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Writing Prompts #236 & #237



Andrea is making her way up the coast and I'm hoping everyone stays safe and dry. Seems the weather world wide is a bit off lately. Well, only so much I can do other than wishing everyone a happy Friday. I trust everyone had a good week and that you are excited to see the new prompts being offered. Don't let me keep you in suspense any longer.


Prompt 236 – Creative


Tag – First Line


“I have to have a talk with your mother.”


Prompt 237 – Creative


Tag – The Bird


A strange looking bird keeps sitting outside your bedroom window and sings loudly each morning. You finally looked it up and can’t find it anywhere online. What is the bird and what does it want with you?


So that is this week's new prompt choices. Do either of them appeal to you? If so why not try writing a story and letting us see what you come up with.


Last week we had only one reply to the prompts, but it seems an earlier one got a little more attention from our budding writer Joann414. This time she not only took aim at her regulars, but I seem to be making an unusual appearance. Never let it be said, I don't have a sense of humor. :lol:

"Somehow, I just never expected this."


Jo Ann looked at Cassie in disbelief. "How could you not have expected this? Did you forget who's hosting this party? I know you didn't expect a normal ho hum barbeque in the back yard with the smell of smoke, plenty of beer, and lounging around in lawn chairs. That's what normal folks would do."


"But cowboys running around in boots, six-guns strapped around their waist, sporting a cowboy hat and a smile... Most of them look like they have a third weapon pointing from between their legs. I certainly hope the neighbors don't call the law about the loud music" Cassie shook her head, reaching into the tub and dragging two bottles of beer out of the ice.


Taking both the beer from Cassie, Jo Ann opened them and handed one back to her. "Wonder where he got the music? Sounds like a soundtrack cd that was made in Miss. Kitty's Place on Gunsmoke. I expect dancing girls to come strolling out anytime." Jo Ann took a swig of her beer, only to spit it back out all over the front of Cassie's light blue tee. "I have got to be too damn hot from the heat! I am hallucinating!"


Cassie wiped at the beer on the front of her tee and turned to see what the hell caused the mess. "You're right girl, there's nothing normal about this barbeque, nothing at all, but the food and I'm not going to bet on that."


"Wayne! Have you lost your mind?" Jo Ann made her voice heard above the music and talking, causing the man walking toward them to turn a bright red. It wouldn't have been so noticeable if he hadn't been wearing a tight black corset that was cut low to showcase cleavage that he got from god knows where. He was red from the top of his head to the top of his corset. Right below the waist, a sheer black skirt flaired out and underneath, you could see the layers of a stiff red petticoat. Black stockings hugged the beefy legs and disappeared into high top shiny boots that snapped up to his calves. Wayne limped, trying to balance himself on the three inch heels, thanking Jo Ann when she reached out to steady him and help him lower himself down onto a lounge chair.


"How did you let KC talk you into this Wayne? I thought you had more sense than to get caught up in his craziness." Cassie couldn't believe what she was seeing. Wayne was probably the shiest of her and Jo Ann's friends.



Wanna see what else Joann had to say about me, KC, and herself? Of course you do! So go read and leave her a comment. Her prompt response can be found here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37030-prompt-233-creative/


Wanna another look at last weeks topics?








Till it is time to prompt you again - stay safe and enjoy your week everyone.

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Because Wayne, you never know if Joann is going to be nice to you or if she's going  to tie you up and wax your legs :lol:

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Actually, Wayne. There were 3 other responses to that same prompt last week. They were all very good! I need to find the time to play with some of them. I'm itching to do some myself!


Oh wait! That was the week before wasn't it? Don't listen to me. I don't know what I'm talking about. :P

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Yes Joann was the only to do last weeks responses, but this is the one from the week before where I already showed off one of the responses.

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Is there a set of guidelines about prompt responses?  Minimum word content? Do you have to be able to bring the story to some cohesive conclusion? I got a pretty good start when I started playing with one of this weeks prompts but I am getting the impression the story wants to run and I am not sure how far or how fast it wants to go, or that I have the sort of commitment to follow it! Fill the newbie in please!

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The prompts are there to help inspire an author. They can be as long or as short as the author feels they need to be. They can be flash fiction, poetry, or multi-chaptered stories. It all depends on how the prompt is taken. There aren't any strict rules for the prompts at all. Of course if the story intrigues a reader, the author should be aware they might get a message or two begging for more. (I can attest to that from personal experience.) However, ultimately the story starts and stops where the author is comfortable with it.


Comicfan (Wayne)

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Thank you.


Now for my next question ( I'm full of them)  


Where and how do I send what i wrote in response to a prompt?

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Hi Kitt -


We have a "Writing Prompts" forum, and everytime a prompt is posted, a new topic is created in that forum.  You can go in and post your prompt response as a comment on that topic. 


Many authors also create a story in GA.Stories and then post all of their prompt responses as "chapters" in that story.  To do this, go to the "Stories" tab at the top menu, then on the right side click "Submit Story" under Story Actions.  Once you have named your Story, you can then post the writing response as a chapter there.  To let people know about it, you can then post the link to your chapter as a response in the Writing Prompts forum under that prompt's topic.  One caveat - please don't create a new "Story" for each prompt response - as you do a second response, etc, put them all in the umbrella story for your writing prompt responses.


Hope this is clear, but if not, feel free to send me a message.


OH - one last thing that is great about the Writing Prompts forum.  You don't have to use just last week's prompts - you can look back over the over 200 past prompts and play with any of them!  As a reader, I sometimes just randomly look back and there are some fantastic responses we have had over the years.

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Thank you Trebs.


I don't particularly fancy myself a writer. I had just seen the prompt the other day and my imagination took off. I am not even sure i want to post the 1100 or so words I wrote except  that my daughter thought they were great and is now pushing me to post it. We shall see.

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