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Writing Prompts #188 & #189



So Friday means another prompt day. And - um, if you were here last week, prompt day can get to be a little ... wild. I do have to thank joann414, Mark92 and K.C. for giving me a serious set of belly laughs.


In addition to the above named trio, we have to always give thanks to our Prompt-guru Comicfan for two new fantastic prompts. I hope you try one (or both) but please share it with the community in our Writing Prompts Forum (though, you can also put it in the comments - but so that future readers, the Writing Prompts forum is a better place).




Prompt 188 – Creative
Tag – The Job from Hell
You joked when you everything seemed to go wrong that you would take a job from the devil himself if it meant you could turn your life around and get out from under. A week later you got a job offer from Infernal Industries to work for one Lou F. Angel as a manager. Once you see what the pay and benefits are you quickly accept the offer. What happens when you realize you are working for the Devil? (Your new boss’s full name is Lucifer Fallen Angel)


Prompt 189 – Creative
Tag – Ghost
You moved into your new place a few weeks ago. Once you thought you had the whole place the way you wanted it you noticed something was off. Things kept being moved around, furniture rearranged, and even pictures moved to different rooms. At first you were willing to think maybe you were just that forgetful but as you describe your new place to someone who has lived in this town their whole life you get a different story. Your new home is the site of a famous murder and it is suspected to be haunted. Who is your ghost?


One recent prompt, #181 gave an intriguing scenario:
After years of trying you get a letter from one of the many publishers that they love your book. It goes on to say they want the options to publish it and possibly even make it into a movie. As you read through the contract and the description of the book you realize that the book they have is not one of the ones you expected it to be. Instead of one your manuscripts, they have somehow been sent your journal. Will you allow it to be published and expose your every secret or turn the whole thing down?


K.C. (of the now infamous trio), chose to answer the prompt and I totally enjoyed it:

“They want it,” I shouted jumping up and down. “They really want it!”


Robert rushed into the room after hearing the commotion. My feet stomped the floor, my heart pounded, I hooped and hollered at the top of my lungs, shaking the floorboards and rattling the windowpanes. “Oh my god, they freaking loved it!”


“Which one did you send them?” Robert asked catching me in mid-air, twirling me around until we were both dizzy and collapsed on the floor.


“I don’t know. I don’t even recognize the name of this publisher, Myraville Romance. It doesn’t sound familiar.” Quickly scanning the official letter, I noticed that it was dated three days ago. The blue and white border with embossed print across the letterhead looked expensive. It said my name, my address, everything appeared to be in order but the line that should have held the name of my manuscript just said ‘Journal’.


Robert read the letter over my shoulder. “Do you think it’s a typo? I bet it’s that story you wrote, “The Journey of Gilbert Todd.” Maybe they shortened the title into “Journey” and the name was an honest mistake.”


If you liked this start, here is the rest of his response. Enjoy!

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Glad you enjoyed them, I'm sure I can say from all of us how much fun they were to do.


I'd like to know if anyone would like to join in or be a part of one? It's all meant in fun, no offence to anyone is meant. So give us your prompts too :)

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It really wasn't a trio Trebs. I mean you had KC, Mark, Jo Ann, and Cassie. *sigh* My poor prompts will never be the same. :lol: Who knew such innocent little things could be so corrupted. :)

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