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Small Rant



Well I never thought I'd be here, with a blog, but I found out today that I'm very tired. So I figured a small rant was in order.


Our young Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, said recently that poverty is sexist. There is a large movement to lift women and children out of poverty. Which, while good, still divides us as a race. In that I mean the human race, all people on this earth belong to a single race, the human one.


I’ve been poor. I’ve been very poor. I’ve spent days hungry. I know what poor means. I’ve seen poor men and poor women, I've survived living in a shelter with them. I've been desperate and done some evil things to get money and some very debased things as well, when I had to. Life on the street nearly killed me. But I got very very lucky.


And as one who's been there and got out, I’m tired. Tired of the constant divisions, the constant shutting out of people based on gender or colour or who they love. Because I don't see people like that, to me they aren't black, white, asian or whatever, they are what they are - people.


So let's say we get women out of poverty, that still leaves another group in it. So when women are free of it, what should we do next? Get all men out? Or should we just get straight ones out, or further just straight black ones? How far should we go?


Yes, dividing things like that is stupid. Breast cancer affects women more, but if affects men as well. Wage inequality affects women more, but men are affected as well. Yes, black lives matter, but everyone's does.


We need to stop this.


The effort to fix all of these things for women is great. But instead of focusing only on one sex, why not just fix it all for all of us? It is time to become one family and one race. It's time to unite and finally work together.

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You speak a great truth here. There are limits to identity politics, it seems, when one must actually conceive of solutions to the ills that plague us. Well spoken, Tim.

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Tim, you are lucky the female crowd is strongly outnumbered here... I'll post some more thoughts in a while, but I have to go back to packing.

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Tim, you are lucky the female crowd is strongly outnumbered here... I'll post some more thoughts in a while, but I have to go back to packing.

Yes I know and I know women are in poverty around the world and we need to help them. I have no doubt about it, but I still say, while we are doing the right thing for them and the millions of kids in poverty too, why can't we attempt to fix it all. 


I'm not down with women, or think they don't need help. But personally, i think if we're gonna fix things, then fix them for everyone. Idealistic maybe, but it's what I think. 

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An old saying "Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime." That is the idea behind bringing women and children out of poverty. is that by changing the hidden backbone of society, we change society.


However, I do believe that "us versus them" needs to stop. WE are all human.

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Tim, I agree with most of what you say and your aim of equality of treatment  for everyone regardless of gender, race etc is an ideal sadly lacking on this planet of ours.

Bur are you saying inequality should be approached as 'all or nothing'?

I think it's such a vast problem that it will never be fixed in one great clean sweep and any progress will have to occur bit by little bit.

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If they had said let's help poor kids or parents rather than poor women, it might have felt more equal.

I also think it's a matter of finding something donors will relate to or identify with, and maybe a mother and her child(ren) is an easy 'sell.'

When I donate to charity I like to give to very specific projects like 'access to clean water for villages in developing countries' or schools or kids in a disaster area. Donating to 'the poor' in general does not appeal as much.

But you have some very good points about the way humans like to divide other people.

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Tim, I agree with most of what you say and your aim of equality of treatment for everyone regardless of gender, race etc is an ideal sadly lacking on this planet of ours.

Bur are you saying inequality should be approached as 'all or nothing'?

I think it's such a vast problem that it will never be fixed in one great clean sweep and any progress will have to occur bit by little bit.

I think we spend a lot of time bashing one group or another, rather than trying to fix what's broken together. You're right that progress will be slow, but I'll take slow over nothing. I know there are no quick fixes.
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Tim, I agree whole heartedly but we do have to start somewhere.



Lux, I am not sure why you think we ladies would take offence to Tim's words. They may be a tad idealistic, but they are definitely on the right track.

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Tim, I agree whole heartedly but we do have to start somewhere.



Lux, I am not sure why you think we ladies would take offence to Tim's words. They may be a tad idealistic, but they are definitely on the right track.

I agree we do and if we want to start with women and kids lets but lets just stop making it sound like one group are more important than the other.


Lets say, we're starting here but we want everyone out of poverty. I can support that no problem. 


And thank you, Kitt!! :heart:

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