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Lets make a deal...



Okay, so I made an exceedingly whiny blog post earlier today. I have subsequently set said post to private because me being all... I don't know how to describe it. Let's just say if it wasn't me that wrote it I'd want to strangle the little bitch that did. Anyhow, me giving in to that attitude isn't going to work.


So here is the deal. If I don't stop myself and do in the future post something that just makes you want to strangle me for being a whiney little bitch, by all means do what ever you can to get a hold of me and tell me to pull it quicker than a teenager on a lonely friday night :) MmmKay?


I thank you all in advance. I know its hard to believe but GA is my only connection to the "Gay Community". For better or for worse that is how it is. I don't want to do anything to make the lot of you think any less of me. I'm not saying sorry, just taking responsibility for how I have been acting lately.


I've been crying that Im stuck. that is such crap and typical of me to do. I'm dwelling on the not so great and over looking what i have achieved in the last several months. I've come a long way in my stay here, and I thank all of you for that. Hopefully, with a more measured dose of bitching in the future, I will continue to make myself into the person I know I can be, the person I want to be.


I started the Creative writing class on Monday night... There were a number of "inspirational" or "motivational" passages by famous writers. We were told to choose one passage that relates to our writing. I couldn't choose one, there were two I was bouncing back and forth between.


"Any work aspiring, however humbly, to the status of art should carry its justification in every line." ~Joseph Conrad- "On Life & Art"


"The Great Mystery is not that we have been thrown down here at random between the profusion of matter and that of the stars; it is from our very prison we draw, from our own selves, images powerful enough to deny our nothingness." ~Andre Malraux, 1933
Man's Fate


I dunno what I do is sort of art, at some base level. My intention is to move the reader to some emotion. Yet then again a lot of what I write is completely visual for me. So perhaps its more Malraux than Conrad. Eh I don't care for Conrad all that much anyhow. Anyhow I bring this up because of my inability to choose between these two seemingly seperate quotes. My less than succulant way of expressing the foibles I see in them. One is about perfection, the other is about the grittiness of reality. Which is art? Aren't they both?


I think so.


But anyhow, I'm going to keep working, making progress, however slow. I'm gonna smile. I can see the horizon, and Im going to make myself better, make myself great to get there. There I will be happy, there I will be whole. There, I get what i want. Trust me it's worth it. :)


See you along the road to the horizon




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Okay, so I made an exceedingly whiny blog post earlier today. I have subsequently set said post to private because me being all... I don't know how to describe it. Let's just say if it wasn't me that wrote it I'd want to strangle the little bitch that did. Anyhow, me giving in to that attitude isn't going to work.


I think it's good for us to know the real you, as opposed to the proper image you want to project.


Whiny bitch moments and all, it's who you are. Embrace it :)

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WTF? OK, so I read your post that is now private, and I remember thinking that you did sound a bit whiny, but not too bad, but that's all I can remember. But now you put up a new post talking about the OLD post which you removed. So now I'm trying to remember and it's driving me nuts. Remember, not all of us are in our 20's with perfect recall. And some of us in our 40's killed way too many brain cells along the way for this kind of challenge. :P

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... deal!


Everyone whines a little, even me, GASP! :o The important part is when you realize that the whining does you no good and that it takes so much energy to keep yourself in this crappy, whiny place, so instead, you forego the whining for something more productive. Nothing like spending years whining about why you can't do something and knowing in the back of your head that had you been working at it, a little bit at a time, you'd be done by now, even if it wasn't the ideal for how you wanted it to happen...


Love you, babe...

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WTF? OK, so I read your post that is now private, and I remember thinking that you did sound a bit whiny, but not too bad, but that's all I can remember. But now you put up a new post talking about the OLD post which you removed. So now I'm trying to remember and it's driving me nuts. Remember, not all of us are in our 20's with perfect recall. And some of us in our 40's killed way too many brain cells along the way for this kind of challenge. :P


It was whiny me bitching about work mostly but yeah no more whiny. as for making it private, I have to keep you old guys on your toes now don't I? :D

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At times everyone needs a little whine.


It's a relief valve, just make sure it doesn't get stuck open. :D




I miss ya Steve.



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Steve, just remember this:


Tyler says you are WAY cooler than Dan (and he does not mean his Uncle Dan)!

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