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Bardeara's in the hospital....


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For anyone who's wondering where he is, I got a message from him today that said he was in the hospital and that I could call him, so I did. Turns out he's pretty sick, and in more pain than anyone should be, but he'll be fine in a week and be home. I'll probably call him again tomorrow if anyone wants some messages relayed and I'll leave any updates that I get here.


Feel better, Kevin! :hug:

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For anyone who's wondering where he is, I got a message from him today that said he was in the hospital and that I could call him, so I did. Turns out he's pretty sick, and in more pain than anyone should be, but he'll be fine in a week and be home. I'll probably call him again tomorrow if anyone wants some messages relayed and I'll leave any updates that I get here.


Feel better, Kevin! :hug:



:( ...So sorry to hear that! Please tell him G_D speed to recovery and I wish him well!

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:hug: Hope you are better soon, Kevin. Being in the hospital is always hellish but at least they have everythig you may need to get better right there.
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For anyone who's wondering where he is, I got a message from him today that said he was in the hospital and that I could call him, so I did. Turns out he's pretty sick, and in more pain than anyone should be, but he'll be fine in a week and be home. I'll probably call him again tomorrow if anyone wants some messages relayed and I'll leave any updates that I get here.


Feel better, Kevin! :hug:

Oh no! :(


I'm so very sorry to hear this! If it's not too intrusive of us to ask, and not of a personal nature, what's wrong with him? Any idea when they'll be releasing him?


I hope he feels much better really soon!


Thanks for letting us know, Viv. Please tell him I'm thinking of him and wishing him the very best for a speedy recovery :hug:



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If it's not too intrusive of us to ask, and not of a personal nature, what's wrong with him?

I don't know what he's in hospital for, but he's told me he has a chronic condition that can cause a lot of pain at times. My first thought it was that which caused him to end up in hospital. Any more detail than that, and I think it should some directly from him.

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Yes, I've escaped... :D or rather let out... but I have to admit, I so tired.


So if anyone wants to experience something to the level of sticking a tube down your throat so that you insides don't burst, which by the way were already reaching critical mass, then I highly recommenced. <== Noticed the sarcasm? :P


All joking aside, it was very serious and I'm actually very, very... did I say very? lucky that things turned out the way it had. it almost went into a totally different direction and that would have been no good. :( But let this be a lesson to me, to not let myself get soooo stressed out and then overwork myself, for apparently it can kill you. :wacko:


Thanks for all the wonderful notes, its a pleasant surprise.


Now I think I'm going back to bed, for I'm tired.



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Thanks, for once I'm actually take this to heart and resting rather then rushing back to work first chance I get.


It was a very close ordeal, that I'd rather not go through again.

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Congrats on... well, on not dying! Heh


I know what it's like to get sick from working too much... it happens when you're an engineer during the school year and a retail employee in the off-season.

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Thanks, for once I'm actually take this to heart and resting rather then rushing back to work first chance I get.


It was a very close ordeal, that I'd rather not go through again.



B) ........I hate hospitals, having visited them way too much in last 9 years (not me!)

Glad your out (HeHe). Think non-stressed thoughts!

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