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Writing Prompts #298 & #299

Renee Stevens


It's Friday! You know what that means. Yup, that's right, it's time for two new prompts to make themselves known!!! Before I give you the prompts that Comicfan has so graciously provided, I'd like to remind everyone that you only have until February 2nd to get your nominations in for the 2013 Gay Author's Readers Choice Awards! This is your chance to get your favorite stories from 2013 noticed by the rest of the members of Gay Authors. To find out what stories are eligible, how to nominate a story/author, and so much more, visit the thread in The Lounge!


Now, onto the prompts!


Prompt 298 – Creative
Tag – The Carpet
When you got the letter from the lawyer asking you to come to the will reading of your Great Great Aunt Matilda, you thought the whole thing had to be a mistake. As far as you knew there was no Aunt Matilda. However, you were convinced to go. While family members you didn’t even know existed got jewels, houses, and cars, you were left an old Arabian Carpet which everyone seemed upset about. In fact, six of your new cousins offered to buy it from you sight unseen. It arrived at your home a week later and you found it really didn’t fit with anything you owned and you seriously considered donating the old thing to good will. That is when the letter arrived telling you that your carpet wasn’t just an ordinary carpet. What makes it so special?


Prompt 299 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“I’m going to give him a piece of my mind!”


After looking through the various responses to last weeks prompts, I decided to feature the response from the prompt guru himself. I hope you enjoy this short tale from Comicfan, inspired by Prompt #296,

“I’ll give him honey, it is only a few.” Peter wiped off his brow as he removed yet another loaf of bread from the oven.


The kitchen looked like a bomb had gone off. He had been baking nearly none stop for the past few hours. There were four loaves of banana chocolate chip bread, three loaves cranberry cinnamon bread, and he had just removed three loaves of lemon blueberry bread. He was exhausted and hot.


Peter turned the oven off and waited for the bread to cool enough to move it onto a cooling rack. Through blurry eyes he caught sight of the clock. It was now nearly four am.


“I’m going to kill the son of a bitch,” Peter muttered as he looked at the disaster he still had to clean.


He couldn’t help but remember how a sweet gesture had turned into such a total disaster.

­_ * _ * _ *

Daniel sat behind his desk marking his student’s papers when Sister Maria Rose walked into the room.


“Mr. Walkins?”


Daniel looked up to find the nun standing with her hands folded before her. ‘What did I do wrong now?’ passed through his mind as smiled and slowly stood up.


“What can I do for you, Sister Maria?”


The nun stood silently for a moment.


Daniel couldn’t help but realize she was one of the few nuns to still wear the long dark clothes. Being a Protestant he hadn’t really had to deal with nuns before, but when the only teaching job he could find was in the all girl’s private school he was grateful to have a job. The fact it was a Catholic school was something he was learning to deal with. So far no comment had been made about his personal life, but considering he lived thirty minutes from the school and had to commute he figured few would complain about him being married, never mind to a man.


“Tomorrow is the school bake sale.” The nun began slowly. “Your class is participating in the sale.”


“Yes, Sister. I passed out the flyers and all the students have committed to at least one baked product to sell to help raise funds for the school.”


The nun nodded.


“Good. How many are you bringing tomorrow?”


Daniel stopped and felt like a deer stuck in a pair of headlights.



Don't worry, the story doesn't end there, you can read the rest of it here.


There were so many different responses to the two prompts last week, you can check them out by visiting the threads: Prompt #296 & Prompt #297


Have a great weekend everyone! Don't forget.... Read, Write, and REVIEW!!!

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Gratz, Wayne for being the one featured for a change! :D


It has to happen once in a while since you're so good to prepare this for us every week. Great prompt and response! :)

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Good job, Wayne  You deserve to be recognized for your hard work.  Now, I have to figure out which one prompts me.  lol

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Nice to see Wayne featured   :)



Now, I have to figure out which one prompts me.  lol



**hope someone's warned KC to duck and cover**

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**hope someone's warned KC to duck and cover**

Who knows, maybe the sheep should duck and cover ;) JO ANN - do you need a new victim male character for your prompt ??!! Hello !!!


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Who knows, maybe the sheep should duck and cover ;) JO ANN - do you need a new victim male character for your prompt ??!! Hello !!!



:no:  Sheep has done nothing wrong :no:


:no: Joann does not need to feature sheep in story :no:

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Oh and thank you all for the kind words. Trying to keep up and get a lot more writing done this year.

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