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Too many smilyes? O_x


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Have you ever placed a smiley/emotioncon where it should not even go? When you weren't even thinking it and it just appeared on the screen and you were like "Did i really type that?"


Well, I just did. I was writing something for my government class and I was writing, "pollsters can word their questions by including hazard indicating words to receive negative result, thus skewing the date received, :P " I just ended the sentence with a :P... sigh, I didn't even notice it until i proofed what i wrote.


So has this happened, even if it's words like "lol" or "lmao" ?

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Cam my good man i am guilty of trying to lol and lmao in my stories at times, I have had to conciously stop myself from doing it with lol before. One story though that used lol in it and it actually worked well in was Joey's story 'I think I'm in trouble.' "sigh" I miss Joey, and that story. sad.gif



P.S Is anyone else creeped out by this smilie or is it just me?-> Snorkle.gif

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we need more smilies:


I suggest these for a start


drunk smiley

hung-over smiley

barfing smiley

smiley giving the finger

mooning smiley

humping smilies (for Chase)

yellow cat smilies

Gray cat smilies

black cat smilies

hippie smilie

hillbilly smilie

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I vote we go eastern and import Japanese smileys, キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!


Oh, I just realized it, but for those who I talk to...... I'm kinda of an "hehe" addict. I use it all the time, sometimes every other line I write begins with "hehe"


But ┌∩┐(-_-)┌∩┐ all you guys! Hehe, jk, jk jk, i ♥ all of you n_n

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we need more smilies:


I suggest these for a start


drunk smiley

hung-over smiley

barfing smiley

smiley giving the finger

mooning smiley

humping smilies (for Chase)

yellow cat smilies

Gray cat smilies

black cat smilies

hippie smilie

hillbilly smilie


Almost positive I can find all of those on deviantart lol. Lets see




drunk smiley

hung-over smiley (Couldnt find this one :<)

barfing smiley

smiley giving the finger

mooning smiley

humping smilies Humping smily 2 Humping smiley 3 Humping Smiley 4 humping smiley 5 (for Chase) [i can find more if needed :P]

yellow cat smilies [not the best I know]

Gray cat smilies [kinda close?]

black cat smilies

hippie smilie

hillbilly smilie [Close enough? ;p]

Edited by Skyline
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