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  • Site Administrator

Thank your friend, as soon as you have this place figured you I bet you love it ;) This is a great site for writers, editors and readers. And what Shadowgod meant was any of the forum moderators, they're awesome helping people figure out what to do on here, especially non-techies like me ;) Welcome to GA btw, keep up writing!

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  • Site Administrator

Hi, I'm new here to GA. I've been using the efiction to submit my stories around here. I was referred here by a friend and I really don't understand the part about posting for every chapter. But Hello, everyone!



Hi and welcome to GA!!


I read your post and a couple of things came to mind. Unfortunately you haven't got in five posts as of yet to use the PM system, so maybe Shadowgod or JSmith may see this post and be able to help you out before you get to that five post limit.


If your posting stories, you should PM JSmith (Joe) and have your tag changed to an author.


The part of posting for every chapter, I'm assuming that you mean to post an announcement in the eFiction Announcements section. Since you figured out how to start a new thread in here, you should be able to post your announcement with a link to your story there.


Once again, if not. Make a few more posts (reply to each of these comments individually with something as simple as 'hey, thanks') to get up to five and then PM either Shadowgod, JSmith or Steph291 and I'm sure they will be more than helpful.


Looking forward to see you more.


Steve cool.gif

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First off, welcome to GA.


Second, I like your story, its very intriguing. Like Steve said your friend probably meant an announcment for each of your chapters in the Efiction announcement section. Toss out a few more posts to get ranking and get changed to the author status and you'll be set lol.


Sorry for just repeating what already been said. I hope you come to love it here lol.


BEst Wishes,




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