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Types of Men


Pick a man  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you want?

    • the Average guy
    • the Stud
    • the Rich guy
    • 0

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I was having a discussion with my friend earlier about the type of man we'd ideally prefer, at the end of the day, we both said we wanted a guy with money, looks and devotion, and yeah that's ideal, but it's also a rare combination. And sometimes you find more of some things than others in guys. This poll is about priorities and it's about personalities. What do YOU need to be happy?



The Men:


The Stud


Positive: His body is a work of art. He is the expression of every fantasy you've ever had, in the flesh. And he fulfills all of your sexual fantasies with incredible passion when you are together. In the bedroom and at home he is affectionate and loving and makes you completely happy.


Negative: He is a closet case, he wont touch you in public and is often paranoid about people finding out about the two of you. His looks are intimidating, you sometimes wonder why a guy as good looking as him would choose you, and you often wonder about his fidelity. His job pays well but often means he is out of town for days at a time and this increases your worry about his fidelity and commitment to you, while you feel slightly lonely during his absence.



The Rich Guy:


Positive: He has money, notoriety, and loves to go out and about with you. You are proud to be his spouse and

his money, which he showers you with freely, has given you a means to fulfill all of your material desires and allowed you to see the world while giving you a stable and secure feeling about your financial future.


Negative: His money is the only thing that he gives you freely. The sex is good, but somehow it feels like he holds back from letting go completely. You feel sometimes like the best way he knows how to express his love for you is to shower you with lavish gifts. He can be affectionate but it isn't typical of him, and it seems to you that his extreme ambition has given him a slightly cynical, cautious and un-optimistic outlook which stunted his emotional growth.



The Average Guy:


Positive: His devotion and sense of romanticism is second-to-none, he shows you how much he loves you with small gestures which make your heart grow everyday. On holidays and birthdays he's a wonder, he knows you inside and out and always comes up with love affirming and deeply personal gifts. Everyone you know considers you to be a dream couple, the perfect match.


Pos/Neg: His looks are average, his body is average, his income and job are nothing spectacular.


Negative: Sometimes you wonder if he is giving up his chance to advance in his profession because he'd prefer to have the maximum amount of free-time possible to be with you. While you are flattered that he would give up advancement for you, but you feel as though you should have a say in it. Which he doesn't give you.






Note: The 'reactions' that I posited are highly subjective, instead of relying totally on the emotional states and feelings which I outlined, rely instead on how you feel you would react in a similar situation.

Edited by JJFlame
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To me, the "Average" guy has the most to offer just going by your descriptions of the people if you're looking for the deeper/emotional relationship. Regardless of that level then most definitely the rich guy. :wub:


But voting wise, the average guy will get my pick...

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Nice post!


I think "the Average guy" will be the clear winner. That's what I went with anyways. I don't really care about looks that much, so average in that department is just fine. I don't care about how much money someone I'm interested in make either, since I'd want to pay for at least half of everything either way. As long as the love is there, I could work with the rest.

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I gotta go with Average Guy cus that's the best type of guy there is. Well rounded people are the best to get along with :)


(Though IMHO, the guy I'm dating is way above average... he's perfect :) )

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Wow I'm surprised by the results. Seems everyone here just really is in it for the love. I thought there would be a few who went for the rich guy because he's a "fixer upper", we all know that one guy or girl who keeps dating guys who are flawed in order to "fix them". :P

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I actually went for the rich guy


the average guy just seems like hed be a bit too clingy for my liking. the lack of ambition wouldn't be the thing that bothered me it would be more hes too fixated on me


heh honestly i probably wouldn't go for any of them

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I want someone who loves me... simple as. Don't care what gender, don't care what colour skin, don't care what they look like (although long dark hair and come to bed eyes would be appreciated) don't care what the state of the bank balance is, don't even care if they leave the toilet seat up and shavings in the sink. *sigh*

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I voted for the average guy.


For several years I had a closet model and that was SO draining. But I have learned that the rich guy is just as draining - in different ways, but just as tedious. Actually, the rich guy was the most gently abusive person I've ever known.


Just give me a Joe Average. I don't mind a tummy, (Especially a hairy one! :P ) If someone never has self-doubt, are they really even human? How many of us truly live up to our potential?


Reasonable devotion, honesty, and modest income. What else is really needed? Together, we can determine the rest!

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Hmm, well I would point out that some of the "negatives" listed aren't likely to match up to those types for me. For example, my concept of "The Stud" wouldn't likely be the sort of guy who could be a closet case. Simply put, I tend to like guys who look gay. I'm not really interested in "straight" or even "straight looking" guys. So a guy I found very attractive would probably be pretty easy to pick out as gay.


For the "Average Guy," I don't place very much emphasis on career/success so I doubt I'd feel that the "negatives" listed were truly negative. Actually, it sounds more like he has his priorities straight. I think relationships, family, and general personal happiness are much more important that work related success.


I will say that the "Rich Guy" description held pretty true to what I've come in contact with though :lol:

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I definitely went for the Rich guy. He's cool.


The average guy was good but I fear a relationship with him will fall in routine. And I want space too! A bit too sweet for my taste. :P


The stud? Keep him away from me (for relationships)



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I didnt vote !

My preference goes to a mix of all three types.

At the different stages I lived in the last 65 years, I met all three types. The quality of the relation didnt depend on the type. :D

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Hmmm at first i was hoping there was an other choice because i have an unding attraction to assholes as seen in my past boyfriends. But i realized that either of those types can be assholes. So I chose the average guy but honestly i'd go for the rich guy too.

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Hmmm at first i was hoping there was an other choice because i have an unding attraction to assholes as seen in my past boyfriends. But i realized that either of those types can be assholes. So I chose the average guy but honestly i'd go for the rich guy too.


Gay guys like assholes?! No wai! :lol:

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