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Robbie's Visit in DC


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Last friday, Robbie came to DC, we met at Flamers Charburgers in Union Station. After that we came north to Maryland where we slept together at a hotel for two nights. Yesterday I showed him around DC, DuPont Circle, Logan Circle, going to Holocaust Museum before going to Maryland for a nice dinner. Today, we picked up pizza then showed him around Gallaudet University, at 1.15, he left the university and I cried in my dorm room till now.


I realize that Robbie is so close that I loved him but I hated myself for not asking more time to be with him today. I want him to drive home safe and before dark by 5 pm. I... It's so hard.


Do you feel the same when people u love leave??



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Haven't really gotten into that situation, but who knows, it might happen in the future...


I'm sorry you guys didn't have more time :( But hold yourself together by thinking about those moments you did spend with him...

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My first relationship was a long distance one. That was twenty years ago, but, yeah, been there, done that (including the crying part -- usually on the plane going home).


Someone commented at the time that it's really tough going from not being able to touch, to living in each other's pockets, and then not being able to touch again. It's easier now than it was then (webcams and VOIP give more contact than I had twenty years ago), but it's still not easy.



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My low fuel light came on soon after I left... now that I think about it, the car was probably saying, "My range is only this far, please turn around before I strand you in Maryland." I waited until I was north of Baltimore before getting gas, and spent a few minutes figuring out how to put fuel in a car... then just before hitting the interstate again I pulled over and screwed the gas gap back on... oops lol.


I've also been sneezing every so often since I left, so I might be allergic to leaving lol.


When I pulled out of the University I thought seriously about turning right around and going back... partly because he had to walk in the hot sun from the entrance to his dorm... not as long of a walk as, say Rutgers, but still long when the sun is beating down on you... and it had to be close to 100*F.


*sigh* I can't wait to go back... this was definitely the best weekend of my life, and I've spent weekends in places like Bimini Island (Bahamas), Key Largo, Key West, Vancouver (part of a two week vacation on the west coast of the continent)... I would much rather be with John in DC or NJ than any of those places without him.


We also got a bit frustrated with Ginger... she got us where we needed to go, but she tried to send into the woods, or into other on-coming traffic more than a few times... and she thought one particular restaurant was in the middle of a bunch of trees lol.

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Glad to hear that you guys had a nice visit with each other :) Reading this has made my morning i think its cute. And coming from me that says alot since im not into mushy stuff lol. Ginger got you guys lost, Better slap her! That Bull is a pretty lucky bull to be near 2 really good looking guys. The car running out of gas oh that sounds like my aunts car anytime im in the car with her she's driving on EMPTY!. Forgetting to put on the cap ha ha ive so done that. I remember not even knowing how to pump gas in the car and my aunt was like COME ON YOUR A BOY! Your supposed to know this. And im standing at the gas pump and other guys are looking at me trying to figure this out i just died laughing. Saying goodbyes are always tough. I started to think that its not really saying goodbye its an Until We Meet Agian. Because your both still talking to each other and things like that and hopefully there will be more visits in the future. Best of luck to the both of you :):hug::hug::hug:

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Glad to hear that you guys had a nice visit with each other :) Reading this has made my morning i think its cute. And coming from me that says alot since im not into mushy stuff lol. Ginger got you guys lost, Better slap her! That Bull is a pretty lucky bull to be near 2 really good looking guys. The car running out of gas oh that sounds like my aunts car anytime im in the car with her she's driving on EMPTY!. Forgetting to put on the cap ha ha ive so done that. I remember not even knowing how to pump gas in the car and my aunt was like COME ON YOUR A BOY! Your supposed to know this. And im standing at the gas pump and other guys are looking at me trying to figure this out i just died laughing. Saying goodbyes are always tough. I started to think that its not really saying goodbye its an Until We Meet Agian. Because your both still talking to each other and things like that and hopefully there will be more visits in the future. Best of luck to the both of you :):hug::hug::hug:

I have a good reason for not knowing how to pump my own gas... it's illegal to do so in New Jersey, so every fuel station is full service here. I wasn't the only guy to forget to put the cap on at that station that day... when I pulled up, another guy was pulling out of the station with his fuel door open and gas cap sitting in its basket in the door (mine is tethered to the car so it was just dangling), and another customer saw it, ran to the car and tapped the window to let him know lol.


I've been looking forward to our next meeting ever since I left... I can't wait! And yeah, John slapped her a couple of times LOL.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now heeeee's back! he will visit me again and sleep with me in my room at Gallaudet University for the weekend, incidentally, it's the Homecoming weekend! I'm dressed in Rutgers jersey and jeans while he is dressed in Gallaudet hooded sweatshirt and jeans!



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I have a good reason for not knowing how to pump my own gas... it's illegal to do so in New Jersey, so every fuel station is full service here. I wasn't the only guy to forget to put the cap on at that station that day... when I pulled up, another guy was pulling out of the station with his fuel door open and gas cap sitting in its basket in the door (mine is tethered to the car so it was just dangling), and another customer saw it, ran to the car and tapped the window to let him know lol.


I've been looking forward to our next meeting ever since I left... I can't wait! And yeah, John slapped her a couple of times LOL.


Don't y'all get the wrong impression...there are at least a few people who grew up in Jersey who can fill a tank!


Sadly, all we had to do was pump gas for others...



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Highlights of the weekend: Meeting his best friend from his highschool, meeting some of his friends from his GSA and helping them set up their tent and decorations for selling food at the homecoming carnival, sort of having an official date (dinner and a movie!) and going to see the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and the Museum of North American Art. I also got to learn some more signs, and I'm slowly (emphasis on slowly) overcoming my biggest trouble with learning languages... receiving messages. I say slowly because he had to slowly fingerspell words I didn't know, and I would mirror each letter as I comitted it to memory and spelled the word in my head. I really liked meeting his friends and going to his homecoming because it threw ASL at me and forced me to get comfortable with it. I didn't use any, but I quietly observed his conversations with other people (I figured it was rude to watch conversations between people I didn't know lol) and realized that I could distinguish between most words... I don't know what said except maybe through context, such as when someone tried to engage me in conversation and he stopped them and told them that I'm hearing and can't sign yet, though according to him, I'm learning quickly, since I tried to sign as much as I possibly could with him, and learned a few more words in the process!


Oh, and it was kind of funny the amount of hearing people who were signing to me. Mostly just saying, "oops sorry" and "excuse me" (a lot of families of students there), but when I first got there and registered as a guest, the RA asked me to sign the form and give them an emergency contact number... by signing to me. John told her to speak to me -- turns out she was a hearing signer. We all lol'd.


Anyway, a few of the pictures we took. Finally some together! I put them in a new album of my photobucket account, and plan to use it for all future pictures of us taken by us. :D


Picture of him under the GSA tent at the carnival, behind the football field:


Picture of me under the same tent:


After a few attempts of getting us together by the door, here are two. The first one was too close and the second is a bit fuzzy since my hand was shaking while pressing the button on the camera:



Together in the sunset filtering through the window:



I think I'll print that one out and frame it... I can't wait to see him again next month!

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Thanks for the pictures and the highlights, Robbie. The pictures are great! It sounds like you had an enjoyable visit. I admire you for learning ASL; it could also be a bonus in your future career. I guess it would be easy to "eavesdrop" on signers' conversations; I assume signers are careful about what they say in public.



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