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Writing Prompts #348 & #349

Renee Stevens


I hope everyone has had a great week up until this point and that everyone has a wonderful weekend as well. Friday has once again graced us with it's presence and with it we have two more prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan. As always, we're also sharing a previous prompt response. Don't forget, if either of these prompts trigger a response from you, share it in the prompt forum and maybe you'll see yours featured next week!


Prompt 348 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Can you give me one reason why I should believe you?”


Prompt 349 – Challenge
Tag – The Toy
Here is the challenge. Remember your favorite toy as a child? Think about it. What did it smell like? Feel like? Look like? Describe it in as much detail as you can without giving the name of it away. Use as many senses as you can.


I didn't see any takes on last week's prompt, so instead, I decided to pick one that's just been written since last Friday. Here's Comicfan's take on prompt #344:

“Why didn’t you just tell me that?” Kristina looked at the young child standing before her, trying not get upset.


“Cause you didn’t ask me.”


Kristina just shook her head and counted to ten before she faced the child again.


“Misty if you need to use the bathroom you have to tell me. I can’t guess when you do.”


“Oh, Okay. Well, I don’t need to go any more.”


Kristina sighed and took Misty by the hand and led her to the bathroom. All she could think of was how her sister begged her to take Misty for the day.


“It’ll be good for you and Misty to bond. I mean she never gets to see you and you have no idea about the joys of motherhood.” Alicia leaned against the counter, her belly made her dress look more like a mountain with the odd patterns it had on it. “Besides, I could use a few hours to finish cleaning up and rest a bit. I mean,” and Alicia placed her hand protectively over her baby bump, “number two will be here within a month.”


“You know I don’t know much about babies. Besides, Misty is four. What do I know about four year olds?”


“The same thing you know about infants, not much.” Alicia looked at her sister and shook her head. “This is exactly why you need to spend some time with your niece.”


“Just tell me she is potty trained.”


Alicia bit her lip. “Mostly.”

To read the rest of the story, click here.
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  • Site Administrator

Two great prompts this week. :)  I hope have time to tackle one of them. 

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