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Smoking or not smoking

old bob

A survey about smoking  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. And you, what do you think about smoking ?

    • I don't and will never smoke
    • I smoke cigarettes and will try to stop
    • I tried to stop smoking but I couldn't
    • I don't smoke but would like to try smoking pipe
    • I hate to be in the same room with smokers
    • I have quit smoking, years ago!
    • I smoke and I don't want to quit

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I know, I know, smoking kills you slowly. I agree with all of you, cigarettes are drugs. I never smoke cigarettes, except for a few tries when I was 12, and when coughs stopped me.

But I like to smoke pipes and I did it the last 60 years. Nothing is better than slowly smoking a good pipe, enjoying the smell, seated in a club easy chair, with a clear mind, speeding up the neurons. As usual it is the best way to think about problems and to find the right solutions.

At my age, there is nothing more to fear. Heart problems, cancer, I was confronted with, and not because the smoke. And I recovered with success. So, why not go on? Smoking pipe is together a pleasure and a help in my daily work.

A lot of famous people, working in the same domains as I do, are also famous pipe smokers.

Just two examples:

Jean Piaget, a Swiss philosopher, natural scientist and developmental psychologist, well known for his work studying children, his theory of cognitive development and for his "genetic epistemology".


Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, influential thinker, and founder of analytical psychology.


Both are a model for me, and their works helped me to be a better man, and a better consultant. I

Edited by old bob
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I don't know much about smoking tobacco pipes so I can't say much, but cigarrettes are a different subject. Cigarrette makers add so much crap to the tobacco that goes in their product, like formaldahyde and other chemicals that can't be good for people, then at the end of the thing is a filter that probably sends little fibers of cotton or whatever they're made of into people's lungs.

Personally I voted that I don't like to be in the same room with cigarrette smoke because it makes me sneeze, but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't think it was dumb to smoke, especially since we all know what it's going to lead to.

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I voted for two, I will never smoke and I don't like being in the same room as smokers. I will tolerate it at a party or something as long as it's a large room and just the smell of smoke is in the air. I've never liked smoking, it does too much damage to the body and is the leading cause of preventable deaths in America alone. I think opinions on smoking is changing with all the anti-smoking/drug commercials out there and with a ban on advertising on smoking.


Anyway, second-hand smoke, being around someone who smokes two packs a day means that the people around them smoke a pack a day, just from the second hand smoke they're taking in and that isn't filtered. So, I'm against smoking completely. There is nothing healthy about smoking.




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I dislike being in the same room as smokers, but like Krista, I will make an exception at parties. If you find pipe smoking to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience, that is your prerogative, but I don't see how Carl Gustav Jung should have any influence regarding your decision to smoke.



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I was lucky when I went through school. Unlike many others, I was never put under peer pressure to smoke. I still remember the time on a school camp when someone asked me if I wanted a cigarette, and I said no. They started to insist, but one of the others in the group just said that if I didn't want to smoke, then I didn't want to smoke and that was that.


I don't hate being in the same room as someone smoking, though I can be uncomfortable. I do, however, dislike kissing someone who has been smoking.

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I smoke but I am a conscientious smoker. I don't smoke indoors. I don't smoke in resterants even in a smoking section. I go out of my way NOT to be a jerk about it. If there were more smokers like me, I doubt there would be too many problems.


That being said, there are some passive-aggressive, anal people who go out of their way to be offended by nothing in particular and the subject of smoking gives them a club to beat people with. These people I will politely call little bitches. I've seen some people, usually women, all the way across a caf

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I smoke but I am a conscientious smoker. I don't smoke in resterants even in a smoking section. I go out of my way NOT to be a jerk about it.

I'm like you James. When I visit my brother, I don't smoke inside his house. I keep a bottle with some water in it to put it in when I'm done or I use the ashtray in the car.


Most restaurants are smoke free now so that doesn't bother me.


The government makes the Tobacco companies put the health warnings on each pack, but they also subsidize the tobacco industry.


New Jersey was working on a law that made it illegal to smoke in a car with young children present.



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I never smoked and i never will. There wasn't much peer pressure in my group of friends during my teenager years either. Some smoked, some didn't, it wasn't that big of a deal.

While i wouldn't allow smoking in my appartment, i am not bothered when someone is smoking in my car... i don't know why. And in clubs or pubs... well, i'm sure it wouldn't be the same without the typical smell of cigarette smoke. I can do without it in restaurants though.


Oh, and I especially like the smell of cigars and pipes, which is funny, cause i never knew anyone who really smoked either.

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I smoke but I am a conscientious smoker. I don't smoke indoors. I don't smoke in resterants even in a smoking section. I go out of my way NOT to be a jerk about it. If there were more smokers like me, I doubt there would be too many problems.





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I quite (again) in January. The only times I miss it are when I've had a few drinks or on days like today... nothing was nicer than starting the morning sitting on my terrace with the paper, a cup of coffee and a cigarette...


Otherwise, I feel better, sleep better and smell better! Where I live, the province banned smoking anywhere except in private residences years ago... even some streets you aren't allowed to smoke on. I can't fathom what it was like when I'm told by some of the older workers at the office that there used to be an ashtray on everyone's desk. In a city like Ottawa, having to go outside to have a smoke on a windy January day where it's -36C (-33F) and wind makes it feel like -45C (-49F) is a powerful incentive to quit!



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I'm a non-smoker. I'm not really aggressively opposed to it though...well I guess maybe I am. What I mean is I think it's a really bad idea, and I'd rather people not do it, and if you solicit my opinion I'll tell you just what I think. However, I don't scold people smoke, I'm fine with people smoking in a social setting, and unless it's really impacting my life I'm probably just going to mind my own business.


I don't think I could date a smoker though.




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Some of my favorite replies are:
  • Smoking is bad for me... I hadn't heard that.
  • Thanks very much for your concern but who is going to fund the gov't if I quit?
  • Sure smoking shortens your life but its the Depends & Nursing Home years so f*** it.
  • Tobacco money funded the American Revolution you Commie Scumbag.
  • People are dealing crack over there and you are bitching at me for smoking?
  • STFU or you are going to get smoked next.

Hahahha, I will use them.

Another one :

when somebody says : "smoking kills you slowly", answer : "it doesn't matter, I'm not in a hurry"

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I used to smoke. I quit and started again, quit and started again. Now I just tell myself that if I feel like having a cigarrette I can have one. It's become like a rare treat for me, I guess, I like cigars and shisha, too. Maybe I should try pipes.


Worst yet are the people that see you smoking and decide to scold you. When you do that, don't dare look surprised when the smoker tells you to f*** off or is very sarcastic. Some of my favorite replies are:


Hihi, got some more:


Harrassing me about my smoking can be strenious to your health.

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I don't smoke and I never will. I watched my Grandpa die of cancer from it... I saw the effect it had on my family... I never want so much suffering to be because of me. On the other hand, I also told myself I wouldn't even consider dating someone who smoked and look what that got me >_<

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I don't smoke and I never will. I watched my Grandpa die of cancer from it... I saw the effect it had on my family... I never want so much suffering to be because of me. On the other hand, I also told myself I wouldn't even consider dating someone who smoked and look what that got me >_<



B) ............Quiting smoking is easy, I've done it a hundred times. Sigh, I never smoked thru High School...only started when I joined the Marines and went overseas. My biggest regret in my life.

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B) ............Quiting smoking is easy, I've done it a hundred times. Sigh, I never smoked thru High School...only started when I joined the Marines and went overseas. My biggest regret in my life.

Why not try to smoke pipe ? A lot of advantages :

You can choose a pipe with a quartz-filter ( it takes away about 60 % of the "tar"), and an extra light tobacco. Lighting a pipe is a complicated procedure. You have to choose one of your numerous pipes, to clean the pipe with different tools (the pride and the mark of an experienced smoker :worship: ) , change the filter, fill the pipe, light the tobacco (at usual several times till it burns :lol: ). This procedure takes at least 5 to 10 minutes, so you can't smoke your pipe more than 3 or 4 times a day. Another advantage of smoking pipe : you don't swallow the smoke. Sure the risk is throat cancer, but at least no lung cancer !! :P .

Who want more advices should send me a PM :D .

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i smoke nd ive cut down alot

ive tried quitting its hard

not only do both my parents smoke alot of my friends do so if i wanna avoid it while quitting its kinda hard... !

but im determined to quit smoking


i do not like smoking around other ppl outdoors i ussually just go to a corner nd smoke nd then go back 2 the group

Edited by CoLeYy
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It's been about 4 weeks now since I quit. Had a little fight two weeks ago where I went and bought a pack. Smoked two cigarrettes, and then gave the pack away (of which I am proud).


My sister and brother-in-law (who live in the house) still smoke, which makes it very difficult on occasion. Things making it easier include getting up every morning for a walk/jog with my nephew. I can now make it a good distance without wheezing or running short of breath. Another thing making it easier is when my niece gets in my lap, sniffs and says I smell good because I don't smell like cigarrette smoke.


Using patches has made it easier (but it is still not easy). tomorrow I go from Step 1 patches to Step 2 (a drop of 7mg of nicotine per day). After smoking for 17 years, let's just say it's really nice breaking the habit. (Yes, there are times I still want a smoke, and I suspect there will always be those moments, but they are fewer and further between now). It's also nice going to bed at night and not hearing a wheezing sound from constricted alveoli in the lungs.

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I have no tolerance for smoking of any kind. I don't care if it is cigarettes, cigars, pipes, pot, whatever. If you smoke it, my respect for you diminishes. This is for two big reasons. The first is that you are slowly killing yourself. The human lung was designed intake oxygen from the air you breathe, put it into your bloodstream to give strength to your muscles and other organs, and then take the end result (carbon dioxide) and expel it as you breathe out. The lung was in no way shape or form designed to handle chemical composition of cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc. smoke. It is for this reason then I have never smoked, and never will smoke.


The second reason is that you are slowly killing those around you. I mentioned that you expel carbon dioxide when you breathe out. We as humans cannot breathe in carbon dioxide, hence why our body expels it on the out-breath. When you smoke, you are also expelling some of the gasses in the smoke that did not reach the pleasure center of the brain. The people around you then have the pleasure of not only your carbon dioxide, but also the products of your damned smoking. This in turn leads to second-hand smoke (breathing in a smokers expulsion of nasty-ass air) which is another major killer of homo sapiens. It is for this reason that I also checked off not ever wanting to be in the same room as a smoker. It is for this reason that I applaud every single legislative body that creates laws forbidding smoking of any kind inside buildings (restaurants, bars, offices, stores, etc.). The next step of course is banning smoking within a certain distance of people (sending all smokers to Montana) and then the total banning of smoking altogether.


Not to mention the fact that smoking a cigarette is just as bad as automotive exhaust fumes on the environment. Don't even get me started on that.



If I have offended anyone by my remarks on smoking, GOOD!


I'm sure I have more to say, but I have class in seven minutes, so... kthxbai

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I don't smoke and am sorry to tell that I can't stand to be in the same room or place when someone's smoking. It makes me nauseas. There was no peer pressure on my side to try it once. But I stopped 2 of my friends from smoking ever again. So I hope I did the right thing... No, I KNOW I did the right thing :P

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