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New Hampshire and Maine *UPDATE* New York and DC

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Veto or passing without a signature (aka placid acceptance or silent protest depending on the polls, hehe)


I love American politics, so double edged.

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I wish John read current news instead of old news (history majors, yeesh) so I could get the daily scoop. He lives in New England and used to live in Vermont (you can imagine how ecstatic he was when I told him Vermont passed their legislation).

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I wish John read current news instead of old news (history majors, yeesh) so I could get the daily scoop. He lives in New England and used to live in Vermont (you can imagine how ecstatic he was when I told him Vermont passed their legislation).

If you Google enough, you can find all the latest news, though you may need to dig for it. A Google search for "new Hampshire marriage" led me to TowleRoad (http://www.towleroad.com/2009/05/new-hamps...l-in-limbo.html) which led me to the Nashua (New Hampshire) Telegraph article http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/apps/pbcs.d...5/-1/columnists. It hasn't reached Governor Lynch's desk yet, but you need to understand the complexity of the way the bill was passed. It began in the NH House, was altered by the Senate and then went back and forth, and some of the amendments became bills of their own--for example, the one correcting the error of limiting marriage to "gospel ministers," which legislators suddenly realized would exclude non-Christians. The idea is to gather all the bills together so they can be presented to the Governor simultaneously--both the bill setting up same sex marriage and the bills correcting the original bill. Before the Governor gets them, each bill requires lots of signatures from lots of officials, so it has to pass around like some interoffice memo until everyone involved has put their initials (or signatures) on it.


What's fascinating is the article goes on to discuss a misleading poll by Cornerstone Policy Research that said that New Hampshire residents were against gay marriage. The question it actually asked was: ""This survey concerns a new law the state Legislature just passed that will affect marriage in New Hampshire. Do you agree that marriage between only one man and one woman should be legal in New Hampshire?'' The way I read that question, it doesn't ask about same sex marriage; it asks "should heterosexual monogamous marriage be legal in New Hampshire?" Duh--yeah. Who could object to that? Well, at least 64% agreed.


It's worth Googling more about that Cornerstone Policy Research poll to find out how to lie with statistics--it's a really blatant misuse of polling techniques.



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Come on, Gov. Lynch, you can do it.


L-Y-N-C-H, is the five letters we need to endorse the document in a week.

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I hear former Senator Santorium is leading a fight to turn back gay marriage in those states.


He's so popular these days that he is no longer in the senate. What a tool.





yes- I spelled his name incorrectly so it would suggest "nut house"

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I hear former Senator Santorium is leading a fight to turn back gay marriage in those states.


He's so popular these days that he is no longer in the senate. What a tool.





yes- I spelled his name incorrectly so it would suggest "nut house"


That guy is scum.

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I had the pleasure of voting against him and supported Casey - who he's a native of my area.


I was dancing in joy when I saw Santorum tearing up a little in his defeat speech with his breeder family.


yes- I spelled his name incorrectly so it would suggest "nut house"

James... there is no need to do that.


Just click: WARNING - Explicit Image.

Edited by Jack Frost
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This Sunday is gonna be fun. I'm doing the AIDS walk with some of my friends (and the bf too). We also found out that shortly after there's gonna be a rally to support gay marriage in NY to pass so we're going to attend that as well... either way Sunday is gonna be extremely amazing since i'm gonna support two causes that I'm passionate about.


Maybe I'll make it on TV :)

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This Sunday is gonna be fun. I'm doing the AIDS walk with some of my friends (and the bf too). We also found out that shortly after there's gonna be a rally to support gay marriage in NY to pass so we're going to attend that as well... either way Sunday is gonna be extremely amazing since i'm gonna support two causes that I'm passionate about.


Maybe I'll make it on TV :)


B) ..........We will be checking in to see if 'Bad Eric' makes the news!!

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Oh btw - this is the rally i'll be attending on sunday after AIDS walk...



Rally for marriage equality!


When: Sunday May 17th, 5pm-7pm

Where: 6th Avenue at 45th Street NYC


if your in the area come on by :)

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Goddamn it. NH house rejected the proposed language, but also rejected the attempt to kill the bill. Now time to work out a compromise with the Senate and have a vote on June 3rd. More waiting to do. >.<

Edited by Jack Frost
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Hey Hey Robbie, I'm behind in 8 months of old newspapers doesn't mean that I didn't read current news, I got every once for a while in a GMAIL account.

You mean the stack of newspapers that was threatening to bury me for three months? :P



I certainly do hope that NH and NJ pass equal marriage rights bills.

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