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also, why do I have to be naked for this exactly?



Answers here I come...


So for the past few weeks I've been feeling different/not great after I eat and since diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. all runs in my family, I decided I better go to the doctore for the first time in... since Matty was born. I told her my symptoms, I said family history, and she sent me directly to the lab for a whole bunch of tests and said to make an appointment for the following week to have a physical and discuss the results.


That was today. Apprently I'm fine, everything is in normal range, except my triglycerides are slightly high, but losing some weight and exercising should help me avoid my genetic predisposition. I asked her why, if nothing is wrong with me, do I get this headache, lightheaded, not feeling so great feeling after I eat anything sugary or sweet? She said, "There is no medical explanation for that." I'm not sure if that translates to 'It's all in your head' or 'Trust your instincts/cravings/what your body is telling you'.


Anyway, it is some of a relief to know that I'm not ridiculously unhealthy or anything like that. That said, anyone know an easy way to lose like... a whole person? I'm pretty sure I have a spare 100 pounds here if anyone needs it. UGH! (No I'm not exaggerating) I think I'll think skinny, healthy thoughts.


HOLY ARRRGH!!!! My speakers on my laptop are cutting in and out and it's SO pissing me off! :( But taking it in to have it fixed is like... SO f**kING PAINFUL!!!!


I was up till 3:30 am last night/this morning having a discussion/debate with Tony's friend who is visiting from out of state. It started with Prop 8 and should same-sex couples have the right to be married? From there we went on to should same-sex couples have the right to 'raise' kids. In his defense, he's a good guy who was raised in a good family who I love. He is somewhat religious and when I asked him if he actually knows anyone who is gay, he said no, so I think him not being at all exposed to the situation and the realities same-sex couples and gay people face daily is sort of a hinderance.


He said, initially, that 'marriage' as far as he knew, was a religious term, and so if you follow religion, then no, same-sex couples shouldn't get married, but they do deserve all the rights and perks. So we went the separation of church and state route, followed by the we're not religious, so does that mean we shouldn't be married either route. Once religion is off the table as an excuse, there's not much to hide behind really.


So then he said he thinks, in general, that people who can't 'have kids' shouldn't be able to 'raise' them. So we went the infertal couples/single person who wants to be a parent route. He said he thinks "that if a child is raised by same-sex parents then they will grow up to think it is okay to be gay..." Tony and I said, "It is!" and he agreed. Then I pointed out that straight couples don't always raise straight children and then we got into instinct and attraction on a fundamental level. Are you born gay or do you become gay due to exposure? Anyway, in the end, I think he learned a lot and likely has a new outlook on a lot of those topics.


Amazing what a little gay exposure can do for a person, eh? ;)





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Heheheh... my first thought when I read your "whole person" comment was that episode of Absolutely Fabulous:


Edina: "Inside me is a thin person screaming to get out"

Mother: "Just the one, dear?"


Not exactly you at all, but still made me think of it. *looks down at own stomach* :( Actually, your idea of skinny, healthy thoughts isn't so bad :P


David :)

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So then he said he thinks, in general, that people who can't 'have kids' shouldn't be able to 'raise' them.


I would have asked him, what about the straight couples who can't have kids because of whatever reason, should that mean they aren't allowed to raise kids either?


I only ask because I have a boss who has always wanted a child of her own, but because of personal reasons isn't able to have any, and it's really sad because we all know she'd be a great Mom. =(

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So, Tony's friend came to me and said that someone put it into perspective for him by saying, "I'm not sure if it's right or wrong, I just know that it's not MY right to decide that."

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