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What's the sitches, bitches?



HAHAHAHA! I heard that last night on the comedy channel and was hysterical for a good five minutes afterwards... although in my defense, I was exhausted and had just spent nine hours in a grocery store.


So, I spent the day doing nothing, so far anyway. I managed to get Ventrilo installed and got Davey :wub: to come, too and then they all teamed up on me... but I can handle it ;) it's pretty cool. I talked to Adrian Michaels, Rakuten, Lost Cause, Tob, and Davey for a while. It was pretty easy to install actually, and get set up... and i'm pretty challenged when it comes to that stuff so... :D


I started UTBOS - Part 5 and have 1000 words done... so far so good, right? But the discussion that occurred with Steve prior to that was rather interesting, so I wondered what you guys thought since I had the almost exact same conversation with a few other guys in Com's chat the same night. So this is the BIG question:


Do you believe that there are no original plots or stories to be told anymore? And that the only thing that is original is the way it's told?




Do you believe that there is always a new story to tell, and a way to tell it, without following the 'normal' boy meets boy, add a dash of angst, etc... format?


We were discussing what I was going to write besides UTBOS and I know what I want to write, I just need to figure out 'their' story so help me out and answer the question, okay? Besides, Davey is pushing me for something without ranches and horses and cowboys...


So this is blog 180 :o Good lord! But I love it... and also... I saw the survey thing Patrick did, and it was silly, and I liked it so here are my answers, too.



What's your favorite Dr. Seuss book? One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish... or Hop on Pop... it's a toss up.


If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? Hmm, maybe with Rory and Loralie on Gilmore Girls? Seriously... no clue. With the Friends?


What's the longest you've gone without sleep? Thirty-something hours... that was no good.


What's your favorite Barry Manilow song? Umm... NO!


Who's your favorite Muppet? Fozzy Bear


What's the habit you're proudest of breaking? I actually have no idea... hmm.


What's your favorite Web site? Depends on the day, but probably GA. Somewhere I can read.


What's your favorite school supply? Pencils.


Who's your favorite TV attorney? Alex from Law and Order. I also loved Angie Harmon when she was on the show, and Dylan McDermott when his show was on.


What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles? San Francisco!


What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? Hmm, not a frequent shopper there. Maybe some toy for a quarter the kids thought they really wanted.


Where were you on September 11, 2001? Anaheim Memorial Hospital, giving birth to my son.


What's your favorite tree? Hmm, I like smaller, green ones, but then also, anything that produces something I like to eat, like avocados or plums.


What's the most interesting biography you've read? I have no idea... guess it wasn't so interesting eh?


What do you order when you eat Chinese food? Depends if I'm being 'good' or not, but usually steamed rice and vegetable chop suey. If not, orange chicken and fried rice.


What's the best costume you've ever worn? The Cat in the Hat?


What's your least favorite word? c**t... I HATE this word.


If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be? I'm gonna go with California here, but I'm sure it would be shortened to Callie :P


Who's your favorite Care Bear? Psh! Sunshine Bear!


Describe something that's happened to you for which you have no explanation: That I've been this height since I was 12 and in the 8th grade :/


If you could travel anywhere in Africa, where would it be? I'd love to see the culture and the people, but somewhere safe.


What did you have for lunch yesterday? La Salsa with Rich


Where do you go for advice? Hmm, Davey, Jeff, or Steve, I guess.


Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? Thesaurus...


Have you ever been snorkeling? Scuba diving? Yes, but I sucked at it, and no.


Have you ever been stung by a bee? Yes, two or three times.


What's the sickest you've ever been? Pneumonia


What's your favorite form of exercise? Swimming, aerobics, walking.


What's your favorite Cyndi Lauper song? Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.


What did you do for your 13th birthday? I have no idea anymore.


Are you afraid of heights? Sometimes, more afraid of falling to my death!


Have you ever taken dance lessons? No, but I'd love to.


What's your favorite newspaper? The kind that comes wrapped around a present that comes in the mail!


What's your favorite Broadway musical? I haven't actually seen any.


What's the most memorable class you've ever taken? Hmm, AP Government and Economics, senior year.


What's your favorite knock-knock joke? Knock, knock. Who's there? BOO! Boo, who? Aww, don't cry...


What's your favorite commercial? Jack in the Box commercials are fantastic... chipotopple? chipoodle?


If you could go to Disney World with any celebrity alive today, who would it be? I have no idea... so I'll just pick Justin Timberlake so my sweetie could come along and meet him.


Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers.


Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? Umm, EWW! and I don't have a bedpost anyway!


What's your favorite breakfast food? Hmm, omelets? Fruit.


Who's your favarite game show host? Who's the guy from the dating game? We'll be back in two and two... THAT guy!


If you could have a super power, what would it be? Hmm, I guess to be able to read minds or to know something bad was going to happen so I could stop it.


Do you like guacamole? OMG! SO MUCH!


Have you ever been in a food fight? No.


Name five songs to which you know all the lyrics (better yet, sing them) Anything in my car at the moment, or on my cycled playlist.


What's your favorite infomercial? Ugh, I try to avoid those, but I guess it used to be the Popeil Pasta Maker, but I like that Super Blender one now so... I dunno.


What's the longest you've ever waited in line? Two hours at Disneyland... LAME!


What's on the cover of your address book or day planner? Umm the cover it came with.


Have you ever taken a picture in one of those little booths? I don't think so... pout!



That is all...

Hugs, Viv


PS. Don't forget to answer the question!!!!!!!!!!


Recommended Comments

  • Site Administrator

The question about plots depends on how high a level you look at it. If you look at things generically enough, there is no new plots.


All stories can be categorized under a single plot: Someone/Something struggles/challenges against/with Someone/Something.


Not particularly useful, at that level, which is why I go for a lower level and say, yes, there are new plots. New challenges, new struggles, new ways of looking at things.

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there are millions of new plots to make.


don't be silly now.


you'll see this yourself if i ever get my ass up to the post office and send that book.


but i am lazy, and it is far. :(

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I read somewhere that all plots can be boiled down to 6 basic out lines. I can't remember what they are or where to find them. I do remember it was some anciet Greek Philosopher who wrote it.


Anyway, assuming that's true, I'd have to say that finding an original plot is damn near impossible. It seems like when you boil it all down everything anyone is writing about has been done a million times before. That leaves me to think that it's not about finding a unique spin on a plot but a unique voice with which to tell it. I just watched Sydney White last night. It was a ridiculously blatant rip off of Snow White, but the way in which it was told was absolutely brilliant. It's a completely off the wall interpretation that was incredibly funny in its own right despite being just another re-told story.


So yeah I guess I do believe that plots now-a-days are the same old candy in a different wrapper.

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Okay so I may infer Graeme's and lesfeuxdemoncouer's ire.


There are no new plots, period. This however should not detour you Doll, even though everything has been written about. You have not written about it. Characters, their reactions, and your narration are what makes a story original. Not something as all encompasing as plot.


I say you jump into them, see where they take you.

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I don't believe there are any acceptable new plots out there. I know every time I brain storm on plots someone I'm talking to can name stories with similar plots and such. My own writing style would be difficult to come up with an original plot. So I believe it's all in the Characters bound within the plot that makes the plot original.

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