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I feel guilty about my little sister



I have 3 siblings: two who are older than me and then a sister who's 16 years younger than me. This blog is about her.


I remember when she was an infant, changing her diaper, teaching her to ride her bike without training wheels on, her crying when I went away to college, sending her off to college.


Basically, I've seen her grow up to be the 24 year old women she is today.


She's dated a few guys before, all nice guys.


Well, she's dating a new guy. Makes her real happy. What's the problem?


I just saw some pictures of the new guy and good god he's cute. Not model cute, but cute in that if I were picking out my perfect BF, he'd look like him (only mine would be 16 years older).


He has the hair color I like, the skin color I like, the body style I like, the nose I like, the eyes I like...you get the picture. :wacko:


As the proper big brother, I'm supposed to be leery of him, making sure he doesn't mess with my sister or else I'll have to kick his ass. But kick is not what I want to do to that.


This is weird :wacko: .


I feel dirty.


I feel guilty.


I've let my catholic membership lapse, but are there any catholic priests out here in GA who could take my confession? 500 hail marys, or some our fathers? I need penance!


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Although it's not like you can possibly be homewrecker (or the non-married equiv) if your girlfriend's guy is straight. Read some Nietzsche and cast off all guilt! Or you can light a candle or something at your local guilt-center (i.e. church). If not to the Virgin Mary, then to Mary Magdalene. :)

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Lol, don't feel guilty.. but if the time comes you have to kick some ass.. step up to the plate and kick it.. haha. Let's hope happiness for your little sister though... and heaven forbid I'd want to see you, Vic battered and bruised.. :(

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lol Corvus Mary Magdalene i like your style :)


Vic don't feel guilty. My sister has a new boyfriend at least every month, sometimes a new 1 every two weeks. She's got this new guy now He's Cute & TALL like TALLER then me & a nice truck and nice clothes.. Ha ha I'm just enjoying the eye candy :) Guilt Free!

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But we're not normal/rival brother & sister. I helped raise her, I picked her up when she cried. I'm not supposed to be perving on her boyfriends :(

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I think that what you do with your eyes and your mind are pretty much OK. Perv away. Just don't act on it.


Unless of course she dumps him.... :devil:

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