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Writing Prompts #228 & #229



Well it is Friday again and I thought I would slip in for a change and actually introduce the prompts myself. I guess after a hundred plus attempts to catch an author's attention this might help.


You know, like anyone else I enjoy reading what others have done with the prompts. For our experts this is a just a chance to flex those writing muscles, and for the newbie it is simply a chance to get some feedback on something you wrote. These can be flash fiction pieces, poetry, or whatever you decide to do with the topic.


Okay, enough of me begging and pleading for you to write. Time to show you what I have up my sleeve for you this week.


Prompt 228 – Creative
Tag – The Gamble
You have won a trip to Las Vegas. Everything is going well, until your partner loses everything you both own on the poker table. You have one chance to win it all back, but if you lose you could very well lose your soul. Are you up for the gamble?


Prompt 229 – Creative
Tag – The Star
You entered into a contest and have won the chance to spend the day with your favorite star. Who is it and what do you do?


Do either of them appeal to you? Last week I didn't seem to have any takers for the topics. However we did have someone who went way back to find a topic they liked. Renee Stevens, usually a little busy with the blog, found time to dig out prompt 75. The original prompt asks you to use the first line "Please," he begged. "Can I have this one?" Wanna see what she did with it? Of course you do!

"Please," he begged. "Can I have this one?"


I inwardly cursed as I looked at the squirming puppy my six year old son held carefully in his mittened hands. I wanted so bad to tell him no, we weren’t getting a dog, but I knew it would break his heart. I wouldn’t even be in this position if it hadn’t been for my damn ex promising him a puppy. Only Dave had neglected to mention that he wouldn’t be around to help care for the little critter.


As it was, I had managed to put this exact scenario off for nearly two months, but then my luck had run out. Of all days I had to pick today to go grocery shopping , but hell, how was I supposed to know that someone would have a litter of pups they needed to get rid of and had chosen the grocery store parking lot as their pet store?


“I don’t know, Jake. A puppy is a lot of responsibility.” I knew I was going to lose this battle, especially when Jake looked up with those bright blue eyes.


“I’ll take care of him Daddy. I will. I promise.” He cuddled the puppy closer to his chest and smiled up at me. “I’ll feed him, and play with him, and he can sleep on my bed.”


I knew I’d lost. I might not have been the one who made the promise, but it looked like I was the one who was going to have to keep it. I really wasn’t looking forward to housebreaking a puppy in the middle of winter.


“Are you sure that’s the one you want?” I knew it was a long shot, but I could hope he would say no. “You can’t change your mind when you get home with him.”


“I’m sure!” He squeezed the squirming armful of brown fluff tighter. The sound of whimpering made me reach over and rescue the puppy from my over-enthusiastic son. I lifted the pup in the air and once again cursed inwardly when I saw it was a male. Not only would I have to worry about housebreaking, but I also had him marking his territory to look forward to. I looked into his face and sighed. He was cute; I had to admit that. I cuddled him close to my chest and crouched down so I was eye level with my son.


“If these nice people will agree to hold him for us while we go get a few groceries then you can get him.” We wouldn’t be able to do our full grocery shop, but we could at least get a few of the necessities that we needed.


I watched Jake turn to face the lady sitting in a lawn chair and bit back the smirk as she crumbled in the face of his pleading blue eyes. She smiled and nodded and without saying anything my son ran up to her and hugged her. I knew that was something I was going to have to really watch with him; he was a very sociable little boy and had no hesitation when it came to strangers.


I walked a fine line between making him afraid of everyone and keeping him wary. I didn’t know what I’d do if anything ever happened to him. He was my life and I would do everything in my power to keep him safe. Maybe if I was lucky the puppy would grow up and be not only a friend, but a protector and an ally in keeping Jake safe. I set the bundle of fur down among his litter mates and stood to take my son’s hand in mine and lead him into the store.


“Maybe I should stay with the puppy, Daddy.” He stopped and looked longingly at the doors leading outside.


“We’ll hurry, I promise.”


His little mouth turned down in a frown but he reached out and grasped the cart like he was supposed to and after one last look at the doors he started moving.

Do you want to know what happened next? Then go read the full story here : https://www.gayauthors.org/story/renee-stevens/lineofsight/1


Here is hoping one of these prompts inspire you to write something. Thanks for reading.

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Recommended Comments

Great response, Renee. We can all identify with the pleading child/puppy scenario.


I wish an idea had come to me last week. I love the prompts and do them whenever the idea flashes in my head. I think they are a great exercise that all of us can benefit from. Kinda liking the "Gamble" option this week. Let's see...

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Renee's story is great.  The chapters are not long, but just enough to jump in and read and enjoy!  Me too Mann.  My mind seems to be blank a lot lately:(

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Thank you for picking this one Wayne :hug:



Great response, Renee. We can all identify with the pleading child/puppy scenario.


I wish an idea had come to me last week. I love the prompts and do them whenever the idea flashes in my head. I think they are a great exercise that all of us can benefit from. Kinda liking the "Gamble" option this week. Let's see...


Thank you Mann! I've had a lot of fun trying to write this prompt response story and there is so much more to come!  I just have to find the right first line prompts!



Renee's story is great.  The chapters are not long, but just enough to jump in and read and enjoy!  Me too Mann.  My mind seems to be blank a lot lately:(


Thank you Joann!  Glad that you are enjoying it.  I've been having such a hard time writing lately, that I finally decided that around 1K coming out once a week is better than nothing coming out.  Plus, being so short, these aren't as stressful to write!!!

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I've had the pleading child/puppy experience... Um - but the child was me as a 36 year old man and it was myself I was pleading with.  Somehow I won and got the pup   ;-)

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