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Ga's Csr Book Club



Book clubs have had a long and storied history - providing both social interaction for the members as well as providing a forum for discussion of books/stories that might otherwise have not received as much attention.


Cia recently came up with the idea for a GA Book Club and the rest of us here at the GayAuthors.org News Blog thought it was a fantastic idea. Here's an initial idea of how this would work, as well as the focus for our first month's choice - Nephylim's Memories of Forgotten Love. So with that - here's Cia and the launch of GA's CSR Book Club!


GA's CSR Book Club




We have a fun new idea for the New Year for the Gay Authors News Blog! It's a new system for the wonderful story features that I have dubbed CSR ... Can't Stop Reading. That's right! We're going to have a book club.


The first Monday of the month we will announce the chosen selection of a completed story here on GA, typically between the 20-90k range. You then have until the last Monday of the month to read the story. The last week we will host a discussion of the story in the weekly blog. We might offer up some questions for readers, or a lengthy review by a participant ... something to get the ball rolling on the discussion. Of course, if you don't finish in time to take part, and you want to avoid spoilers, you can always leave the author your thoughts in a review in GA Stories.


"Wait!" you say. "What about the regular review set up?"
Don't worry, other than the first and last Mondays, we will still be sharing regular in-depth reviews provided by the lovely readers here on GA (nudge nudge, we can always use more of these!).


"How are the stories chosen?" you ask. "Don't we get a say?"
Well, this time I chose the story, one of my favorites by Nephylim. I know, I know, autocratic of me, but it's really a great story that I think many readers will enjoy! Starting next month, you will get to help pick the story. We'll have a system set up on the discussion day so that members can let us know what they'd like to read next.


So that's it ... not a big change, but one that I hope will help readers connect with each other and authors they know and love, or might not know at all! You can find the information on this month's selection below along with a link to the story that will also be pinned this week, as well as the discussion week. There will be a reminder link each weekend in the Weekly Wrap Up too! I really hope members will join in and enjoy this new program designed to enrich the GA community.








Memories of Forgotten Love
by Nephylim


Length: 48,733
Rating: Teen


Description: Noah wakes from a coma to find that he has no memory, none at all. As he slowly comes back to life, learning to walk and talk, being introduced to family and friend who are all strangers to him, he begins to realize that something is wrong with the picture he is being presented with, very wrong.


Some thoughts from a reader: "This is a fascinating story that explores the true meaning of strength, and the reality of weakness of character in supposedly strong individuals who hide behind a show of strength to cover up their own weakness." - Stephen


Discussion Date: 1/28/13

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Great way to learn about good stories and to find other readers with the same interests.

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Discussion Date: 1/28/12

Boy, I gotta tell you...that's one sure-fire way to kick off a new book club - setting the discussion date to nearly a year ago. :P


Old years die hard? :gikkle:

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  • Site Administrator
Boy, I gotta tell you...that's one sure-fire way to kick off a new book club - setting the discussion date to nearly a year ago. :P


Old years die hard? :gikkle:

Thanks MJ :P I do so hate this month of the year; so hard to remember!


I hope everyone enjoys this. It's not something that takes a lot of effort on anyone's part, but could be great fun. I hope that it works out and we can continue the CSR Book Club! If it really takes off beyond the blog interactions, who knows?

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Oooooooooft, okies read the story, and can't wait for the 28th!!!!!!!!!


Jeeeeeesh Cia, you had to choose such a whopper for the first book???


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Sorry, I can read that in about 1-2 hours. I didn't mean to pick one that's hard for people to read. It's only about 50k and you have roughly 20 days. Just read 2.5k a day and you'll finish with time to spare! (Bet you can't just read 2.5k a day though, not with this story!)

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Sorry, I can read that in about 1-2 hours. I didn't mean to pick one that's hard for people to read.


No No! Not the length being a whopper, I meant the emotional impact of the story. I was bowled over at the depth and raw emotion I got out of it, and can't wait to see what other people thought. :P

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  • Site Administrator

That's just what you get with a Nephy story! She's been one of my fav authors since I joined the site.

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