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The only Song in Paradise is River.

OK, it's been almost a year since my last entry. I'm bad! whistle.gif


And to be honest, I would manage to go longer without a post but 1) I'm bored and procrastinating, and 2) I need to vent. And I guess it's safe to do that here.


As many of you might have read, I'm moving to London soon. Well... end May at latest. We've done the plus points (Thanks Bob! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif ) and I persuaded my bf that it's best for us to move to London. cool.png I'm really looking forward to all that but I have to admit I'm scared.


I tend to underestimate myself... which makes it quite difficult to promote yourself on a CV when you're looking for a job. More so if you're a foreigner "from the East", self-conscious of your accent, vocabulary and lately as I've found out even grammar. dry.png I've studied or used English for over 18 years now, have an Advanced certificate from Cambridge yet I make basic mistakes when I speak without any preparation and my active vocabulary is much smaller than the passive one. How will I look at a hypothetical interview? I don't want to wait tables or do jobs "East Europeans" usually do when they are in the "West". I have two or three university degrees and two years of work experience after all. (I've been mostly free-lancing the years before.) Yet it might be not enough. Hell I'm not sure I would find a good job here now. So how can I be success in London?


I know I have some time still. And I know I can work on my English and not procrastinate writing non-sense blogs. tongue.png But when I'm scared I won't be success, I tend to shuffle around, assessing the risks, thinking of how to do this to be perfect (yeah, I'm a perfectionist sad.png ) and I stall. I stall and think of what could turn bad, which usually means I discourage myself from doing it. But moving to London is not a thing I can run away from.


My boyfriend has been a massive help. He revamped my CV, he's basically the one who is looking for job opportunities for me and I love him terribly for what he does. wub.png It's just I'm scared people in UK won't understand me, or I won't understand them; that I won't be able to find a decent job which will complicate our settling down; that if I find a job I wouldn't be able to adapt to the work pace in London or they I will fail miserably,... I guess I could go on. But I'm also super-excited about moving in with the love of my life, sharing finally our lives together, discovering a new place, country, culture, and way of life... smile.png I'm leaving my country, my home, everything I knew and learnt in past 28 years, and I'm exchanging it for something new, exciting and challenging.


And now I feel like some attention seeker. tongue.png


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Take a deep breath, hold it a second. Now breathe out slowly. Stand up straight. Smile. <nods head> You'll be fine.

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If you are an attention seeker, you came to the right place, Pavel. tongue.png


First, congratulations on your decision. I know you and Westie will be happy and will be OK financially.


As for your English, I think it is excellent. Most native English speakers don't write as well as you. I realize that spoken English is different. There's nothing like immersing yourself in the culture, speaking and hearing the language every day to improve your skills. I think you will lose much of the Czech accent with practice and will soon have no problem being understood. My experience with the British is that they have numerous native accents and some of them are difficult to understand. I would think employers are accustomed to that and to making accomodations for accents.


The most important thing you can do in preparing for the job hunt is to change your attitude about yourself. Don't underestimate yourself. Concentrate on your strengths. You will bring a fresh outlook to the workplace, something good employers will recognize as an asset to their company. Don't dwell on being a foreigner; you are a European, just like the person on the other side of the desk. One thing to do in identifying potential employers is to see if there are any with business interests in other European countries. Do you speak more than two languages? I know you want to live in London and would obviously prefer not being away very often, but there may be a real gem of an opportunity available.


Perfectionism can be a problem. I know from my own early work experience it can be a real stumbling block, taking valuable time away from more productive work. We sometimes strive for perfection because we are afraid of being wrong. Mistakes are the greatest teachers; don't be afraid of them.


I don't know what your profession is, so I can't give any advice beyond the rather general comments above. I do wish you all the best in your job search.

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Johnathan Colourfield


:) well when i briefly spoke to you in London you seemed like you had a strong control of your language. I think its experience with just english speakers that will help you paya :)


Glad you guys managed to make the decision, good luck and i'm thinking of you :D

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I don't know whether to hug you or slap you. I guess the hug wins... just. You speak English a lot better than many of the native speakers I know. Well... okay, we're Welsh but most as first language English. You're charming, intelligent, knowledgeable, forthright, confident, as well as totally adorable.. Okay, maybe the last one won't help with job hunting... buy who known, maybe it will :)


You'll be absolutely fine. I really really can't see you waiting tables hun :)

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So happy for you and Westie - and like the others said, you'll be fine.

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old bob


Glad to hear that my 'scoring method' brought you both to the right decision. Everybody approve your choice ! So do I .

Good luck in GB.

And dont forget to blog about your experiences in this funny British world. We are all very interested, especially those who experienced themselves the differences between England and the continent.


You know the joke : One night, a tempest cut all the communications between the English coast and the other side of the Manche.

English newapapers wrote : "this night, the Continent was isolated"....

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Thanks guys! :) Your kind words mean A LOT! :)

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