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Man Pregnant?


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Well this definitely got my attention today!!


But unfortunately all is not what it seems.


Hopefully I can get a link to work here


When on the page then click on the video link for pregnant man.


Steve B)

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I will only believe something like that when scientists confirm it. Men do not get pregnant. I think some people watch too many movies, because having a baby is something a man cannot do and probably will not be able to do anytime soon, if ever.

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  • Site Administrator
I will only believe something like that when scientists confirm it. Men do not get pregnant. I think some people watch too many movies, because having a baby is something a man cannot do and probably will not be able to do anytime soon, if ever.


But did you actually watch the video?


They make a few good points that in this case it might be possibly true.


I guess the question really is when does a person stop being a woman and becomes a man?

Edited by wildone
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I will only believe something like that when scientists confirm it. Men do not get pregnant. I think some people watch too many movies, because having a baby is something a man cannot do and probably will not be able to do anytime soon, if ever.

"He" is not a man. "He" was born female and never had complete sexual reassignment surgery.


Wildone's subtle comment about it not being what it seems was spot-on accurate and very funny! :)



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"He" is not a man. "He" was born female and never had complete sexual reassignment surgery.


Wildone's subtle comment about it not being what it seems was spot-on accurate and very funny! :)



In that case, it can happen. I don't know why they made a big deal about it in the story. Now if an actual man were pregnant that would be news worthy. The same could be said for a virginal woman who had not been artificially inseminated. However, many claim that such a thing happened, in fact an entire religion is dedicated to it. :P

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Reminds me of this FTM I know and how he went to the gynecologist one time because his ovaries were hurting. The receptionist looked at him like he was crazy at first, but did admit him after awhile. But anyway, I wonder if this guy did this because his wife had fertility issues or something.

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I've just read an article from the Sydney Morning Herald where it presents the claim that this is a hoax.


Based on the information, it's quite feasible since genetically and from a reproductive point of view he is still female, but I would be worried about any long term effects from the hormone's he had been taking prior to the decision to become pregnant.

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I've just read an article from the Sydney Morning Herald where it presents the claim that this is a hoax.


Based on the information, it's quite feasible since genetically and from a reproductive point of view he is still female, but I would be worried about any long term effects from the hormone's he had been taking prior to the decision to become pregnant.

Blech! He said. She said. It's nothing more than idle speculation from a nosy neighbor. I want to see an article with some real substance to it.

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Although it would be a first in a sense, what are the chances of survival if it is indeed true.


I would imagine the baby would have to be delivered by cesarean section, which brings up the other question. Not being a biology major :wacko: , how would they get a fertilized egg into the uterus? Furthermore, if the uterus was functioning properly and could sustain life, what would happen during menstrual cycles?


Ok, gross, I know, but supposedly he/she only kept the uterus and ovaries and replaced the other 'equipment' with male genitalia.


I'm soooo confused :D .


The more I think of it, the more I think it is indeed a hoax.

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IIRC the video didn't say anything about his genitalia. As far as I can tell, he still had his vagina. All he's done really is get breast reduction surgery, dress like a man, take testosterone shots/pills, etc. Again, he hasn't had the entire gender reformation surgery.

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Actually, I heard about a man is a pregnant and I am pretty surprised about that! But, everyone outside the world can't go and talk shit about them (don't worry, I wasn't talking about you guys, I am talking about people in general) because, personally, in my opinion, I think it is that guy's and his wife's business. At least, they have a kid soon that they have been waiting for so long...

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***Warning: described within are anatomical/physiological specifics on this topic, if you don't want to read too many details I recommend stopping here***


This case is definitely real, there was a big story about it on the news awhile back. Also like the article said there has been at least one (probably a lot more) births from transgendered individuals. The main thing to remember here is this is an ordiary woman with some testosterone in her system, that is about it (and the breast reduction).


Based on the information, it's quite feasible since genetically and from a reproductive point of view he is still female, but I would be worried about any long term effects from the hormone's he had been taking prior to the decision to become pregnant.

They stopped the testosterone injections before inseminating. It would also be VERY irresponsible for the doctor that did the insemination to do so while the person was on testosterone injections. Females still have testosterone in their system but not nearly as much as males.


What would happen if she still had testosterone in her system when she was pregnant? Well I'm not sure you want to know. If the baby was a girl she would have female pseudohermaphroditism, where her internal reproductive organs would be female (ie ovaries, vagina) but would have a larger clitoris that looks like a penis. If the baby was a boy this wouldn't affect the reproductive organs. In both cases the increased testosterone could affect the development of the fetus.


Although it would be a first in a sense, what are the chances of survival if it is indeed true.


I would imagine the baby would have to be delivered by cesarean section, which brings up the other question. Not being a biology major :wacko: , how would they get a fertilized egg into the uterus? Furthermore, if the uterus was functioning properly and could sustain life, what would happen during menstrual cycles?


Ok, gross, I know, but supposedly he/she only kept the uterus and ovaries and replaced the other 'equipment' with male genitalia.


I'm soooo confused :D .


The more I think of it, the more I think it is indeed a hoax.


Well like azure dragon said, she is biologically female and did not have complete gender reassignment surgery (just breast reduction and testosterone injections). As for her menstrual cycles.....again, I doubt you want to know. Basically with her hormone therapy she would stop having menstrual cycles. By stopping the hormone therapy she could once again menstrate and get pregnant.


Sorry to get all medical on y'all.....hope it helps things make sense.


Greg :)

Edited by Myk
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Thanks for the anatomy lesson, Greg. :blink: I really don't see why the story is such a big deal though. She's still anatomically female, so there doesn't seem to be anything that unusual about it. Now, if it were the male-to-female post-op transexual, that would be huge news imho. B)

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Thanks for the anatomy lesson, Greg. :blink: I really don't see why the story is such a big deal though. She's still anatomically female, so there doesn't seem to be anything that unusual about it. Now, if it were the male-to-female post-op transexual, that would be huge news imho. B)


hahaha....that is currently beyond us, both biologically, scientifically and medically. The male body just isn't designed to support or handle a fetus.

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hahaha....that is currently beyond us, both biologically, scientifically and medically. The male body just isn't designed to support or handle a fetus.

I think that applies in an extra-body manner as well. ;)


Seriously, other than the freak-show quality of this story is there really any story here at all? He's a she. She's gonna have a baby. I'm sensitive to transgender issues. I'm beta-reading/editing a book about it so I have to be sensitive about/comfortable with it. To me this is nothing more than a woman in drag. Women get pregnant every day all over the world! There's nothing to see here. Move along please.

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I saw this and my mind right away went to "nuh uh!", but then I watched the video and saw that he has a uterus and then I was like, "oh, okay...no big deal." lol

Ronnie!! **smiles and waves**


In that case, it can happen. I don't know why they made a big deal about it in the story. Now if an actual man were pregnant that would be news worthy. The same could be said for a virginal woman who had not been artificially inseminated. However, many claim that such a thing happened, in fact an entire religion is dedicated to it. :P


Seriously, other than the freak-show quality of this story is there really any story here at all? He's a she. She's gonna have a baby. I'm sensitive to transgender issues. I'm beta-reading/editing a book about it so I have to be sensitive about/comfortable with it. To me this is nothing more than a woman in drag. Women get pregnant every day all over the world! There's nothing to see here. Move along please.


I know neither of you mean any offense at all to transgender individuals, but implying that an FTM trans individual who presents and thinks of himself as a man is not an "actual man" or "is really a she" is something which the majority of trans people would find very objectionable. It's better to use Graeme or Greg's "Biological female"/scientific approach in terms of sensitivity to the issue.


Anyway, I just point this out in an effort to let you know the likely perception trans people would have to those statements so that perhaps you won't accidentally offend anyone. As I said, I know neither of you meant any offense (all the more reason to tell you!), also please note that I say this as a fellow GA member who's fairly well-versed in trans issues and not as a moderator.



Actually, I heard about a man is a pregnant and I am pretty surprised about that! But, everyone outside the world can't go and talk shit about them (don't worry, I wasn't talking about you guys, I am talking about people in general) because, personally, in my opinion, I think it is that guy's and his wife's business. At least, they have a kid soon that they have been waiting for so long...

This is my reaction too, Mike.



Anyway, I'm delighted for them and I hope their little girl is very happy and healthy.



Take care all and have a great day :)


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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I know neither of you mean any offense at all to transgender individuals, but implying that an FTM trans individual who presents and thinks of himself as a man is not an "actual man" or "is really a she" is something which the majority of trans people would find very objectionable. It's better to use Graeme or Greg's "Biological female"/scientific approach in terms of sensitivity to the issue.

Kev, I am the first to admit to not understanding the gender identity paradigm. At the same time, I do try to be sympathetic to gender minorities, because they are attacked just as much as we are. Having said that, I am definitely happy with my gender and have no plans to have any kind of surgery to change it. I have actually been trying to imagine what it's like, but I just cannot imagine having gender identity issues. I also do not think I would ever cross-dress. That is not my thing at all. I will try to remember to use terms like biological female in the future. I meant no offense to anyone at all.

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Kevie, of course I meant no offense. According to my transgendered friends and acquaintances this person would not be considered a male in the strict medical definition of the term. Psychologically yes. It's up to each of us how to determine what that means. To me in absence of sexual reassignment surgery this person is still a female. That's why I claim there's nothing of substance to this story. It's just a female dressing as a make who happens to get pregnant.


Who will be the legal mother if this child is born? That might be a more interesting discussion.


Standard disclaimer: I have a bad migraine today. I'm on narcotics. I claim ownership of my mistakes in spelling and logic even if both elude me at the moment.

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It's up to each of us how to determine what that means

I'd beg to differ and say it's not up to us at all, but the person in question and it falls on us to respect their identity. If a transgendered person identifies as a male and looks the part, then he is a male. What's under his drawers isn't our concern. And if he's the one bearing the child, then he's the biological mother. This situation might be uncommon, but it's hardly mindblowing.

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Kev, I am the first to admit to not understanding the gender identity paradigm. At the same time, I do try to be sympathetic to gender minorities, because they are attacked just as much as we are. Having said that, I am definitely happy with my gender and have no plans to have any kind of surgery to change it. I have actually been trying to imagine what it's like, but I just cannot imagine having gender identity issues. I also do not think I would ever cross-dress. That is not my thing at all. I will try to remember to use terms like biological female in the future. I meant no offense to anyone at all.

I well understand. I personally can't imagine having any gender identity issues myself either. I thing a big concern for many trans and gay people alike is that these issues are often tied together when really they're quite different. As I said I know you meant no offense at all :)


I'd beg to differ and say it's not up to us at all, but the person in question and it falls on us to respect their identity. If a transgendered person identifies as a male and looks the part, then he is a male. What's under his drawers isn't our concern. And if he's the one bearing the child, then he's the biological mother. This situation might be uncommon, but it's hardly mindblowing.

Exactly! I thoroughly agree with this post! :worship:

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Since I'm the one here with gender identity isues, I can see both sides. In a way the headline is misleading. Like most headlines it tries to sound like a bigger story than it is. When I first heard the news it did sound like some kind of medical miracle. Being the sceptic that I am I was imediately wondering what the catch was. Even so it was a little disapointing to learn that the "man" was in a rather awkward state between mom and dad.


If I were the pregnant guy I think I would be a little hurt if someone called me a woman after all the hormone treatments, plastic surgery, etc. It's weird living in a body that does not seem like it is really yours. Looking in the mirror is strange. Interacting with others is even stranger. It seems like you always have something to hide...until you are pregnant and the whole world is talking.

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