Please include the prompt number either in your story/chapter description


Aditus in Prompts

Ask An Author 3.0 #33

October is one of my favorite months, right behind November. While the temperatures are still high, I feel autumn coming. That crisp and chilly breeze, the layered fashion trends, and countless s'mores over a campfire... I can't wait! Then there's Halloween, which I thoroughly enjoy. It's the one day a year where I can blatantly ignore my job's dress code. The apron, appropriately dubbed "my little red dress" remains at home while I don some sort of wig or silly outfit. What will I be this year?


astone2292 in Author Interviews

General Fiction Genre In Depth

General fiction are fiction stories that don't clearly fall into other more strongly defined genre fiction. This category also features two common Gay Story mainstays, "Coming of Age" and "Rich Boy".  With Rich Boy being extremely common escapism fiction from the dawn of the internet where the usually teenage character had enough wealth not to deal with the downsides of being Gay.  (Far more extreme in the 1980s and 1990s) Sub-genres: Coming of Age, Drama, Experimental, Prompt, Rich Boy


Myr in Reading Reports

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