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Ask An Author #28

Renee Stevens


I can't believe it's already June!!! Not only that, but it's the first Wednesday of the month, which can only mean one thing. It's time for another Ask An Author feature provided to us by Dark. If you have questions you want to ask your favorite authors, but don't want to ask the questions yourself, you can always send your questions to Dark for inclusion in the Ask An Author feature.


Ask an Author #28


Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!


In AtA #27, we had questions for authors Mark Arbour, Andrew Q. Gordon, and Rob Colton.


In AtA #28, we hear from joann414, James Savik, and wrathofmagneto.


For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). :lol: Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities original to the individual.


We had another question for Joann414 earlier this year, so this will be my third time featuring this extraordinary person. Please join me in sending positive thoughts her way, as it’s been a tough spring. Joann414 was one of the first supporters of the Ask an Author feature, first appearing in AtA #2 with a question about writing advice. Authors still brag about the number of comments they’ve garnered from this sweet lady. Be sure to check out I'm Here for the Party, the holiday-themed 11th story posted by Joann. If everyone who has ever received a review from Joann gave her one in return, she’d be one of the most-reviewed authors on the site! Write on, Joann!


To Joann414: As a mature writer, what life experiences have you had that gives you an advantage over a younger writer?


Me, mature? Maybe older, but according to some, a mischievous kid at heart. Now, to the question. The first would be raising my daughter who is now thirty. I saw her experiences with other young people, good ones, bad ones, and even cruelty she's dealt with. As far as writing gay fiction, of course my own sexuality and dealing with both sexes, male and female. I've been a victim and seen others victimized. So, yeah, experience is food for thought, and the older you are, the more experiences you've got and you can feed from that knowledge.


This also marks the third feature for Author James Savik and 2015 will be his 10th year here on GA. James’ blog entries contain some of the most thought-provoking insights on humankind, like “nuking hypocrites” and a list of red flags for abusive relationships. There’s also his 20-something stories, a book of poetry, and his responses to the weekly prompts. I particularly like a short autobiographical piece about Jeff, a man James has mentioned before and who has played a key part in making James the man we know and admire today. He also keeps us smiling with the popular forum thread Make us Laugh! among others.


To James Savik: Why do you write? (Is it for yourself, to entertain others, to explore a passion, a combination or other)?


I come by it honestly. My background and education is in math and science.




Very early on as a tekkie, my bosses discovered that I could put sentences together rationally. Apparently that's a rare gift for tekkies as we usually communicate with grunts and flashing lights.




I wrote user documentation for computer programs and lots of it. The more of it I wrote, the better I got at it. The more people wanted me to write the stuff.




I once heard that technical writing was so dry and boring that it read like stereo instructions. If there's anything worse than reading the stuff, it is writing it. I took great pains to make my stuff readable by using dry wit and the occasional cartoon.




It was fun for me to see someone installing software that I documented actually laughing at the instructions. If it wasn't so painful to read, they would read it and not make as many mistakes.




That's where I got my feet wet. I changed jobs but ended up writing again by doing the long range planning for a state agency. I took them from old 80s minicomputers to a modern networked campus over the course of a decade. It was slow as watching paint dry but one guy with the right idea pushing in one direction can get a lot done when he's willing to do the paperwork no one else wants to do.




I wrote my first fiction in college. After reading it everyone was convinced that I was horribly disturbed. At the time I probably was. I don't know- I don't remember it very well. I got clean and sober 11 years ago. It's trendy with Hollywood people to go in and out of rehab. Ordinary people are expected to grow up and get responsible.




Where was I... OH! Why do I write? Because I can. Because I look at popular fiction and know that I sure can't do any worse.


We last saw Promising Author wrathofmagneto in AtA#5, a long long time ago, so welcome back to this Michigan-dweller, comic-book lover, and sworn enemy of OSU. GA has been witness to a few breaks from this author over the 9 years he’s spent with the site, so keep your fingers crossed that this current one shall pass soon. Where are we to get more comic-book-flavored stories if not from Lord Magnus? (sigh) I for one look forward to more chapters in the sci-fi story Footsteps of Giants, a story that reminds me of James White’s Sector General books. I love me a good sci-fi story, and this one has a detective-who-dunnit vibe as well.


To wrathofmagneto: If you could get one author to change a relationship in one of their books (or series) to a gay relationship, which author/book would it be and which characters would you make fall in love?


For me, the one character I would change to a gay relationship if I could, would be the delightfully quirky title character from Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas series. Odd is just an instantly likable character, and he just totally made me love him from the first paragraph of the first book. I wouldn't have him fall in love with a different character though, I'd just gender swap his girlfriend Stormy into his boyfriend, as the two of them are perfect for each other.


That’s it for now! For more info on these authors, go check out their stories, post in their forums, and/or catch them in chat!


See you next time, with authors Carlos Hazday, Columbusguy, and Timothy M.


Want to ask your favorite author a question? Simply PM me (Dark).


Until next time!

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I agree with Wrath. Stormy and Odd are definitely a gay couple regardless of the gender Koontz gave her. Awesome answers Jo Ann and James! Jo Ann isnt mature. She's like a full bodied and aged wine, opulent! James, i wonder if your writing to an audience helped prepare you for fiction. It sounds like you were communicating to a crowd with your humor. Thanks.

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#28 already??? Wow!  I love the As An Author Blogs.  It's always so much fun to get to see where these creative people are coming from.  :D

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James, if you can make user documentation understandable, usable, and fun, I'd say the sky is the limit for your writing. :worship:

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Hugs and kisses go out to Jo Ann, as well as my thoughts and prayers that the second half of 2015 is better than the first half.


Also, if you've never read any of Jo Ann's stories about her, Cassie, and KC, you are missing out!!! Every single one of these stories (I don't remember how many there are), will have you :lmao: 'ing, and :lol: 'ing, and :rofl: 'ing. Seriously. They are hysterical. :P


I've read a few anthos by wrath, and they were really good. I liked his answer to the question about changing a relationship. I used to read Dean Koontz all the time. And then I found gay porn. :D


James is a great writer. I really loved his stories with Jeff and his friends. I need to read more of James' stories. :)


Great interviews, Dark! I'm looking forward to the next batch! :)

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