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why 52 % of the members don't post

old bob

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Hmm, interesting thread. Thank you, Old Bob, for starting it for us :)


My answer would be that that is simply the nature of internet forums. I think there are very few where a significantly higher percentage do post regularly, and I suspect that those generally are the places that prune away the inactive members quite frequently.


As someone who's been around here for a fairly long time in some capacity or another, including an honest to goodness lurker at some points - including some points after I'd joined and been active - I have to say that sometimes that's all one really wants to do. I personally find that I get into brief "habits" if you will. I may be active for months, then slowly taper off, then I'll still visit every couple of days, and read interesting threads, but for whatever reason I'm fairly disinclined to post. I'm only interested in hearing what other people are saying and doing, and I mostly keep my own opinions under my hat.


I also think that as someone mentioned in the early part of the thread (sorry I didn't quote it), there is quite a bit of the "I have something specific I want to ask or say then I'll be going" sentiment. I think that's mostly okay. I'm often disappointed, because these types of threads in particular are the ones I'm likely to be interested in and enjoy participating in, and I usually come to care about the particular enquirer/commenter, but sometimes people just need to get certain things out of their systems, but they never really had any intention of sticking around at all. It's ashame, but on the other hand these are also usually the threads that stimulate very interesting discussion between the regular members that will go on long after that 'one hit wonder' if you will, has left. So, really I think we are richer for their presence, however brief it was.


Also, people will inherently come and go as their life situations change, there's little we can do about that, except being supportive and friendly when they're here. Indeed, I would assume that the majority of the most active posters at the forum will eventually wander off due to other responsibilities and interests. We must simply enjoy each other's company for whatever duration we have it, in my opinion.


I think that the best methods of getting people to participate -and more importantly with providing them with the support and resources they need - are the simplest ones:


-Greet new members in a friendly, warm fashion


-Make an effort to respond to their posts! We want them to know that we're listening and that what they said has value.


-Keep the atmosphere pleasant and conducive to stimulating discourse. This includes avoiding sniping or exchanging barbs and insults, and it also includes spamming and taking silliness to the point that the topic at hand is lost. Being witty is great, so is being playful, just try to be aware, and not cross the line into excess.


-If someone looks like they need help with something, try to help them or try to point them toward someone who can.


Anyway, just a few suggestions and observations I had.

Take care everyone and have a terrific day :)


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  • 1 year later...

Okay, it's time to revive this topic. I voted for number 7...yeah, anyone who has read any of my posts knows I have something to say. Like the late Al Capp styled himself: expert on nothing with opinions on everything. But, down deep, it's the sense of community.

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My opinion hasn't changed since that time. GA is not just the stories. It's not just the forums. It's all three parts working together. As for the members, some members are quiet and some are noisy -- just like in any community. In real life, I tend to be one of the shy, quiet ones, until I get comfortable, and then I'm happy to speak up.



Very true. There are a lot of reasons why someone can feel unsure about posting, ranging from intimidation through to lack of confidence. As a normally shy person (in real life), I find it very hard to break into established groups. I'm not the sort of person who can easily go and up chat with a stranger. However, I'm often very happy just sitting at the edge of a group and listening without participating. I suspect a percentage of lurkers here are doing that for the same reason.


Quoting from ages ago but I didnt see this thread when it was first active because I didnt post :P.


My posting is primarily in the soapbox, not particularly because I enjoy conflict but because I dont have to be comfortable to disagree with people. Recently I've started posting in the less conflicty areas of the forums so I am apparently becoming more at ease here. Perhaps that is because I have got to know more people here than I did before, mostly because I see familiar people in Chat a lot and it is nicer to get to know people in real time.


My original reason for not posting was because I felt that I might say something to incriminate my real life identity here. My name here is actually a pseudonym, which makes it a pseudonym of a pseudonym (my normal internet name) :P. Thats not really necessary anymore, I dont fear being outed by my activities on this site because I've become less concerned about people finding out about this aspect of my life as I've grown older and more independant.


Sometimes I find nothing to post on in the forums because a lot of the content here is orientated towards American readers, and while I find common interests in some threads despite that.. it is only despite. That is probably the biggest excluding factor for me.

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For me I think it's a little bit of everything, and yeah, I always have something to say as my post count will indicate! :blink:


As for the members that don't post; it's difficult to know why they joined, probably for a variety of reasons. It could be they want e-mails on certain chapter updates. I can't see any point in joining otherwise if you're not going to participate!

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I post because I just can't help myself. I would hesitate to call myself opinionated per se (althought others would disagree :P) but the things I have opinions on I have strong opinions on and I am not afraid to express them.


I am certainly not afraid of anyone knowing who I am..... everyone who knows me knows who and what I am... the whole shebang... including the vampire/fallen angel thing. I have had my fill of hiding... anything from anyone.


So... back to my original comment.... I just can't help myself

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I post because I just can't help myself. I would hesitate to call myself opinionated per se (althought others would disagree :P ) but the things I have opinions on I have strong opinions on and I am not afraid to express them.


I am certainly not afraid of anyone knowing who I am..... everyone who knows me knows who and what I am... the whole shebang... including the vampire/fallen angel thing. I have had my fill of hiding... anything from anyone.


So... back to my original comment.... I just can't help myself

Opinionated?? Whatever would give anyone that impression! :lol:

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