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Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 19 - Jun. 25)



In North America we are a week a way from celebrating two of the three county's big parties. July 1st is Canada Day, and July 4th is Independence Day. After two years of shut downs, I imagine lots and lots of people are looking forward to letting loose for a day or two.

Myself, I'm heading up to a lake and relaxing and enjoying the first days of summer :yes: What sucks is that I have to do some coverage for a boss that is away too, so I'll be logging on the laptop each day for hopefully only an hour to run some reports. Hopefully not too much. I guess I should see if I can get someone cover me next Saturday night, the day after Canada Day for the Wrap Up. Volunteers? :P

Oh, just thought I'd throw this in, it is 10:45 PM and still some light to the West. More or less dusk. I like the long summer days! Then the sun will be up again in 6 hours. :oImagine living way up north and having 24 hour sunlight!

So before we get underway, once again a reminder to everyone to fill out Myr's quick poll! You'd be helping us to see what you would like going forward on the various GA Blogs on the site.

To start things off this week, I wanted to bring everyone's attention to our story goals. We are getting so close to completing all the story goals this month. Some goals have been blown past already. Let's put our effort into getting us over the finish line in a lot of different categories :D 

Our week got started off with a great new Classic Author Feature. It was nice to see the number of comments that this great story brought out:

Then on Wednesday, Cia came back with a Classic Author Excerpt on the same story:

On Thursday, if you missed the Grammar Guide, it was because we are on a summer hiatus ;) 

Friday, the Prompt Team came in and gave us two themes that should call out to your inner author, or at maybe it will call out to your stomach :gikkle: 

Saturday was a little switch up in our normal programming week as well. Myr alerted us to the history and the upcoming Anthology. If you have always wondered about writing a story and also would anyone read it, here is your chance to try it out!


Lots of, well 7 :P, Words of the Day this week:

glitch, louche, sclaff, zibeline, jerkwater, nobby, palinode


Anthologies, Writing Challenges, and Contests

2022 Anthology - Anniversary - Submitted to @Valkyrie for the proof team by Sept. 1, 2022


Blog Opportunities

Ask an Author 3.0: Send in 3 questions that you would like your favourite story's author to answer for you. Send them into @astone2292

Story Review: Send it in to @wildone or @Timothy M. 


And here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. On Fire by Cia
Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories
  1. a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus
  2. rima fragmenta, Fragments of a Rift: Fifty Sonnets for Kevin by AC Benus
  3. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Poetry by AC Benus
  4. Carême in Brighton — a mystery novel by AC Benus
  5. Ancalagon by Cia
  6. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Prose by AC Benus
  7. Translation Trashbin by AC Benus
  8. Northern Exposure by Mark Arbour
Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories
  1. House of Frost by Dabeagle
Recently Updated 'Promising Author' Stories
  1. Rocky Prompts, Tennessee by astone2292
  2. Wayne's Poems by Wayne Gray
  3. To the Weyr by Mawgrim
  4. Death in the Shadows by astone2292
  5. Hidden Secrets by Mawgrim **Complete**
Recently Updated 'Author' Stories
  1. Love & Magic by Ajbt2001
  2. Mind & Punishment: A Teen in Despair by James Matthews
  3. Worlds Apart by Grumpy Bear
  4. Shadow Effect by kbois
  5. Hamilton Gode by Luca E
  6. Tales of Three Worlds by ColumbusGuy
  7. Bodark Creek by RichEisbrouch
  8. Good Guys Don't Date Bad Boys by Laura S. Fox
  9. Scene: An Abandoned Alleyway Leading to a Doorway by Young Sage **Complete**
  10. Canaan Club by Westley D.
  11. The Travellers by Georgie DHainaut
  12. ARROW by CLJobe
  13. Encounter on the # 3 Subway (New York) by Tallguyct **Complete**
  14. The Squire's Tale by Tim Hobson
  15. Deep Space New World by quokka **Complete**
  16. Starting Where We Left Off by Ajbt2001
  17. Detour by matcha
  18. Incandescence by Demiurge
  19. Forget the Moon! by Thirdly **Complete**
  20. Teens In Love by Ajbt2001
  21. Goldstein, Johnson & Cole by Mancunian
  22. Come Back To Us by LittleCherryBlossom26


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (and Recommend with a share to the forum topic!) 

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Recommended Comments

3 hours ago, Valkyrie said:

It was a great week here at GA! I've started receiving anthology stories for the proof team, and it sounds like we have some exciting stories in the works for the antho.  We have two delicious prompts from @Aditus, although based on @astone2292's response to it, I'm not sure I'm all that eager for cake at the moment :unsure: :puke:  

What? You don't like hydrochloric acid? Isn't that what Twinkie filling is made of?

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1 minute ago, astone2292 said:

What? You don't like hydrochloric acid? Isn't that what Twinkie filling is made of?

Don't you be dissing Twinkies :angry:  :P  

twinkie GIF by Ghostbusters

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