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World War III


World War III  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. How Does it Start?

    • Accident
    • Malice
  2. 2. Who will start it?

    • USA
    • Russia
    • China
    • Iran
    • North Korea
    • India
    • Pakistan
    • European Union/NATO
    • terrorist organizations
  3. 3. Who will the players Be(check all that apply)?

    • USA
    • Russia
    • China
    • Iran
    • North Korea
    • European Union/NATO
    • India
    • Pakistan
  4. 4. Weapons off Mass Destruction Used?

    • Yes
    • No
  5. 5. WMDs used in WWIII?

    • Chemical
    • Biological
    • Nuclear
    • ALL
    • None
    • other

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The last questions for thought and comment: Does humanity survive? Should it? IF so why?


Adama: we never answered the question Why? Why are we as a people worth saving? We still commit murder because of greed and spite and jealousy, and we still visit all of our sins upon our children. We refuse to accept the responsibility for anything we've done, like we did with the Cylons. We decided to play God, create life. When that life turned against us, we comforted ourselves in the knowledge that it really wasn't our fault, not really. You cannot play God and then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.






PS- I'm betting on the Australians FTW. There are too nice to attack and just out of the way enough to miss out on the worst of the great nuke out.

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Most likely survive through some kind of coincidence. Subways used to be old bomb shelters, so pray you are a good commuter. (It's actually a good idea to hide in the transit tunnels and use them to get out of major cities)


Additionally, Australian population in the desert might be able to survive along with the Arctic researchers and Space station guys.


Now should we survive, what doesn't kill us, will most likely kill us in the decades of nuclear winter. Afterward, the last remnants of mankind can try to figure out what's next.

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  • Site Administrator
PS- I'm betting on the Australians FTW. There are too nice to attack and just out of the way enough to miss out on the worst of the great nuke out.

Australia's population is too heavily concentrated in a handful of cities. If someone wanted to take us out, they only need to destroy Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and maybe one of Perth or Adelaide. What's left would fragment because I don't think there would be enough infrastructure to keep a country of our size going. The people living in the rural areas would almost certainly survive, but the nation of Australia probably wouldn't.


New Zealand is the traditional survivor in Science Fiction stories -- way too small to worry about, but a sizeable nation in an out-of-the-way corner of the world. The only danger would be nuclear fallout from the attacks on Sydney and Melbourne.


As for the poll, who starts it is a generational thing. Go back a generation and it would have been the USSR as the main culprit through malice, with a chance of the USA starting it accidentally. Today, it's more likely to be a terrorist organisation, or an India/Pakistan conflict getting out of hand. Iran and North Korea are the wildcards, but because they are wildcards, they are just as likely to smaller scale wars, rather than a world war.


In another generation, it could be the Lunatics who want to throw off the yoke of Terran rule that is the most like starters of WWIII. Another generation after that and it may be the Martians.


I don't see WWIII starting without weapons of mass destruction. Without them, the conflict would be contained (somehow). With them, the war goes global very quickly.


Just my opinion :)

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Australia's population is too heavily concentrated in a handful of cities. If someone wanted to take us out, they only need to destroy Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and maybe one of Perth or Adelaide. What's left would fragment because I don't think there would be enough infrastructure to keep a country of our size going. The people living in the rural areas would almost certainly survive, but the nation of Australia probably wouldn't.


New Zealand is the traditional survivor in Science Fiction stories -- way too small to worry about, but a sizeable nation in an out-of-the-way corner of the world. The only danger would be nuclear fallout from the attacks on Sydney and Melbourne.


As for the poll, who starts it is a generational thing. Go back a generation and it would have been the USSR as the main culprit through malice, with a chance of the USA starting it accidentally. Today, it's more likely to be a terrorist organisation, or an India/Pakistan conflict getting out of hand. Iran and North Korea are the wildcards, but because they are wildcards, they are just as likely to smaller scale wars, rather than a world war.


In another generation, it could be the Lunatics who want to throw off the yoke of Terran rule that is the most like starters of WWIII. Another generation after that and it may be the Martians.


I don't see WWIII starting without weapons of mass destruction. Without them, the conflict would be contained (somehow). With them, the war goes global very quickly.


Just my opinion :)


Interesting thought on WMD. I thought about that, about who would use them first? The winners or losers in a war, and I came to the conclusion that the losers would, out of desperation. I wonder though. The biggest use of WMD (or at least the most obvious) was the US atomic bomb attacks in WWII. And the US was winning.

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Iran nukes Israel, Israel nukes Iran, Pakistan nukes Israel, and India nukes Pakistan and Iran.


What's wrong with a limited nuclear war in the middle-east and near east?


If big nations don't touch the affected countries, then it gets limited. If they do, we are all going to be screwed.

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Iran nukes Israel, Israel nukes Iran, Pakistan nukes Israel, and India nukes Pakistan and Iran.


What's wrong with a limited nuclear war in the middle-east and near east?


If big nations don't touch the affected countries, then it gets limited. If they do, we are all going to be screwed.


:( .........Israel bombs Iran's nuke facilities..... Iran retaliates with missiles... US builds up along Iran border with Iraqi troops and missiles......Iran nukes Iraq..... Iraq, Iran and US declares war....Israel nukes Iran...Pakistan and India nervous over tensions in the area 'accidentally' start a war with each other....China sends troop buildup along border of India and Pakistan.....North Korea bombs South Korea and invades South Korea.....Japan has naval war with North Korea.....US bombs North Korea declares war ....China invades Taiwan.........Russia invades all it's former province's Germany builds up troops and weapons along Russian border.


It's a mad world!! Once a nuke is deployed in this day in age, it won't be limited!

Edited by Benji
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It's not the super-power with 1000 nukes you have to worry about.


It is the wanna-be with 12.


Very true, but you know if they start it, we are going to finish it

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This poll is real politic fiction! James are you aware of the real world situation of today? Do you really think that we will have a WWIII in the next 10 years?

I remember the years before WWII and learnt a lot in history about the years before WWI. When you follow all the events which happened in the different countries involved, you can always detect the causes which leaded to the war itself. And since 1945, we had in the last 50 years continually somewhere in the world a lot of local wars but no one was the beginning of a world war. Today we live in a global world and when two states begin a war somewhere, there are enough others whose interests are to limit the conflict between the initiators.

Reading the different comments in your poll, the general opinion is that WWIII will lead to a fully destruction of our civilization. That

Edited by old bob
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It would just take the most extreme acts to create such a war outbreak in the world. I do believe though, it would end civilizations in a few countries, but not the end of humanity, there will be a lot of innocent bystanders in such a extreme war, but not everything will parish.

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i checked "all" for weapons used because in their existence, they are already in use. in a way, they might be something stopping the war because of the fear involved in committing to a large scale struggle in which we'd all have to keep trumping each other.


it's like playing chicken:


which weapon are you willing to use, knowing i will use my next worst back?

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That's the danger with bioweapons. You can do some serious damage and the effected population won't know for days. Afterwards its very hard to figure out exactly who did it. This is something that we're going to see again and its going to be a lot worse than the 2001 anthrax attacks.

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Interesting thought on WMD. I thought about that, about who would use them first? The winners or losers in a war, and I came to the conclusion that the losers would, out of desperation. I wonder though. The biggest use of WMD (or at least the most obvious) was the US atomic bomb attacks in WWII. And the US was winning.



1) The US wanted a quick end to the war, an ultimatum was supposedly issued to the Emperor, he ignored it so in came the bombers. 2) The US only commenced development on nuclear weapons after they learned that the Germans were well on the way to developing them.

Also Germany had been using WMD (Weapons of Moderate Destruction) for at least a year using Heisenburg's Vengeance rockets in terror bombing campaigns on London.

An intersting side question: If Nazi Germany had 1 nuke, where would they launch it?





:( .........Israel bombs Iran's nuke facilities..... Iran retaliates with missiles... US builds up along Iran border with Iraqi troops and missiles......Iran nukes Iraq..... Iraq, Iran and US declares war....Israel nukes Iran...Pakistan and India nervous over tensions in the area 'accidentally' start a war with each other....China sends troop buildup along border of India and Pakistan.....North Korea bombs South Korea and invades South Korea.....Japan has naval war with North Korea.....US bombs North Korea declares war ....China invades Taiwan.........Russia invades all it's former province's Germany builds up troops and weapons along Russian border.


It's a mad world!! Once a nuke is deployed in this day in age, it won't be limited!

And even if a superpower managed to take out all missile silos in 'danger areas' such

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Also Germany had been using WMD (Weapons of Moderate Destruction) for at least a year using Heisenburg's Vengeance rockets in terror bombing campaigns on London. An intersting side question: If Nazi Germany had 1 nuke, where would they launch it?

I may try to answer this question :

During the last 18 months of WWII, two groups were trying to influence the unfolding of WWII on german side : the german resistance (an opposition by individuals and groups in Nazi Germany to the regime of Adolf Hitler between 1933 and 1945. Some of these engaged in active plans to remove Hitler from power and overthrow his regime. Their plans culminated in the unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Hitler in July 1944, see German resistance ) and on the other side, the nazi extremists with first the SS-Obergruppenf

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