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Hey guys!


Ok, now I don't want to step on James' movie topic, but I wanted to create one just for the new Star Trek movie, because it deserves it! ;)


So who's going? I wanna hear from all of you, Trekkies and non-Trekkies alike!


I'm all set, got my tickets booked and everything! B) Just waiting for the day...



Oh, and in case you are having any lingering doubts, let me dispose of them with this:




(Swoons at hotness) :wub: Yep, Resistance really is futile!




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Theatre, illegal download, and blue ray DVD.


I am an ex-trekkie, but it's still addictive. Wonder how JJ Abrams will keep the Romulans from being seen, because it can end up pretty badly for older die-hard fans.


I'm fine with re-imagining old concepts, Battlestar Galactica went from 1970's campy family friendly entertainment to 21st century controversial, politically stimulating, and transcendent drama.


If they have to create a new series, keep it in the 24th century or do it in the 23rd century. Enterprise was just bad. They need new 24th century ideas, simple; Get Ron Moore, Jeri Taylor, and Ira Behr back and do the occupation arc of Cardassia (look up dominion war and you will know what I mean). By the way, Ron Moore did a good job with insurgency and terrorism on Battlestar Galactica, so I think it would make great drama for Trek to have it.


New 23rd century stuff; talk about the 2nd five year mission, which Gene Roddenberry had written scripts for an entire season entitled "2nd Phase". You just need to tweak the pilot and viola, you are recreating classic Star Trek without ever stepping over continuity.


Okay, I need to stop; I am a big fan of the franchise and very knowledgeable about the universe and histories.

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  • Site Moderator

I agree with the continuity issue. The Klingon's of Enterprise looked more like the Klingon's of The Next Generation and nothing like the Klingon's of Star Trek.


And, resistance is not futile.


I'll probably wait for it. I hate going to the movies by myself.

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Oh, and in case you are having any lingering doubts, let me dispose of them with this:




(Swoons at hotness) :wub: Yep, Resistance really is futile!


It's difficult to take Sylar seriously as Spock :P .

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Theatre, illegal download, and blue ray DVD.


I am an ex-trekkie, but it's still addictive. Wonder how JJ Abrams will keep the Romulans from being seen, because it can end up pretty badly for older die-hard fans.


I'm fine with re-imagining old concepts, Battlestar Galactica went from 1970's campy family friendly entertainment to 21st century controversial, politically stimulating, and transcendent drama.


If they have to create a new series, keep it in the 24th century or do it in the 23rd century. Enterprise was just bad. They need new 24th century ideas, simple; Get Ron Moore, Jeri Taylor, and Ira Behr back and do the occupation arc of Cardassia (look up dominion war and you will know what I mean). By the way, Ron Moore did a good job with insurgency and terrorism on Battlestar Galactica, so I think it would make great drama for Trek to have it.


New 23rd century stuff; talk about the 2nd five year mission, which Gene Roddenberry had written scripts for an entire season entitled "2nd Phase". You just need to tweak the pilot and viola, you are recreating classic Star Trek without ever stepping over continuity.


Okay, I need to stop; I am a big fan of the franchise and very knowledgeable about the universe and histories.

No, no, please don't stop. :D I think we need some more Trek on GA. (Cough) An entire section (Cough)


I can see what you mean by Enterprise, but I personally enjoyed that series. Perhaps it didn't work with television in the early 00's, but it was a good representation of Star Trek.


Ok, now you're teasing me. Ron Moore heading up a Star Trek film would be amazing. Completely amazing. A closer look at the occupation would be a nice idea, but that would have probably worked better as a separate series. (With Moore heading it)


If Ron Moore could bring BSG into Star Trek, it would be fantastic. Just imagine the gritty episodes of DS9, but with a BSG twist to it. It would have rocked!


I wasn't too hot about them revisiting the Original Series period, but it makes the best sense from a marketing/selling perspective. Especially considering they could throw Nimoy in there for good measure. ;)


Ok, now maybe I should stop. :P


I agree with the continuity issue. The Klingon's of Enterprise looked more like the Klingon's of The Next Generation and nothing like the Klingon's of Star Trek.


And, resistance is not futile.


I'll probably wait for it. I hate going to the movies by myself.

The Klingon foreheads was explained in Season 4 of Enterprise, but it seemed more like a way to cover their own mess up in the pilot, rather than a full explanation, so I'll let you have that one.


Ok, Talon, explain to me how resistance is not futile! (Don't answer and make me look silly :P )


Aww, now if there was some millionaire on these forums, then he/she could have hired out a cinema (and pay for flights) just for a special GA screening. Then we could all go as a (small) group.


It's difficult to take Sylar seriously as Spock :P .

Hehehe, I have the same problem. Forget about the head slicing, I just wanna rush up and look for the pointed ears. :wub:


Definitely going to see it, I love Trek movies. :D

I thought the next one would've been with the Voyager crew, but this should be interesting.

A Voyager movie would have been great, but I'm not sure how they could make a movie about it. Saying that, any movie with the Voyager crew would have been magic.

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Ok, Talon, explain to me how resistance is not futile! (Don't answer and make me look silly tongue.gif )

Think about the time period the movie takes place in.


While I freely admit that the :TNG films had run their course, DS9 and Voyager had no chance to make it to the big screen, it
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I have to admit that I haven't looked forward or dreaded a film release as I have with this one in years.


I have stayed away from the reviews and trailers and hope to see it at the IMAX if I get a chance. I used to read all the sci-fi mags and websites, but I found that too much would be given away so in my ignorance I am slightly worried about this film.


To me, Star Trek should be looking forward and not back. That's why the series Enterprise didn't work. Sci

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I love the novels, where Garak acts as the ambassador of Cardassia's government, but I think he is better as an intelligence director.


Post Dominion war should have been done as a series; occupation forces from the Klingons, Romulans, and Federation take over Cardassian territory. It could be almost like a historical reference to the split up of Germany into Allied zones post world war II. It would also be able to touch on modern day issues of terrorism and people not likeing their nation occupied, while getting profiteers of occupation and collaborators.


DS9 had explored a lot of ground on terrorism and justifying certain aspects of freedom fighters versus terrorism as lines that can never be drawn in clear light.


I remember an episode, where Kira was being stalked by a Cardassian, who lost his family due to one of Kira's terrorist attacks. It surprises me on how many level the storyline works of revenge as an Cardassian individual losing family due to terrorism, but as a society we could say Kira's actions of using terrorism and killing innocent civilians ultimately worked to drive off the occupation forces. It was stories with such great moral ambiguity that I grew into some one that respected Trekkian ideals of peace, while understanding that nothing is ever clean as ideal would want.


It is also stories like that, which has driven a wedge in Star Trek Fans. Idealist tend to be older, while the younger guys tend to be more ambiguous.




As for the new galaxy storyline, I can imagine an interesting story for it:


(In the 25th century, the Federation is now a Galactic power, which spans all 4 quadrants. Klingon, Talaxian, Dominion, and even Ferengi are now members. The Romulans, Breens, and Thoalians are still independent empires along with others. However, the development of early slipstream drive technology from USS Voyager and discovery of a limited supply of special crystals, which stabilizes the slipstream drive technology, are monumental to the story. The technology is limited to long range exploration use, but upon a scientific survey of the Andromeda Galaxy by the USS Titan; it is discovered that the galaxy is rich in the crystal along with other rare resources such as similar "fountain of youth" particles from the Baku homeworld and Natural Omega Particle fissures in space. A Race for resources and colonization occurs between the galactic powers. There are native races and civilization in the galaxy, but they do not have the same innate warring properties as the Humanoid races of the Milky Way races.)


Historic allegory to the Scramble for Africa, Colonialism, Imperialism, economic influence, resource management issues like oil, natural gas, coal, and even nuclear material, rights of popular sovereignty, and a whole host of issues could work there way into such a story.


For example, I am imagining one storyline now that would have the Federation and Romulans trying to secure an Omega particle fissure, while the Federation would want to study it and use it for energy generation, the Romulans want to create new devastating weapons from it. It is almost like the Uranium rush in Africa by the US and USSR during the height of the cold war.


That would make for an interesting storyline, but just make sure if you steal my idea, place me as the source material and give me executive producer rights. :D

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Hmmm... A Trek section...

I have all the DVDs of all the TV shows except the original series (and that's because Borders sucks). I also have all the movies on DVD.


I'll be seeing the movies a few times... in IMAX.

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I haven't been following the series (any of them) as much I should, given me normal fan-boy like tendencies.


STILL, my sister, father and I plan on going this weekend I believe (which is a pain, becasue I have two papers to finish!!)


However, I still have fond memories of all of the TNG movies, and am very very excited for this one.


My dream job is STILL a starfleet medical officer. :D

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As for the new galaxy storyline, I can imagine an interesting story for it:


(In the 25th century, the Federation is now a Galactic power, which spans all 4 quadrants. Klingon, Talaxian, Dominion, and even Ferengi are now members. The Romulans, Breens, and Thoalians are still independent empires along with others. However, the development of early slipstream drive technology from USS Voyager and discovery of a limited supply of special crystals, which stabilizes the slipstream drive technology, are monumental to the story. The technology is limited to long range exploration use, but upon a scientific survey of the Andromeda Galaxy by the USS Titan; it is discovered that the galaxy is rich in the crystal along with other rare resources such as similar "fountain of youth" particles from the Baku homeworld and Natural Omega Particle fissures in space. A Race for resources and colonization occurs between the galactic powers. There are native races and civilization in the galaxy, but they do not have the same innate warring properties as the Humanoid races of the Milky Way races.)


Historic allegory to the Scramble for Africa, Colonialism, Imperialism, economic influence, resource management issues like oil, natural gas, coal, and even nuclear material, rights of popular sovereignty, and a whole host of issues could work there way into such a story.


For example, I am imagining one storyline now that would have the Federation and Romulans trying to secure an Omega particle fissure, while the Federation would want to study it and use it for energy generation, the Romulans want to create new devastating weapons from it. It is almost like the Uranium rush in Africa by the US and USSR during the height of the cold war.

USS Titan, eh? ;) Like the sound of that!


Quite a detailed storyline you have there, clearly this was all off the top of your head...(WINK WINK)


Making Star Trek intergalactic would certainly have kept things new. Saying that, it might have been something like Stargate in that regard, with a different galaxy and everything. Except with different races, rather than Humans.


The potential story lines for such a series would have been enormous. And with those species being part of the Federation, it would be great to see some of them serving onboard the ships within Starfleet.


Oh, and where would have the Borg fitted into that? Would the Federation have wiped them out, or would they simply be on the defensive, as always? B)

That would make for an interesting storyline, but just make sure if you steal my idea, place me as the source material and give me executive producer rights. :D

Rick Berman is frowning at you right now.


Hmmm... A Trek section...

"With a few clicks of his mouse, a new frontier of GA can be born..." :P


I haven't been following the series (any of them) as much I should, given me normal fan-boy like tendencies.


STILL, my sister, father and I plan on going this weekend I believe (which is a pain, becasue I have two papers to finish!!)


However, I still have fond memories of all of the TNG movies, and am very very excited for this one.


My dream job is STILL a starfleet medical officer. :D

Star Trek movie vs. papers


Hmmm. Which one to choose?... :P


A Starfleet Medical officer? If GA had a starship of it's own, sickbay would be yours.

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I won't lie, I have been writing Star Trek Fiction and story lines for years, however, most of them are not really centered for gay storylines, but there are gay characters and some strange sexuality character (think Trill host/generational issues, asexual or homosexual bonding of Founders, and Klingons sexual practices as just small nods).


Out of the handful of Gay oriented stories, I actually have an interesting Founder back story concept for why they were hunted as solids and how they could be direct link between humanoid sexual preference and shape-shifting in Star Trek Universe. The story is basically my interpretation on minority variation concepts within species leading to an evolutionary zenith. (Remember TNG episode "The Chase", where the humanoid races like Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, and Humans discovered they were all the same species and the Female Founder character played the Female ancestor alien. I took that idea and mixed it with evolutionary concepts to establish Founders as our evolutionary end point, a pure omni-sexual being.)


If you like star trek-esque story lines, check out CSU (Clan Short Universe) or E-tours, which combine several elements together with authors of different genres.

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Star Trek has a wealth of history of the future to go on. As :tng had bought a once formidable enemy into the fold as an ally, I envisaged the next next generation seeing the Federation encompassing the whole galaxy.


I thought of a main storyline for the opening story, set some ten years after the dominion wars, that way we could have a few characters that we already know and love. The major powers of each quadrant either joined the Federation or were allied to it to drive the Borg out of existence once and for all. That would make for a great TV movie length episode, blow a wad of the budget on some great battle scenes and the story would give us a chance to catch up on events that led to where the new show started off. A nice bit of continuity for us fans.


Then the real series gets going. Set 40 or 50 years after the defeat of the Borg. The Federation and its allies using captured Borg technology, that they would have enhanced, have all turn their sights on to another galaxy and we would see what would basically be a land grab between the Federation and not so reputable members of the alliance.


And like it or not the Federation is as much an imperial power as the Romulans. It's just that they go about it in a more palatable way.


"Hey there, we're the good guys. Would you like to join our gang? We have cookies!"


The thing is with the advancements made over the past few years in CGI we could have some really great looking alien races and characters. Get away from that whole everyone in the universe is basically humanoid and the only way to tell that they are not actually human is that they have dodgy ears/eyebrows/foreheads/noses.


Who knows, maybe if this new Trek film is successful it may make Paramount believe that the public are ready for a new series?


I won't hold my breath though.

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Star Trek has a wealth of history of the future to go on. As :tng had bought a once formidable enemy into the fold as an ally, I envisaged the next next generation seeing the Federation encompassing the whole galaxy.


I thought of a main storyline for the opening story, set some ten years after the dominion wars, that way we could have a few characters that we already know and love. The major powers of each quadrant either joined the Federation or were allied to it to drive the Borg out of existence once and for all. That would make for a great TV movie length episode, blow a wad of the budget on some great battle scenes and the story would give us a chance to catch up on events that led to where the new show started off. A nice bit of continuity for us fans.


Then the real series gets going. Set 40 or 50 years after the defeat of the Borg. The Federation and its allies using captured Borg technology, that they would have enhanced, have all turn their sights on to another galaxy and we would see what would basically be a land grab between the Federation and not so reputable members of the alliance.


And like it or not the Federation is as much an imperial power as the Romulans. It's just that they go about it in a more palatable way.


"Hey there, we're the good guys. Would you like to join our gang? We have cookies!"


The thing is with the advancements made over the past few years in CGI we could have some really great looking alien races and characters. Get away from that whole everyone in the universe is basically humanoid and the only way to tell that they are not actually human is that they have dodgy ears/eyebrows/foreheads/noses.


Who knows, maybe if this new Trek film is successful it may make Paramount believe that the public are ready for a new series?


I won't hold my breath though.


One reason why I'd love to do a scramble for Andromeda storyline; it would be interesting to see the Federation expanding into a new galaxy and meeting truly alien life forms that do not have humanoid sympathies or issues.


The old milky way races are politically divided and they will continue to be politically divided even the klingon empire after joining the Federation in the future would never be completely content. The Romulans will want to regroup and the Thoalian are still pretty xenophobic.


In the current Star Trek novels, written by DS9, TNG, and Voyager era writers, set a decade after the Dominion war, Two aligned leagues have been created in the galaxy: Khitomer Accords league headed by the Federation, Klingon, Cardassian, and Rebel Romulan Republic along with Ferengis and other races as associate mmbers. Then, you have the Typhon Pact league headed by Romulans Star Empire, Thoalisn Assembly, Breen Confederacy, and other powers trying to lay their claims and control of the galactic power. (search for the "typhon pact" and you will find out what I mean)


I advise many of the Star Trek fans to read some of these novels; it's very interesting to know that a First world and Second World alliances were constructed of the humanoid races in the Milky way. As for the Borg, they were recently defeated by the sacrifice of Captain Janeway (she died in the novels to take out the Borg) in a climatic battle that nearly destroyed the galaxy and have left many worlds ravaged.

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Star Trek movie vs. papers


Hmmm. Which one to choose?... :P


A Starfleet Medical officer? If GA had a starship of it's own, sickbay would be yours.


YAY! *pumps fist in victory*


Soo... the I've been wasting time on the official movie website right now, and I have a new desktop wallpaper! WOO!


And maybe I'm the first one to point it out, but Chekov is TOTALLY adorable. And according to Wikipedia, younger than me... hmm. That's odd.

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My mother got me into Startrek as kid. I grew up watching the old Movies with Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the gang as well as following TNG,(Data was and still is my fav TNG charecter). I'm also a fan of the movies based of TNG and the Voyager series.


I think it'll be interesting to sort of go back and see how it all began, despite the objections of some of my *Trekie* friends I'll be first in line to see it lol.


Best Wishes.


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One reason why I'd love to do a scramble for Andromeda storyline; it would be interesting to see the Federation expanding into a new galaxy and meeting truly alien life forms that do not have humanoid sympathies or issues.


The old milky way races are politically divided and they will continue to be politically divided even the klingon empire after joining the Federation in the future would never be completely content. The Romulans will want to regroup and the Thoalian are still pretty xenophobic.


In the current Star Trek novels, written by DS9, TNG, and Voyager era writers, set a decade after the Dominion war, Two aligned leagues have been created in the galaxy: Khitomer Accords league headed by the Federation, Klingon, Cardassian, and Rebel Romulan Republic along with Ferengis and other races as associate mmbers. Then, you have the Typhon Pact league headed by Romulans Star Empire, Thoalisn Assembly, Breen Confederacy, and other powers trying to lay their claims and control of the galactic power. (search for the "typhon pact" and you will find out what I mean)


I advise many of the Star Trek fans to read some of these novels; it's very interesting to know that a First world and Second World alliances were constructed of the humanoid races in the Milky way. As for the Borg, they were recently defeated by the sacrifice of Captain Janeway (she died in the novels to take out the Borg) in a climatic battle that nearly destroyed the galaxy and have left many worlds ravaged.

Star Trek: Andromeda would be great, but I doubt that they'd use the novels to explain the current situation of the quadrant/galaxy. It would be cool, but I doubt it.


As I mentioned before, Stargate Universe is (apparently) gonna explore real alien looking aliens, so it will be interesting to see what they come up with and if something similar would work on Trek.


A big budget, Ron Moore and a great cast will guarantee success. But I'm thinking that Paramount will just sit on movies for a while, if this one goes well.


I always thought that it would have been good for the Romulans to be goodies for a change. Just kiss & make-up already!


Hehehe, trust Janeway to be the one to take out the Borg. :lol:


Does Sisko return in any of those Novels?


YAY! *pumps fist in victory*


Soo... the I've been wasting time on the official movie website right now, and I have a new desktop wallpaper! WOO!


And maybe I'm the first one to point it out, but Chekov is TOTALLY adorable. And according to Wikipedia, younger than me... hmm. That's odd.

Or, we could just use the EMH. :P


Some of those wallpapers are quite cool, like the black/shadowy one.


Yeah, Chekov is kinda cute. ;) (Still have my eyes set on the Vulcan!)


My mother got me into Startrek as kid. I grew up watching the old Movies with Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the gang as well as following TNG,(Data was and still is my fav TNG charecter). I'm also a fan of the movies based of TNG and the Voyager series.


I think it'll be interesting to sort of go back and see how it all began, despite the objections of some of my *Trekie* friends I'll be first in line to see it lol.


Best Wishes.


You had a very good mother in that regard! B)


You're right, this is going to be very different from anything we've seen or associated with Star Trek, so it will be interesting to see how it pans out!



Aside from that, my friends have been quite vocal about how they ALL want to go see the new movie. These were the same people who would NEVER watch the show, just because it's Star Trek. So I was very surprised when they said that they want to see it.


Has anyone else come across this 'phenomena' ;) in their group of friends/family?

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