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Mages of the Academy-The Secret Hand

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So did you die of starvation? Walk out on the story? Cave in to the ills of the "working class"?


Screw that, eating is over rated and you can access the web from the library for free. So no silly excuses like needing rent or stuff.


Where's our next chapter? Eh?:blink:

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So did you die of starvation? Walk out on the story? Cave in to the ills of the "working class"?


Screw that, eating is over rated and you can access the web from the library for free. So no silly excuses like needing rent or stuff.


Where's our next chapter? Eh?blink.gif



Chapter 5 is right here. Enjoy! :P Sorry about the wait.

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Questions though some of you may never even look at this since this thread is so very quiet. But pardon my slowness in updating. My life is pretty much on turbulent waters and I'm stuck in a canoe in the deep blue sea. School is about 4 weeks away from being over and it may seem a long time, but it's not really in school terms. But bare with me until then and the chapters will come faster then.


But on to the questions... or rather set up and then questions...


I have the story's main plot down and we know it's about the destruction of the The Silver Island and the mysterious disappearence/extravagant cover up of Solmina, the first magic school. But as I write I want to explore some of the characters more, meaning an introduction of more new characters. This story is getting way epic. Haha. I know what I kind of have plans to do... my questions are... (and it probably won't deter my decision in any way but I like to ask anyway because that's how I am)


Is the character count overwhelming? Would more make it overwhelming? If it is already overwhelming how do you keep up with them?




Oh and free free anytime to write anything about the story. Characters you like... would like to see more of... explanations of certain things in the story (of what has been revealed)... basically almost anything.

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Questions though some of you may never even look at this since this thread is so very quiet. But pardon my slowness in updating. My life is pretty much on turbulent waters and I'm stuck in a canoe in the deep blue sea. School is about 4 weeks away from being over and it may seem a long time, but it's not really in school terms. But bare with me until then and the chapters will come faster then.


But on to the questions... or rather set up and then questions...


I have the story's main plot down and we know it's about the destruction of the The Silver Island and the mysterious disappearence/extravagant cover up of Solmina, the first magic school. But as I write I want to explore some of the characters more, meaning an introduction of more new characters. This story is getting way epic. Haha. I know what I kind of have plans to do... my questions are... (and it probably won't deter my decision in any way but I like to ask anyway because that's how I am)


Is the character count overwhelming? Would more make it overwhelming? If it is already overwhelming how do you keep up with them?




Oh and free free anytime to write anything about the story. Characters you like... would like to see more of... explanations of certain things in the story (of what has been revealed)... basically almost anything.


We may whine and grown but the bottom line is that writing is words that stays. You have to eat, have a roof over your head and an outlet to plug your computer in.


Or the tone and tenor of your life and certainly the story will suffer.


Take care of business first. We'll still be here. And so will the story. B)

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Ricky I love how you did NOT answer my question at all. :P:thumbdown:biggrin.gif


Gosh, Wa, Wa, Wa. :sheep:


Ok, here it is. At present no, it is not too big but add one more and I'm walking.


Ok, well that may be a little strong. It is a little much for me but I am profoundly dyslexic ( :wub: really) so it may not be the same for others.


I didn't answer because I was stunned by the spoiler. :blink: I hadn't figured out that the destruction of the school was a "goal". That's kinda like shooting one of your mains. :thumbdown: (Did that once, wasn't pretty. Paya STILL blames me for it.)


The story seems to have gotten convoluted very quickly. :read: There are sub plots for the characters who are committing the sub plots in that family or tribal politics comes into play too. :read: So indeed you have sub plots to your subplots. :wacko: But you are just getting going and somewhere along here I think it will double back and the strands will begin to weave together the fabric of a strong story. :2thumbs:


But then again perhaps I'm just too shallow and superficial to stay with it. But your writing is such that the wordflowers make great mind pictures, so even if i never manage to follow it closely I'll read along and keep :lmao: nodding when others talk cogently about it and they'll probably never know how lost I can get. :blink:

So there, I've said it. :funny:

I think :(

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Gosh, Wa, Wa, Wa.


Ok, here it is. At present no, it is not too big but add one more and I'm walking.


Ok, well that may be a little strong. It is a little much for me but I am profoundly dyslexic ( really) so it may not be the same for others.


I didn't answer because I was stunned by the spoiler. I hadn't figured out that the destruction of the school was a "goal". That's kinda like shooting one of your mains. (Did that once, wasn't pretty. Paya STILL blames me for it.)


The story seems to have gotten convoluted very quickly. read.gif There are sub plots for the characters who are committing the sub plots in that family or tribal politics comes into play too. read.gif So indeed you have sub plots to your subplots. wacko.gif But you are just getting going and somewhere along here I think it will double back and the strands will begin to weave together the fabric of a strong story. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


But then again perhaps I'm just too shallow and superficial to stay with it. But your writing is such that the wordflowers make great mind pictures, so even if i never manage to follow it closely I'll read along and keep lmaosmiley.gif nodding when others talk cogently about it and they'll probably never know how lost I can get.

So there, I've said it. cwm27.gif

I think sad.gif


*nods head, personally thinking, 'This guy makes no sense.'* tongue.gif haha

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  • 1 month later...

If I can do it right, I have something I want to do... for the time being for this story. Because it is a fantasy story and more imaginative. Would it ruin you guy's image of my characters if I posted my various sketches of my characters? Since I had no computer, I have been doing steches/drawings more often, which I need to do more cause I'm way out of practice. The sketches aren't really per say how they are supposed to look because everytime I write the story they sort of change bit by bit. I just want to work on my pencil worksmanship and is kinda just using my characters from this story to help me with the creative process. So this story inspired my drawings I guess but aren't really the characters. Haha. What a round about way to talk. Now if I can figure out how to scan the image (maybe I'll just take a picture of it) and post it here.... hmmmmm


Oh and thanks for reading the story guys. I was surprise to find the numbers jumped dramatically after posting chpater 6. All yall need to let me know your thoughts on the story. :P So I'm motivated to write. Well at least discuss the characters or something (hint hint plot?)

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Wow.. this thread is almost as interesting as the story... nah... the story's great.


You will have to forgive me but I am terrible with remembering character names. So shall we call them B and Y (the northerner ;) ) This last chapter seems to give a lot more insight into their respective characters, one solid, thoughtful and loyal, the other reserved, focussed and somewhat cold. I feel though that the coldness and distance are a cover, a way to prevent himself from distraction. I think that once he opens up he will have passion and feelings as strong as anyone and I think the fact that he is beginning to have feelings is creeping though his behaviour.


He is such a stoic isn't he... to fight on through the pain and 'accept' help while making sure B knows he doesn't really 'need' it when everyone knows that he 'wants' it.


This is a very delicate story for all the fighting and ingrigue. It's always the emotions, characterisations and relationships that 'catch' me over it all and I think this story has it all.


I am very intrigued to find out what's going on and I would like very much to see more of what's going on behind that inscrutible exterior. Can we perhaps expect a few more cracks to start showing soon :) (I am having a 'moment' are they Benzil and Youri? Something like that I'm sure :) )

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Birgil and Yoru. And I forgive ya. There's just too many made up names to remember well. Heck even I can't get them straight sometimes. Especially with the instructors. Gah I always mix the melee and weapontry instructors up because their "specialties" are similar. Thank goodness for my charcter spread sheet. Yeah I have thus far developed Birgil and Yoru's character as I wanted them. Micha I wanted as someone who reflects being a gentleman and will do what is socially acceptable and right. Susil I wanted to have a regal air and Merlorna slightly carefree and happy. Of course each and everyone of my charcters have their own insecurities I want to gradually pull them out. I feel like if I rush the story along then my characterizations would not be very believeable at that rate because the readers could see no change or see the characters as who they are. The ones I have listed I considered as my "main characters" although the others play a very large roll in creating my story. For example, Prince Ryon, the docuhe bag. Of course there are deep thoughts and explanations as to why he is targeting Yoru as his punching bag. That will be revealed sometime. My focus is the students and the reason why Yoru is at the Academy. That is my story, that's what my story is about.


Jeez... after rereading what I just wrote, and looking through my writing notes, this story is epic and I hope is it enjoyable so far. Tell me when it starts to get boring, I'll push the story along faster. :D See this is why authors need their readers' voices (opinion and comments) because I think I know how something feels and looks like but that's me. I have no idea of knowing how you as readers feel like.


Thanks Nephy again for leaving a comment. You are extraordinary, always leaving comments to almost every chapter and story you read and as always countless times. I wish I was like you in that manner. I just can't see how you have all that time to spare. Sheesh. Must be the fact that you are a vampire? Those long nights and day life and endless time. Heh.


So folks now is a good time to start saying something. :D


Oh and I'll post the picture I was talking about in the ealier post in a bit.

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Here's the picture. Who is it inspired by? :P Sorry I don't have a scanner and I took a picture of it. I could have lightened it some but it I'm lazy. :D Hmmm I'll post more when I draw more. I guess this could be a special thing that I do for this story. Not that any of you read this, well not many people. I guess I'm just talking to myself.



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Here's the picture. Who is it inspired by? :P Sorry I don't have a scanner and I took a picture of it. I could have lightened it some but it I'm lazy. :D Hmmm I'll post more when I draw more. I guess this could be a special thing that I do for this story. Not that any of you read this, well not many people. I guess I'm just talking to myself.




Sweet. Which character is this again? I confess I need to go back and re-read and get caught back up.

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There are not too many characters to track. They are different enough from one another to keep them separate.




The sketch is just like I pictured him.


The story moves along fairly consistently and comfortably.


There are a lot of grammar mistakes and typos that sometimes get in the way- which hurt the overall project; however, those can be corrected.

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There are a lot of grammar mistakes and typos that sometimes get in the way- which hurt the overall project; however, those can be corrected.



Heh, as an author I know I should do this but I dont: reread the script. I'm lazy and too many ideas are popping in my head and so I just type type type away trying to catch up (hence the long updates). I am doing so many projects at once and I have tried working on a single project but then it stalls and my brain goes dead. Though I do go through and reedit them later I just haven't yet on my stories on here. Currently without a computer it kinda sucks and I'm sorta spending a lot of time working on a young adult novel I want to publish. I'm just too everywhere-at-once to focus. So I feel bad for making you readers wait and so I post the chapter anyway. Something to quinch the thirst to give me more time to multitask once again. Heh. Thanks for reading I love that you are reading my works.


If only I can somehow make my readers more active....


PS. Ricky it's a picture of Yoru. :D

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Ya guys, he's too busy to be organized. So there.


Yoru, cool. Nicely done.





Don't forget it's also due to partial laziness. :P


Oh and someone requested that for each chapter I should post a summary so they can tell what chapters they have read and which they have not. So I have done that... in the chapter notes, so when you click on the table of contents the chapters will have a summary below each respective chapter. Writing those were a bit more difficult than I thought. I had to write them in a way to not reveal too much but also wouldn't be so vague that readers will have no idea if they read the chapter or not. But they are there now. :D


I am partially done with chapter 7 and hopefully maybe be posted this weekend? Again new characters are still popping up, are you guys overwhlemed yet? Heh. Thankfully they aren't too role intentsive but just there was secondary characters. There's a new girl in chapter 7 that I quite enjoy, her character and abilities. Makes me think dirty even though she is far from it. Haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mackinnon1957

Dear John Doe;


I am totally hooked on this story. The characters are filling out nicely. Can't wait for the next chapter.


Best Wishes


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Thanks Mack for leaving a message! I'm glad you are enjoying the story thus far.


That last update should take care of all the major players. There are more intermediate people involved but their roles aren't as big. Now each character' s personalities and roles are coming out and I hope to progress the story along. Of course filled with action and hopefully intrigue. People should let me know what you are thinking so far. (I feel like I'm just talking and no one is listening.) :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Due to a lack of computer, and handwriting a novel for agent submission, this story is currently on hiatus. I greatly apologize. I know many of you are expecting chapters as such, but I currently don't have the time or necessary equipment to write and post. I'm currently using my roommates and recently it seems like I'm dominating his computer and I think he's getting annoyed so... no more computer for me out of respect to him. Once I get my computer, I should be back on track. Don't worry though I will occasionally work on my story until then. I hope to finish it completely and then post the chapters. That way you guys will get a consistant update. I should have done that to start with. Bare with me until then. Thank you for your support of the story and I promise to update... I just don't know quite when yet. Many apologies.

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  • 5 months later...

Okay I finally got a stable computer.... currently working on chapter 8 and hopefully it'll be up by this weekend. My next semester of school is going to be light and I got laid off from one of my jobs and so more time for stories... so I guess there's a plus in that. I have a few characters to introduce, mainly from the Council, and then we're off. Though these extra characters are background characters they are kinda important to the inner workings of the Academy. Hopefully so far you guys have a glimpse or idea of how the Academes of this world of Micha, Yoru, Birgil, Susil, Merlorna, Adar, etc... (:P) works.


Should I give an ecyclopedic description? Like at the end of books detailing general things of the book. :D

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Woot. I feel accomplished today. I took my drawings and made them into digital formats so you guys can now enjoy them! The map I am adding is about 60 percent of my created world for Mages of the Academy. The other 40 percent will be up sometime, though I won't think soon, as majority of my story involves The Silver Island and inhabitants from the continents of Thysili and Antica. I do plan this world to be serialized as I have other stories planned for this world. This is the first story. The others I have plan probably may not be as "serious" but none the less a part of this world's history. This story's main plot device will touched upon throughout the series. At least that is the plan so far. And well we all know ideas change and morph into other unplanned things. But here's the map. Enjoy!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Life events have put me waaaay behind in my reading. Finally finished reading Get There :2thumbs: and your posts in the final few chapters led me here. I am not a wordsmith; hopefully, I'll make these comments coherent. I have no problem with many characters as long as they serve a purpose in the story. I love long chapters as long as they are not written solely to take up space. Stories that are intricate and well written will keep me coming back for more. You're on target with all three. Keep up the good work.

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